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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16811656 [Reply] [Original]

You guys never talk about this guy. What do you think?

>> No.16811659

He has fingers and eyes.

>> No.16811670

>organic pasta
Wtf is that even. Wtf makes it organic. Anyways dude looks like a typical /pol poster

>> No.16811680

I have no idea who that is

>> No.16811687

I think his channel ain't bad, kinda weird how he stands on his plates while wearing shoes just to take a pic of it from a bird's eye view

>> No.16811692

looks like a black guy

>> No.16811693

"Not Another Cooking Show"
He has 650K subscribers.

>> No.16811701

And? Brown people aren't human.

>> No.16811721

I think you should be banned indefinitely

>> No.16811755

Nobody here talks about him because:
>has little to no autism
>has a personality that isn’t obnoxious
>no zoomer faggotry
>no authentico italiano DOP originale schvitzing

A bit Italian-American centric but that’s his heritage and the recipes are always good, can’t hate the guy.

I assume it is referring to the flour that the pasta is made from being organic

>> No.16811763

I only watch ja/ck/

>> No.16811793


don't bother answering I don't care.

>> No.16811797

first place i go for Italian stuff

>> No.16811844

Why does he wear a bandana all the time?

>> No.16811858


>> No.16811902

i like the stuff he has made but what is with the bandanas? is it 2005?

>> No.16811984

Very fast paced. Very concise vids. Good plating (wooding) skills. Conservative recipes. Good guy all round.

>> No.16812042
File: 696 KB, 565x585, 1633280342314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a complete and utter insufferable faggot. I would fucking DECK him IRL totally srs.

That said, quality recipes, focusing on the right cuisine, using the right products, etc. Genuinely logical dishes that are probably made while he has a fucking dildo in his ass.

>> No.16812185
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 1628002238849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. he is a F A G G O T

>> No.16812226

>bandana around neck
>jams knife into wooden cutting board
>muh italian heritage
decent recipes occasionally. often more trouble than they're worth.

>> No.16812233

>What do you think?
You're assuming that
1) I know who the fuck that is
2) I would give a shit if I did

>> No.16812277
File: 14 KB, 243x326, 1582680837016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that sure is edgy my dude XD!!

>> No.16812283

>not caring about every eceleb out there is edgy
If you say so buddy

>> No.16812294

This guy is italian? The first thing I thought when I saw him was hispanic with a lot of indio admixture.

>> No.16812295

wow bro (you)re cool

>> No.16812297

>the default skin color of humanity means you're not human

Retard. Anyways, he's not "brown", he's of Italian descent, making him whiter than you, even if his skin is fairly dark.

What country are you from where that dude looks black?

>> No.16812300

>cares enough to reply to a thread so everyone knows he doesnt care

>> No.16812302
File: 373 KB, 2000x1333, alessia cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy is italian? The first thing I thought when I saw him was hispanic with a lot of indio admixture.

Southern Italians can be light brown, or as coping Europeans call it, swarthy.

>> No.16812306

don't ask people things when you don't want the answer

>> No.16812308

I thought paki.

>> No.16812334
File: 55 KB, 500x314, dtg_fortgreenecheese_2011_9_9_bk01_z (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like many southern euros, he started out pretty pale, then rapidly became darker as he approached 30. That's him on the left.

>> No.16812339

Aside from his incredibly cringe insistence on using mayo on grilled cheese in place of butter and his Brooklyn guinea-isms that I grew up around far too much of, he's got solid recipes with no bullshit presentation skills.

>> No.16812346
File: 313 KB, 453x453, 1472002799534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bullshit presentation skills.
>plating on a fucking cutting board

>> No.16812358

>wears bandana
>NOT a cowboy
This dude is gay, isn't he?

>> No.16812364

I moreso meant presentation as in how he is literally presenting the recipe, there's no cringey jokes or showmanship, it's all straight forward and no bullshit. He also stopped doing the cutting board thing ages ago.

>> No.16812368

>This dude is gay, isn't he?


>> No.16813986

His recipes sound good on video but when you actually try them they always have at least one step that is super sus
>Use vodka to deglaze pan prior to adding tomatoes for vodka sauce. This helps ensure the overwhelming majority of the alcohol cooks off prior to contacting the tomatoes, which would be the whole point
>Roasted shortribs recipe didn't specify any instructions for basting the meat, including a water tray, or some other means of keeping it moist, so if you follow these instructions to the letter it will come out dry.
>Butternut squash pasta involves boiling the squash instead of roasting it, which is just throwing flavor out the window
Just from the recipes I remember trying. I view him as a good reference to check what recipes work as a high level overview but then look elsewhere for actual directions.

>> No.16814033

He sometimes looks like he snorts a line or two and hits a blunt before turning on the camera.

>> No.16814040

>Use vodka to deglaze pan prior to adding tomatoes for vodka sauce. This helps ensure the overwhelming majority of the alcohol cooks off prior to contacting the tomatoes, which would be the whole point
What's the problem with this?

>> No.16814041

Why does he look like he smeared dirty cooking oil all over himself?

>> No.16814055

Why would we talk about some ugly literally who mutt?

>> No.16814068

Vodka is nothing but a 50/50 mix of alcohol and water. It has no additional sugars or flavor besides this, like wine, whiskey, and other alcoholic drinks do. Once the alcohol cooks out in vodka, you're left with just water. Since alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, if you add it to any kind of sauce that is then simmered, cooking out all the alcohol is guaranteed to happen. In short, on it's own, vodka adds 0 flavor to a sauce. You add it solely because there are flavor compounds in tomatoes that are alcohol-soluble. The idea is that the vodka will draw those compounds out of the tomatoes before the alcohol has time to boil away, thus making a more flavorful sauce. If you dump the vodka into a hot pan prior to even adding the tomatoes, there's obviously no opportunity for this to happen. Any vodka that boiled off at this stage, before the tomatoes were added, was wasted.
Also, this is why a lot of bakers like using vodka in pie crust: instead of using 2 parts water to make the dough, they use something like 1 part water and 1 part vodka (I don't remember the exact ratio). The alcohol cooks out when it goes into the oven, so the dough won't taste boozy. But when this happens, it takes 50% of the vodka's volume with it. The crust comes out flakier and lighter than would be possible if you made it with only water, because a bunch of moisture got sucked out in the oven.

>> No.16814078

That he's not worth talking about, obviously.

>> No.16814106

Very interesting. Thank you, Anon.

>> No.16814703

Just to amend the pie crust bit: it also makes the crust less chewy. Water drives gluten development, so reducing the amount of water in the dough, while still being able to bring the dough together, will cause less gluten development. One way to do this is by replacing 50% of the water with alcohol (i.e. using vodka).

>> No.16814712

he's pretty good, and unlike a lot of other yt cooking fags he has actual experience working with food(even ran his own food truck for quite some time). so much of what he does is understandably Italian though, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. learned a few things from him over the years too.

>> No.16814714

not every thread is tailored for you, redditor. if you don't understand the topic at hand, then keep scrolling faggot

>> No.16814722

in an age with open borders and mixed marriages on the rise, basing skin color on ethnicity is fucking mad cringe.

>> No.16814823

i haven't watched a lot of his vids but that grilled cheese recipe he made is truly amazing, so so good. my new preferred way to eat grilled cheese. i don't care if it's a melt because there's stuff on it besides cheese, it's good.

>> No.16815655

I like this guy. His recipes are great, and relatable. He doesn't do a bunch of shit with hard to find ingredients, or make some 36 patty burger or worlds biggest (whatever) like Sam the cooking Jew. That said, he really needs to ditch the damn bandana and yes, he does look like he smeared himself with dirt cooking oil. But we know why, having Sicilian roots, watch the event from true romance to find out.

>> No.16815911

Huh. Almost unbelievable. Doesn't look the same at all. Trying to play up the Italianess tho I guess

>> No.16815974

I've been meaning to make that pasta sauce he posted about a few months ago. It looks fire.

>> No.16815990

Yeah same. Looks like some Paki or a north African

>> No.16816008

He makes really solid Italian American and traditional italian recipes. As a dirty EYEtalian American from NY myself, his recipes are extremely legit and taste exactly the way they should.
However, not a fan of some of the other stuff he does, I think he does the pastas and stuff best.

>> No.16816063

As a dirty Italian, what pasta recipe of his do you like best?

>> No.16816100

He os legit so we can't laugh at him

>> No.16816164

>op asks ck a question
>people answer
>get mad
>call other people redditors
How embarrassing

>> No.16817032

I made his Calabrian chili and roasted bell pepper pasta. He's bretty based

>> No.16817039

he's one of the best. his style is comfy but not pretentious. his videos lately are kind of slacking and he only does one a week when he used to do two. He's probably out of pasta dishes.

>> No.16817313

I find his scarf annoying, and I refuse to watch his videos solely for that reason. But beyond that, he's low tier. Not Binging with Babish disgusting tier but really not interesting tier.

>> No.16818328


>> No.16818398

I like his videos. He seems like a bro and not an utter faggot like joshua weissman for example.
I rarely do his full recipes as they tend to have a lot of carbs but what I have tried so was good. "a RARE PASTA SAUCE" was one my family and I enjoyed.

>> No.16819344

His soy braised beef ribs were goddamn delicious