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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16809362 No.16809362 [Reply] [Original]

*takes forever to peel*

>> No.16809365

>cuts off hard bottom of clove
>smack it with flat of knife, mildly crushing it
>peel easily
>proceed with dicing
Stop being incompetent

>> No.16809380

When men were men it was a handmaiden's job to peel the vegetables...Now we leave in a society of handmaidens where anyone can be a 'woman'......

>> No.16809389

Peeling it is a bitch but I tried getting a jar of pre-peeled garlic and it went bad before I even used the first quarter of it.

>> No.16809404

I just bought a jar of (thai?) pickled garlic, on a whim.
What can a lazy anon like me use it in?

>> No.16809407
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>> No.16809412

garlic isn't a vegetable, it's a ground nut.

>> No.16809423

No it's not.

>> No.16809424

It's a legume you retard.

>> No.16809434
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>> No.16809436

>went bad before I even used the first quarter of it.
You're an incompetent cook.

>> No.16809443

Are you retarded, OP? It takes seconds.

>> No.16809445

>*takes forever to peel*
Roast it in a toaster oven until you can squeeze it and tell the garlic itself is as "liquid" as toothpaste.
Cut the bottom off, squeeze oozy garlic out into bowl.

>> No.16809446

Urinal sesh

>> No.16809539
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fpbp, but fuck these guys

>> No.16809600
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Actually I think you'll find it's a spice

>> No.16809605

>peel easily
Great tip, I'll just have it be easy next time.

>> No.16809609

I just save those in the fridge and then chop them up and throw them in stews. When you cook them for 4 hours the skin doesn't matter.

>> No.16809624

Squeezing it makes the skin fall of effortlessly

>> No.16809640

> Pieces of garlic flying all over the kitchen
> the dog starts vomiting blood

>> No.16809644


>> No.16809683
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You literally just have to smash it with the flat side of your knife and your palm and take the garlic out of the skin. It's not rocket science.
Leave it to retards on 4chan to not be able to do the simplest things.

>> No.16809735

>> the dog starts vomiting blood
How do you think we prepare the dog?

>> No.16809750

It still sticks and you end up having to pluck off stray strands.

>> No.16809768

This is honestly why I just use tons of garlic powder. Literally no effort. Fuck it.

>> No.16809811

You just might be too dumb to live. I don't think I can help you.

>> No.16809822

>with flat of knife
use your palm lady

>> No.16809866

>mother did all the cooking for the house (father and me)
>always bought the terrible jarred minced garlic
>when I started mincing fresh garlic with my mediocre cutting skills she thought I was a chef and thy she can’t do it
>would use one of those moronic garlic roller things where you put it in the tube and roll it to get the skin off

>> No.16809955

can i melt garlic if i cut it into tiny cubes and put it in oil?

>> No.16809962
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>releases the allicin

>> No.16809967

No. It only melts if you slice it real thin like with a razor or sumthin.
Cubes? Fuggetaboutit

>> No.16809972

i cant cut it thin with a knife?

>> No.16809973
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>It's a legume you retard.
Not him, but...
EVERY-fucking-thing is a goddamn legume.
But as it turns out:
...garlic isn't.
It's a form of allium, like an onion, leek, or shallot.
How are you on /ck/ without knowing the basics?

>Actually I think you'll find it's a spice
You're not fucking helping.

>> No.16809982

>>with flat of knife
>use your palm lady
A wooden spoon works pretty well, never tried just my palm, my transgendered friend.

>> No.16809995


>> No.16810005

>i cant cut it thin with a knife?
With enough surface area, and slow-cooking time, nobody's going to find a piece of garlic in the final dish.
Mash it, then chop with a knife, turn what's left 90°, chop again.
Add it to the pan with some olive oil before your onions, etc, it'll work out well.

>> No.16810019

>can i melt garlic if i cut it into tiny cubes and put it in oil?
Ooh, ooh, ooooohhhh: see also:
>Roast it in a toaster oven until you can squeeze it and tell the garlic itself is as "liquid" as toothpaste.
>Cut the bottom off, squeeze oozy garlic out into bowl.
All this without first peeling the "paper" off.

>> No.16810031

yeah thats what i asked
chop it up with a knife as much as i can and put it into oil and slowly cook it until it more or less melts? that would work right? I would get a garlicky oil

>> No.16810051

>I would get a garlicky oil
Ummmm, I've never done this just to infuse the oil with garlic flavor, but probably, yeah.
I don't think you need to actually cook it to infuse the flavor, though. I make tarragon vinegar either with or without heat, and I have made garlic-infused oil by just leaving roughly mashed garlic in a bottle otherwise filled with oil.

>> No.16810072

i dont think i can fit garlic pieces into my oil bottle

>> No.16810227

Crush it first retard

>> No.16810237

What if I don’t want crushed garlic?

>> No.16810328

>try crushing it
>it flies accross the room
nice one retards

>> No.16810465

Get a bigger bottle?

>>it flies accross the room
I've never had this happen, but if you can't pull it off, get a garlic ricer.

>> No.16810476

Do it outside idiot.

>> No.16810596

That's what you want for maximum taste you brainlet. Use a garlic press and let it rest for 10 minutes before eating the paste raw for the most amount of allicin.

>> No.16810623

You're supposed to peel garlic?

>> No.16810650

I like peeling it by hand because then my fingers smell like garlic for the rest of the day and I can't stop obsessively smelling them

>> No.16810683

This and mongpillled.

>> No.16810707
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Although technically, it's part of the beaver family.

>> No.16810739

Ok smart guy what if op is doing roasted garlic with steak? How would you have perfectly intact garlic for plating if you smash it?

>> No.16810744
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Nope, it's technically poultry.

>> No.16810755

>perfectly intact garlic for plating
>intact garlic
Ummm, why would anyone do that?
It's not a fucking garnish.

>> No.16810756

Not always, sometimes you just want to use it like and aromatic, no need to peel it then.

>> No.16810765
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Wrong! BEAVER!

>> No.16810780

>press with flat side of knife
>hit other flat side with palm
>skin comes off with no trouble
wa la

>> No.16810787
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So yeah there you go, now if I'm going to put that on a plate. I want it intact undamaged and innocent. Unhinged garlic to eat with my steak.

>> No.16810826

I just put the garlic it in a container and shake it up for a bit (around 15 seconds). If you don't want it crushed you can do it that way.

>> No.16811195
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>Unhinged garlic to eat with my steak.
You're fucking unhinged.
Are you going to mince it on the plate? In that case you might as well have prepared it properly in the first place.
Are you going to eat it whole like an orange segment? That's just plain psychotic.

>> No.16811267
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Fuck you anon

eating whole garlic cloves is based af

>> No.16812199

plant them

>> No.16812232

>he isn't strong enough to crush garlic with your hands

>> No.16812319

i put the garlic in a bowl and crush it with my erect penis. like a real man.

>> No.16813762

>garlic is a... le gume!

>> No.16813776
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>Are you going to eat it whole like an orange segment?

>> No.16813805

I just squish it inbetween my thumb, and index finger, and the clove pops out unpeeled.

>> No.16813807


>> No.16814152

>eating whole garlic cloves is based af
I'm sure it seems that way to _you_ my psychotic friend.

>> No.16814198

> anyone can be a woman
As you have so aptly demonstrated

>> No.16814297

>my fingers smell like garlic for the rest of the day and I can't stop obsessively smelling them
this. wtf is this???

>> No.16814471

>this. wtf is this
Not him, but...
I've learned that if you feed a woman a mega-dose of garlic for dinner, then her pussy will taste like garlic later that night.

-the more you know-

>> No.16814484

really didn't need to know that

>> No.16814487

Ha virgin

>> No.16814490


>> No.16814496
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Don't worry, if you don't like the furry taco, it probably works for dude's cocks, too!

>> No.16814547

>not just making your own ezpz garlic paste with a bunch of cloves and olive oil minced with a hand blender

I just put it in a jar, into the fridge and it's good to use for at least 2-3 weeks.

>> No.16814908

That was pretty fucking good anon...

>> No.16815037

>Ok smart guy what if op is doing roasted garlic with steak? How would you have perfectly intact garlic for plating if you smash it?
i find if i smash with palm instead of a knife, i can modulate the pressure enough to push the husk off without crushing the garlic

>> No.16815445


>> No.16815562
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*no not anymore*

>> No.16815597

Clean your nails ffs.

>> No.16815817

>tfw been cooking for years
>suck at peeling
It takes me like a full minute or two just to do one potato

>> No.16815941

just peel off the wispy top and use your nails to seperate it all

>> No.16816226

I just never peel potato. Tastier with the skin on anyway

>> No.16816243

I already did that retard

>> No.16816332
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Get a speed peeler anon, we'll never be able to match old lady peeling speeds with a paring knife.

>> No.16817688

soak it in hot water then peel it with a paring knife

>> No.16817696

I used to work in NYC with a lot of jews and they'd always eat raw garlic gloves. I tried it once and could not stop myself from crying the hardest I've ever cried.

>> No.16817717


>> No.16818956
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Imagine not being able to do this

>> No.16819075


>> No.16819195

OP is a manchild who is scared to use knives

>> No.16819207
File: 338 KB, 657x527, 1629361357453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you bro whole Garlic is based

>> No.16819278

The difference would be so marginal which you could just offset by adding another clove retard. Nothing's wrong with allicin, it's a natural taste in the garlic.

>> No.16819284

Is it me or is small garlic much more of a pain in the ass, not just because of the size, but the peel seems way more stubborn. Bigger garlic like asian and elephant breeds can pop cloves off in 1-2 peels.

>> No.16819291

Just buy prepeeled, they're not as strong but I just add more in that case. They're usually available in chinese markets. Saves some time.

>> No.16819343

what are you fucking gay?

>> No.16819367

Smash it you faggot

>> No.16819540

what do you do with the super mini cloves in the centeR? do you peel all those also?

also i keep getting garlic at the discount store and it is always green inside. is that okay?

>> No.16819579

What is everyone's obsession with SMACKING the garlic with your knife?

I just place my knife's flat side on the garlic and press it until it crushes.

>> No.16819608
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It's about that smack SMACK, you know um sayin'?

>> No.16819628


More fun.

>> No.16819746
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Might as well just crush the thing entirely.

>> No.16819930
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>> No.16819998

Oy vey you aren't enlightened enough for garlic!

>> No.16820009

Fuck off, dracula.

>> No.16820053

smack the lip and get pitted

>> No.16820586

ITT: Absolute cooklets holy shit
>step one: pick up garlic in both hands
>step two: gently twist garlic in alternate directions with both hands until skin loosens
>step three: put garlic peel in trash
waa laa, ten seconds of prep

>> No.16820626

I'm gonna try this and if it's slower than hitting it with your knife I'll be very disappointed in you.

>> No.16821194

If you're crushing the garlic and don't get annoyed by cleaning up a bunch of sticky garlic skins then the knife hit is probably the way to go, but twisting off the skins directly into the trash is an efficient way to peel garlic quickly while keeping the clove intact and avoiding the later clean-up.

>> No.16821673

omg i've seen a dozen chefs talk about the knife smash method, but the first time i tried it i realized they never ackshually show themselves doing it.
did the twist method on my SECOND CLOVE EVER IN MY LIFE and my fingers aren't sticky or smell like garlic. your awesome.

>> No.16822105

i just don't like it when theres only four or five xboxhueg cloves inside.

>> No.16822378

>put garlic in two steel bowls enclosed on each other
>shake like OPs wifes sons nigger baby
>peeled garlic
literally works every time

>> No.16822419

you're gonna have to cut the bottom off anyway so may as well do it before you put it in the bowl
also this method is only quicker once you get to like 8+ cloves in my experience

>> No.16822434

i often cook for big groups and i am heavy handed with garlic when it comes to my own meals so its something that i use a lot. i also enjoy that the skin is contained in the bowl so i can just dump it in the trash right away. if anything, its a fun trick to show someone.

>> No.16823480

Why not just use instant garlic?

>> No.16823674
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>> No.16823871

What the...

>> No.16824371

Will you join the Unity?

>> No.16824552

fucking this, jesus.

do y'all use the green thing inside of the clove your do you discard it?

>> No.16825980

>do y'all use the green thing inside of the clove your do you discard it?
There's no reason to discard it, it's just the shoot.

>> No.16826320

This twisting thing really isn't working for me. Maybe we have different varieties of garlic, but it only barely loosens the skin and then I have to pick it off in sections with my nails. Whacking it just releases the whole thing, then I can grab the tip and shake the clove out.

>> No.16826360

commit suicide

>> No.16826433

I laughed

>> No.16826438

for me, its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkM3M3zGcGE

>> No.16827977

The Big Chungus of garlics.

>> No.16827981

I paid for the whole clove, I'mna use the whole clove.

>> No.16827985

I'm a dipshit who can barely cook and even I can peel an entire clove of garlic in less than a minute.

>> No.16828279

Seriously I'm confused as to why people don't just do this. Are they buying different garlic or something? The skins always come right off for me doing this.

>> No.16828316

if i have to prep a whole bulb i cut the bulb in half, smash each half with a knife then cut off all the roots in one go and squeeze out the garlic, probably takes a minute or two tops, is shaking them much faster?
it seems to me like its probably more effort at least

ive seen someone shaking some old baby potatoes to get roots off them before lel

>> No.16828338

It's a side dish or topping, like pretty much all pickled things. I have a jar in my fridge and I pretty much only eat it when I'm looking for something to eat. My old boss used to use it in the pho broth, but by the time I finally got taste for it he stopped so idk if it was ever worth it. Imo, any dish you'd use it as a main ingredient would be better off with just normal garlic and some other type of acid.

>> No.16828346

>throw a bunch of peeled garlic bulbs in the food processor
>add oil and pulverize
>put it in a container and throw it in the freezer
>scoop out some garlic whenever I need it
Why don't people do this? it makes making food so much easier. Just don't be a retard and leave it out and die of botulism.
You can do the same with ginger.

>> No.16828378

How you scoop out frozen garlic?? Gotta thaw it melty warm first no??

>> No.16828530

When I grew some garlic myself some of them came out like this, I think its when you don't harvest them early enough or maybe too early and they are just one single bulb. You have to peel away the outer layer and the core is basically one big garlic clove.

>> No.16828533

It's oil so it doesn't freeze into a brick like water would.

>> No.16828547

I use my fingers, takes no time at all

>> No.16828550

Thought I was clever for this, too. Freezing garlic fucks the flavor. Might as well just get the pre minced garlic in a jar that lasts forever (but also lacks flavor) if you're taking this route.

>> No.16828552

No real point to keep the thread going, it's one and done

>> No.16828555

What? Minced garlic takes goddamn forever to go bad

>> No.16828561
File: 38 KB, 1000x667, elephant-garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad elephant garlic.
>b-but it has less flavor!
Use more.

>> No.16828564

pre-peeled != minced stuff in preservative juice, it will go bad after a couple weeks

>> No.16828700

I dont rinse my chicken but I do chop it and let the juice splash, I don't usually wipe down either so I have probably been exposed to raw chicken juice plenty of times, I've never got sick. Just don't be retarded. either way raw chicken has been MASSIVELY overhyped as dangerous.

>> No.16828703

To add, people act like raw chicken is a toxic substance the way they handle and prepare it. Its just an example of how pussified our culture has become.

>> No.16828720

Do you eat the rosemary stem, too, weirdo ?

>> No.16828755

>man your sauce is tasteless

>> No.16828766

What if I don't want to use the entire clove?