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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16809277 [Reply] [Original]

Think twice before you order your 37$ pizza with wings

>> No.16809278

Don't tell me what to do you dumb retard. I bet you're considering tranny surgery too

>> No.16809286

I make $120k per year as a software engineer you fucking poor faggot, I'll buy whatever I want.

>> No.16809291

>three things of fucking cheese and the only fresh vegetables to be seen are a thing of tomatoes

You absolute fucking nigger

>> No.16809293

>all this low quality food
I have money, why should I willingly eat that poorly

>> No.16809296

that's alot of fucking carbs you prediabetic faggot

>> No.16809299
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nice dubs
thread will probably have over a hundred replies by this afternoon
let's just get this out of the way:
>people who have less time to cook will be pissed off at the false equivalency
>people who have a lot of disposable income will call you poor for caring about a $37 pizza
>the processed food will trigger the posters who like to pretend they only ever buy meat and produce (oil? spices? rice? flour?)
>the rice and beans posters will tell you that they could get twice the food for the same money
>the block and shredded cheese gonna trigger a few
what am i forgetting?

>> No.16809300

Not entirely manchild haul, good job anon.

>> No.16809302

Theres also grapes. He could make a healthful grape and tomato salad.

>> No.16809303

>frozen pizza
>canned beans
>pre-cooked turkey
>pre-grated cheese
>pre-made apple sauce
>beef in a dog food sausage
>'frozen' chicken

learn how to fucking shop jesus christ

>> No.16809305

there's the disposable income fags

he mentioned the cheese!

oh, forgot about the /fit/ fags

filling out my bingo card!

>> No.16809306

you will never have your nose placed firmly between the buttcheeks of a cute woman

>> No.16809529

>the processed food will trigger the posters who like to pretend they only ever buy meat and produce (oil? spices? rice? flour?)
>the block and shredded cheese gonna trigger a few
That's me. I'll add that this american """bread""" is an absolute disgrace and that I'd rather starve than having to eat it.

>> No.16809558

>I'm a programming socks faggot who pisses most of his income away on frivolous consumer product and I think my opinion matters

>> No.16809563

What's it like being a pajeet?

>> No.16809582

--->cuckkit is that way

>> No.16809590

Thanks for reminding me I need bread.

>> No.16809616

I love cooking. I would still do it even if it cost more than ordering takeout.

Is that something to brag about?
I make 100k a year as an ICU nurse and I assumed the IT dudes made way more than me.

>> No.16809623

>american """bread"""
Listen baguette nigger, west coast sourdough is akshully breddy gud.

>> No.16809630

Who the fuck buys mild cheddar

>> No.16809634

how many non strictly bread ingredients do they put in it though?

>> No.16809647

>all of these weird bootleg brands, no consistent generic
clearly OP went to either aldi or Save A Lot. that bag of grapes probably cost him a quarter of what it'd cost him at a chain or neighborhood grocery. can't deny him his thrift but i feel bad for him if that's his only option for groceries.

>> No.16809655

I don't want ground beef i wan the need-to-use-it-today pre seasoned carne asada from the cinco de mayo market

>> No.16809662

>No veggies or leafy greens
>half and half
This isn't a healthy diet dude. Not sure what you're bragging about here.

>> No.16809778

I'm sure an actual sourdough, despite being baked in the US of A, would be great. But that's not what's in the plasitc bag in that picture, that's for sure.
>baguette nigger
Got me.

>> No.16809988

Imagine being a male nurse

>> No.16810001

>shopping at the poors grocery store
no thanks

>> No.16810003

You eat some disgusting shit

>> No.16810008
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>overpaying for the exact same products and foods under different labels
a fool and their money

>> No.16810049

Why don't you faggot share you weekly grocceries. For me
1kg potatoes
1kg onion
2kg apples
3kg spinaches
500g chicken
500g bacon
500g reblochon cheese
500g cream
spices I had run out of
all for 25€

>> No.16810054

>not one lime

>> No.16810057

frozen spinaches, frsh is much more expensive

>> No.16810139

>grocery haul
>not a single gallon of milk

>> No.16810163

Yes, you must spend 600 hours in the kitchen grating cheese and apples. Reddit told me so.

>> No.16810168

that would last me two, maybe three days.

>> No.16810627

That's easily over 20,000 calories

>> No.16810639
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As a rule of thumbs though you want food that doesn't come pre-packaged, so it is "fresh". For example, the grapes, the chicken, other than that p. good

>> No.16810647

eat a vegetable you fat greasy nigger

>> No.16811068

Pretty accurate. I would throw in that that's more than $40, unless you're shopping at some weird discount grocery store.

And checked

>> No.16811170

>grating cheese is hard
loll wut

>> No.16811171

That's it?

*Laughs in 300k*

>> No.16811185

if i had to level one criticism at you about this order, it would be: too much mild cheddar

>> No.16811192

you're a high roller. a baller

>> No.16811235

Aldi Haul

>> No.16811269

>makes 300k
>still posts on 4chan
It's nice for us poor people to know that being rich doesn't actually get you anything more I guess.

>> No.16811290

I'm not even rich. My friend who trades crypto on Is a /biz/ regular has a combination wife / husband income of like 700k. He's a regular shit poster.

>> No.16811431

There is absolutely no way thats 40 dollars. Its literally impossible.

>> No.16811438
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>700k combined
So his wife makes like 1 million a year?

>> No.16811469

It doesn't. Been here since 2004 and our household income is ~$480k.

>> No.16811509

>grapes, tomatoes, potatos
>apple sauce, green beans
>butter, half & half, and eggs
>bread, tortilla, rice cakes, tortilla chips
>beef and chicken

>> No.16811511

Between the two of them, 700k.

>> No.16811515


>> No.16811520

what? i just pulled all this up. it's my local grocery in socal. im not the OP

>> No.16811526

>Mama Cozzi
based Aldi's brother

>> No.16811598

nothing wrong with having a few things of canned beans a some pre made applesauce in the cupboard because that can be a whole process if you don't can your own. The rest, yeah.

>> No.16811623

this is a classless place

>> No.16811629
File: 178 KB, 1800x1199, norm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'll say, this place has no class

>> No.16811632

The joke is that the wife makes all the money and the husband is losing 300k a year trading crypto.

>> No.16811647

sent my post, started watching a norm vid, switched back over, saw your reply - what a trip that was

>> No.16811731
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>this would be $100 in my country
Life in Canada is suffering

>> No.16811740


>> No.16811802

that stuff would be closer to $100 here.

>> No.16811832

this would be like 50 bucks max at walmart retard

>> No.16811850

I live in the Yukon of all places and this would be like 60$ max where the fuck you live, Grise Fjord?

>> No.16811872

whats something about living in the Yukon that most people would not expect

>> No.16811919

seeing someone with teeth

>> No.16812043

The Mama cozzi brand pizza rolls are based, never had the frozen pizza.

>> No.16812047

>Think twice before you order your 37$ pizza with wings

Is there really a place in the world where pizza costs more than $15?

>> No.16812190

Delivery from pizzaslut with tip and shit - i can see 37$

>> No.16812208

>i have money so im going to waste it on unhealthy crap
was this a brag? youre bragging about these choices

>> No.16812260

It's Aldi. So if you consider German discount grocers weird you're spot on.

>> No.16812273

That's the 89 cent cheap whole wheat bread. Aldi itself sells better if you don't mind paying more.

>> No.16812292

Actually with the prices at my local Aldi, which is where this was purchased, I think he spent less than that. I have a hard time spending more than $30 when I do my weekly shop there.

>> No.16812340

Lying faggots that would be minimum $70 not a chance you're getting all of that shit including chicken breast, ground beef, cheese, eggs and cream for $50

>> No.16812387

Are traditional butchers common in USA? i see so much pre-packaged and processed meat produces instead of fresh meat

>> No.16812506

I'm sorry okay!! I had a coupon

>> No.16812530

>Are traditional butchers common in USA?
like a little store downtown? haha get the fuck out of here.

>> No.16812580

official /ck/ server link:

Todays Menu:
Homemade /neet/ Food.

>> No.16812668

Nigger, I'm never leaving here even when I'm a multi millionaire.

>> No.16812680

>Blueberries (frozen)
>Lactose-free whole milk
>Whole grain bread
>Deli meat
>Onion, garlic, scallions, shallots, peppers
>Fresh greens
>couple snacks as a treat dont be mad peejay huehuehue

>> No.16812685
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>some faggot with a beard made it in between sipping soy lattes
>therefore it's good

>> No.16812699

Mild cheddar, only vegetable is potato. You aren’t going to make it sorry.

>> No.16812720

Quit larping fag

>> No.16813063

Who the fuck pays $37 for delivery?

>> No.16813082


>> No.16813112

>That's easily over 20,000 calories

so? you're supposed to have 5000 calories per day to maintain body weight. I usually aim for 6000 because I'm tryna shred my lats.

>> No.16813116

>There is absolutely no way thats 40 dollars. Its literally impossible.

for real. that's $25 at Save-A-Lot, tops

>> No.16813135
File: 988 KB, 2016x1512, tegaki_2021_10_10_06_18_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is exaggerating, I picked the cheapest equivalents at my Walmart and came out to about $64, but it still shows how much you can save by not eating out

>> No.16813142

Oh shit the tegaki editor cropped off the right. Add $3 for the bread and $3 for the gallon bags.

>> No.16813153

In Canada, this comes out to 78 buccs

>> No.16813172

all i see is a bit of turkey, 500g of ground beef, some frozen chicken shit and way too much trash to put it with. thats like a few turkey samiches, burritos for dinner and indigestion from there on out. you skint joggers need to take a page from your own races handbook and start shoplifting some real meat

>> No.16813176

>I make 100k a year as an ICU nurse and I assumed the IT dudes made way more than me.

They do in America but I live in Japan.

>> No.16813177

Yeah but your money is garbage so it evens out

>> No.16813223

OK, shoes lmao

>> No.16813249

You forgot to add the cost of your time

>> No.16813256

How much did you spend on cRaZy socks last year?

>> No.16813271

>slapping grape jelly on bread takes more time than eating out
>pressing beef into patties on the frying pan takes more time than eating out
>throwing chicken breasts on an oiled pan with your favorite herbs takes more time than eating out
>scrambled eggs takes more time than eating out
>frozen pizza takes more time than eating out

>> No.16813278

Wow, some bread, some cream, cheese, applesauce, Meat, tomato, eggs and a few potatoes... is this supposed to be my appetizer before lunch?

>> No.16813299

Not really, things like the ground beef, potatoes and cheese usually don't exceed $3-4 at the krogers I go to and everything else is usually in the $1-3 range. The one exception is that the chicken titties are probably like $6
Also nothing there is from a major brand.

>> No.16813343

>MILD cheddar

>> No.16813362

you already spent more time going to the shop

>> No.16813367

Everything in the OP would be equivalent to eating out at least several times

>> No.16814519

There are still some butcher shops around. Also most regular supermarkets have a meat department with butchers on staff for special orders and to prepare and package the meat they get from their wholesalers. It's just the discount chains that have all stuff prepackaged off site. Economies of scale and all that.

>> No.16814913

I make over 500k a year and have a hard time being friends with people who have money.

If you don't cook your a trash person no matter how much you have .

>> No.16815153

I don't believe you make that much, but I believe you receive that much.

>> No.16815172

>I make $500k
>Your a trash person
Ask me how I know you're lying :~)

>> No.16815191

This except I manage a trucking company and just go out to eat once a day. Had a chipotle burrito. Double steak, double fajita vegetables, brown rice, cheese, corn, sour cream. Hella tasty.

>> No.16815197

>37$ pizza
For $37 I could eat pizza five days straight.

>> No.16815211

Do you come here because you’re poor or because you enjoy it? Exactly. Stop being a stupid fucking retard. This is probably why you’re poor.

>> No.16815234

And with that me mentality I bet you’ll be in debt when you’re retired.

>> No.16815247

>people who make a lot of money always spell you’re properly
Bruh, I got in to truck driving and management so I didn’t have to speak and write proper English. Most salesmen just need to know the words, other people write for them. High pay software devs master other languages, not English.
You have weird expectations of wealthier peoples.

>> No.16815272

Who pays $37 for pizza and wings?

>> No.16815293

I agree OP that there is more value and you can even make your own pizza with 40$ of an even better quality that of your usual pizza shop but still, you could have bought so much more good stuff on terms of nutrition....:(

>> No.16815596

I make 650-750k a year in real estate commissions and I still cook on a regular basis as part of a personal hobby routine, and I genuinely believe I’m spending my time productively with my family while eating well.

>> No.16815874

I can buy max 1/4 of what you bought with $37. Where do you shop?

>> No.16817504

Damn. I would never reveal to anyone something so pitiful such as $40 being a large sum of money to me. You don't seem to embody a sense of shame, I'm jealous

I wish I could be more like you, my health would be so much better. Too bad I have a proclivity towards being a fatty

>> No.16817542

Yea seriosly... wut
If youre using prepackaged dry parm or that crumbly shit instead of grated parm I feel bad for you.

>> No.16817548

>white rounds
how did they find out my nickname and can I sue

>> No.16818898

You have obviously never been to an aldi. Enjoy overpaying for your food.

>> No.16818904
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>Everything is packaged/processed industrial waste.

>> No.16818910


I sell hardwood floors and made around $120k last year, lmao.

Imagine being so mediocre.

>> No.16818918

In my area, that's more like 70.

>> No.16818927

Food kitchen.

>> No.16818951

??? that like 120$ worths of food here

>> No.16818960

A fool and his money are indeed soon parted

>> No.16818963

Based thread summarizer

>> No.16819415

>100 lb of onions a year
what the fuck anon

>> No.16819596
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2 different types of ways of eating cheddar
frozen trash
why do you buy veges in a fuking can
gross chicken in a bag
why ever eating ground beef

>> No.16819597

Canada time. Let's see how much of this I could get for $40.
>ground beef - $10
>pre-shredded cheese - $8
>block of cheese X2 - $12
>butter - $8
>canned green beans X2 - $3
Very cool! Love living here!

>> No.16819611

rate my grocey haul and guess how much i paid for it

>> No.16819635
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, 432DACFE-3DD5-47AD-87C4-BB63C792FCF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my G haul and guess how much i paid for it

>> No.16819783

For some reason I thought Aldi was a Euro thing, but I checked and there's one even closer than the Walmart I go to. Thanks fren, I'll check it out.

>> No.16819794

Without looking anything up, I'll guess $36

>> No.16820026

Are you a woman?

>> No.16820081

would a woman write 'G haul' ?

anyways, that was last weeks groceries

>> No.16820126


>> No.16820158

>pre-sliced deli meat
tastes worse and has way more sodium than getting meat from the deli counter

>> No.16820166

>Are traditional butchers common in USA?
they are, people here just like the pre-packaged/processed stuff because they're lazy

>> No.16820172

I make $120,000 per year as a Sous Chef at Wendy's. I'll but whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.16820341
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 627B338B-462F-47DB-8A8A-36B4735685FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my grocery haul, guess price

>> No.16820358

Why the fuck does no one in here buy meat? Where are you getting your protein? I'm assuming no one here touches a gym.

>> No.16820371

>tfw $40/hour security guard
i order ubereats/doordash/whatever and tip well because, in the time it takes to get here, I make more than it costs lol

>> No.16820425

lots of beans, hemp seed, quinoa, trailmix, soyrizo

even though i dont buy much meat i still end up eating lots of meat becuase basically all resturaunt food is centered around a piece of meat and when bbqing with friends, then again i end up eating tons of meat

>> No.16820426

That's amazing and would be like 200$ easy where I live.

>> No.16820661

Lol where's the meat? Beef and lunch meat are getting much more expensive. $40 will get you like 2 steaks and a half pound of ham.

>> No.16820791

nice haul, what kind of rabbits do you have?

>> No.16821027

Shitcouver? That's about the same prices if I shop at a "high end" grocer but I found much cheaper alternatives. Cheese is still a ripoff though unless you hit up a no frills.

>> No.16821035

Anon that is at least 70 dollars of groceries even with off brands at wal mart

>> No.16821154

>Trader Joe's

>> No.16821764

Changcouver here. Not the fag you're replying to. What are your alternatives?

>> No.16822877

Dangerously based.

>> No.16822884

It's spinachi you ESL queer.

>> No.16822915

that's a weird way to say you're an anti social neet with a repetitive and austistic job that nobody wants to do so they have to pay more.

>> No.16822935

based bingo player anon

>> No.16822936

>thinks good bread is "hipster"
>doesnt realize HE's the pretentious asshole
being a contrarian all the time sucks, anon... fix yourself.

>> No.16823007


>> No.16823303
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>> No.16823312

I mean think twice before being poor? youre eating bottom of the barrel sub walmart food

>> No.16824213
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Loblaws all day, like I said No Frills is a good choice but it never hurts to shop around, I like T&T for certain items that are harder to find in most stores and Dollar tree can be good in some cases for canned BS. Avoid Nester's Market like the plague.