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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16796864 No.16796864 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone who want to start eating healthy feel like killing themselves when you start looking into it?
Everyone says a different thing
Like, vegetables are good for you supposedly and then you see somewhere else that vegetables are packed with anti-nutrients.
Like, what the actual fuck.

>> No.16796873

Food science is pretty bad yeah.
If you want the easiest tip, eat a variety of things, watch calorie intake.

>> No.16797015

It's really easy actually, are you one of our Monsanto shills?

Start with cutting out vegetable oils and non-organic foods.

>> No.16797029

Its actually not that hard. There are foods that almost nobody (who is not mentally ill) would argue against like broccoli, olives, bell peppers etc..

>> No.16797119

look at the ingredient list
if it contains any of:
>high fructose corn syrup
>soybean oil
>hydrogenated anything
it's a hard pass

>> No.16797128

anti-nutrients? i think you mean antithesis. the fuck is an anti-nutrient, something not nutritious or something opposing? the fuck are you on about?

>> No.16797131

>There are foods that almost nobody (who is not mentally ill) would argue against like broccoli
lmao, retard.

>Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, which are under research for their potential to affect cancer.[2][3][4][5]

Avoid brassicas like the plague.

>> No.16797139

Why don't you look it up? Do you really think i made it up?

>> No.16797159

see >>16796873
nutritionists and food scientists take industry money and then make up the bullshit to support the desired outcome
just eat like your great grandparents and stay off the couch

>> No.16797182
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Don't forget the potential to fuck up your thyroid

>> No.16797271

There is no consensus on health. It is equally right to say cake is healthy because it is calorie dense and will help me out of anorexia, than to say cake is unhealthy because it is calorie dense which contributes to my morbid obesity.
Also as with much of medicine, nutrition is generally not causally understood, but inferred from statistical models. They've got no fucking clue why X causes cancer, only that people who eat X tend to get it.

You need two things to diet: calorie restriction and adherence.
Cutting the types of food you love, or the foods that are easiest for you to obtain is a terrible idea for adherence. But that's what all the fad diets ask you to do.
To that end, it doesn't matter which diet you pick as long as it doesn't make you miserable.

All I've had to do is substitute soda for the diet stuff, and replace crisps / crackers / snacks with microwave meals (usually carb heavy, but half the calorie density of the crisps). Add to that 1.25hr of cardio over the week and I've got a 6 pack. It doubled the cost of my weekly shop though.

>> No.16798313

I stopped eating grains , potatoes and sugar . I eat a moderate amount of fats . I try to eat foods my great grandfather would recognize . So far it’s working well for me .

>> No.16798522

>I try to eat foods my great grandfather would recognize
Did you stop eating grains and potatoes or not?

>> No.16798611

I try to eat foods my great grandfather would recognize other than grains , potatoes and sugar .

>> No.16798718

>Affect cancer
Yes affecting as in preventing you dumb retarded bitch troll

>> No.16798720

It also lowers your estrogen you tranny. Sure you would avoid that

>> No.16798726

it's almost like there are no black and white answers in reality and everything comes with caveats.

>> No.16798738

>Muh Wikipedia!!!

>> No.16798759

You mean eat like your great great great great great great great grandparents.

>> No.16798764

There but there are light and dark gray answer and such there is consencus on the objectively best diet we know which is mediterranean

>> No.16799077

add more fat and spices

>> No.16799105

>whole thread contorting themselves into saying maybe vegetables aren't healthy
Amerifats are out in strength today I see.

For most people, transitioning to a healthy diet means
>Drop the hyperprocessed sugar foods
>Less meat
>Less hyperprocessed grains
>Replace all of that with fresh vegetables
>Drink fucking water

Anyone who pretends eating healthy is difficult either has the palate of a child or doesn't have the willpower to break his addiction to bad food.

>> No.16799152

this is probably the worst place to ask about healthy eating
going vegan is a great way to get lots of healthy and nutritious (You)s on here but it might be too widely accepted IRL to get you much attention these days
on the flipside you could go keto or carnivore which won't cause so much controversy on here but it's a great way to start arguments with normies when you tell them that eating a pound of butter every day is actually healthy and is basically essential for weight loss

>> No.16799865

Vegan is the healthiest diet , if you add some meat and dairy .

>> No.16799874

CICO + nutritional supplements. It's that easy. Anyone who says you need to follow some super secret specialized regiment to eat healthy is either fucking with you or trying to sell something to you.

>> No.16799881

mental illness detected

>> No.16800026

Honestly, the way to eat healthy has been known for centuries, but it requires actual cooking and shopping, and to avoid the addictive food products nowadays.
>eat a variety of foods
>eat real foods
>mostly plants
>don’t eat too much
That’s about all there is to healthy nutrition. Even the Romans noted that eating too much meat caused people to get sick (though the romans still really liked their beef). Ignore the keto people who don’t want to reduce their consumption of McDonald’s beef patties, artificial cheese products, or refined butter. Ignore the schisms who want to attribute plant consumption to a vegan scheme. Vegans go more for moral arguments than nutrition ones, so ignore them as far as nutrition goes.
And, remarkably, the USDA food pyramid is fine. No one fallows it though, with oily and sugary foods making up the majority of the modern diet instead of actually being seldom in the diet.

>> No.16800075
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anti-nutrients are things that wreck your bodies ability to absorb things you need. like there are anti-nutrients in beans that wreck your body's ability to get protein out of foods.

Then shit is even bigger on the micronutrient scale. Check pic related about zinc.

>> No.16800090

It's tough anon. I had to change my diet after a course of antibiotics absolutely destroyed my gut biome. I cut out all grains and that allowed me to heal up a lot. I still eat the occasional potato and rarer still, I will indulge in some beans, but I mostly stay away from inflammatory foods because my joints don't hurt anymore now that I rest them less.

My recommendation is that you have to look at your own genetic makeup and base your diet on that. For me that he given the best results. Try eliminating and reintroducing foods to see how your body reacts. It's a lot of work but I feel a lot better today than I did a few years ago.

>> No.16800101

If anything, eating healthy made me feel better.

>> No.16800269

>My recommendation is that you have to look at your own genetic makeup
How the fuck do i do that?

>> No.16800334

Well I didn't get too detailed with tests or any of that. I am a mutt so I looked at the different ethnic groups I am descended from and then learned about their ancestral diets. Then I had to try out a bunch of different stuff to figure out what combination of foods worked best for me. So if you had a parent who was Danish you would research what Danes ate back in the day and try to eat more of those traditional foods. Personally I am a fan of the pre-agrarian diet but it's almost impossible to attain, at least in my current circumstances.

In my case that actually meant increasing my intake of fruit, meat, dairy and fish, reducing vegetables quite a bit and cutting out any grains, beans and nightshades.

It's hard when you are used to eating a certain way and have to change the whole thing around. But the effects I felt gave me the motivation to keep going. I won't lie, I do cheat sometimes but I try not to eat foods I know will cause me problems more than once a month. God I miss tomatoes though.

>> No.16800344

Oh and if you do nothing else, stop eating sugar. Forgot about that. That's the most important thing so I'm not sure how. It was also the first adjustment I made and that made other changes much, much easier. So just start there. Stop eating sugar.

>> No.16800385
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...just get some big bags of frozen mixed veggies and combine it with some cheap protein (beans, lentils, green beans,fish,meat, nuts) and maybe throw in a hand of lineseeds throw all of that in a soup stock. Tadaa you now have a healthy filling cheap bucket of soup that tastes amazing and you eat healthier than the huge majority of people in the entire world.
For varied just change around the stock. Stop overthinking Eating healthy and cheap is possible.

>> No.16800407

think of it like this: what does it take for this ingredient to get from its natural form to my plate? the more steps involved the worse it probably is for you.

>> No.16800438

just stop thinking of it in terms of "eating healthy", which is just a vague meaningless term

do you have a particular goal in mind? eg, weight loss, muscle gain, longetivity? there's plenty of evidence on what foods you should be eating for these goals. Just eating for some vague notion of "health", is going to lead to vague answers.

And don't forget "health" encompasses so many things, and so many more things than the foods you eat - such as your relationships, your sense of meaning and fulfillment, your engagement with the world, your exercise regime, etc.

In terms of diet, you probably can't go too wrong with "eat a variety of high quality, unprocessed or minimally processed plant and animal foods. drink water. exercise regularly".

And remember, if you're currently alive and not suffering from disease you're already healthy by definition.

>> No.16800736

thanks for the (You) based point-prover

>> No.16800750

Inuit eskimos eat nothing but meat almost their entire lives and have the lowest rates of heart disease and cancer of any ethnicity. 'Healthy' is relative.

>> No.16800832

I just think a serving of Greek yogurt , an egg and 3 or 4 ounces of meat a day makes a low starch/sugar vegan diet healthier .

>> No.16800864

Just cut out obviously bad shit like soda and fruity pebbles to start
At that point you can choose from any assortment of meme diets to take on like a religion but really just listen to your body and eat what makes you feel healthy
Trying to eat healthy is way better than not giving a shit at all, even if you end up not eating perfectly.

>> No.16802262
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No because I learned how to make chicken a billion ways when getting /fit/. Once you learn how to clean up your diet you learn how to cook better foods and how to balance tasty with healthy.

Stop trying so hard and just cut out the refined garbage. Once you've eliminated all that factory shit you'll find it disgusting. Fine tune your diet after you've done that and if you really want to get into micronutrients do it then.

The hardest part was learning or re-learning what I liked to eat. It took a minute to click that I can sauté spinach but I can also sauté it in garlic butter and be healthier for it. Or that I can add unsweetened coconut milk to a chocolate whey shake with peanut butter one day and then whole milk and blackberries the next, depending on /fit/ goals and what I need.

I'm drinking fucking chocolate shakes all the time. Sometimes I add real ice cream. You can do that if you are taking care of yourself. It is when you are not taking care of yourself that the bad habits, vices, and lethargy stack up.

tl;dr clear out your pantry and buy healthy but delicious foods, and exercise it off.