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File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, vodka-stalinskaya-40-alcool-02l-8859575812126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16794313 No.16794313 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I'm just autistic but what pleasure is there to drinking strong alcohol? The feeling you get is awful and the smell burns my nose

>> No.16794321

You haven't had life shit on you enough yet

>> No.16794377

>awful feeling

huh? alcohol makes me feel fantastic

>> No.16794391

If I'm in enough of a rut it helps me get motive to clean. For whatever reason I have motivation and drive to be productive when I drink.

>> No.16794392

One thing I've noticed in life is that some people are very predisposed to enjoying that feeling and some get no enjoyment from it at all.

My armchair theory is that some people are rarely able to achieve a high level of contentment or satisfaction relative to others based on neurological traits, so going about the usual daily life tends to be much more unfulfilling for them than it is for most.
In pre-alcohol societies this could have been a much more positive trait, as it would encouraged those persons to take risks and try new ways to live their lives. While this still applies today, it also means that drugs like alcohol enable them to cope in a way which they cannot normally experience, leading to psychological dependence.

>> No.16794404

i can't physically take the sheer bulk of weak alcohol required to get me drunk.

>> No.16794420

It's less pleasure and more numbing out something else.

>> No.16794432



>> No.16794509
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it fucking wears off after 2 hours, and if you drink more it doesn't even feel the same as it did at first

fuck it i'll stick to beer

>> No.16794538

There isn't pleasure in drinking strong alcohol it just mskes the loneliness go away for a little bit so I can get to sleep

>> No.16794553

You usually mix it with other stuff. Since it's stronger you get faster dopamine rush for 2-4 hours after lack of it all day/week long from the daily life of workslaving or lonliness (or both at the same time). Some happy people drink it because it's cultured or something. They however can go one with one bottle of strong alcohol for years.

>> No.16794834

it means i don't have to know who i am for a while and that's worth it not tasting great
also it's much easier to fall asleep with and anything that means i don't stay up at night thinking about all the ways i've fucked up and the people i've hurt is good in my book

>> No.16794870

>i don't stay up at night thinking about all the ways i've fucked up and the people i've hurt is good in my book
I have really bad insomnia and know that feel of booze making it easy to get some shitty sleep, but I just wanted to say I hope you can one day sleep easy with those thoughts.

>> No.16794944

thank you, anon
i'm trying to move on and drink less but it's hard
i spent a year trying to make things right with her and honestly i think i just made things worse
i hope she ends up doing better without me around

>> No.16794975

>The feeling you get is awful and the smell burns my nose

Have you considered not downing it and taking your time to drink it

>> No.16795030

Depends on the liquor.
Plenty of people do not like 40% rum or whiskey at all, even the very clean stuff, and vodka is never clean enough to lose its edge from drinking undiluted in sub-shot amounts.

>> No.16795066

you wont enjoy it without despair

>> No.16795122

>Pre-alcohol societies
Uuuhhh. Anon. Those don't exist. We have been drinking alcohol farther back than we have had societies.

>> No.16795135
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>In pre-alcohol societies this could have been a much more positive trai
You know absolutely nothing of human history, shut up

>> No.16795146

>Have you considered not downing it and taking your time to drink it
liquor tastes like rubbing alcohol, even 10%, full stop. it's always cringe to see people pretend to literally enjoy the taste, instead of just tolerating it for resultant feeling. i'm going to down that shit every time. why the fuck would i want to prolong the misery of having alcohol in my mouth?

>> No.16795153

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.16795163

speak for yourself. you'll understand what i'm talking about when you grow out of trying to look cool.

>> No.16795171

Man has almost evolved alongside alcohol. It's just a physiological inclination in most people. If you don't feel it, you're one of the lucky ones who evolved past it; you are literally the next micro-step in evolution. Good job, this is what "genetic lottery" means (among other things)

>> No.16795184

I could care less about looking cool anon. I drink alcohol because I genuinely like the way it tastes. Especially whiskey.

>> No.16795608

Elephants literally ferment fruit to eat for pleasure.
Alcohol has been man's friend longer than dogs have.

>> No.16795621

This, I mostly drink out of boredom. The life I lead is very unfulfilling and I rarely ever feel content. It's like waking up to a nightmare everyday and the only enjoyment is getting drunk on liquor at the end of the work day (or at lunch if I have a hangover). Love is a lie, women are whores, our civilization is collapsing and there's nothing we can do about it.

>> No.16795678

Very relatable posts

>> No.16795835

Pre-alcohol tribes then.

>> No.16795864

So before agriculture and its fermentable byproducts became a consistency, was there a way for people to consume alcohol with consistency, rather than it being something one would make when the fermentable materials were available (fruits tree droppings, wild grain collections, etc.)?

Yeah, I was wrong to call it pre-alcohol societies, but rather I mean societies where one really didn't have the ability to constantly feed their desire for inebriation to the extent they desired.
Surely some people would be in the position to drink much more than others and more often, but I'm speaking of the layman.

>> No.16795887

And yes I know you can store fermented beverages over a long period of time. I'm just considering that quantity would be less than overall consumption in most pre-agricultural groups for most people, and that ABV would be well below contemporary spirits.

>> No.16796384

we were drunk even before we evolved into humans

>> No.16796389

Yeah, my phrasing was just wrong, my mistake: >>16795864

>> No.16796409
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I like it because you get a lot of alchool content for cheap. thus I can mix it with cheaper shit like water and some water flavoring so I can get plastered without breaking the bank, not having a bunch of bears taking up a lot of space, and with not as much calories.

>> No.16797180
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i prefer being unconscious and alcohol doesn’t bruise you anywhere visible and is totally legal

>> No.16797193

well according to this thread it's for depressed faggots with shit lives who have poor coping skills

>> No.16797724

alcohol got exponential better when I started drinking it after rough days.
the awful feeling becomes sort of masocistically familiar and comforting

>> No.16797787

If you're drinking straight alcohol in doses of larger than 3 shots you have a problem.
Drink it in mixed drinks

>> No.16797791


>> No.16797830

Pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer groups (believed to number less than 50 individuals per group, not 'societies' in any real sense) are a whole different ballgame.
Your armchair theory is wrong, that's all.

>> No.16797837

the value in terms of alcohol volume per dollar is like a whole order of magnitude cheaper than purchasing beer or something

>> No.16797844

>hey life's shitting on me
>let's beat up our liver and pocketbook to make us feel better

Very cool, thanks!

>> No.16797845

I have drank at least seven shots so far this evening.

>> No.16797851

Takes a lot of courage to belittle those who suffer

>> No.16797860

>7 shots on a wednesday night
Yes, as I said, you have a problem

>> No.16797871

>wednesday is a special bad no drinks day because uhhh
Yeah, everyone works a peepee poopoo paper-pusher job and gets Saturday-Sunday off, you whiny normie, that's right.
The value of your opinion to me is a negative number.

>> No.16797885

>pretend to literally enjoy the taste,

Congrats you're literally autistic and can't even process that other people have different experiences

>> No.16797892

>you only pretend to like [thing I don't like]
Posting this phrase should be a permabannable offense.

>> No.16797922
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It's fun and usually makes whatever you're doing more fun. It's also escapism and can be decent social glue with other people drinking.
It's possible you're either allergic to or just can't process alcohol normally. My father's like that, he can have a drink, but immediately turns red in the cheeks and hates the feeling he gets after a single drink, so he never does aside from New Year's or someone's death.

With that said I'm an alcoholic and have been more or less sober for about a year and am doing a completely sober October and likely the rest of the year. If anybody here's struggling with sobriety, feel free to vent.

>> No.16797928

Cool, your dad has the Asian flush gene.

>> No.16797972
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It's entirely possible. His mom was pretty asian looking and had some northern Russian native blood, I'm sure they have it too. Guy also just doesn't like not being mentally sharp all the time.

>> No.16797979

You sound like a NEET

>> No.16797996

For me drinking just activates an entire emotional plane of existence that I just do not have access to soberly. I can enjoy music, enjoy socializing, etc. Normally I'm not like, miserable but just kind of flat in general. Liquor is the light of the sun for my soul. Unlike a lot of the sadmen itt I specifically do not use drinking to cope, because then im just going to still have my problems but also im hung over which sucks balls. However if I'm fine and don't have anything to do in the morning I'll get drunk as hell all the time to take me from flat neutral to jubilant.

>> No.16798001

Sure, and you sound like a prissy faggot with extremely limited real-world experience.

>> No.16798003

I'm a white collar guy, I don't hang around the proles

>> No.16798009

fucking delusional...enjoy dying from your poison

>> No.16798019

I like a nice bourbon at least 90 proof aged at least 4 years.
The pleasure for me is the taste, aroma and comparing the flavors of different bottles.

>> No.16798087

>I'm proud to be a member of a class that is either ten years past being outmoded by computers or outright parasitic
Damn that's crazy bro, go visit the HR desk and call her a nigger for me will you

>> No.16798124

I'm a machine learning engineer at FAANG

>> No.16798211


>> No.16798230

More like FAAG

>> No.16798237
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I was almost going to say FAGMAN tbqh since Microsoft is more illustrious than Netflix imho

>> No.16798239

Thanks for reminding me, I didn't even factor in "any sensible political leadership would have you lined up against a wall and shot" into my reckoning of white-collar job possibilities.

>> No.16798248

>"any sensible political leadership would have you lined up against a wall and shot"
What kinda luddite-tier post is this

>> No.16798256

Alcohol, Depression, Nicotine and Music. That's when you escape for the night

>> No.16798259

The only thing Ned Ludd did wrong was that he used his hammer to break equipment instead of people.

>> No.16798865
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Hello darkness my old friend

>> No.16798893

Projecting this much.
Feeling drunk fixes a lot of problems.

>> No.16798932

the trick is that while you're drunk you 100% feel like that is real

>> No.16799010


>> No.16799018

that's what beer is for. i quit drinknig spirits because it fucks with me too much, but I'll have a beer once in a while to forget that I'm conscious

>> No.16799022

>In pre-alcohol societies
I bet cavemen let fruit rot so they could get unga with bunga.

>> No.16799024

Yup I was an idiot: >>16795864

>> No.16799027

Who are you talking about? Unclear pronouns asshole...

>> No.16799033

sorry, I didn't read the full thread before replying to your comment.

>> No.16799044
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No prob man

>> No.16799381

Consider yourself lucky, just about all I drink is Wild Turkey 101. I usually need it In order to sleep.

>> No.16799428

Chemical dependence

>t. Alcoholic

>> No.16799876

I always get drunk before I go to bed, that way I never get hangovers

>> No.16799894

could it be that your brain has associated the taste of alcohol with the feeling of being drunk? i'll admit that, despite the horrid taste, i still get physiologically excited before and during imbibing. i still won't say that i literally enjoy the taste, however. that's ridiculous.

>> No.16799951

This. Hard alc is to get you where you need to be quickly

>> No.16801088

>You usually mix it with other stuff
Haha, no

>> No.16801164

Good whiskey and scotch are complex flavors that I like to have sit in my mouth for a while and it gives you this crazy zip like a shiver going down your spine or warmth in your blood. I find myself enjoying beer less and less but I still enjoy cold beer on a hot day or with certain foods. I just like basic stuff like budweiser. And a cocktail can be really nice, that's why there is an industry. I've had many delicious cocktails and couldn't even tell you wtf any of them were but they make them taste good.

All of that stuff other than cheap beer is too expensive and beer doesn't get me feeling happy fast enough so I just neck cheap vodka as I watch my chinese cartoons and go to bed.

>> No.16801509

unlike beer it doesn't make you feel bloated and unlike wine it's not super expensive (assuming you don't want it to taste like shit) and the hangovers aren't as bad

>> No.16802578

Fucking hell i might become an alcoholic

>> No.16802622
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>Fucking hell i might become an alcoholic

>> No.16802637

I have a theory that a lot more men then we think actually drink alone. It feels fantastic usually if you're doing something enjoyable and even when you're not.

Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of you guys have diabetes for sure. I was told I was pre diabetic and I'm not even that big. Not as fat as most guys I see.

I don't know. Who cares.

>> No.16802648

Except for the pre alcohol bit this is the conclusion we've all come to. It's not so much an armchair theory as it's something we all kind of know. At least if you're 25 or older.

>> No.16802658
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>liquor tastes like rubbing alcohol, even 10%, full stop.

>> No.16802664

And? You cope by coming here. No one with a good life would come here.

>> No.16802671

I started drinking alone more after COVID hit and I couldn't go to bars or breweries with friends for a while. Muh sugars are still good but my cholesterol shot up.

>> No.16802672


>> No.16802675

There isn't. It's my little conspiracy that the inherent shittiness of liquor was one of the factors that led to the development of hard seltzers.

>> No.16802678



>> No.16802681

Then what about the middle eastern nations-
wait, my bad, they're dosing up on tobacco, qat, and whatever other jenkem they could come up with.

>> No.16802684

Is that Misato-san? I'd like to make sure, because you've inspired me to go on a "drink what the guy on the screen is drinking" marathon

>> No.16802696

I'm a month dry, and I don't have the strong draws some other /alc/kies have, I suppose. In any case, you're right about the collapsing planet, but quitting booze makes it feel meh.
Like going from blood red and black to grey. Make of that what you will. Love is still a lie, the femoids be hoes, and the West will literally be minority Western within our lifetimes, but I wake up on time and without hangovers, so there's that.
I'm not a great salesman on the sober lifestyle, but I recommend just giving it a shot for two weeks (time for alcohol effects to wear off completely).

>> No.16802698

>red coconut
>grug fill you up
>with rotten fruity
>let's ungy bungy

>> No.16802705

Vodka "connosieurs" give me cancer. I get what you mean.
Let's not pretend this burny shit is valued for its flavor. It's there as a social lube. That's why I appreciated a night with my friends in college
> vodka
> black bread
> pickles
> canned fish
No one's pretending the vodka tastes nice. It's just part of the night, and you chill.

>> No.16802711

You're right. Just try drinking non-alcohol beer, or vinegar. Same nasty taste, without the resultant buzz. It's a real deprogrammer right there

>> No.16802736

>It's not so much an armchair theory as it's something we all kind of know. At least if you're 25 or older.
I know plenty of older people who would deny it, nondrinkers and drinkers alike. Long-term crippling alcoholics without extreme delusions seem to be the only group that really accepts it.

A lot of denial for it comes from denying that some people are predisposed to suck for reasons that aren't physically or easily identifiable. A lot of different reasons one would think that way.

>> No.16802780

just dump a shot of it into an apple or pear cider.

>> No.16802797

I don't like hot sauce?

>> No.16802800

Damn i just cut myself on that edge, chill out bro

>> No.16802822

gets you drunk quicker

>> No.16803303
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No one drinks vodka plain dear

>> No.16803434


>> No.16803454

I've drank plenty of non-alcoholic beer, it tastes good.

>> No.16803518

So does vinegar, unironically. Pickle brine ftw

>> No.16803526

It's like fuckin 11 dollars for a bottle

>> No.16803528

Sure you can bitch tits

>> No.16803639
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drink nice alcohol and drink it slowly, pic related

>> No.16803679

The pleasure comes from letting your liver think for you, and your liver is suicidal.

>> No.16803780
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>The feeling you get is awful
Not true for most people

>> No.16803784

You've never had good vodka

>> No.16803912
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>> No.16803979

I like the slight burning sensation.
I don't like being drunk, though, so I don't do it often.

>> No.16804000 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16804001

If you're intelligent, you need to suppress your intelligence to escape the horrifying clarity of understanding.

>> No.16804089

I'm not a serious alcoholic but I've definitely been overdoing it. Find myself craving a couple beers at the least just about every night. I need to get better about resisting the urge or I really will slip down the slope into real alcoholism.

>> No.16804210

>let's beat up our liver and pocketbook to make us feel better

How much of a fucking failure are you if you can't afford to buy what you want lmao

>> No.16804918

for me its ivanoff, titos or stoli

>> No.16805030

I don't because I'm not sad AF like >>16794321
and every other lonely autist itt. That's why I enjoy mixed drinks

>> No.16805868

I drink Nikolai straight, let's me know I'm alive