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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16827836 [Reply] [Original]

If I say Chinese food is world no.1 in terms of variety and the taste, who would deny it?

>> No.16827853

Your own mother.

>> No.16827861 [DELETED] 
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the chinese - who all crave pizza and italian pasta.

>> No.16827871

What the hell are you talking about? They're not fans of cheese.

>> No.16827872

>who would deny it?
Just the people who don't want to eat gutter oil, or drink feaces tea.

>> No.16827888

Everyone. Also variety that includes bush meat and dog offal should be counted against you

>> No.16827896

I somewhat agree if India didn't exist. China has so much variety that it could make the entire country of Japan it's own region.

>> No.16827899

Nah it's gross. They eat cock, balls, cum, dog ass, impossible penis, shit, piss, dirt, cat meat, horse gristle, pig butthole, chicken teeth, monkey brains, volcanic ashes, pig uterus caviar, vulture bones, hamster liver paté, milf toe sweat, smegma cheese spread on dried foreskin crackers, and dork schnozzles.

>> No.16827904


Everyone you faggot. Asian food is great because it's cheap, tasty, easy, but it's the same shit in a million slightly varied forms.

The obvious GOAT cuisine is Indian, if we're all being honest. Not the most refined, not yet, since they're only just coming out of the "shitting in the street" stage of civilization, but the variety of flavors, textures, and ingredients is unmatched by any other world cuisine.

>> No.16827920

>The obvious GOAT cuisine is Indian
If the perfume section at Macy's was a cuisine, yuck

>> No.16827921


>> No.16827924

Go back pajeet.

>> No.16827963


I don't even know what the fuck this means. If the Indian food you're eating smells like Macy's perfume to you, you probably need to see a doctor ASAP.


100% south european.

>Buh...buh...italian cuisine is so go-

It's refined pretty much to perfection, but it's limited. Indian has far, far more variety.

>> No.16827978 [DELETED] 
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>t. has never actually been to china
you're a moron. pizza hut is considered fine dining there. they obsess over italian food.

>> No.16827982


>> No.16827993

Oh boy an entire cuisine based around making curry stew! It's so delicious!
Indian is the definition of pure sloppa.

>> No.16827994 [DELETED] 

>flipping through a menu offering multiple varieties of cheese

>> No.16828010

>It's refined pretty much to perfection
So for this recipe you are going to need 50 different spices but it won't matter because we are gonna soak everything in yogurt because this is India and we stink

>> No.16828025

Fuck, you're right. I've never been to China.

>> No.16828027


>> No.16828098

what i remember eating growing up in china

>> No.16828177

milf toe sweat sounds pretty good

>> No.16828204

Anyone who doesn't admit Chinese food is the best give me your examples and your explanations telling me why it's not.

That doesn't sound eloquently if you simply say everyone denies it.

If you don't give examples and explanations then you are just refusing to admit it.

>> No.16828208

That's Japan, you dumbo, and even they pay a billion yen for overpriced pizzas.

>> No.16828214

>but it's limited
Have you ever actually been to Italy, there's probably more ways to order your morning coffee than there's recognizable dishes in India.

>> No.16828217

Underrated pasta

>> No.16828225
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Chinese food.

>> No.16828227

If he said that she would deny he was her son too.

>> No.16828229
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Look at this

>> No.16828234

looks nasty and bland

>> No.16828235

bro... wtf

>> No.16828237
File: 199 KB, 656x918, BE0300_P_01_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna deny Chinese food is the best in the world? Look at these pictures and be honest with yourself.

>> No.16828242

I would deny it. Wish everyone who tried to objectively rank things would do something else. t. Chinaman

>> No.16828246
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Look at the variety, look at how many different types of dishes are there in the Chinese food.

>> No.16828256

chinese cuisine lacks cold seafood and cold meats.

>> No.16828258

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.16828259
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Let me say this again, anyone who wanna deny Chinese food is the best in the world, give me you examples and explanations telling me why.

>> No.16828262

taste is subjective. there is no best, only what is best for you.

>> No.16828265

i already told you

>> No.16828275
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>>chinese cuisine lacks cold seafood and cold meats.

Are you sure?

>> No.16828277
File: 88 KB, 800x533, c03568f7c252bc10883476333aa19d87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of cold dishes await you.

>> No.16828280
File: 82 KB, 510x340, 林明燦辦桌菜-titleImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want more?

>> No.16828281
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Chinese people always think more is better. No one wants your dime a dozen cuisine or craves it besides chinese people. "What do you want to eat tonight honey?" "How about some fried duck tongues?" ".....Fuck no whats the matter with you this marriage is over."

>> No.16828284
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More, more and more.

>> No.16828292
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Because he said Chinese food lacks cold dishes, I just show him some examples.

>> No.16828297

Why do changs seethe so much anytime anyone points out what a shit country / people they are?

>> No.16828300

Not just more is better, every single dish requires a ton of Mestery to make a good dish.

>> No.16828302

whatre those straight pink things with sauce on top?

>> No.16828303 [DELETED] 
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>seething faggot detected

>> No.16828304
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>Why do changs seethe so much anytime anyone points out what a shit country / people they are?

>> No.16828310

>every single dish requires a ton of Mestery to make a good dish.
No it just requires a wok and a dog

>> No.16828315

Chinese posters are the worst fucking posters in the whole of 4chan. Can't have a single thread these days without them sperging out over something autistic.

>> No.16828317

I only agree if we're talking about AMERICAN-chinese food

>> No.16828319


If they don't meet their patriotic quota winnie the pooh disappears them to a reeducation center where they're sterilized and then sent to make iphones in a sweat shop for the rest of their life.

>> No.16828324
File: 327 KB, 696x602, 1594383168655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese posters are the worst fucking posters in the whole of 4chan. Can't have a single thread these days without them sperging out over something autistic.
>If they don't meet their patriotic quota winnie the pooh disappears them to a reeducation center where they're sterilized and then sent to make iphones in a sweat shop for the rest of their life.

>> No.16828325

Bat soup is bad for you.

>> No.16828327 [DELETED] 

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.16828331

>E-everyone who hates the Chinese is an American.
Fucking Chinese. God you fags are so annoying.

>> No.16828358

Me chinese
me play joke
me put peepee in your coke

>> No.16828405
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Me don't drink pp part

>> No.16828413

Indian cuisine was already perfected in London

>> No.16828423

baby's fingers

>> No.16829078

No, Japanese food is stronger than chinese food.

>> No.16829083

not me

>> No.16829093
File: 2.68 MB, 384x216, 1688FEAD-BFD2-4FDE-AC90-464FB1A0E8D5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milf toe sweat

>> No.16829094

anybody here ever tried that chinese poop coffee?

>> No.16829098

Back to the dog eating thread you go

>> No.16829099

>Indian is the definition of pure sloppa.

It's the Ur-Sloppa

>> No.16829104

No but I’ve had that cat shit coffee and have stuck my tongue in a Chinese massage girl’s ass in Shanghai. AMA

>> No.16829109


Do Chinese really only eat hors d'oeurves?

>> No.16829125
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The Chinese have based crab dishes.

>> No.16829158

Agreed with this take. There is an insane variety to Indian food that you would only know if you seek out restaurants that specialize in certain regions, if you have a solid cook book, know great Indian cooks or have been to India. There's a lot more than chicken tikka masala.

>> No.16829254
File: 34 KB, 474x428, OIP-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese food is usually like this: rice, and dishes. Dishes include meats or vegetables pan fried in oil and water, as well as salt, sugar, soy, etc.. Sure, you get exceptions like baozi (steamed buns with filling), jiaozi (dumplings), and other stuff, but generally their "bread and butter" is rice and dishes. In fact, if asked whether you've eaten, you'll often hear 你吃饭了吗? "Did you eat your rice?" The word rice, fan 饭 is basically built in to talks about eating meals.

One possible downside of Chinese dishes is the fact that they put quantity over quality. Would you rather have 50 "meh" dishes or 10 amazing dishes? I've eaten banquets where there are over 50 dishes. Of course I got diarrhea, and it was impossible to know which dish caused it. My Chinese friends who shared the meal had no diarrhea.

Many times it's hard for me to get enough protein from meals. The Chinese love eating meat with loads of fat and oil. Pork belly pieces over 70% fat. Roasted duck with all the trimmings and skin on it. Tons of oil in every dish, etc. You'll get full on the fat before you get enough protein!

Western food is becoming more popular in China. Of course Chinese love KFC, it does well here. Steak restaurants are booming. Chinese eat "steaks" that would resemble dog food in western countries, but they still love it.

A lot of Chinese "delicacies" like pigs brain, and other normally undesired foods (like >>16827899 alluded to) only became that way because the Chinese ate whatever was available to survive famines. In reality who wants to eat a fucking rat or pig's brain when you could eat a steak.

Foods I recommend, for a western pallet like my own:
Baozi 包子
Jiaozi 饺子 or shui jiao 水饺
Kao ya - 烤鸭(Roasted duck in a bing (tortilla thingy) with sweet, salty, savory sauce and cucumbers)
Liang Pi/Liang Mian, 凉皮/凉面 - rice noodles with savory Chinese sesame paste (zhi ma jiang), vinegar, garlic, cucumber, roasted peanuts

>> No.16829285

Some other food I forgot to mention:

-hotpot. Chinese love hotpot
-barbecued meats and vegetables
-zongzi (triangular shaped rice wrapped in bamboo leaves and cooked.

Many Chinese actually enjoy eating at restaurant buffets that serve raw meats and vegetables, and you cook the food yourself tableside in a hotpot or on a grill. There are plenty of sauces to douse your boiled food in. But it's literally just boiled food in sauces. To each their own I guess.

Once I ate at a steak buffet with a foreigner colleague of mine (a Canadian). They bring out of bottomless dogfood tier steaks on hot cast iron skillets. It's popping and sizzling on the table. The Chinese take their napkins and shield their clothes from the sizzling. My colleague turns to me and says "I wish they could just cook it in the kitchen and bring it out on a plate."

Those were my thoughts exactly.
Chinese are obsessed with FRESHNESS with their food. Everything always has to look new and fresh for it to be considered attractive and palatable.

>> No.16829314

>Chinese are obsessed with FRESHNESS with their food. Everything always has to look new and fresh for it to be considered attractive and palatable

Can you blame them? I feel like this would be a necessity in a country where someone might serve you cardboard fried in gutter oil. When it comes out looking new and fresh you know what you're getting

>> No.16829401

>I feel like this would be a necessity in a country where someone might serve you cardboard fried in gutter oil.
Seethe harder, retard.

>> No.16829671

What are some good Indian dishes? I like tikka masala, butter chicken, and tandoori chicken, and maybe rajma and palaak paneer, I guess.

>> No.16829678


>> No.16830281


>we have so much variety - changs

>You can get gutter oil chicken, fish, pork, beef, any vegetable soaked in gutter oil, you can also just drink the gutter oil by itself!


>> No.16830387

nice, this is AI generated pasta i posted in that one thread a few weeks ago

>> No.16831228 [DELETED] 

Wedyerners get fired or imprisoned for disliking niggers . Yo uh really cannot pull the muh social credit meme

>> No.16831600


>> No.16832421 [DELETED] 

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16832518

Why do all the online video game players that cheat have Chinese squiggles as usernames?

>> No.16832535

>oldest continually existing civilization
>they're only just coming out of the "shitting in the street" stage

>> No.16832838

me, an indonesian hapa, who've been all around the world

>> No.16833176

Tell me your reasons and give me you examples then.

>> No.16833439
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Covid death tolls

>> No.16833702
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NGL, would rather have Cantonese than most any food. Problem is east coast Chinese joints rarely have real Chinese and dim sum.

>> No.16834014

Do Chinese people hang their meat?

Sometimes when I watch stuff like Wang Gang I notice the meat looks a bit weird.
Might be just camera issues or different pig breeds etc., but I wouldn't put it past the Chinese to just bleed an animal out and use it right away.

>> No.16834040

Chang defence force all over this thread, the absolute cope

>> No.16834054

it's true. they're still well, WELL AND TRULY in the shitting in the street stage and far from coming out of it. it's amazing how much of this shittiness they manage to bring with them to civilized countries before they can learn to act normal. never in a million years did i think i would walk into a bathroom in a western corporate highrise and see a pictographic sign teaching people not to squat on the toilets.

>> No.16834120

I'll take French food over any Asian food without hesitation.

>> No.16834308

Human beings were are well suited for squatting to shit. Squat toilets are very comfortable to use, provided you're fit.
The western toilet has some advantages such as accessibility, and cleanliness, and leg comfort but bowel comfort is not among them.

In reality you shouldn't be sitting on the john for over a minute anyway. I squat to shit and I'm always done in 1-2 minutes tops.
We literally invented the western toilet, it was uncomfortable, so then you see products like stools called Squatty Potty to offset a poor design.
I've squat on my (western style) toilet every #2 for over 2 years and it's never broken or cracked at all. I'm 90kg.

tl;dr Shitting in the street really is degenerate, but squat toilets are super useful.