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16794460 No.16794460 [Reply] [Original]

made bagels for the first time, half with egg wash, ik i rushed the forming i'll do it better next time
they were good but pretty dense, i let them proof overnight, anyone got any tips for getting them lighter?

>> No.16794547
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overmixing is usually the culprit for dense baked stuff

>> No.16794554

that'd make sense, i'm not 100% sure how to strike the balance between kneading enough and not overmixing
i suppose it'll just take practise

>> No.16794557

Easy, don't spend hours letting the thing prove then knock all the air out like a retard and end up with biscuits. Try to touch the bread as little as possible after proofing.

>> No.16794561

damn, is that bad? i have like zero experience with breads and pastries and stuff, and every recipe said to do that and then let it proof a second time

>> No.16794564

*let it proof a second time after forming the bagels

>> No.16794566

yes, first proof is to stretch out the gluten which you then knead out to get the nice chewy texture. After the first proof if you overwork you gonna get stuff that's way too chewy and dense. 2nd proof is for the final rise for it to look nice.

>> No.16794572

The gluten is developed enough when you can make a window out of the dough that you can see through. After that stop kneading and get it ready for proof and shaping.

>> No.16794573

ah yeah that makes sense, ty friend
i'll be gentle with the dough next time i make bagels

>> No.16794577

thanks for the tip, i'll keep that in mind also

>> No.16794581

remember that the thing that makes bread nice is the air and you're trying to keep as much air as possible in without having large air pockets (which is the 2nd reason why you do a 2nd proof as the first proof might have large air bubbles).

>> No.16794588

i probably should've assumed that, ig i just followed the recipe a little too close since it's my first time, i think i might just do what feels more natural with less recipe next time

>> No.16794802

buy diastatic malt powder, it makes the bagel crust perfect texture and its shiny without egg wash
knead to the point of windowpane and no further. proving the dough overnight in the fridge does some of the process for you like a no knead recipe, so dont overknead it.
make them as tall as you can when you shape em because they slacken and spread out when proving.

>> No.16794812
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Unironically based thread. Great job anons, these tips will help me too.

>> No.16794831


Those look really good anon, even if they were a little dense. Good job for a first attempt.