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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16812789 [Reply] [Original]

let's gooooooooooooooo

>> No.16812795

Where are you going?

>> No.16812802
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just over here to get my flavours

>> No.16812826

>$11 USD per lb for sirloin
Prices are comparable here. It’s nuts

>> No.16812845

Please. Try being a leaf. I'd happily pay that for sirloin. Shit is at least 20 CAD a package here.

>> No.16812858
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we're still going!

>> No.16812868

>.3 lb
shit's getting fucking out of hand man, I hate biden's america

>> No.16812874

that's 0.3 grams. 300 micrograms. literally microdosing beef

>> No.16812882
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about done, now for the veg

>> No.16812894

Bro a couple years ago it was $4 USD for sirloin. I can’t believe this

>> No.16812902
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ok don't tell ANYONE but we're going to cook the veg in the same pan and oil as we cooked the steak but with a little water. that's just something we're going to do together to save washing up

>> No.16812912
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looks like I overdid it a little huh, still it tastes great

>> No.16812919
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and that's what I'm eating today. there's a plate for you too, anon. come and sit down

>> No.16812955
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20211010_152519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, you don't like rare steak?

>> No.16812977

Nope. Would not eat.

>> No.16812984

honestly that's kinda ungrateful

>> No.16812988

I love rare steak, thanks. Looks great.

>> No.16812992

you come back any time you like. tomorrow I'm making pork scotch fillet (but obviously not rare!)

>> No.16812997

Is this actually bad? I do it all the time.

>> No.16813001

>rump steak
Enjoy your cow's ass

>> No.16813003

means u have to leave the meat on the plate while u cook the veg but I still do it every single time I cook without fail

>> No.16813005

Is typing "you" really such a burden

>> No.16813006

I do it 4 the image

>> No.16813013

is letting meat rest a meme?

>> No.16813014

i prefer medium, rare is too chewy

>> No.16813016

Your meat rests 8 hours a night

>> No.16813023

see now that I don't know. I just make sure I'm quick getting the veg done and plated so the meat doesn't go cold. I rest my steak before cooking and try and get it close to room temp cause otherwise I have to American style cook it or the centre is cold

>> No.16813093

the hole itself is not a part of the cut

>> No.16813107

thats raw motherfucker

>> No.16813121

raw is a state of mind. that, to me, is cooked. it tasted incredible.

>> No.16813128

>Hot sauce

>> No.16813134

well as long as u enjoy it thats the main thing
im from country victoria and ive had steak well done my whole life
never met anyone who likes it rare or as i see it raw

>> No.16813138

post flavours

>> No.16813148

whereabouts? I used to work in Western Vic near Ararat and had a good mate from Bendigo used to eat it rare.

>> No.16813302

My mum always cooked my steak well done as a kid. When I got older and started cooking my own medium rare, she insisted I would get sick and that the meat was under-cooked/raw. "Look, it's bleeding".

Well done is all right for steak sandwiches though. Sometimes get that thin steak from the supermarket, cook it up and toss it in some bread with sauce for that classic childhood steak sanga experience.

>> No.16813309

same fuckin love medium sizzle steak in cheap bread with borderline burned fried onions and mardy sauce

>> No.16813310

To flavourtown, obviously

>> No.16813427

yes and no
i dont know
try it yourself and find out the difference

>> No.16813434

..? who asked u to post

>> No.16813439

>means u have to leave the meat on the plate while u cook the veg

Just put it in the oven at 80C. It'll keep fine for a long while.

>> No.16813474

>Supermarket beef
I shiggy diggy.

>> No.16813500

comes from the same farms as the butcher retard, cattle country is 1h drive away

>> No.16813505

OP is australian

>> No.16813550

>That dirty spatula
Clean your shit you absolute animal

>> No.16813554

Well excuse me, princess.

>> No.16813557

buffalo sauce enemas are super healthy, anon. try it.

>> No.16813560
File: 1.40 MB, 3024x4032, aussie prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$33 per kg of rump steak
absolute state of Australia

>> No.16813562

Bro my sister just showed me at Sam's club they're doing $19/lb for ribeyes today. Shit is wild rn

>> No.16813564
File: 24 KB, 738x415, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.2Kg of Capsicum

>> No.16813568

its not dirty its burnt. I don't use it. only use wooden stuff.

>> No.16813600

my man that's closer to blue than rare, not hanging shit on you though that's how I like it too

>> No.16813605

oh neat, a NIGGER opinion

>> No.16813612

chorizo is WAY cheaper at the deli
Also, why the fuck are you buying premade burgers? Just get mince and bully it into shape it's also significantly cheaper and better
>He doesn't bring his own reusable bag

>> No.16813615

I don't know what you're even trying to say here anon, stop drinking

>> No.16813627

stop giving out shopping advice in my thread. this thread is to discuss my dinner and maybe make plans for people to come over to my place

>> No.16813644

Don't shop stupid

>> No.16813645

If you don't use it, why keep it? Donate it to the Salvos.

>> No.16813651

its not mine. I live in a very cheap rented room with a communal kitchen

>> No.16813723

Because he got the prepackaged BS, a good rump on special bus 20/kg

>> No.16813726

they were cut into pleasing shapes. I don't regret my purchase. what's $10 for a meal really

>> No.16813729

>security protected

>> No.16813730
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I also buy those and they're quite good actually. Once all this covid bullshit passes I'll make more of an effort to visit the butchie instead I guess.

>> No.16813738

tells the abos which meat they're allowed to steal

>> No.16813742

people have begun to steal meat like crazy at the self checkouts, so now when you're buying the more prime cuts, instead of a product barcode you're actually scanning a QR code which deactivates the security tag of that particular package

clever? yes. dystopian? certainly.

>> No.16813796

desu I fell out of the habit of using butchers when I was down south. butchers anywhere south of about Mackay are just shit, same cuts and same meat but in a plastic bag instead of a plastic tray. up in the bold north you get steaks cut to your personal thickness in front of u etc

>> No.16814313

don't shop, stupid