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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16818556 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some meat pie

>> No.16818582
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Cooked the onion and garlic separately but it's ok because I've used grease from the meat
Also that's called stomach cheese because it's fermented in a goat's stomach lining. I imagine it's similar to cheese curds. Melty, chewey texture and a matured taste.
Some tomato paste and hot chillies in the meat, salt and pepper.

>> No.16818591
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you have my attentiom

>> No.16818601
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>> No.16818610
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Storebought pastry which hasn't cooled entirely which is fine because I didn't feel like flouring my table anyway. Only it won't get as thin as I'd like it.

>> No.16818626
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x2268, 20211011_164006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay it down as nicely as you feel

>> No.16818627


>> No.16818631

i fail to see how this will turn into a meat pie

>> No.16818634

isnt a pie supposed to be some sort of circle or square like container? are you making a meat roll?

>> No.16818638

You're doing it upside down, retard

>> No.16818644

This doesn't seem like a pie shape

>> No.16818656
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Good one. I guess pie might be the wrong word, yeah
Anyway, this dough is way too thick. Stretch with caution

>> No.16818664
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what the fuck

>> No.16818665
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Roll it all up and cover with the meat grease.
Not gonna look quite like what I've envisioned but oh well. The pastry sheet would have had to be paper thin.

>> No.16818673

get some filo pastry OP

>> No.16818676


>> No.16818680
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>> No.16818682
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It's what they had.
Honestly it's my bad for not wanting to roll it enough. Can't complain though. Here we are

>> No.16818687

Would eat this with some heinz or aldi ketchup

>> No.16818693

I guess call it meat pastry if you want.
I have some tabasco sri racha i meant to put in the meat and i forgot
Not too late for it though

>> No.16818694

This is what happens when a sausage roll engages in unspeakable acts with a cinnamon roll. And I absolutely love it.
Enjoy your sausage swirl OP!

>> No.16818695

Too much dough to meat ratio. Creative concept, but poorly executed. I think this would be good with sausage and filo pastry

>> No.16818699
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>> No.16818721
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Thanks anon. You wouldn't know from the image, but the thing is reasonably big.
Yeah I guess I could have cut >>16818610 horizontally in half down the middle and just made the whole thing longer and thinner, but through my retardation at the time the only way I thought you'd be able to get thinner pastry was to rolling pin it to death. Good to know for next time. Thinner pastry would be better though, for sure.
What could have been

>> No.16818730

Nah bro that looks pretty good actually. Would demolish. Hope you have someone around to share it with

>> No.16818754

Thanks anon. I'm pretty happy with it, I'm just saying.
>someone around to share it with
I did give my grandmother some

>> No.16818863

I'd call this a sausage scroll, looks nice op