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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 960x1792, upcg05iogor71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16791935 No.16791935 [Reply] [Original]

i baked a cake for a dinner party, now they think im gay.. what gives?

>> No.16791940

Just embrace it faggot

>> No.16791947

Man, I fucking HATE cakes that are decorated like that. It's so fucking cliche in the first place, and what happens to the poor motherfucker who gets a slice off the side with no fruit? Fuck them, right? And have you tried cutting through that fruit salad on the left? Half of the shit falls off the top anyway.

>> No.16791957
File: 55 KB, 543x492, 1633463536562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cake looks pretty gay desu. I would also assume that a naked man pops out any second. Whatever makes you happy I guess.

>> No.16791963
File: 150 KB, 640x853, 5wmki4iogor71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon, i used my cake knife to cut slices from the non fruit side, than people took the fruit they wanted

>> No.16791977

Are you gay?

>> No.16791984

I would eat that cake, no homo

>> No.16791986

much better than faaggots who think playing with clay (fondant) means baking a cake or that a cake covered with it is anything but disgusting

>> No.16791992

I think they're just busting your balls, OP.

>> No.16792008

>naked cake
>flowers and fruit decoration
just make a penis cake next time, it will be more subtle.

>> No.16792021
File: 128 KB, 640x800, cedricgrolet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking disgusting. sucks to be the number 7 guy who gets the worst selection of fruit that has also been touched by six other people first.

It's a meme design for gay retards, which makes me believe that not only are you actually gay, you're also a retard.

That cross-section looks hella dry, too.

Look up actual French patry chefs and not gay pinterest shit. You'll find that they labor furiously to ensure that every slice, every bite is consistent, beautiful and delicious.

>> No.16792039

Do you enjoy having sex with men and decorating cakes?

>> No.16792050

You take the decoration off before cutting there and put it on the part of the place cleared by previously cut slices, same as if there are plastic figurines decorating it.

>> No.16792065

Now that's what I call "reddit spacing"

>> No.16792066

People who bake: women, homosexual men
People who don't bake: straight men

>> No.16792076

Nah they’re just faggots. Baking is based and anyone who says otherwise is just jealous they’re too stupid/lazy to bake
t. Someone who is too stupid/lazy to bake

>> No.16792106

I bet it has less to do with the cake and more that you're a fucking faggot

>> No.16792126

If you're too stupid and lazy to bake, you must be too stupid and lazy to cook, because baking is literally the dumbed down, lazy version of cooking.
>measure out exactly this much of this and exactly that much of that
>mix into homogenous goo
>pour in pan
>shove in oven for X time

>> No.16792139

Good effort but the decorative berries look like they were put un regardless of what the cake looked like. For this cake I would have used blackberries, blueberries, mulberries, boysenberries and a few scatter raspberries and red currant strings that would pop.

>> No.16792184

It's called "organizing your thoughts" and "legibility", retard.

The only people who call it reddit spacing are newfags.

>> No.16792191

>shit 5lbs of frosting onto a sponge
>call it "baking"
the nerve of these ameripigs lmao

>> No.16792194

Cooking is way easier than baking, there's more room for experimentation when cooking. In baking you have to be exact or it will probably be fucked

>> No.16792204

imagine admitting to being a recipelet and then claiming that it's "harder" lmao

>> No.16792252

Yeast filters me.

>> No.16792270

Yeah it's harder because I don't usually follow recipes exactly when I'm cooking. If the recipe only calls for salt and pepper to season, I'll throw in garlic or oregano or something if I think it'll be good. You can't do that with baking because then it might change whatever chemical compounds are in play to create a cake or cookies or whatever. Are you one of those people that follows every recipe to a T, never customizing food to your tastes?

>> No.16792273

You can do that with baking, actually.

>> No.16792276

baking a cake doesn't make you gay....the fact that you were wearing a 50s housewifie dress, heels, and stockings while you baked the gay is what makes you gay. not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.16792299

Cope and seethe.

>> No.16792310

How so, anon? I know you can make different flavors of cookies, but the base measurements to make the cookie before adding other things is the same.

>> No.16792313

what? I'm saying that bakers are the guys who follow a recipe to a T, because they fucking have to.

>> No.16792323

Nigga, I bet you couldn't even cook a microwave chocolate cake.

>> No.16792334

If you understand the simple chemistry behind it you should be able to experiment all you want without fucking everything up. Also, from your reasoning on why actually cooking is "easy", I can tell you've never cooked anything harder than scrambled eggs. Try making a dish where not everything on it can be cooked at the same temperature or using the same technique. Cooking more complex dishes requires knowing more than just throwing a couple herbs/spices in a pan. Baking you're still just mixing shit together and throwing it in an oven for X time at T degrees.

>> No.16792344


>> No.16792370

No, organizing your thoughts and legibility are called "paragraphing". Leaving whitespace after every single sentence is "reddit spacing". There is a huge difference that a lot of retards on this site don't see. Paragraphing involves separating your thoughts into sections, but keeping those thoughts that aren't completely different from the last one in the same paragraph. Everything you wrote could have been compressed into 1 or 2 paragraphs, but you chose to plebbit space it.

Me, on the other hand. This is what it looks like to organize your thoughts properly using paragraphing. I'm keeping the body of my paragraphs at an acceptable length so it's easy on the eyes and also being sure that I'm not condensing too much information into a single one. Adding white-space is a good thing, but do it in a way that makes sense, instead of just throwing it in there because you're used to the formatting of another social media website. Doing that just makes you look like a faggot.

>> No.16792387


>> No.16793684

Based. Fuck ledditfags.

>> No.16793797

That was never funny or made sense

>> No.16793939

why the hell would you crumb-coat it and not finish it with icing, this looks stupid and lazy

>> No.16793969

fuck me i want to eat that cake, fucking mutt Americans calling each other gay for having culinary skills and doing things that aren't just machismo ooga booga tough guy shit, mentally ill sick culture of posturing insecure cunts

>> No.16793975

this is the most white american thing I have ever read on this board

>> No.16793989

>French anything
Opinion discarded.

>> No.16794134

Only true oldfags know what reddit spacing really is, and no true oldfag would spoonfeed that knowledge.

>> No.16794139

fag detected

>> No.16794153

ikr that thing looks delicious bro

>> No.16794174

They're the best when it comes to making cakes and patisserie though

>> No.16794179

I'm a straight man that bakes awesome brownies. I don't know how to make anything else good though. I'd like to bake cookies well but mine are only average.

>> No.16794181

brownies and cookies are so simple even the local retard can make them, you have nothing to be proud of

>> No.16794187

I wasn't boasting. Just offering a retort to that post.

>> No.16794190
File: 65 KB, 392x500, 3508439399_fab030ceed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"true oldfags" don't care about paragraph breaks so they aren't reading a wall of text, hence images like this, the "reddit spacing" meme was always cringe

>> No.16794196

based. It always pissed me off when someone told me to go back for spacing out sentences when I'd already posted like that for a long time

>> No.16794197

don't care, didn't ask

>> No.16794200

Cum in de cace

>> No.16794259

you got it for free, faggot

>> No.16794262

go back

>> No.16794274

Looks good, I've made worse looking cakes and been paid for it

>> No.16794277

Fondant makes for good decorating, tastes terrible though

>> No.16794282

Semi-naked cakes are pretty popular these days. Don't know why but people will pay for them

>> No.16794336

Looks good OP, i've made several failed cakes lately. I personally think it has 10% more cake:frosting ratio than it should, and I'm not a fan of the bare-sides.

>> No.16795089


>> No.16795124

looks good but normal people don't like fancy things, this is good for you and someone you really care about, but for a casual dinner party just coat it with a thin layer of chocolate ganache next time

>> No.16795250

reddit spacing is a newfag filter in more than one way

>> No.16795261

well it's is a pretty fruity looking cake

>> No.16795366

Yeah I've cooked plenty that's harder than scrambled eggs ya cunt. It's still easier for me than baking. I've never done a beef wellington but I've made stuff like whole fish on the grill, beef bourgignon, chicken cordon Bleu/Kiev, even helped my gf make ice cream once. I just fuck up baking every time I try for one reason or another. It doesn't concern me much though, Ive got a bread maker so that helps when I want bread. For everything else I just buy it from my local bakery.

>> No.16795377
File: 168 KB, 500x666, spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a one giant run on sentence with no punctionation or much attention to grammar as long as it gets the point across kind of place unless youre also posting an image then you can post whatever you want to go with it because nobody is gonna read it they will just look at the image and keep scrolling

>> No.16795472

I'd eat that and kiss you on the lips

>> No.16795504

I'm pretty sure they're joking with you anon, given how dinner party usually ensues you bringing over wine but I don't know your friends so I dunno what fucking crowd you fuck with.
Either way you're cake looks decent but could use more moisture next time around.

>> No.16795514
File: 93 KB, 240x240, 1627777118811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start baking cakes if I want to attract a twunk top?
I already made apple pie.

>> No.16795531

That’s a nice looking cake, would eat, no homo

>> No.16795582
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x900, Trawler_rig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the flowers mate

you can make it taste bomb but don't make it look like a dress

>>nest time bring boobs shape cake

>> No.16795583

>>measure out exactly this much of this and exactly that much of that
>>mix into homogenous goo
>>pour in pan
>>shove in oven for X time

> what is choux pastry
> what is puff pastry
> wait wdym it's burnt? the heckin' reciperino said 30 minutes, and recipes are always right, and all ovens are identical, and all flour is identical

>> No.16795588

I don't understand how people say cooking using a recipe is "hard". Of course, it's a skill, and there is a world of difference between an amateur and a professional, but making a tasty meal using a recipe is literally braindead.
Have they never taken a chemistry class? Literally just follow the protocol.

>> No.16795597

>reddit spacing
>ceaseless contrarianism
>cooklet shitting on amateurs for not being pros
People like you should be banned on sight

>> No.16795626

This, show a woman you can bake and watch the panties fly

>> No.16795643

Why didn't you just decorate it with your boyfriend's cum?

>> No.16795735

That is my ideal cake. Just enough frosting and looks nice and dense

>> No.16795747

Sounds like they're hating on you OP. Your cake looks great.

>> No.16795865

Why does he look scared?

>> No.16796390

I'm not shitting on him for not being a pro, I'm shitting on him for shamelessly aping what is without a doubt the worst cake decorating trend of the last 15 years.

>> No.16796460
File: 282 KB, 1000x838, 1628268809793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right anons! Put the newfags in their place! We all know they're pressing enter after every sentence out of habit (just ignore the instances in their posts where they don't). Just look at pic related! Unsurprisingly the filthy reddit spacer is also a fucking namefag.

>> No.16796485
File: 71 KB, 600x860, klaus Pastry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you were dressed like this you're not openly gay - embrace your true self OP

>> No.16796498

>He types as his woman gets fucked to death by Ahmed and his pals

>> No.16796517

That the head cake faggot notices some microscopic flaw, takes him out back and shoves a rolling pin up his ass again.

>> No.16796527

They are projecting their own inadequacy onto you. They are saying "I couldn't do that, so I am going to cut you down. Do you think you are better than me because you can do a thing?" Most people are trash anon.
As for the cake, I like it. Your frosting was very smooth and even. Though I must say I agree with the anon about the decoration being a bit silly. If I do a cake like that I make sure to have extra fruit at the side. That way you can compose it how you would like without sacrificing taste.

Don't worry what others think, you should be proud of your cake that you made in order to make your friends happy.

>> No.16796783

moot was a gigantic redditor

>> No.16796809

He's the head cake faggot, one of the best patissiers in the entire world.