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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16797824 No.16797824 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/ drinking tonight? For me it's some the classic lagunitas. I don't know why ipa's make this board seethe but I've always enjoyed them. Anyone have any new beers they've looking to try or just have any to recommend?

>> No.16797855
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Wine because I am a city dwelling collegesoy libtard

>> No.16797859
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Not drinking today but had picrel yesterday. Smoked beers are very underrated, can't recommend them enough.

>> No.16797863

I recommend you stop getting drunk and using common-use forums on the internet as your personal friend machine. You don't know /ck/. /ck/ isn't a person. The individuals in this thread who profess to caring about whatever beer you're drinking will be gone later today, and will care about you as little as everyone else by this time tomorrow.

>> No.16797862
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Couple of these bad boys, ontop of like 5g of shrooms that's about to kick in.

>> No.16797868

Hey, fuck you

>> No.16797869
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just b urself

>> No.16797901

I haven't had a good wine in awhile, I should get a nice pinot noir or cab sav for a cozy fall night.

>> No.16797907

I'll have to check my local Beer World, they have tons of european beers and a smoked beer sounds interesting.

>> No.16797918

Those fuckers are strong. Usually 2 of them are enough to get me sauced, I got a shroom chocolate bar qiating for mw in the freezer that I'm saving for an anime convention soon

>> No.16797927

You've shown me the light anon. Care to share some of your favorite bible verses with us? It sounds like it would be really enlightening.

>> No.16797944

Sure, Revelations 3:19.
Your sarcasm is a defense mechanism.

>> No.16797974

That's one of my favorites!

>> No.16798053

I use to drink 4 of those and a few shots of vodka every night for several years. Tried multiple times to stop drinking but no luck, started micro dosing shrooms and was able to quit with no issue. Now drinking is more of a weekend thing.

>> No.16798061

Sweet Jesus you're an actual champ anon. Shrooms actually helped me quit cigarettes cold turkey after a real heavy solo trip, now I enjoy the occasional cigar at a bbq or something

>> No.16798193

John's Hopkins university has done a lot of different studies on shrooms. They found them to be 4x better than prescribed anti depressants, help with sleeping, PTSD, bunch of other crap. Take like 1g of it and it's like pre work out but you're very more self aware. Grats on smoking anon, that shit is hard habit to even just moderate, my mom use to smoke 3 packs a day.

>> No.16798215

at first i was like wait how is that glass staying afloat?

>> No.16798307

I dont like it but, your not wrong

>> No.16798346

I was drinking these for a while because they were the highest % i could find for the price, but man do they taste like garbage

>> No.16798349

Revolver blood and honey

>> No.16798379
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fall is my beer season, and oktoberfest is a great style
Cape May Brewery is one of the best in the state, and this beer is no exception

>> No.16798406

keystone light bcuz i'm cheap

>> No.16798408

Ice cold I enjoy the taste but as soon as it gets room temp it's definitely terrible

>> No.16798424

I usually really don't like euro lagers but there are a select few exceptions and warsteiner oktoberfest is the best euro beer I've ever had so it's let me open to up at least seasoning oktoberfest style beers.

>> No.16798445

It's definitely hard to explain to some people how I was able to quit because not everyone takes shrooms as a reasonable method of quitting another substance lol it seems to be becoming more mainstream in recent years as an avenue for some people and I'm hopeful for the people it's helped

>> No.16798690

They are commonly referred to as bacon beer. Plan a meal accordingly. Grilled sausage is nice with them. I bet a chocolate dessert of some sort would also be nice.

>> No.16798702

The person behind the post may be gone, but the collective and ever changing anonymous hive-ish mind will stay, and you're a part of it. As long as you don't allow the text to create negative emotions in you or waste too much of your time I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.16798765

>dude drugs

>> No.16798988

beer sucks

>> No.16799990

You don't trip at 5g, also do some research before opening your mouth, cause you come off as a uneducated retard.

>> No.16800013

You absolutely trip at 5 grams unless you're some insanely obese fella

>> No.16800067

don’t listen to this burnout retard. lay-off the mushrooms deadbeat

>> No.16800373

does anyone else drink shitty clubtails malt liquor beverages or am I just fucked up? my local place just ran out of the margarita ones so now there's just the meh sex on the beach

>> No.16800391

I haven't had one of those since I was in my early 20s, not even "ironically"

>> No.16800396

I had one once and it was disgusting

>> No.16801067

Lagunitas IPAs are like the Sierra Nevada pale for me, a staple that I'd happily drink if offered but would probably not buy for myself. That said, their Lucky 13 Mondo Red is one of the best reds I've ever had.

Trying to drink less beer so I'm thinking of grabbing vodka and tonic on the way home, and using up the bitters in my cabinet with those.

>> No.16801146
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Smoke Wagon uncut unfiltered

>> No.16801168

I'm not a fan of IPAs, nothing against them, but this beer is a personal favorite regardless.
And I swear there's just a dedicated group of posters that try to bring up shrooms in every alcohol thread or something. We get it, you worship fungi. We're hear to talk about drinks, not your overlords.

>> No.16801216
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Sake. This stuff is pretty good but probably not worth the money over something $20 cheaper.

>> No.16801409

I can understand that, I really really like their lil sumpin sumpin though it's super smooth, Sierra Nevadas is really hoppy though. I haven't had their mondo red in a long time either

>> No.16801410
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Nothing tonight but tomorrow I'm gonna see some hometown bros for the Leafsgiving long weekend and I'm planning on sipping on some local craft cider. Autumn to me is the season for ciders.

>> No.16801414

That looks like it will make you spontaneously start russlin' cattle

>> No.16801427

Yeah I've found Sake around $20 is the most worth it. Usually really flavorful and decently strong so it's worth the occasional purchase when I'm feeling extra weeb-ish.

>> No.16801434

Agreed, the only time I crave a nice cold hard cider is during fall

>> No.16801477
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This. Bottle of white wine with dinner (pheasant sautéed in butter, garlic, few mushrooms, slug of cointreau) 20mg of diazepam, couple of large tumblers of single malt. I like it for being one of the easiest to drink when opened up with a little water. The more complex ones in the cabinet are a bit like heartburn.

>> No.16801514

Where do you buy pheasant? I live jn the Hudson valley in NY and we get a decent amount of meat varieties but I have yet to find pheasant anywhere yet. Also I haven't had a good scotch in a long time, last wedding I went to it was open bar and they had Macallan 12 year and some kind if Glenfidditch and the bartender was serving my drinks to the absolute rim and I couldn't even taste it after the second full glass

>> No.16801597

I don't. A gamekeeper drops into work to shoot the shit every now and then and gives me a few because I always spend the time to listen to him and hook him up every now and then. I usually get them around this time because they cull the excess, especially males at the end of the shooting season. I personally prefer these because they aren't all shot up and filled with lead shot, they've had their necks wrung.

It is difficult to cook without becoming tough and stringy. I find the best method is to put it in the oven in a covered pan at like ... 40-60C for at least an hour, then before serving get your butter and aromatics hot on the burner and flash fry it to put a little sear/colour on it, hit it with the booze, light it off the burner, plate and serve immediately.

Speyside malts are often less interesting to me, but are a lot more drinkable. This is aged in rum barrels and while nothing special it adds enough interest for me to make it worth drinking neat. It is very sweet. I find that I initially sought out extreme single malts in order to challenge myself, collect experiences etc, but after a while you just want to be able to sip something towards the end of the week that isn't going to challenge you. It is at a level where I'd not be embarrassed to stick it on the table if looking to have a proper drink with the old man or toast somebody departed. I've a bottle of edradour 10 year if I was looking to make more of an effort, the sherried malts are often more complex and rewarding if that is what you want.

>> No.16801660
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got these yesterday. Teachers is absolutely more bang for your buck compared to Johnny Walker Black. reminds me of Benriach 10 Curiositas, but havent actually compared them side by side yet, probably save that for colder days.

The Lore was better on the neck pour than the Uigedail I'm currently tasting it next to. Ardbeg is like bacon and molasses whereas the Laphroaig is like smoked oysters and lemon.

>> No.16801875

All addicts are evil people who deserve to be tortured to death. They aren't humans. They are automatons rewired to prioritize their addiction over everything else at the expense of anything. Literally a psychopath but with less self control. Every addict out there would kill you for drugs if they thought they could get away with it, and maybe still anyway.

No matter what they say or what they think, every last thought is about feeding their addiction. That is all that exists for them.

Euthanize every last one.

>> No.16802589

Ah gotcha, appreciate the feedback anon, I'll take a look around some of the more selective game meat shops or ask any of the hunters I know about it. And Sherried malts always sounded interesting, I've had a few Irish whiskies aged in Sherry casks and enjoyed them so I'll take a look next time I hit the liqour store.

>> No.16802600

lmao nice try

>> No.16802612

Those are some interesting flavor profiles. I had gotten off scotch for awhile because I had a few rough nights on cheap ass dewers white label and just couldn't stomach the peat anymore lol but the way you describe Laphroaig sounds like something I'd really enjoy, typically I love Irish whiskey specifically Tullamore dew or Powers but I think a nice sipping scotch for a cold fall night is in order.

>> No.16802642

12 pack of Miller Lite. Couple bottles of some gay 8% monk ale I stole from a pozzed party the other day. Gonna watch some horror kino. Demons aka Demoni and probably Ft13th 7.

>> No.16802651

You sound like someone who doesn't have any self control yourself. Some people just just like enjoying things, and aren't hurting anyone else.

>> No.16802739

Sounds like a cozy night anon

>> No.16802753

whiskey & root beer

>> No.16802777
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Man of culture

>> No.16802845
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Picked up a twelver of Yuengling for the weekend.
I prefer Belgians like Leffe Brown, Bernadus 12, and Orval but no domestic can beat the price/taste of Yuengling, Banquet can eat my fucking shithole

>> No.16802868

Finishing the last of the Glenmorangie Nectar D'or and then probably mixing a bunch of Adios MFers.

>> No.16803021 [DELETED] 

Schkerla is lit. Love it

>> No.16803036

Schlenkerla is great.

>> No.16803059

Yuengling sucks. Most macro beers are better. And how is a 12 pack going to last the weekend? Are you a 110 lb teenage skelly twink?

>> No.16803126

This, I just tried it since it's in Texas now. Yuengling's terrible.

>> No.16803269
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Fuck the both of you

>> No.16803280

Just had a pint of Maker's

>> No.16803295

The Patrician choice

>> No.16804122

lol it's nothing to get worked up over.their most popular addition is a hershey's porter and it leaves a rude coffee aftertaste. their mango ale wasn't that great. and their oktoberfest isn't as popular as sam adams. yuengling wouldn't be so bad if they weren't obligated to maintain the signature 'yuengling' taste when they shoot for other cool flavors.

>> No.16804127

Help me I'm kidnapped all I can drink.is her vagina juices and her friends' vagina juices for three weeks now my jaw is in agony just now I have a chance to send a message please hel

>> No.16805155

>yes I'd like a totally non-functional glass that can't stand on its own
That sucks, dude.

>> No.16805964
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for me its the rolling rock

>> No.16805995

The tall cans are the only acceptable form of RR, the green bottles are gross and go skunky. An ice cold can in the summer is beyond refreshing though

>> No.16806042

That sounds about right for the typical import fag

>> No.16806082

Im an alcoholic and I just feel like trash recently. Prob got the liver disease or something. I'm going to take a break from it and start doing one meal a day fasting for a while.

>> No.16806089

you know it big guy, never found bottles of any kind appealing anyway.

>> No.16806125

>Ramato style Pinot Grigio from Friuli
Good choice anon. I don't know why you are being so self deprecating though. Don't let the redneck chuds and basement dwelling fast food addicts make you think there is something wrong with being capable of intelligent thought and enjoying nice things.

>> No.16806413

This. I can enjoy a nice shitty tall boy, or an organic cab sav. Whatever tastes good, tastes good.

>> No.16806459

no drinks for me today. Went out last night, got pretty wasted, fell on my face and spent the night in the hospital

>> No.16806584

Kinda bummed I don't known anyone who are into drugs and could get me some, since that does sound pretty cool. At least cool enough to try once.

>> No.16806629

Usually I ask around to people I know who are chill or just ask my one of the weed guys I know if they can get the hook up. Takes a while sometimes but def worth finding a reliable source