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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16833117 No.16833117 [Reply] [Original]

I just ordered pizza again bros. I think I really need help. I have food at home. Why cant I eat unless its tasty?

>> No.16833120


>> No.16833131
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yes bro

>> No.16833214

The closest little ceasers is a 15 min drive away from me. That won't do. Gotta be a 15 min trip round way to keep that pizza hot.

>> No.16833319

LC is better when its been sitting for 15min anyway.

>> No.16833343

>Why cant I eat unless its tasty?
Because you suck at cooking. If you were good, Little Caesar's would not be your metric for "tasty food". Stop looking at foodlust threads and try some new recipes. Add fresh herbs, try new spices and sauces. Ferment shit for funk. Do something other than be a basic bitch in the kitchen.
>Inb4 b-but I'm good, I loiter on a cooking board every day and learn ao much!
Shut the fuck up and go make stew until it tastes good.

>> No.16833448

its more of an energy thing. To make food, I have to
>go to the store
>buy shit
>bring all the groceries up the steps to my 3rd floor apt.
>cook it
>dirty all the fucking dishes
>put everything away
>clean all the dishes

I work 12 hours a day. I dont know where any of you motherfuckers find the time honestly.

>> No.16833460

The only chain that this is true for. Pizza Hut in particular makes for the worst cold chain pizza. It's super greasy, so the grease coagulates and covers the roof of your mouth. Absolutely disgusting. It's probably the best out of the 4 big chains when it's still hot. Also due to the grease, and the leopard print the cheese makes on the crust.

>> No.16833469

make your food tastey

>> No.16833484

Find simpler recipes and meal items. Yoghurt with some berries/fruit/nuts and spices are easy and very quick to produce. Fermented oats takes less than a minute to prepare initially, and only waiting after for however long you want. Toasting nuts and seeds on a pan is basically 0 clean-up, just juggling on a pan while you manage other business, and you can add dried fruit and so on if you so wish for an instant dry food mix. Avocado toast is carving out avocado as you toast a few pieces of bread, spreading it on the bread, adding thyme/pepper/salt (optionally an acid), and that's it. Everything I mentioned can be done and cleaned in under five minutes.

>> No.16833493

all good ideas

>> No.16833515

Make your own pizza, it's cheaper and will taste better
But if you insist on being a fag who only eats takeout, at least get Costco pizza. It's cheaper and better than Little Caesars

>> No.16834592

Because you're a fat overgrown child who should've been beaten more frequently.

>> No.16835039

Why do black people write like illiterate retards?

>> No.16835109

I have done all that
>3rd floor apt.
I know your pain.

>> No.16835112
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Drive twice as fast then you stupid nigger.

>> No.16835114

at the very least eat something healthier if you can't find the time or energy to cook.

>> No.16835120

Eghh, I personally find little Caesar's better than costco

>> No.16835147

To add:

> making food requires time and energy
> try to make an effort for 3 meals
> eggs and toast for Breakfast
> two protien sources for lunch and dinner
> two sides for L & D
> buy enough to last 14 days

Any food left over is your surplus

>Saturday is not a rest day
>prep your food on saturday
>if you prep right than meal planning will be easier

I don't know your schedule beside the 12 hour work day you suffer. I also did 12 to 14 hours at my job. I was a cook so my desire to cook was gone after work but the alternative was to go to Mcdicks.

Anons are right when they say you will save money by taking the gorcery-pill.

>> No.16835516

Sounds to me like you're addicted to carbs, Op. I used to be like you. Pizza is objectively shit food that nukes your intestines, yet I would eat it 3 to 4 times a week. Quitting dough products was almost as difficult as quitting smoking for me.

>> No.16835550

>copy an old viral post but fuck it up

double retard

>> No.16835809

I can see 15 minutes but after 4-6 hours LC turns into vomit
Most pizzas are pretty good for breakfast even if theyve been sitting out room temp in the box all night but I wouldn't touch little Caesars in said scenario.
Youd have to pan fry it to even make it edible at that point

>> No.16835946

do your grocery shopping thursday night on the way home from work so you come home fri night to a stocked kitchen.

>> No.16835962

It's pretty ok in the microwave. I habitually do power level 70 and up the time for everything, but idk if it does anything for pizza. Have some jarred tomato sauce in the fridge to dip the pizza bones in, since little sneeder crust is the worst part.

>> No.16835967

It's way way better if you use an oven or a frying pan. Don't be lazy, microwave ruins it.

>> No.16835983

I've eaten more reheated pizza than I'm proud to admit. I went through a pan phase, and it just isn't worth it. You can never capture the initial crunch and cheese oil distribution. Maybe I wasn't using high enough heat back then, idk.

>> No.16836004

In my experience pizza only gets really crunchy after I reheat it in an oven or a frying pan, which is exactly the reason microwaving is bad imo, it just makes it soggy.

>> No.16836022

It's never the same though, just a weak imitation. Also, if the microwave makes it soggy, itt was undercooked to begin with.

>> No.16836031

Man just buy a slow cooker. Make delicious sloppa

>> No.16836847
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>the leopard print the cheese makes on the crust