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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16790539 No.16790539 [Reply] [Original]

>“Immediately after eating, he left home for his sports activities, but he returned 30 minutes later because of headache, abdominal pain and nausea. At his arrival, he vomited profusely for several hours and at midnight had two episodes of water diarrhea,” the report said. “He did not receive any medication and drank only water. After midnight, he fell asleep. The next morning at 11:00 AM, his parents were worried because he did not get up. When they went to his room, they found him dead.”


>> No.16790554

The spaghetti was stored at room temperature for 5 fucking days. He deserved to die, and his parents as well for being complete retards.

>> No.16790556

>became sick after eating spaghetti and tomato sauce that had been prepared five days earlier.
idiot parents not having fresh food available for him

>> No.16790569

can mivrowaving long time (6minutes) kill bacteria?

>> No.16790579

if it’s botulism, nope

>> No.16790597

Guy was 20 years old

>> No.16790602

>eating heavy food before doing sports
deserved to die either way, good riddance

>> No.16790604

Knowing this is 4chan I wont be surprised if there's an actual retard doing that here kek.

>> No.16790606

It's not the bacteria that will make you sick, it's the "poop" of the bacteria. That's why even if you cook spoiled food it will still taste like shit and make you ill.

>> No.16790621

how about this
>cook a pot full of food
>stirr it couple times so it cools properly without hot pockets
>after cooling put into fridge
>eat for next 3-4 days
is that crazy?

>> No.16790635

That's fine and what normal people do

>> No.16790637

I'll eat leftover spaghetti the next day, but after that, it's in the trash. Same with jarred salsa and other tomato-based products. I don't use ketchup ever.

>> No.16790653

good. i was always afraid if i am sloppy and will poison myself one day

>> No.16790663

>spaghetti had been stored at room temperature

>> No.16790825

Spaghetti and rice that has been at room temp for more than 4 hours can and will kill you, especially the longer it's been left out.

>> No.16790842

maybe if we lived in the same disgusting conditions that you yourself do

>> No.16790886

Eugh i did get stomach ache a few times after eating rice stored for about 24 hours.

Better grab a few storage boxes for the fridge.

>> No.16790893

only the strong shall inherit this earth

>> No.16790994

Ok but holy fuck what a badass toxin. Look at this fuckin thing:


It basically completely fucks up the energy producing machinery in your cells, making your body shut down almost immediately. Similar target, though different mechanism, to cyanide.

Poor dude basically ate pasta laced with cyanide.

>> No.16791044
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Holy shit, that guy was stupid.
The Dark Lord recently ate the same bowl of spicy ramen for like 4 or 5 days straight but even he at least put it in the damn fridge in between.

>> No.16791075

I lived with bugs, mold and garbage (not to mention the thousands of spiders feasting on the bug larvae) under the same roof, had Spaghetti out for two to three days multiple times and it never went bad. I wonder what horrid conditions he lives in that it only takes hours

>> No.16791181

Also resists heat and cooking

>> No.16791258

>stored at room temperature
>5 fucking days
But why did they do that?

>> No.16791277

Have to watch out, that can make ligmun bacteria grow

>> No.16791347

Do you live in a dry climate?

>> No.16791446

To kill their retarded son, duh.

>> No.16791454

I often leave food on the stove unrefrigerated for twenty four hours and it doesn't go bad.

>> No.16791460

That doesn't remove the chemicals that the bacteria produced.

>> No.16791477

>put it into fridge
is the bit they didn't do that makes the process safe

>> No.16791505

>headache, abdominal pain and nausea. At his arrival, he vomited profusely for several hours and at midnight had two episodes of water diarrhea
>He did not receive any medication and drank only water
>After midnight, he fell asleep
>The next morning he was dead
Am I the only one disturbed by this? Is it not a case for at least a casual medical checkup if you have all the above symptoms NOT from alcohol and drugs? Even with hard liqueur I wouldn't think "lol drank too much" seeing that kind of shit THE SAME DAY.

>> No.16791545

oh thanks god, I thought the cat died

>> No.16791546


Food poisoning almost always comes and goes within a few hours. Unfortunate that this kid happened to take the equivalent of a lethal dose of cyanide.

If he did die from b. cereus, and probably cereulide, posioning, it's possible he wasn't in severe enough pain to go to the hospital, assuming the food poisoning would pass in a few hours.

>> No.16791552

I’m surprised he just ate that at all.

>> No.16791576

lmao i ate halal take out that i left out for 8 hours in my room... The rice was the best part

>> No.16791632

It's not likely after 4h, but it's possible. It's practically guaranteed after 2 days.

>> No.16791814

Sometimes I eat single strands of days old hard and dried leftover pasta that stuck to the colander. Just to get a little crunch. Obviously amount is factor here but that's a habit I probably should kick.

>> No.16792376

How hungry do you have to be to eat something that off?

>> No.16792400

tropical temperate

>> No.16792456

Hard and dried is actually okay, as there's relatively low moisture.

Here's a quick rundown of food safety for you retards. Bacteria and other microbes need a few conditions to thrive. Remember this acronym:


Food - bacteria needs food to survive, so anything sugary or full of protein will be a good medium.
Acidity - bacteria thrives between 6.6 and 7.5, and can tolerate acidity down to about 4.5. Lower than that and you can generally leave it out at room temperature, which is why you don't have to refrigerate ketchup.
Moisture - Bacteria needs a certain level of water activity to thrive. Dried rice, okay. Cooked rice that's absorbed its weight in water? Really bad. Meats, veggies and cheeses are also susceptible to spoilage. It's also why beef jerky and dehydrated fruits and veggies can be left out at room temperature forever.
Oxygen - Bacteria needs lots of oxygen to survive, which is why vacuum sealing food extends the shelf life. It's also why you should cover the food in your fridge, wrap it tightly, etc. Don't leave shit just sitting open.

And then there's Time and Temperature, which sort of go hand-in-hand.

Temperature is easy: Food that is between 4.5 and 7.5 Ph and has a high level of moisture activity and is protein or carbohydrate rich (which all food is) should either be stored at 41F or below, or above 135F. Anything between those two temperatures is known as the "danger zone", which coincides nicely with "room temperature". So keep food cold for storage, and keep it hot for consumption.

Time is a corollary for temperature: Anything that you intend to serve again should be cooled to 41F in a time no longer than 2 hours. Anything that you intend to throw away should be disposed of after 4 hours of sitting in the danger zone. All prepared foods should be disposed of 7 days after preparation, so no, that lasagna won't hold for ten days in your fridge. If you make something on a Monday, throw it away by Sunday unless you freeze it.

>> No.16792482

no it wont, only over 24 hours is a concern, even longer is its cold

>> No.16792490

thanks mate

>> No.16792556

Pretty common to know in general but good breakdown nonetheless. I wouldn't know what ph levels to use before reading this.

>> No.16792598
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Yeah, a lot of it is common sense, yet I still see shit like pizza left out all night from people I know.

I’m such a stupid stickler for food safety these days that even blackout fucking drunk, I still managed to ice bath a sous vide experiment I had left running.

Woke up the next day to this in the fridge.

>> No.16792669


Right, except you're leaving out anaerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacterial growth, which operates on different bases. The literal suspected cause of death in this cases was a facultatively anaerobic bacteria, b. cereus.

I'm not just being picky, I don't want people thinking that because it's dry and exposed to oxygen it's fine. It's not, lots of shit can grow in all sorts of environments.

>> No.16792685
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I hate this fucking idiot story. The original YT video (actually made by the doctor that dealt with AJ, apparently) is really fucking clear but it's right at the end.

The B Cereus and even the cereulide would have made him sick, but the cause was that the guy DRANK A WHOLE BOTTLE of PEPTO-BISMOL, which contains a hepatotoxic dose of, basically, aspirin, which added to the bacteria and the cereulide was like kicking a wounded man off a cliff.

So the moral of the story isn't even "don't eat old unrefrigerated pasta", which is good advice, but rather don't drink a whole bottle of pepto-bismol. For some reason every secondhand analysis of this story misses this detail and gets it wrong, and I've seen it come up enough times now for it to really piss me off. Trust some Fox News idiot not to be able to watch a 14 minute youtube video all the way through before breathlessly mis-summarising the video.

>> No.16792696

>capitalizing a specific epithet
surely you can't B cereus

>> No.16792706


Oh, wow. Yea that's a pretty fuckin big detail to leave out. An ENTIRE BOTTLE of pepto-bismol will literally kill you without any food poisoning needed.

>> No.16792720

I once had a fresh baguette in the fridge for a little over a week. I had already poured some olive oil before realizing it was rock hard stale. I ate it anyway, even though it didn't really sop up any oil. I was very queasy the next day.

>> No.16792737

>Trust some Fox News idiot not to be able to watch a 14 minute youtube video all the way through
why can't they just write a concise article with that information? i guess that wouldn't make money.

>> No.16792738

wtf they basically made an article on a chubbyemu video?

>> No.16792744

Right, don't use puffed up cans. But do we know if the bacillus here was aerobic or anaerobic? If it's exposed to any kind of air, even inside a container, it was likely aerobic.

>> No.16792780

Can you post more cat pics?

>> No.16792813

You keep it refrigerated? Most food will last at least 6 or 7 days if kept refrigerated before starting to spoil in my experience. Two days is being a little overcautious unless you have an immune system problem or something. Especially since tomatoes are acidic which helps prevent spoilage.

>> No.16792823

So is it dangerous if I eat pizza that's been out for a day or so?

>> No.16792825


>> No.16792829


>> No.16792849



>> No.16792952

you betchya

>> No.16793295


>> No.16793333

Why not :(

>> No.16793339

Why are there hotpockets in your food anon

>> No.16793346

>Spaghetti and rice that has been at room temp for more than 4 hours can and will kill you
Imagine being so retarded and living in this much fear lmao

>> No.16793370
File: 66 KB, 642x428, hand_marinade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killed by stale pasta
it'll happen to you too, eventually

>> No.16793387

>killed by stale pasta
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.16793999

this anon is correct, you can kill the bacteria but you still have the pyrogens (poop) left over. same thing applies to sterilization of surgical instruments.

>> No.16794020

Sure it will but it won't deactivate the toxin the bacteria produces.

>> No.16794063

whos joe

>> No.16794203

T. Stupid women with crohns

>> No.16794224
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>people check on him after not getting up one morning
>I go multiple days in bed during depression episodes and health problems and no one really cares
at least he had a happy life

>> No.16794297

Dude was American. We can't afford a casual check-up. You pound an Emergen-C and you sleep it off or you die.

>> No.16794314

The toxin is pretty easily destroyed by heat. Other toxins aren't so easily destroyed though.

>> No.16794382

If you think anyone's died from eating pizza leftout overnight you are the biggest wuss in the country

>> No.16794542

i guarantee this was a black kid , since the article is about some rando they just had to write a piece about, and the fact that he was stupid enough to eat spaghetti that was out for 5 days

>> No.16794548

people are more likely to have concerns when someone behaves out of character
>waaahh! what about meeee??????
no wonder no one checks up on you

>> No.16794559

Actually saw someone here say they leave food on the stove for days.

>> No.16794570
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>pizza left out all night
I used to do that all the time until I started watching a certain doctor on youtube. I don't really eat pizza any more though unless I'm catastrophically hung over

>> No.16794575

He was Belgian. Euros do retarded shit like this daily, it just happened to kill this one.

>> No.16794582

I actually keep all food that i eat over a camp stove with an infrared thermometer pointed at it and if it any time it drops below 135f i immediately throw it into a hazardous waste bag and throw it out, you can't be too careful, I have been looking into a system to keep a pantry at 160 constantly so I can start buying dry or canned food without it being dangerous

>> No.16794695

What country?

>> No.16794738

That spells FAMOTT

>> No.16794739

Were you getting sick?
It depends on where you live of course, but I've never had issues with leaving (covered) pizza out overnight.

>> No.16794756
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>> No.16794808

you would need to heat it to a temperature that is lethal to them and heat evenly the latter being difficult in the microwave. more precisely than the others said; bacteria produce exotoxins that will not be destroyed by heat (at least not at one low enough to keep the food edible) and further when they die they'll release endotoxins too. Then you have botulism spores as well which is why you want to be careful with rice

>> No.16794849

not really but it's not the best idea. meat could go a bit bad but the rest of it isn't going to go bad (unless maybe if your house is like 30+deg celsius for some reason)

>> No.16794851

because i cook bigger amounts so i can have proper meal every day

>> No.16794857


>> No.16794877


>> No.16794955
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>> No.16794964

didn't this guy also chug an entire bottle of pepto bismol and then go back to bed instead of going to the hospital, or was that another identical case of someone eating extremely rotten food?

>> No.16794967

see >>16792685

>> No.16794994

wait. AJ was black?

>> No.16795016

>Is it not a case for at least a casual medical checkup if you have all the above symptoms NOT from alcohol and drugs?
A casual check up would have basically said he had food poisoning with a treatment of send him home, advise him to drink an electrolyte replacement like Pedialyte, and to go to the ER if symptoms persist for three days. Even if he'd gone into a hospital, there'd be little they could have done other than stick a needle in him to keep him hydrated.

>> No.16795118

>5 day room temperature pasta

What did he mean by this

>> No.16795214

Does that really grow in environments with oxygen?

>> No.16795218

>which is why you want to be careful with rice
Even rice that you put in the fridge an hour or two after you're done cooking it?

>> No.16795251

Thanks for setting it straight, anon.

>> No.16795279

no that's perfectly fine. But I have found that reheating rice more than once (I used to bake a big casserole dish) will make it pretty nasty on my digestion, which is admittedly much poorer & more sensitive than the average persons. Regardless you want to be careful with leaving it out for a long time or reheating because botulism is a particularly nasty risk of food poisoning.

>> No.16795611

Oh look, another 4 hour retard. Couldn't even begin to consider counting the amount of times I leave food out and consume it over the course of a day, and I can count on my one hand the times I got mild diarrhea at worst from it.

>> No.16795640


>> No.16795650

That means 4 days is just fine if he was eating it every day.
Overnight is harmless

>> No.16795673

Jokes on you, I want to die.

>> No.16796393

candice cock fit in your big fucking coinslot

>> No.16796797

good luck, have fun.

>> No.16796814

I will, because I don't live in fear.

>> No.16796832

Neither did the dumb kid who died.

>> No.16796850

>ligmun bacteria
More like ligmu balls.

>> No.16796858

Do the Hot Pockets help bulk it out cheaply or something?

>> No.16796865

Do most my own cooking, get mildly ill with possible food poisoning rarely, but I have been directly poisoned before.
>get back from cafeteria
>leave lunch on desk and head to restroom
>get back and eat lunch
>couple hours later coworker suspiciously asked how lunch was
>feeling queasy driving home
>violently ill all evening, by midnight my body is entirely empty
>alarm clock wakes me, feel bad but rapidly recovering
>do work like normal, coworkers keep staring at me
>get called into the supervisor's office, he asks how I'm feeling
>I realize something has been going on, tell him I feel better than he does
>personally never before seen an expression that terrified
Kept tighter control on my food and water bottle after that, but that is all in the past now.
Working at Boeing was awful, and the murderous coworkers were barely human.

>> No.16796867

Well good thing I'm not functionally retarded enough to eat 5 day old room temp pasta then chug a bottle of pepto then.

>> No.16796895

OH NO I PASSED OUT WHILE DRUNK COOKING and my chili has been on the stove for 12 WHOLE HOURS

Buncha weak stomach pussies, I bet they are picky Eaters who special order at fucking fast food joints

>> No.16797092

Wtf? did the coworker poison you or what? Why the fuck did your supervisor ask you about it? Was it something office wide?

>> No.16797106

What the fuck, anon

>> No.16797120

spoiler: he took the jab

>> No.16797258
File: 6 KB, 214x235, dinnah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Student Ate 5 Second-Rule-Past Meatballs Off the Floor. This is What Happened to His Dick.

>> No.16797299

If you stored it for about five days in the fridge I suggest you take it out and boil it again and maybe freeze it if you aren't going to finish it in the next few days.

>> No.16797798

Lettuce does not belong on a burger when pickles and onions exist

>> No.16798204

>Similar target, though different mechanism, to cyanide.
Very good to know... very good.

>> No.16798233

I always did this never had any issue.

>> No.16798267

Vox Day eats ramen?

>> No.16798285

That's what I was thinking. I'm gonna rememver this

>> No.16798294

It does. It's not really important what order the letters go in once you have the acronym memorized, but for explaining it in the first place, it's important to outline why F A M O are a crucial function of T and T.

Like, you can leave crackers out forever, but that's because they're dry.

>> No.16798299

My fucking mother leaves food out almost all day, sometimes multiple days. She refuses to put things in the fridge because "she doesn't like the chill it gives it." She's fucking retarded and will end up hurting herself someday. I even bought her a fridge for her office, but she only uses it for drinks. I never accept food from her unless I know its point of origin. I'm not taking your fucking cake you left on your desk at all night from Amparo's birthday party yesterday that's fucking gross.

>> No.16798461
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So it's the poop of poop? IF my pOOp is made primarily of bacteria, then my poop is bacteria you could say, so if my bacteria poops, then my poop can have a poop, which is to say, it is poop's poop which is to say, it is lethal and live, so you could say, it is venomous.

>> No.16798562

>The student's roommate found the leftovers sitting out where they had been hidden, and thought they were fresh, and put them back in the refrigerator. The student found them in the refrigerator, and thought they were safe to eat.

>> No.16798609

>Not having perpetual stew going for days on end at a perfect 35 degree celsius

>> No.16798620

I’ve eaten pasta I left out for a day and I’m not dead, what gives?

>> No.16798684

Do americans really?

>> No.16798752

What did they get you with and what happened afterwards? Did you even found out who did it?

>> No.16799467
File: 73 KB, 474x549, raccoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice that has been at room temp for more than 4 hours can and will kill you
mfw I ate 3 pieces of over 1 month old sushi and was completely fine

>> No.16799472

>don't eat food left out for 5 days

no shit

>> No.16799494

>found the leftovers sitting out where they had been hidden
Why were they hidden?

>> No.16799605

That's because you're filthy and used to eating a lot of gross bacteria. I know it because I'm the same, I leave food out all the time and I've never had food poisoning in my entire life.

>> No.16799758

pasta starts smelling fucking awful after sitting on the counter for a day, who in their right mind would eat that shit? also
>being frightened by 1 day old pizza left on the counter
do americans really?

>> No.16799937

You dad is equally retarded for marrying and procreating with that retard.

>> No.16799942

>mfw I ate 3 pieces of over 1 month old sushi and was completely fine
Surely that doesn't taste good? You're also quite lucky, I've eaten some sketchy stuff but nothing that extreme.

>> No.16800007

Fat ugly cunts. Laughing at this young man, who had his entire life ahead of him, dying. You are the scum of the earth.

>> No.16800025

>who had his entire life ahead of him
Nah somebody that stupid wouldn't have lasted much longer anyway. Idiots usually have no trouble finding their graves early.

>> No.16800031

Gotta try harder for another (You)

>> No.16800044

This was almost 3 years ago.

>> No.16800049

Since I was so close to quints can I please have one?

>> No.16800065

Much longer than that, smartass.

>> No.16800086

didn't laugh, i simply laughed at retards being frightened by 1 day old pizza

>> No.16800157


>> No.16800322
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the two fish ones tasted like nothing though the rice was hard, the avocado one was pretty bad but still not the worst tasting thing I've eaten, some properly served foods have tasted worse


>> No.16800662
