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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16774721 No.16774721 [Reply] [Original]

>Watch cooking video
>"And this is our final product."

Is there anything more soulless than calling your dish a "product"? I get it, it is technically a "product" but it sounds so unappetizing and soulless it sounds like the dish came off a fucking conveyor belt. Like, give it an actual name that makes it really appetizing. Like, christ.

>> No.16774942

In all seriousness, I think you're just autistic.

>> No.16775074

what did i do

>> No.16775096

I don't have a problem with it. I think you have a bit of an overactive imagination. Someone says one word and you feel like you're in a factory? What?

>> No.16775100

Usually people who are into business and mass producing "products" usually use the word products. Using the word "product" on one dish makes them look like intellectual tryhards who think they know how to run a business. And plus, "products" does not sound sexy with a dish. At all.

>> No.16775109

>now that we have finished the product, let us commence the act of consumption

>> No.16775111


>> No.16775113

Okay, I see where you're coming from, but I've adapted to the world around me by bridging ANOTHER logical gap in my brain where a "product" can ALSO be something produced to meet specifications, like a dish. It's in your insistence that a word can have only the connotations you want it to that the logic of your argument falls to pieces, and is probably the reason people don't like you.

>> No.16775114

It's good. Like when you're having sex and your gf whispers how nice it feels to have your penis in her vagina. Buckets of cum every time.

>> No.16775120

>Okay, I see where you're coming from, but I've adapted to the world around me by bridging ANOTHER logical gap in my brain where a "product" can ALSO be something produced to meet specifications, like a dish.
CRINGE CRINGE CRIIIINGE. Call it a product all you want but you just made the dish very unappetizing at all. Give it some flare, give it some PERSONALITY. There's more to a dish than being called a mindless, "product".

>> No.16775121

>is probably the reason people don't like you.

>> No.16775125
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So fucking mad

>> No.16775135


>> No.16775362

Consume the product so you can get excited for the next product

>> No.16775472

Based consoomer

>> No.16776261

speak for yourself

>> No.16776302
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if you don't consume your food w-what do you do with it?...

>> No.16776303

Take your meds

>> No.16776802

that's right x8

>> No.16776817

Shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.16776917


>> No.16777229

You're not supposed to want to fuck your food. You're literally just turning it into shit. You probably do that with sex too though.

>> No.16777236

I love how this fag here thinks this is some "gotcha" hahahahahah fuckin loser.

>> No.16777243

Autists really don't understand jokes, huh

>> No.16777246

And autists like you don't know how to notice sarcasm. Jesus anon.. It's a joke. Chill.

>> No.16777249

came here to post this

>> No.16777258
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>> No.16778483


>> No.16778511

How many times do we have to see this thread?

>> No.16778516

You just have a poor grasp on the English language.

>> No.16778550
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>You just have a poor grasp on the English language.

>> No.16778553

I would have a problem with it if he were calling his meals a product, but I think "final product" is just a phrase used to say he has finished the production of the meal.

>> No.16778575

I have similar thing about calling food a "dish"
Like I'm not an autist (even have a medical document that says "probably not autistic") so I don't sperg out about it or anything.
Just a weird aversion, yanno?

>> No.16778595

>>I have similar thing about calling food a "dish"
What about calling a woman a dish?

>> No.16778619

Better she's a dish than a pair of plates, ay-ooooo

>> No.16778754

This is such a female concept that is hurts. It's functional. That's all that matters. Stop bitching.

>> No.16778767

how can soul be a female concept? they literally don't have souls.

>> No.16778771

Based as fuck.
You're the only man who thinks this way. Cringe.

>> No.16778896

Wanna know how I know you don't have jobs? You sperg out when something is pure function over form. Function is all that's necessary. Form is excess. Only bitches care about form.

>> No.16778907

It's soulless because it comes from a glossy-eyed husk who wants to be youtube famous more than he likes cooking, shot in 8k in a perfect near studio kitchen with quirky presentation, like every other channel. "Product" is just icing on the cake.

>men behind religion, philosophy, great works of art, music, cooking, etc
>"soul is a female concept"

>> No.16778923
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LMFAOOOO why are you so mad?? who hurt you? this is next level autism right here

>> No.16778924

>Only bitches care about form.
Not true. There's tons of petty faggots, ex-millitary retards, rich people, or anyone that works in an office job that are the same way.
It's not just bitches. I think it's a generational thing desu

>> No.16778926


>> No.16778931

it's projection

>> No.16778947
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>> No.16778954

stfu peasant, luxury is god's gift to nobility.

>> No.16778955
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>> No.16779269


>> No.16779303

English is my second language but I associate"product" with packaged shit I buy at a supermarket.

>> No.16779722

A product is anything that is produced, it's totally acceptable for the circumstance. Also usable:
>end result
>what we made
>clever artifice
>fruits of our labor
>that which mine hands have wrought

>> No.16780003

Notice how none of these responses give reason for their response? Should say something about the amount of faggots and women on this board.
Fairy tales
Other people doing your thinking for you. Philosophy is Jewish corruption.
>great works of art
Art is for commies. "This color means I'm happy :)". Get a damn job.
Ah yes, muh wiggly air. What could I ever do without it?
This is the only acceptable one because food is necessary to survive.

Everything you just listed is only admired by faggots that participate in post-industrial society. None of that shit has been good since it has become widespread after industry. What the hell would Uncle Ted say about you, motherfucker?
You know what's true function? Cabin in the woods that you built yourself, with guns you engineered yourself to protect yourself from animals and strangers. Doesn't have to look pretty because form is for faggots. It is necessary to unplug yourself from the western media machine, survive, and keep your sanity. You are a true plebeian.

>> No.16780594


>> No.16780596

>they don't cut into it or taste it at all
Not making it.

>> No.16780928


>> No.16781835

>going on youtube
Holy proprietary botnet, Batman.

>> No.16781961

you think watching the food network is any better?

>> No.16782202

I never said that. Cable is just as bad. Do your legs hurt from jumping to conclusions, frog?