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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16828944 [Reply] [Original]

What are you intending to hand out this year?

>> No.16828961
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Chewie bars Or protein bars
But not candy since it's junk

>> No.16828966

Candy apple with onion instead of apple.
>to lazy to find pictures

>> No.16828972
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Large chocolate bars for the kids. Mints for the teenagers.

>> No.16829004

I'm thinking reeses peanut butter cups, twix, and peppermint patties

>> No.16829007


>> No.16829087

Not in my America
They gotta earn their candy

>> No.16829129

fucking NOTHING

>> No.16829135

apples and floss of course

>> No.16829139
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Mamimal krackerakers

>> No.16829194
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>> No.16829363

faggot ass /fit/izen

>> No.16829370

Now this is based

>> No.16829418

pop and chocolate bars

>> No.16829422

pixie stix, opened and resealed with a staple

>> No.16830541

Yes I am from /fit/ and?

>> No.16830583

Chick tracts about the evils of Halloween.

>> No.16830592

Store-brand pop tarts.

>> No.16830598

So based

>> No.16830603

Nothing, my neighbourhood is mostly immigrants so nobody celebrates it or even puts up decorations

>> No.16830613

Sounds like you need to get eggs and toilet paper.
Immigrants need to learn the ways and customs of their host country.

>> No.16830616

My city is 60% non-white immigrants

>> No.16830632
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Knorr Stock Pot™

>> No.16830640


>> No.16830651

Halloween is not supposed to be a thing here in Denmark, but thanks to American Influences and the retards lapping it up it now is.
I will, resentfully, keep some full-sized Snickers and Twix on hand because I don't want the neighbours to think I'm an asshole, but I don't like it.
We already have a holiday where kids dress up and go door to door begging for candy or money, so why they fuck did people feel they needed to adopt this one?

>> No.16830659

these nuts

hey got them

>> No.16830683
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Old dutch candy like cherry flavoured cherry candies, shaped and all like double cherries.
These old nostalgic clamshell candy and a shitload of Johnny doodle chocolate fudge vanilla bars. Also XTC.

>> No.16830694

> No this is trick. png

>> No.16830696
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>> No.16830702

why would you choose to live in these third world conditions?

>> No.16830711

is that called a "no go zone" that they deny exists?

>> No.16830747

Soon enough you will all be speaking English (you yourself already are) and become our colony and we will force you to listen to Cardi B and negro rap all day. You'd better prepare your ass for freedom, 'cuz it's a-comin'.

>> No.16830750

Thankyou for finally responding properly. I swear this place gets more reddit every day.

>> No.16830783


>> No.16830792
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I was born in it. at least now I know how the native americans felt.

>> No.16831354

I live in a condo so I don't get any trick or treaters.

>> No.16832017

weed gummies

>> No.16832025

I froze some chocolate peanut butter balls and I will probably make snickerdoodles or pinwheel cookies a night or two before. I live on a 432 acre ranch so I normally spend the night at my sisters where she is closer to a road.

>> No.16832054
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Come, children! Come and feel the disappointment and seething resentment I felt as a child!

>> No.16832069

no one ever visits my entire street

>> No.16832172

probably cuz theres a sex offender nearby

>> No.16832186

Dude, she already menstruated she was a woman. Even had her Bat mitzvah which again means she was a woman.

>> No.16832589
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This is a smart and cool thing to do. I will never forget this.

>> No.16832715

*mints for the blacks

>> No.16832719

You don't have a sign that says no blacks minorities?

>> No.16832725

Actually breath mints isn't such a bad idea. Maybe travel sized toothpastes.

>> No.16832740

Nothing. I'm a citycuck in a city where nobody can afford to have children and I hate kids anyway (I'm an incel bastard). I'd hand out those strawberry hard candies if I had to.

>> No.16832760

You know, if you can get kids to do stuff... They can be worth it.

>> No.16832767

sour tart kids
sweedish dopplers
sugar nannys
pumpkin sprouts
and loose change

>> No.16833457

I agree that anon shouldn't feel intimidated out of celebrating Halloween, but saying immigrants need to conform to the culture of the country they move to is pretty fucked up if you have any knowledge on the historical treatment of minority immigrants.

>> No.16833513

Is it racist to give the black children expired candy?

>> No.16833804
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(but also kit kats)

>> No.16833810
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She is absurdly hot in the weirdest way. Its like the urge to bite into a cactus, its a bad idea in every possible way but its so overwhelming. What the fuck?

>> No.16833812 [DELETED] 
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mexicans seem to love halloween desu

>> No.16833822

If faucis already trying to cancel Christmas and Thanksgiving this year what makes you think he's gonna let kids celebrate Halloween?

>> No.16833929

Why is apu dressed like a kid?
Take off that thing

>> No.16834164

He's autistic, so he never has to grow up.

>> No.16835466

Moved in to a new house last year. Real disapointed cause I only got 2 kids even though I live inbetween 4 schools and a ton of my neighbors go all out on the decorations for Halloween. Even with covid I was expecting a lot more. This year I scaled back. Bought a few bags of Reese's cups and mix bag of skittles and starburts. I also buy a box of count chocula for whoever is the last trick or treater of the night.

>> No.16835580

He will allow it if you hand out free vaccines

>> No.16835594
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nothing, covid is still a problem

>> No.16835598

loose? you're a good man anon

>> No.16835608

coward afraid of 99.9% survival rate

>> No.16835611

We only hand out gifts to people who can explain the origins of Halloween.

As it should be.

We never hand out anything, obviously.

>> No.16835620
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I don't get a lot of trick or treaters in my neighborhood anymore. I used to see plenty of others when I'd go out as a kid, and many more after I got back home and now there are barely any.

>> No.16835624

I don't even want to get a sore throat.

>> No.16835630
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I always put out an empty bucket with a sign saying "be kind, take one," draw the curtains, put on headphones and marathon scary movies. I dislike Halloween for some reason even though I love most other holidays.

>> No.16835647

You have to put a few candy wrappers in the bowl too for the illusion to work.

>> No.16836070

Think I'm just going to pick up a couple of bags of mini chocolate type bars and treats I enjoyed as a kid, probably Babyruths, KitKats, Reese's Pieces & Peanut Butter Cups and uuuh uh, what else? I know, candy corn, just to be an asshole.

>> No.16836115

nobody trick or treats in my neighborhood they all go to really rich neighborhoods wear zero effort costumes (or none at all) and demand candy.

>> No.16836133

several years ago we went to a friends house and she handed out candy. there were large numbers of teenagers and mexicans that would show up not wearing a costume, didn't say trick or treat, and just would stand there holding a bag out.

if you put out a bowl of candy with a sign that says "just take one" usually the first asshole that shows up empties the bowl.

we haven't done halloween in 20 years.

>> No.16836151
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Candy Corn and nodie mags.

>> No.16836165

Give candy corn to kids and you're guaranteed of tricks.

>> No.16836194
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