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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 700x875, throat coat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16783033 No.16783033 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I moved somewhere with an awful dry climate and now my throat is fucking scratchy 24/7. I've been drinking throat coat tea every day and popping a cough drop in the morning, but it only helps a little. Is there any food or other drinks that can help? Anything I can juice?

>> No.16783138

maybe you need to get checked for hiv

>> No.16783183

You got COVID, HIV, or HPV. All are chastisement sent by God to afflict the wicked. So too often the wicked are too blind and proud to see that He does this for their ammendment and benefit. Ungrateful of His mercies, they continue to multiply their sins and upon death pay an infinite price for a finite life of debauchery, quarreling, backbiting, or in fine, vice which no mathematician so learned could reconcile. The solution is to repent and be genuinely sorry for your sins and never do them again. If you do not prefer death over repeating them, your repentance is not sincere. You must unite yourself to the will of God and do exactly what He prescribes. No room for free will. No room for liberty. No room for emancipation. If you die united to virtue and God, you gain eternal happiness which is a greater treasure than anything this miserable world can offer. It isn't just a sore throat. It never is.

>> No.16783291

Have you tried drinking water I hear it hydrated you

>> No.16783303

>I moved somewhere with an awful dry climate
Oh ya? Where did you move to? Did you bring your lemongrass?

>> No.16783341

Drink fucking water and stay hydrated, all that other shit is just drying out your throat even worse. If, after getting yourself properly hydrated, you still want to stimulate some extra saliva production try chewing gum or mints sweetened with xylitol, which naturally stimulates salivary glands. If you want to skip the artificial sweetener then try a stiff gum like Falim or pure mastic gum, since heavy chewing will also induce salivation to a degree.

t. dry climate liver

>> No.16783377

sucking dicks huh?

>> No.16784244

Are you telling me this throat coat shit is a meme? I used it once when I lost my voice and it came back a day later. I figured it was for real.

>> No.16784248
File: 54 KB, 425x1169, 71hm48k6sUL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also blue raspberry and watermellon.

>> No.16784266

It can help soothe a sore/inflamed throat, but it's not going to moisten a dry throat and it certainly didn't directly cure your hoarse voice.

>> No.16784292
File: 64 KB, 1017x1024, 1528328015437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your throat comfort right here boy
>*unzips dick*

>> No.16784305


Cooking isn't just a homo's hobby...r-right?

>> No.16784320

I read throat cumshot on the thumbnail.

>> No.16784329

Women do it too

>> No.16784397


Hope you are out here in Arizona. It's great out here, though allergies are tough. I recommend just getting a humidifier. That helps a lot. It's a hard allergy year too since we're having a near record rain year.

>> No.16785183

get their ginger tea
add a spoonful of honey after it cools to 40 deg c
drink slowly and it'll help your stomach and throat