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File: 66 KB, 960x960, Apple-Cider-Gallon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16777752 No.16777752 [Reply] [Original]

Apple cider is the superior fall drink.

Don't buy into the propaganda of Big Pumpkin.

>> No.16777757

i like mulled wine more

>> No.16777762

For me it's Applejack

>> No.16777771

that's more of a winter thing

>> No.16777794

How strong is it, cant see the ABV label

>> No.16777804

This kind is nonalcoholic. You can find it in gallons like this in the US. Haven't found nonalcoholic cider in EU yet.

>> No.16777812

Then it's not cider? It's just juice.
How is juice an autumn drink

>> No.16777828
File: 79 KB, 945x887, 240631636_3001274516820349_1356735665938479563_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat that

Yes it is

>Apple cider (also called sweet cider or soft cider or simply cider) is the name used in the United States and Canada for an unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic beverage made from apples. Though typically referred to simply as "cider" in the United States, it is not to be confused with the alcoholic beverage known as cider in other places, which is called "hard cider" in the US.


>> No.16777851

so basically, americans strike again

>> No.16777856

damn prohibition really did a number on the yanks

>> No.16777891

>went to the wizarding world of harry potter a few years back
>tried the pumpkin juice
>craved it every fall since then
>copycat recipes require nectarines, but my grocery store usually stops selling nectarines by this time of year
it hurts

>> No.16777908

It's just colloquial. Booze kinda sucks anyway. Ruins lives.

>> No.16777932

What do you mean, how is it an autumn drink? It's the fresh juice of a seasonal autumn fruit. That's like the definition of seasonal.

>> No.16777990

>americans dont have access to apple juice year round
I thought you guys were meant to be a first world nation, what happened

>> No.16778005


civilized people don't eat out of season vegetables

>> No.16778016

Apple cider refers to less filtered juice that is at most pasteurized. It's not available year round because it's not preserved. Apple juice is the filtered stuff that has preservatives n shiet

>> No.16778027

Can confirm. I made an apple pie last week using freshly picked apples from an orchard near me. Tasty, and in season.

>> No.16778047

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.16778264

It took me a VERY long time to find out that cider wasn't necessarily alcoholic in the US.
So it's just like cloudy apple juice, or is there some specific thing that makes it taste different?

>> No.16778280

Feds and Prohibitionists chopped down a ton of apple trees back in the 20s. Hard cider was everywhere prior to that.
There is even a folk hero called Johnny Appleseed that planted apple trees all over the midwest. Most of the apples were inedible and used to make cider.

>> No.16778853

Applejack is a cider derivative. If you brew it the right way you get an opportunity where the boozy part floats to the surface and you can skim it off. It's fucking delicious and probably around 30% or higher.

>> No.16778971

You need to freeze it. The water will freeze, but the alcohol and the flavor will still be liquid and can be drained off. You can repeat this until it won’t freeze anymore. This is commonly referred to as cold distilling.

>> No.16778978

Yes, that's the trick I couldn't remember off the top of my head. Kudos to you anon.
It is extremely delicious.

>> No.16778982


>> No.16779009

American here. Yeah we have apple juice, apple cider, hard cider and apple jack. Juice is typically the store bought processed stuff. Cider is usually pressed and fresh with nothing additional added to it, hard cider is what the rest of the world calls cider. Yeah we are retarded.

>> No.16779018

>fall drink
what's a "fall drink" who only drinks certain things at certain times of the year?

>> No.16779209
File: 819 KB, 1596x896, 1628307496079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is TWICE as expensive as apple juice by the gallon and tastes the same and takes less effort to make

>> No.16779252
File: 36 KB, 544x408, DrunkPumpkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16779255

This is around the time when apples are in season, so the quality should be better. Also, food cravings can change a little bit with the weather, e.g. a lot of people prefer hearty stews in winter and lighter foods during summer.

>> No.16779305

You realize that only civilized people can eat out of season vegetables.

>> No.16779345

make yer own, boy

>> No.16779352
File: 150 KB, 355x425, trader-joes-honeycrisp-apple-cider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are back next week, finishing off my stash from last year.

>> No.16779385

so its called 'cider bit is actually just juice? do americans really?

>> No.16779843

>european education

>> No.16779922

>unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic beverage made from apples
So it's apple juice. What the fuck happened that you call natural apple juice cider and the processed to death filtered apple juice actual apple juice? You must be joking.

>> No.16779936

Picking this up soon--I made due with fuji apple juice from Wegmans. I haven't been to Trader Joe's in more than a year.

>> No.16779967

why is this such a big deal to you lol

>> No.16779983

Not everyone has an orchard, farm, or a press, in this current cosmopolitan hellscape in which we find ourselves.

>> No.16780019

No. Water is the only thing you should drink year round. Do you have your body or something?

>> No.16780469

Why are you seething so hard about this? What about "colloquialism" is hard for you to understand? This is apple cider. Alcoholic cider is hard cider. Apple juice is filtered, and it can be all natural *or* artificial. We have choices.

>> No.16780500


>> No.16781840

Are you retarded or something? Cider is only seasonal, and it's actual apple juice with slightly bad/old apples the orchards can't sell whole. Only europoors think it has to be alcoholic. You fags barely even grow apples.