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16796893 No.16796893 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure if this is the best board to post this on, but it seems relevant enough.

I've been drinking bottled water since I was a kid. the tap water where I live isn't really safe to drink on it's own. I've always read that the plastic/BPA in bottled water has some nasty side effects, and in addition to want to save money by not buying bottled water ever couple weeks I've wanted to get a filtration system on my kitchen sink.
However I've also read that reverse osmosis filtration systems are not healthy for you because the filtration system takes out too many minerals, and eventually the water will leech of those minerals from your body

So now I'm torn on what to do or get. Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations on what to use?

>> No.16796904

/diy/ is probably gonna do better
Water minerals are basically inconsequential compared to your diet, though - would dismiss any health concerns

>> No.16796916

you sound like one of those people that finds something wrong with everything. I'm sure you have an issue with Brita style filters too.

>> No.16796919

Ultimately it depends on how much money you want to spend. I bought one a few years back from Amazon. I think it's ispring brand. There's basic systems like the one in your pic and there's more elaborate ones. If you're worried about minerals there's even additional cartridges to add minerals back in the water after its been filtered. Again all a matter of money. You're supposed to change the filters out every 6 months. Just look at prices, I doubt there's too much a difference between brands, and make sure you have the space for it.

>> No.16796922

Just make it from scratch:

>> No.16797749
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As always, get your water tested by a local service. You have to know what's in the water to know what kind of filter to get- there's no point paying for filtration you won't use!- and the local guy probably has a good general idea of what's in the area so he can stock the appropriate filters.
Not to mention you'll need a solid supply of filters for the future, they do need to be replaced now and then.

>> No.16797814


>> No.16797934
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What you are looking for is an RO system that has a remineralization stage (puts back normal mineral levels to prevent leaching from your body and to improve taste). I have installed a few The Perfect Water Hydroperfection systems (has all the bells and whistles like UV light) but any RO system that has remineralization and a sufficiently large tank will solve your problem.
If you are concerned about trace chemicals not filtered by municipal water systems and estrogen and BPA, only a Reverse Osmosis system will remove that, a particle filter wont.

>> No.16798002

the only things you really need to get rid of in 99.9% of cases of municipal water supply is chlorine and fluoride

>> No.16798011

k cool but OP's post indicates he is outside of that 99.9%

>> No.16798014

There's an app for below ground springs that you can go fill up on for the week/month however long. Water tastes incredible and it's fluoride free and hormone free for the most part

>> No.16798037

>the tap water where I live isn't really safe to drink on it's own.
i'm curious what possible place could he live where, first of all they have running tap water, and second that it unsafe to drink?

>> No.16798074

Flint, Michigan for one

>> No.16798082

>Flint, Michigan
flint water is perfectly safe now

>> No.16798092

k cool but don't act like it never happened
also have you never heard of a boil order? sheesh dude

>> No.16798098

i never claimed that in all of history tap water can be unsafe you fucking quibbling little bitch

>> No.16798100

Depends where in Flint you live. The main lines have been replaced but a lot of smaller branches and individual home links still use the old, lead-leeching pipes.

>> No.16798114

A lot of places aren't necessarily unsafe but don't taste very good. I remember the tap water at a golf course I used to work at tasting and smelling faintly swampy.

>> No.16798131

And yet you act utterly incredulous to the very idea of it? Fuck outta here guy.

>> No.16798138

Get a Kinetico system. And see a psychiatrist. You have issues.

>> No.16798171

>eventually the water will leech of those minerals from your body
There is no actual scientific evidence to support the idea that RO or distilled water will dilute minerals in your body at any different rate than tap water or well water, it's a pure old wives tale and nothing more. The minerals that tap water provides are also very minor in their amounts and can easily be made up from food in a healthy, balanced diet. The minerals you get from food are better for you than the ones in water anyway in terms of bioavailability, so that's the best way to get minerals no matter what.

The worst downside of RO is that it's very wasteful. It'll flush like 3-5 gallons of waste water for every gallon of clean water it produces. If you're okay with that, then go for it.
I personally use a Big Berkey, and Alexapure is a similar but slightly cheaper option. If you're still concerned about taking minerals out of your water, those types of gravity filter also can't remove the minerals that are good for you, but they do remove almost all other impurities. They're effective enough that people take them camping and use them to filter river, pond, and lake water into a clear and potable state.

>> No.16798173

im not "incredulous" i asked where the fuck his tapwater is from that its unsafe you shriveled little pecker

>> No.16798187
File: 201 KB, 2433x1613, Screenshot 2021-10-03 at 23-04-33 EWG's Tap Water Database What's in Your Drinking Water .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but you should take a look at the Environmental Work Group's website: https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/
Pic related are the results for my city, and I live in a fairly affluent midwest suburb. You may be shocked at what's actually in your water, there's a lot more than just fluoride and chlorine.

>> No.16798195

>see a psychiatrist because you express concern with what you put in your body by the liter on a daily basis
Wow, how CUH-RAZY!!!

>> No.16798208

i have absolutely no fucking idea what ewg even is but i studied up to inorganic and pchem and the majority of those things would not make water unsafe. it's like the fucking prank where they had people try to ban dihydrogen monoxide.

>> No.16798221

only a retard would get an RO system for drinking water. in a home application RO is really only useful for hydroponic growing systems and aquariums. RO can also be damn expensive replacing filters depending how many minerals are in your water. there's also the massive amounts waste water that could cost you unless your on a well. if you are on a well the filters wouldn't even last you a month. a simple charcoal filter is plenty for drinking water. for well water getting a UV light is also a good idea

>> No.16798232

What you breathe daily is more harmful than whatever is in municipal tap water. Adjust your tin foil beanie, then see a psychiatrist.

>> No.16798249

it's like those people i see jogging along side a busy fucking road. instead of going to the park or high school or even some quiet residential neighborhood you're literally huffing toxic exhaust fumes as hard as you can. my suspicion is that they want to be seen jogging but goddamn do you have to be a retard

>> No.16798254

It depends on your definition of "unsafe." Will it immediately poison you? No. Will it contribute negatively to possible health conditions over the course of your life? Very possibly. I'd rather not take the chance, especially when we do know that these chemicals and heavy metals can cause problems for people in other cases.
>it's like the fucking prank where they had people try to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
This is an incredibly disingenuous comparison. It's absolutely nothing like that.

>> No.16798269

Absolutely retarded logic. Why would you not want to reduce as many harmful substances from your life as possible no matter what? The air being full of pollution doesn't mean someone shouldn't care to remove pollution from their water.

>> No.16798290

>This is an incredibly disingenuous comparison
it's completely valid. i went on your fucking ewg site and most of those chemicals are byproducts of the chlorine disinfection process and a "EWG HEALTH GUIDELINE" is completely meaningless. also if there's no legal limit you can pretty much assume that it's retarded to list it. every single chemical in your sample that does have a legal limit is well below that limit. "potential effect: cancer" LOL yeah exactly. my only complaint about USA municipal water is the completely unnecessary addition of fluoride but that's a long and not necessarily relevant conversation as it doesn't make drinking water unsafe

>> No.16798310

>if there's no legal limit you can pretty much assume that it's retarded to list it
Nice appeal to authority, do you also still eat your 15 daily servings of grains? Again, I'd rather just not fuck with it so I'll purify my water as much as I reasonably can since I'm drinking nearly a gallon of it daily.

>> No.16798316

>spoiled zoomer dipshittery.
Why worry about what will likely have a large effect on overall lifespan when you can worry about what microchemicals might be in your dihydrogen monoxide? Adjust your tin foil beanie and see a psychiatrist.

>> No.16798319

LOL you're the one appealing to authority of the ewg with your faggot screenshot you fucking mongoloid are you trolling or actually that fucking stupid?

>> No.16798367

I also exercise regularly, avoid all processed/boxed foods, eat a whole food diet, avoid artificial cleaning chemicals in my home, and plenty of other things that simply aren't relevant to this thread. Cool strawman, though.

I was only drawing attention to how many potential contaminants exist in municipal water with an independent source of water testing, never said anything about following or trusting EWG's safety guidelines in particular. It's just an example to show that there's a lot more than "just fluoride and chlorine" in municipal water. Regardless of any guidelines, I would rather just remove any impurities or contaminants that I can from the water I drink hundreds of gallons of per year.

>> No.16798404

>i'm curious what possible place could he live where, first of all they have running tap water, and second that it unsafe to drink?
>I'm curious. What POSSIBLE place could he live, where,
>1st. of all, they have running tap water,
>that it is unsafe to drink?

Not that guy, but that's how you come across; a dumb, mouth-breathing, condescending cunt.

He's right. You should fuck off.

>> No.16798443

Going by the rest of the thread, I'm not wrong either.

>> No.16798453

give me a location then you little faggot ass bitch instead of crying or you can shut the fuck up and suck my dick instead

>> No.16798463
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ur mom's bum


>> No.16798470
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sure thing little bitch

>> No.16798474
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>> No.16798500

There are plenty of cities in the US where drinking the tap water is inadvisable due to heavy metals like lead and arsenic:

>> No.16798920

i know that some bottled water have added minerals, but isnt most regular bottled water filtered through RO?

>> No.16798978

A lot of it is just tap water

>> No.16798999

what the fuck is "inadvisable"? by whom bobvila and business insider? the only places that have shit plumbing anymore are literally decrepit nigger projects and they are getting torn down every day. i said get a filter for fluoride and chlorine. i don't know what the fucking contention is you can't filter out ever single chemical that might potentially be harmful in the water. i have a particle filter, a carbon block filter, and specialty fluoride neutralizing filter. also our water is basically 10tds fucking pure besides the bullshit the treatment plant puts in

>> No.16799011

>what the fuck is "inadvisable"? by whom
Usually your local water authority will send out a notice if the tapwater in your area is potable or not. They test these things regularly. If you haven't received any notice, it should probably be safe.
If you're receiving water from a private well, it's typically up to you or the owner of the well to apply for testing.

>> No.16799059

tell me the last time you got a non potable water notice if you're not located in old ass niggerville or in the middle of a hurricane or catastrophic flooding? it must be such a huge issue that you're still arguing about unsafe tapwater

>> No.16799087

Sometimes sediment can get into a water supply that makes the city put out a boil order. This happened a couple years ago when I was living in Broken Arrow which is a nice town with few nogs who stay in Tulsa

>> No.16799096

jesus fucking christ you are clinically mentally retarded.

>> No.16799144
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>ask for circumstance regarding non-potable public water
>get answer
>nuh uh ur dumb
Stay mad

>> No.16799169

your only plausible answer is that you want to deepthroat much less such my cock you little bitch

>> No.16799188

your faggot ass little photos are not 4chink so go back you cum guzzling nigger loving cocksucking mushbrain retard

>> No.16799244

Its like watching a retard try to drive a car. Hilarious and tragic.

>> No.16799294

what the fuck are you talking about? how did you manage to learn english or are you using a translator?

>> No.16799668

If you read the Business Insider article you'll find things like Texas having radium in the water in excess of the EPA's allowances and the fact that many cities have failed to notify citizens of known hazardous levels of lead and all the times local governments have gotten in trouble for health violations related to their tap water.
>the only places that have shit plumbing anymore are literally decrepit nigger projects
Nice goalpost move, just admit you were wrong and that there are many places in the US with unhealthy tap water.

>> No.16799801
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I need a red pill and blue pill explanation for brita filters.

>> No.16799884

Don't act like it's constantly happening anywhere. Fucking 20 somethings and your misplaced baby anger.

>> No.16799887



>> No.16799900

Face it. He blew you the fuck out. Fuck outta here bob vila lmao

>> No.16799901

Not sure if it's the same thing, but if someone installs an iron curtain before or after, I can't recall, a water softener it can genuinely kill someone. Unsure if it's from leeching or just chemicals in the product

>> No.16799907

Hexavalent chromium is a fairly unsafe chemical to consume brah

>> No.16800245

I did that because the Business Insider link had an obnoxious anti-adblock wall some people might not want to deal with but both sites talk about the same cities and reasons so it's all the same information. Maybe try actually READING and evaluating the article for its information instead of dismissing a URL out of hand, dumbass.

>iron curtain before or after a water softener
Iron Curtain IS a brand of water softener, so not sure what that could possibly mean. Two water softeners? Regardless, you have any actual source for that or is it just hearsay?

>> No.16800303

>I've always read that the plastic/BPA in bottled water has some nasty side effects
You see all that shit in your picture? Guess what it is. That's right, it's plastic. Use your brain.

>> No.16800310

Why? Because it's a big word and sounds scary to little babydick anon?

>> No.16800341

Not all plastics are the same. The soft plastic that water bottles are made of is not identical to the hard plastics used in filtration equipment so they don't react the same way in the presence of water and they don't even contain all the same chemicals.

>> No.16800359

The few times I worked with a plumber at my job I just recall them talking about how you can kill someone with an iron curtain and a softener depending on how you install them. I just go by what licensed plumbers tell me
No because it's the chemical welding stainless steel gives off and is why you're required to wear or have some form of filtration at all times when you're welding the shit, since it is incredibly bad for you

>> No.16800372

And no, iron curtain is a filtration system separate from a water softener

>> No.16800410

No, because even OSHA thinks it's a danger to health and has guidelines and regulations related to limiting people's exposure to it: https://www.osha.gov/hexavalent-chromium/health-effects
>But it's safe when it's in water in small amounts!
Why would you take the risk of ingesting a known toxic chemical in any amount if it could otherwise be avoided? A drop or two of bleach can safely eliminate bacteria from stream water in a pinch, but does that mean I would want to put a drop of bleach in every cup of water I drink regardless of its source? No, of course not, that's a ridiculous idea. So why would you want a small amount of a chemical that OSHA deems unsafe to be in every cup of water you drink when you could instead filter that out?

>> No.16800416

Stop drinking water. Simple as that. 1L per day is a fukcing meme, unless you sweat a lot while exercising. Drink milk, fruit juice in moderation. Filtering tap water is still good to do, so that less fluor/chlore/jewsticide get on your tableware. It is also better for your skin.

Because you might still want a coffee/tea, rice/pasta, safe way to get drinking water is gathering glass bottles and filling them at a natural source. Or digging a well, water is closer than you think from the surface sometimes.

>> No.16800435

You have no idea how disappointed I am. I have eating so many 1 pound blocks of tofu, drank so many cartons of soymilk, drank so much bottled water for YEARS and I'm still not a cute trap.

>> No.16800440

>it's like the fucking prank where they had people try to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
>This is an incredibly disingenuous comparison. It's absolutely nothing like that.
100% This.
>it's completely valid.
fuck you, it's fucking water with a funny name isn't it? Water Vs fucking chloroform 2 VERY different things mother fucking STUPID FUCK

>> No.16800450 [DELETED] 

between your advice and the contaminants I'm pissing out kidney stones like a fucking machine gun

God save us

>> No.16800463

Are you trolling or just stupid up to now?

>> No.16800524
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I've been wanting to install a system as well anon. At first, I thought the most advanced free-standing particle filter was the way to go, and I wanted to choose between The Big Berkey or Alexapure. But after factoring in adding water via a jug or pitcher from the sink, hoisting it high above the filter vessel and then waiting for it to slowly drain through the filter I decided that installing a filter the the sink itself was the way to go. However I live in an apartment and doing the installation seems to be a hangup. The anon that mentioned RO >>16797934 systems seems to have the right idea, I don't think the installation should be too difficult and I think one of the most difficult aspects is going to be buy new filters and dating them so as you can replace them in a timely fashion. It shouldn't cost you too much. I know they sell them from Amazon, Home Depot and even Bed Bath and Beyond. I think an initial investment of something like 300 dollars would set you up for a couple years.

>> No.16800566

I have an RO system that I fill 25L (5.5 gallon) tanks with and add some salts to and it balances out. If in doubt throw some multivitamins into your diet every now and then you'll be fine.

>> No.16800680

You created the monster, you unleashed the monster and now your complaint is now the monster is too powerful to control? Well fuck you, that's your fault.

>> No.16800705

>all this autistic shit flinging and projection on such a benign discussion on water filtering

>> No.16800722

>I'm sure you have an issue with Brita style filters too.
Brita barely filters anything from your water.

>> No.16800781

the majority of people on the planet in africa and india and chinkand have been drinking fucking literal industrial runoff water (aka their rivers) over a hundred years already

>> No.16801759

RO costs money upfront, and to maintain. I'm in a good spot financially, so I can afford the changing of filters, some poor people can't. I use a countertop RO system; its about a 25 lb rectangle and sits on top of my counter. You have two main choices when it comes to a countertop RO system. RKIN, which I use, and Aquatru. I choose the RKIN because of the different filter options, which I did not see on the Aquatru website. I live on a military base, and our water is shit quality. I have to change the filters every 6 months; this is also because I only drink water and raw milk, so the device gets quiet a lot of use. RKIN also makes normal RO systems that you can install under your sink, but I have had no experience with those.
If you want a pitcher, the best one is Zerowater. It's not RO, but still gets my TDS meter to read at 000 ppm consistently.
Regarding minerals; I would not worry about kooks telling you that they're being leeched from the water. A healthy human with a healthy diet of ruminant animal meat, fish, some fruits / vegetables and grains gets basically all of their minerals through their diet anyway. Your water should not be doing that for you. If you're really that concerned, You can supplement magnesium and zinc, which most people don't get enough of anyway. Just make sure the kind you get is highly bioavailable. Iodine too if you really want.

>> No.16802118

I have a Berkey and the refilling really isn't that big a deal. As for the waiting, I refill mine at night so it's done in the morning and I have water all day. Also an apartment dweller so hooking up complex plumbing systems under my sink isn't viable, gravity filters work well to fill the void.

>> No.16802165

Every source I see that is against RO is shilling some remineralization or bottled water product and every source I see against tap and bottled water is shilling RO

>> No.16802197

The truth is there's no actual scientific evidence that pure water will "leech" minerals from your body. Drinking enough water can always dilute mineral/electrolyte storage in the kidneys, which is why over-hydration is bad, but there has never been a study showing that distilled or RO water will do that at any greater rate than any other form of water. It's purely an old wives tale that gets passed around and accepted as fact. Any time someone talks about pure water "leeching" anything, ask them for a source and watch them fumble because they're actually just repeating hearsay.

>> No.16802227


Get this. It filters out the bad stuff. If you want, you can also add in an extra filter that re-mineralizes the water.


>> No.16802300

The WHO has some research on RO being bad for your health. but i'm sure someone here will say WHO is also unreliable

>> No.16802332

Got a link? I'd love to read it.

>> No.16802464


>> No.16802474

regular filters are good but only reverse osmosis gets rid of the birth control hormones and antidepressants women constantly piss into the water supply

you get plenty of other minerals from regular food, and if you're really scared take some multivitamin

>> No.16802484

>thinks he's getting jewed by water
>"drink milk instead"
jesus christ

>> No.16802491
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>not filtering your water
enjoy your xenoestrogen that actually turned frogs gay

>> No.16802501

Thank you, I've never seen this before so I'll give it a read.

>> No.16802505

Just get a metal Berkey water filter or something equivalent.
works great.

>> No.16802517

It's good enough but just don't get scammed into one from a sketchy company, they're cheap at most home improvement places.