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File: 377 KB, 1065x595, slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16818818 [Reply] [Original]


>beautiful steaks
>trims them perfectly
>adds nothing but salt and pepper
>perfect smokey sear over natural firewood
>enchanting backyard with fruit trees and fresh herbs
>can't wait to see the perfect medium rare steak cut into
>instead wraps them tinfoil and proceeds to cook the shit out of them, steak becomes a steamed and boiled turd

Can someone explain why the fuck this guy put in all that work for a perfect steak only to fuck it up completely? Is this a cultural thing, some kind of fear of meat which isn't overcooked? Please local slavanons explain this shit.

>> No.16818890

Russian here. Never had a real steak in my life. Most meat my parents cooked was well done.
I don't think theres a steak tradition here, because in USSR good quality meat was scarce. Grilling isn't very popular here, and usually people only make BBQ (shashlyk), I think I don't know anyone who actually grills steaks here. And in general, Russian cuisine per se doesn't really deal with grilling much. Some middle easterners may have more of a knack for cooking meat.

>> No.16818919
File: 179 KB, 768x432, meshana skara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think that's the case for all ex-gommie shitholes in eastern yurop. Tho grilling is really popular here, my family still finds it weird if I make steaks rare or even medium, for them its always uncooked. I think the fact that pork is more popular here than beef is a reason, too and people tend to dislike pork thats not well done

t. Bulgaria

>> No.16818968

The only defense against rotten meat is cooking it through and through.

These people had rotten meat for half a century, give them time.

Twilight in that video is awesome.

>> No.16818977

Take your hat off at the table.

>> No.16819003

Steaks aren't a thing here man. I've had my first steak like 7 years ago when I was 25 already - and even then it was because company took us to a fancy restaurant for new years celebration.

>> No.16819010

Beef is not popular with Eastern Euros and not cooking food to well done levels is uncommon, I don't think I ever ate pink meat in my life

>> No.16819050

I think Bulgaria has it a bit better than Russia. Closer to Greece / Turkey, they can cook their meat. Here I dont think many people grill to begin with, maybe due to climate and living in commie blocks. Most daily cuisine doesn't really deal with good cuts of meat, just stuff for goulash, cutlets, pilaf, dumplings, pirogi, that sort of thing. If it's not boiled at all, like my mother did half the time. Like, just looking at your photo, I thought, "I've barely seen anyone actually grill sausages here in Russia". And it's not like we don't have good meat now, I think it's simply not in our culture to grill stuff.

>> No.16819051

You have tons of steak houses though. I visited a bunch while riding the Transsiberian and they were pretty good. Maybe they are a recent development. t. Austrian

>> No.16819102

What? Really? Never heard of them. Regardless, no one taught people to cook them. For Americans, steaks are a decades old part of the culture. Austria has grilled sausages I guess? Russia never really had a thing like that, except shashlik which is the Georgian version of BBQ. Most of our traditions are still carryovers from soviet times and we aren't quick to change habits and try new cuisines. So, I don't think people are very interested in cooking steaks.

>> No.16819105

>Slav Steak

>> No.16819143

It seems like a very simple tradition to add to your culture, just don't overcook the meat and put a nice char on it. In fact, I would say it takes more work to do what this slav did in the video.

Could this overcooking tradition stem from a lack of social trust, due to never ending corruption all slav cultures seem to share? It has to be a tradition born out of fear.

>> No.16819165

Is there a point to trimming fat if he's just gonna overcook it on a campfire?

>> No.16819190

I think you're reading too much into it. Even in US, plenty boomers still overcook their meat to hell—what do you want from us?…
It's more of a US mentality that "rare = cool and good taste, well done = lame and poor taste". most Russians haven't even tried steak and I don't even think we bother much with the whole "rare vs well done" thing.

>> No.16819202

> Azan playing in the background of OPs video

> Georgy Kavkaz

Guys none of these people are slavs lol

>> No.16819239

Most people in the US have their steak medium-rare or medium, which still leaves the steak pink and juicy in the center. While a lot of people here do cook the pink out of their steaks, it's nothing close to what that slav did which was pretty much cooking all the juice out of his meat even a welldone steak isn't close to that.

If this was only a US mentality, I could agree but pretty much all of Western Europe cooks their steaks in the same range as the US. Why does Eastern Europe, not follow this tradition?

>> No.16819257

Trimming fat does nothing except make your meat dry out faster.

Fat shrinks when you heat it, it causes the meat to curl and cook unevenly.

Just give it a few perpendicular cuts here and there, only remove it when you're done cooking.

>> No.16819300

There's 0 point to trimming the way he prepared it because he ended up just boiling it in its own fat. Since he's going for the texture of children's food he should've kept it on actually, he did the exact wrong thing for the method he was using.

>> No.16819311
File: 118 KB, 1500x1077, america-steak-wellness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people in the US have their steak medium-rare or medium
depends on who you ask
>If this was only a US mentality, I could agree but pretty much all of Western Europe cooks their steaks in the same range as the US.
I don't even know how Europe has their steak or if they eat steaks to begin with. I hope some euros can elaborate on this

>> No.16819359

Yeah, as I said we are pretty big on grilling here, but people still don't like eating "raw" meat like what they would consider a classic anglo steak, from my experience

Also, you have shitloads of those caucasian/mongol/turkic etc republics and all the -stans connections from Soviet times, surely you must've inherited some of their ways of cooking, it seems to be pretty big there, I keep getting recommended random videos on YouTube from all those Stans of people grilling and cooking food in the nature and all of them have like 10-20 million views each

>> No.16819360
File: 61 KB, 717x516, steakdata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depends on who you ask

Or the data you use.

It's interesting because your data found boomer republicans actually prefer their steaks medium-rare, while democrats are more likely to prefer their steaks well-done. I would bet the reason for the heavy well-done percentage is because of black people, which begs another interesting question.

>> No.16819410


14.09 - 14.15 gif please

>> No.16819478

that's the thing, grilling is more of a middle East / Asian thing here. yeah sure, you'll see Georgians do that. maybe some other southern post-soviet countries. but not so much in Russia.

>> No.16819519
File: 123 KB, 860x989, 1632462777142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I eat well-done steak with ketchup, ya bubblin'?

>> No.16819551


Americans who eat well done steak:
1.) White people who come from parents or grandparents who grew up poor
2.) Poor immigrants / blacks
3.) The majority of women

They do this either because they are grossed out by the red meat/juices or their dad didn't know how to cook meat

>> No.16819643

But Georgia my Gruzini bros know meat

>> No.16819820

I guarantee women play a much higher role in that skew

>> No.16819900

>turning steak into greasy roast beef

>> No.16819984

>They do this either because they are grossed out by the red meat/juices or their dad didn't know how to cook meat

That's the big question here. What about red meat/juices grosses out blacks, women, dumb poor people, and slavs? What's the connection?

>> No.16820010

Here in eastern eu we have cooking shows where average people visit, cook dinner and then rate each other. If someone serves a steak that is not at least medium well they are consider morons who wants to kill people. Exception are people from big cities of course.
This is mostly because people dont see cooking and eating as something enjoyable but as a necessity. The most important thing is price, in my country we export young animals and import old dead ones from god know where just to keep the price low. Our boomers also absolutely retarded. You have mothers who never worked, raised families and cant cook for their lives. Their most common dish is pre-prepared soup form a satchel with diced potatoes, onions and hot dogs.

>> No.16820029

a generally lower intelligence

>> No.16820071

>Is this a cultural thing
Yes, you seem to think your way is the only right one and call this a "steamed and boiled turd". Very common among Americans.

What cut is this? It's entrecôte. A very special cut as it works to eat bleu (if you appreciate it) or well done, and everything in between. In this case, you see how extremely tender and fall-apart it becomes. Now this is also a case of preference. For example when it comes to tougher cuts, for example pork neck. Some people like it to keep some firmness, while others prefer it to fall apart. This guys meat is no more a "steamed and boiled turd" or a fuckup than American pulled pork.

>> No.16820089
File: 376 KB, 1150x2346, longhorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's also interesting is that medium in the USA is cooked more than in Europe.

Au point/ medium in Europe is basically what Americans call medium rare.

>> No.16820115

We have a value known as "do it right the first time"
We figure out what is best and stick with it. Beef is rare. Pork is well done. We solved the problem.

>> No.16820155

>Yes, you seem to think your way is the only right one

It's not just the American way, from what I've seen pretty much all of western europe cooks their steaks within a range of rare to well-done. Only slavs exclusively stick to cooking their steaks far beyond well-done into post roast territory.

>> No.16820499

looks like pulled beef rather than a well done steak, don't really see the issue

>> No.16820552

>a range of rare to well-done. Only slavs exclusively stick to cooking their steaks far beyond well-done into post roast territory.
Well entrecôte is quite different cut, we're not talking about tenderloin or strip steak here. Entrecôte can actually be cooked fall apart tender, and that's what was done. (Ok, if you sous vide tenderloin for long enough, it will become mush, but that's different).

>> No.16820556

>there's only one right way
>Beef is rare
You don't eat brisket rare, retard.

>> No.16821040

>Entrecôte can actually be cooked fall apart tender, and that's what was done.

It's not that it was done, it's that its all they ever do. Besides the point of them reducing a beautiful steak to a pot roast, there's literally next to zero examples of most slavs cooking steak with any pink in it.

>> No.16821132

he said during USSR times, now we have the biggest population of meat cattle in whole europe. so the tradition is slowly but surely changes and people do make more BBQ and grilling, all sorts. but again, we still have a long harsh winters and parts of spring and autumn so grilling outside is a wee problematic 6 months a year.