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File: 425 KB, 1122x718, heartburn-esoph-infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16797341 No.16797341 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for my daily dose of evening heartburn even though I've tried every possible thing to not have it, including today's all-day water fast! Two weeks into this new trend and it shows no signs of stopping!
Low-FODMAP, no meats, no fats, no acids, nothing stops it. I can't even sleep laying down anymore.
I don't even know what to eat anymore because apparently not eating isn't even good enough.

>> No.16797355
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Try taking omeprazole. I have acid reflux, and I take 20mg of Prilosec OTC every day and I feel fine. As long as I take it consistently I can eat and drink anything I want without heartburn. i have taken it every day for over 10 years with no ill effects.

>> No.16797359

sleep on your right side instead of your left side

>> No.16797383

This heartburn has been so weird, it feels like my actual sternum/ribs near sternum are what's in pain.

I was on omeprazole for a bit a few years ago, I took it for two to three months and was worried about long-term effects so I ended up not continuing. Does prilosec OTC have immediate effects?

I've mainly been sleeping on my left, I always thought that was the side to prevent acid reflux, but I'll try sleeping on my right.

>> No.16797389


>> No.16797398

Go to a doctor

>> No.16797406

started a new job and I'm waiting for the grace period to be over before insurance kicks in.
Classic timing of health problems. I hate the american healthcare system so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.16797447

This post was written by brittle fingers.

>> No.16797454

I've always had an iron stomach, can't help but feel superior to people who complain about all their stomach and reflux problems constantly.

>> No.16797473

I used to as well, this came out of nowhere, I'm not even sure what it is because I've never really had acid reflux before.

>> No.16797535

I’m a doctor (albeit a psychiatrist) and I’ve never had a patient complain to me about any long term side effects of omeprazole. It definitely sounds like you need some sort of anti acid, is it really sustainable in the long run to not even be able to sleep properly because of your heart burn?

I think you should give it another go (given they helped obviously), it is nowhere certain you will have long term side effects from the medication and if you do then you can stop taking them.

Good luck anon

>> No.16797537

Good to know, thanks for your input I really appreciate it.
I'm actually gonna go grab some prilosec otc right now because it's been hell on my sleep these past few weeks.

>> No.16797542

What degree did you get?

>> No.16797576

In my country we go through med school -> internship (allmäntjänstgöring) then specialisation 5 years (specialiseringstjänstgöring). I’m in the beginning of my specialisation so technically not a psychiatrist, lol.

Sounds like a good idea! I’m sure omeprazole have been found to have some form of sode effects but they are so rare it isn’t even something that crosses our mind when we prescribe them. They are very benigne and one of those meds we give to practically anyone that wants them, so def check with your dr for them again if they helped you earlier.

Wish you a good sleep!

>> No.16797600

I cured my chronic GERD by drinking the juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of water once a day for three weeks straight. I tried everything too and nothing worked until I read on some random website that lemon juice helps for some reason that was never explained. But I was desperate so I gave it a shot. I could tell a few hours later when I went to bed that it was working. It has never come back eight years later. Hope this helps.

>> No.16797646

based. I'm willing to try anything at this point. What time of day did you drink it? Full lemon each time and just a regular glass of water amount?

>> No.16797660

Bro just take some Prilosec. As long as I take it, I'm fine, been dealing with gerd since I was a teenager. Forgot to take it this morning though, so I've been suffering all day.

>> No.16797676

I drank it after dinner. I cut a whole lemon in half and squeezed the juice out with a glass juicer (you can get one at goodwill for a dollar) picked out the seeds, and poured the juice in a regular glass of water.

>> No.16797723
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Just mix a tablespoon of baking soda into a small glass of water and sip on it city slicker.

>> No.16797756

Found my old supply of omeprazole, started taking that just now.
gonna get some lemons tomorrow

I've drank so much baking soda these past two weeks I actually ran out of baking soda for the first time in years. Never helped for some reason

>> No.16797769

A fucking tablespoon? A teaspoon should be enough unless you have serious problem in case you should be asking a doctor instead of us because we're all retards who most likely will give bad advice. Sorry.

>> No.16797873

Don't listen to this anon. That shit will fuck you up if you take it long term

Go get tested for h. pylori. Could be the cause of your heartburn and getting rid of it just takes a round of antibiotics

>> No.16797916


>> No.16797931

I have this too and I got an endoscopy done. I have a hiatal hernia where the upper part of my stomach squeezes out of my diaphragm and the force of this keeps my esophageal sphincter open 24/7 allowing acid to spill into my throat unabated. Apparently it's pretty common and if the meds they have me on now don't work ill have to consider surgery.

>> No.16797951
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Don't do this long term, it absolutely ruins your digestive system in the long run. I guarantee you take a significantly larger dose than you did 10 years ago and that's part of it.
See a doctor, but also try not eating for at least 3 hours before going to sleep and cut out coffee and booze. I used to have a nasty case of this shit due to boozing and eating like ass and going straight to bed and it took me a while to recover. Prilosec, omeprazole, etc are temporary patches, but it's better to get to the root of it.
And I tried fucking everything, sleeping on the left side, even went as far as propping up my bed so I slept at an incline. Fix your diet, stop eating so close to sleep and if that doesn't work, go see a doctor and get tested/treated. If they tell you to just take omeprazole forever, go to another doctor.

>> No.16797952

my chest pains really only start at night. Was yours the same or was it burning all day?

>> No.16797959

Also try cutting out acidic foods in general for a while.

>> No.16797964
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>Go get tested for h. pylori. Could be the cause of your heartburn and getting rid of it just takes a round of antibiotics
seconding this
if you have nasty quorum sensing bacteria in your tract, you can get seemingly unsolvable ulcers. get tested, nuke the bugs, and then use probiotics.

If it isnt Pylori, you can try 4 200mg cimetidine pills before breakfast and another two before every meal (lots of water to wash it down)
Cimetidine isnt an antacid (doesnt remove acid) it blocks excessive acid production and reduces swelling. You can take it over 4 weeks to gradually reduce ulcerated or otherwise irritated shit in ur tract and then gradually return to normal.

>> No.16797971

I gave up booze and weed last week. Stopped eating past 6pm. Maybe I just need to give it more time to get better. I've also been not doing the greatest this past month and have been eating way less and irregularly. I should also probs deal with that too...

>> No.16797990
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Take both. In the meanwhile, go to healthgrades.com and search for a GI doctor that will take your insurance. In the mean time you want to be going for runs, drinking water, and not smoking/drinking any alcohol. Go for lots of veggies and healthy carbs like brown rice.

t. is also going through scary ass GI tract problems and I'm figuring things out. Try the pills btw they both work.

>> No.16797997

It takes a while especially if you've been drinking heavily for a long time. It takes time, but also go see a doctor once you get insurance. It makes sense if that was the cause, your lower esophageal sphincter has been weakened from daily abuse for who knows how long, it just needs to heal itself.
It fucking sucks and it's scary and makes your brain loopy to shit when you can't sleep properly, but it'll get better. Mine did.

>> No.16798000
File: 134 KB, 686x1372, 713SfwYQMVS._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, also get some Pepcid. this is NOT for long term use, and will give you temporary relief for your esophagus to heal a bit from the acid. You will want to get off this within 3 weeks, but it's a quick temp fix.


>> No.16798048

>I guarantee you take a significantly larger dose than you did 10 years ago and that's part of it.
Absolutely not. It's been 20mg the whole time and it works just the same with no side effects.

>Does prilosec OTC have immediate effects?
If you're taking it for the first time it can take a couple days to work like it should.

How will it fuck me up?