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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16770035 No.16770035 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee is good for you. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries and COFFEE ONLY.

>Favorite brew method
>Favorite Coffee
>Favorite additives

Previous thread NO FUCK OFF

>> No.16770042

coffee melts your teeth and gives u sludgy poos

>> No.16770050

I just jerked off. Coffees for this feel?

>> No.16770056

is coffee good for you?

>> No.16770061
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pic related

>> No.16770068

ew wtf is that

>> No.16770069

Here's my iced coffee recipe, I hope you guys make it and then tell me what you think:
>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.16770073

It was pretty funny though right?

>> No.16770077


>> No.16770079


>> No.16770088



>> No.16770099



>> No.16770101

she looks like a hammerhead shark
why her eyes so far apart

>> No.16770112
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>> No.16770122

Duh nuh
Duh nuh

>> No.16770128

Man that was a bad attempt at transliterating the jaws music

>> No.16770134

Anyone else have shitty cold brew recipes they'd like to throw out?

>> No.16770138

Don't start your fucking bullshit in this thread. No. Leave it alone you fucking asshole.

>> No.16770146

Its no longer funny.
That goes for both of you. You had your fun, now stop

>> No.16770171

So I don't need to take pictures of me blooming swiss miss before adding some cold brew?

>> No.16770174

And yet you understood him

>> No.16770183

Why would you bloom swiss miss? STOP. FUCKING. TROLLING. TALK ABOUT COFFEE

>> No.16770204

it melts your teeth and gives u sludgy poos

>> No.16770226

I think she's hot
I take a cup or two almost every morning to help me waking up. I literally have an electric jar with water and all the elements close to me on a table right next to my bed so I can make it without even getting out of my bed.
It's instant coffee by the way.
Sometimes I keep laying while/after drinking in bed and use the stimulant effect to enjoy music or tv before actually getting up

>> No.16770229
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>Why would you bloom swiss miss?
So all the flavors get to know each other and mingle you silly goose.

Today we'll be making my famous "so good you'll cum yourself " cold brew. You're going to need 25g of your finest yirgacheffe and we're going to be balancing that out 25g of a nice syrupy guatamalan.

>> No.16770235

Letting the flavors get to know eachother is a real thing.
Cold brew hot bloom is a real thing. You're really seething over the fact that you don't have a palette, aren't you?

>> No.16770239



>> No.16770243

That's what caused all the fighting? I'll give it a go, that doesn't sound terrible. You hyped it up a little auistically but nothing strikes me as disgusting.

>> No.16770248
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Is a 1980s europiccola a good buy?

>> No.16770257

I don't think it sounds bad, either, BUT ITS CAUSING FIGHTS SO IGNORE IT.

What's the price?

>> No.16770294

baka desu senpaichi

>> No.16770314
File: 3.36 MB, 4344x2904, PXL_20211001_044131872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its cafe du mond and spices.

We'll be blooming 36g of the finest swiss miss milk chocolate at 160f for 3 minutes. Don't want to burn these delicate flavors. You're going to want to stir it up until it looks like the pic on the right.

>> No.16770319

Would it be a good buy in general if it's in good working condition? Watching a video of this asian guy saying he has a DE1 and loves his europiccola

>> No.16770328

too much work

>> No.16770332

>Its cafe du mond and spices
So why does it make you seethe so much?
>Blooming swiss miss
Are you so new to coffee that you think blooming isn't a thing?
>Anon, you lost the right to shit on the concentrated milk faggot after what just happened in the other thread.
>It's not even up for debate anymore, you're a flat out liar.

>> No.16770340

Please no

>> No.16770346

/ctg/ - steak general

>> No.16770351
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Self sourcing may be the weakest form of internet argument.

Now you're going to want to cool down your swiss miss slurry. Can't be brewing with hot water if its called cold brew amirite? Don't fill your carafe too much. We've still got to add the coffee!

>> No.16770353

>Shoving shit in a jar together and putting it away for 12 hours is too much work
Welcome to /ck/

>> No.16770365

>Self sourcing
Anon did you just admit that you were talking to yourself? Two of those comments would appear to be yours... Were anons last thread who said you were samefagging right? This is some of the saddest attempt at manipulation and trolling I've ever seen.

>> No.16770373

Anon, you have spent 7 hours, an entire workday on this. You have been fuming for 7 hours because a dude bloomed some cold brew. You samefagged and bickered for a whole day over some dude's coffee... Are you OK?

>> No.16770375

Been using a toddy because I only like cold brew, all I got is a blender to grind ( coarse) and spring water it's bretty good still enjoy the cans at the convenience store though

>> No.16770376

Shut the fuck up and go to the other thread

>> No.16770379
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One of those five posts is me and its really not that hard to figure out which one.

Now you've got just to slip in your filter, pour in our delicious ethiopian and guatamalan blend, and give that bitch a stir. Take a moment to admire your creation and reflect on our journey. Pat yourself on the back because you've just made your first batch of "so good you'll cum yourself " cold brew. Stay tune for more /ctg/ approved recipes.

>> No.16770382

>would buying a 1997 PC be a good buy
>"how much is it"
>not important, is it a good deal
I'll ask you again: HOW MUCH IS IT

>> No.16770390

"Self sourcing is the weakest form of argument"
>He sources you
"Only one is me"

>> No.16770392

He's not asking about the money he wants to know if it performs well for it's age fuckkk

>> No.16770402

Isn't "well" relative to price and age? If its 20000 there's obv better options, not that it'd be that ecpensive

>> No.16770406

Are you really actually this dumb? He replied to my post and linked to 4 other comments in the other thread.
>Only one is me
Its probably the fucking comment here he replied to.
Has yet to post about coffee, just bitched. I just posted a step by step brew guide. Contribute or leave.

>> No.16770413

Pretend he's the richest man you could fathom, and has no concern for price. Is it a good performing gadget?

>> No.16770415

This is the worst thread in the history of 4chan sage

>> No.16770416

Are you incapable of considering whether or not an espresso machine is good, disconnected from cost?

>> No.16770419

>Who's going to have a breakdown first:
>anon 1 who dumps 10 pounds of concentrated creamer in his coffee
>anon 2, who gets triggered by concentrated creamer
A third party completely unrelated to the two >>16770390

>> No.16770423
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It's anuddah shoah

>> No.16770424

Are you incapable of considering whether something is good, based on the cost/performance ratio? If you're so smart, how about you stop mouthing off and answer his question?
No, its not, buy something more modern if you have unlimited money

>> No.16770426

You obviously didn’t see the previous one

>> No.16770431

No. Shitty workflow. Nonstandard parts. Pressure bomb. Needs a $100 heatsink right off the bat.

>> No.16770450

I'm basing it on soul bro soul exists in a realm separate from how much it costs. If you don't see it that way, thats just fine. I just wanted to see if anyone had any experience with one and you faggots can't stop starting mandrama for 5 seconds to actually talk about the coffee in the coffee time general.

>> No.16770459
File: 45 KB, 427x400, 1632677832143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a jx pro it'll change your life

>> No.16770464

He just asked how much, shit

>> No.16770468

The last thread was a psycho and a retard going at it for 8 hours and then both of them wanted to drag it into here.. I'm not sure if it's hilarious or sad, really. Kinda sad, I think, that 2 men could act that way.
Soul doesn't do you much good when the equipment is a piece of shit that adds nothing but trouble to your life and needs replacement parts. A zippo with a dent has soul, a 1980s europiccola is just terrible

>Ask question to try and be more helpful
>Get bitched at

>> No.16770583
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>> No.16771280

thoughts on the sage bambino plus? I can get a refurbished one for £170

>> No.16772285
File: 92 KB, 1545x869, 1597788402607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a cold brew from a new cafe. They didn't use cafe du monde or any spices, so I don't think I will be going back for the coffee. However the place was packed with milfs.

>> No.16772298
File: 1.70 MB, 2546x3708, 72C8FA87-6529-43BF-9237-D11BF3B9E33E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, is there anything more relaxing than those layers and colours?
Sometimes I thrive coffee just to look at it.

>> No.16772316

Boomer detected

>> No.16772320
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>french press
>pic related

>> No.16772384
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that is NOT big suze

>> No.16772403
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Coffeebros we forgot our sparkling water and feel jittery and nervous now

>> No.16772446

Only a few more hours on my "so good you'll cum yourself " cold brew.

>> No.16772567

Did you actually make anon's sugar filled recipe or are you the swiss miss poster? It sounds like thai tea except with coffee to me... Which, okay, that's good but not jizzyourself good

>> No.16772792
File: 1.94 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211001_200839072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just doesn't get any better than this folks. The caramel and herbs from the ethiopian and the clean honey + darker chocolate notes of the guatamalan really pair nicely with swiss miss's dry milk chocolate.
>It sounds like thai tea except with coffee to me
You're going to have a much better time starting out with a better base. Cafe du monde is stale preground vienna roast coffee with depression era fillers. With a fresher non shit tier dark roast, you're likely not going to have to drown the entire thing in sweetened condensed milk to make it palatable.

>> No.16772844 [DELETED] 

Did you actually make anon's sugar filled recipe or are you the swiss miss poster? It sounds like thai tea except with coffee to me... Which, okay, that's good but not jizzyourself good

>> No.16772849

Wtf, it reposted my old post? Weird, clover must be bugged.
>This dude is still raging a day later over some rando's coffee
Kek this is peak mental disorder.

>> No.16772896

Its hard to rage when you're sipping on "so good you'll cum yourself " cold brew.

>> No.16772904
File: 236 KB, 800x545, seething_milklet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been throwing a tantrum for almost a day anon.byour family is worried about you.

>> No.16772914

What is swiss miss, if not sweetened chocolate milk?

>> No.16772917

>bitches about anon using milk
>uses milk himself
I can tell you one thing: Swiss miss posting is off topic.

>> No.16772930

Kek. actually got a chuckle out of me

>> No.16772937
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My coldbrew is about 5% swissmiss by weight. 95% on topic. Bitching about coffeeposts being off topic doesn't seem very productive but hey, you do you.
>bitches about anon using milk
I'm complaining about low tier coffee in a coffee thread. Its nothing new. Having to cut the taste of low tier coffee with additives, sweetened condensed milk and some saturated fats via coconut milk is a different story.

>> No.16772949

>He needs to put swissmiss in his coffee so it doesn't taste like shit
Maybe you should choose better coffee.
>Bitching about coffeeposts being off topic doesn't seem very productive but hey, you do you.
Don't pretend you're doing anything but starting up drama for the second day in the row
>I'm complaining about low tier coffee in a coffee thread.
Says the dude who has spent 2 days talking about putting honey and swiss miss in his coffee because it tastes like shit
>Having to cut the taste of low tier coffee with additives
That is literally what you do though.

>> No.16772968

I started with the honey and almond milk because he tried to claim my criticism was invalid because
>Lmao you're one of those black coffee only fags, aren't you?
Immediately refuted. Pretty simple.
>He needs to put swissmiss in his coffee so it doesn't taste like shit
Why are you under the impression I need to do that? Because I made a meme pitcher of cold brew to prove a point? Reaching.

>> No.16772984

>I've only been posting about the same thing for 2 days because someone said I only like black coffee
So your solution was to make the shittest coffee you could and make 20 posts about it when the person who criticized you isn't even around anymore? Are you that unhinged?
>Immediately refuted. Pretty simple.
If you immediately refuted him, why are you still whinging a day later?
>Why are you under the impression I need to do that?
Because you have done nothing but talk about how great your swiss miss is for a day.
>Because I made a meme pitcher of cold brew to prove a point?
No because you're still shitting up the thread a day later. Are you trolling? I'm actually asking, I don't know if you're trolling or if there's actually something wrong with you.

>> No.16772990

Milk doesn't belong in coffee.

>> No.16773002
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Whatever anyone wants in their coffee belongs in it.
Stfu and stop feeding the troll
Stfu and calm down

>> No.16773009

>Because you have done nothing but talk about how great your swiss miss is for a day.
Are you autistic? Do you not recognize when someone is being flippant or facetious? I deliberately ruined 50g of fresh roasted single origin beans for a fucking bit. And it still tasted better than cold brew cafe du monde.
>So your solution was to make the shittest coffee you could and make 20 posts about it when the person who criticized you isn't even around anymore?
Correct. ctg got more traffic in these past two threads than the past 20 combined. You're welcome. Now post about coffee or fuck off. There are 3 actual brews posted in this thread and none belong to you.

>> No.16773033

>Are you autistic? Do you not recognize when someone is being flippant or facetious?
The flippant/facetious train ended a day ago. This is just sad anon.
>I deliberately ruined 50g of fresh roasted single origin beans for a fucking bit.
And then you drove the bit into the ground so hard I'm convinced you actually like swiss miss and honey in your coffee. Doesn't that hurt your teeth? How much sugar do you eat in a day?
>And it still tasted better than cold brew cafe du monde.
I can not imagine being so enraged over another person's choice of coffee that I spend a day and a half ruining my own drink.
>Correct. ctg got more traffic in these past two threads than the past 20 combined
Anon, if they're not around, what is the point? What do you have to prove?
>More traffic
You drove away all of the posters and killed one thread, and have started to kill another. You've taken all enjoyment out of the thread over your temper tantrum... because someone used beans you don't like.

That's not a good look.
>Now post about coffee or fuck off. There are 3 actual brews posted in this thread and none belong to you.
My post is about your monstrous "coffee," therefore, it's 100% on topic. Stay mad.

>> No.16773042

You can put milk and sugar in your coffee, I just think you have no taste. You shouldn't worry about my opinion though, so no need to respond.

>> No.16773052

>doesn't that hurt your teeth
He's probably pretty fat if it doesn't. I hope its a gag but I have my doubts.
>I just think you have no taste
I think you're a mental child who can't handle others having a different opinion. Most of the world drinks their coffee with milk, cream, sugar, etc.
>So no need to respond
You shouldn't worry about my opinion of your opinion though, so no need to respond

>> No.16773099
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>The flippant/facetious train ended a day ago.
I clearly announced I was bringing it to this thread. You're going to tell me cold brew recipes don't belong in ctg?
>Doesn't that hurt your teeth?
At this point in your life, you should probably own a top of the line oral b and a waterpik.
>I can not imagine being so enraged over another person's choice of coffee that I spend a day and a half ruining my own drink.
When you're holding 50lbs+ of greens, you're able to waste a few grams.
>My post is about your monstrous "coffee," therefore, it's 100% on topic. Stay mad.
Metaposts about posts aren't on topic. You haven't contributed a single thing to this or the last thread.
>Most of the world drinks their coffee with milk, cream, sugar, etc.
To cut the taste of poor quality beans and/or roast. Pic unrelated.

>> No.16773112

Isn't the coffee a bit grassy or sour at that light of a roast?

>> No.16773117

>I clearly announced I was bringing it to this thread.
"I clearly announced I was going to troll, so it's ok"
>You're going to tell me cold brew recipes don't belong in ctg?
Trolling to the point you ruin threads doesn't belong in ctg. Don't play stupid.
>At this point in your life, you should probably own a top of the line oral b and a waterpik.
>It doesn't hurt his teeth
Oh my god how many pounds of sugar do you eat a day?
>When you're holding 50lbs+ of greens, you're able to waste a few grams.
I could have 1000 pounds of greens and I still wouldn't get so butthurt over someone else's coffee that I'd throw any away.
>Metaposts about posts aren't on topic.
It's not a metapost, I'm talking about coffee. I'm on topic.
>You haven't contributed a single thing to this or the last thread.
How do you know?
>To cut the taste of poor quality beans and/or roast. Pic unrelated.
Says the dude who needs to cut the taste of his poor quality greens with honey...
He uses enough sugar to cover the grassy taste

>> No.16773145

Not really, which is kind of surprising. The kinu's burrset favoring the finer grinds probably help me out a fair bit though. Thats guatamalan taken up to 385 in just under 10m. I wanted to play around with the flair 58's potential for light roasts so I'd have a frame of reference/be able to answer questions. Its a bit lighter than I'd usually go, but I held it at temp for a bit more development time.
Rich dark cherry/stonefruit notes with a bit of chocolate. Chocolate probably comes forward to a point as you take the roast darker.

>> No.16773148

>Not really, which is kind of surprising.
If you're adding a lot of honey, that wouldn't surprise me. Honey is good at masking flavors

>> No.16773169

90% of the time I'm pulling 17g at just over 2:1. Did you ever have any issues with reading comprehension in school? Seems like you could have really benefited from some extra attention.

>> No.16773172

Anon I'm not sure what that has to do with what I just said. There's only one mention of both "17g" and "2:1" on this page. Do YOU have issues with reading comprehension? No need to get upset friend, I was just saying that honey, while delicious, can cover up the delicate flavors of your coffee. Maybe go a little lighter on it next time, kay?

>> No.16773177
File: 268 KB, 1280x958, 5759E20A-C7BF-419D-A443-8EDD474F6A2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart attempt #6

>> No.16773184

You're getting better every day anon! Good for you. I think you'll get there in a month or so.

>> No.16773209
File: 25 KB, 270x280, tpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not like the incredibly clearly joke cold brew is sitting on a $200 espresso scale, next to a tamping mat with a distribution tool. Try to keep up. The great thing about image boards is you can reread and look at images as long as you need to. No rush! Think before you post is what I always say. Even the fucking captcha agrees with me.

>> No.16773221

Good job bro
Yeah that's great an all anon, but you still hadn't mentioned those two things before. It's not my problem you have bad memory and can't remember whether or not you've mentioned your weight and ratio.
>It's not like I wasted $200
Yeah but you still wasted money though, that's the thing. All someone had to do to get you to hurt yourself, even minorly, was mention a type of coffee you don't like. Kek. You're still crying and trying to justify yourself.

>> No.16773232

I want something closer to the flavour profile of pourover, but is simple enough that I can make half-asleep in the mornings, I'm too out of it to pour hot water properly nowadays

Are the espro french presses worth the retarded pricetag? People say they have a less "gritty" taste and the stainless steel one that's like a thermos seems pretty neat.

>> No.16773241

If you have the money, go for it.I think they're overpriced For what you get but not a bad option if you have the dough desu

>> No.16773243

Sounds really slow for that light of a roast, I guess that would get rid of the grassy flavor. Might give that a shot since I have all this coffee I'm sick of anyway.

>> No.16773244

Yes that man is clearly measuring his cold brew and pourover to the hundredth of a gram. Think before you post.
Looking good. Way cleaner than the last two I saw. More defined edges. Did you see that baristanon's advice last thread about pouring higher?

>> No.16773266

Who mentioned hundreth of grams? Anon said grams, anon 2 said grams, you said 1/100th grams. Please do keep up so you don't embarass yourself.

>> No.16773285

Hario switch/clever dripper? Pourover cones with a valve at the bottom. When you feel like fucking with proper pourover brew with the valve open, when you don't just dump in all your water and do other shit while it steeps like a french press.
I've got another 20lbs of it to play around with, thats just what I did for the first batch. I've done two 30g+ origami brews and pulled a few turbo shots with it. No glaring flaws with either but I'm sure I can dial the roast in better. Maybe I'll fuck around with sifting some.

>> No.16773288

How many digits you see past that decimal homie?

>> No.16773293

Holmes nobody is using decimals rn but you, smdh

>> No.16773300

>he doesn't sift

>> No.16773323
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, 20211002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local cafe is closing

>> No.16773337

Nice, good to know that it's not a complete ripoff then. While the cash is not a problem I'm still a cheap fuck most of the time so yeah.
Didn't know about these, thanks for the suggestion, gonna research it a bit further.

>> No.16773338

bye fren :(

>> No.16773348

Time to buy an aeropress.

>> No.16773350

That ain't gonna cut it, you're fired

>> No.16773389

tfw he doesn't have the limited blacked edition

>> No.16773441

Made some great espresso today lads.

Normally warm up the brew chamber on my Flair by putting it in a mug and covering it in boiling water and then leave for a minute or until needed. Thats what I did when I first got it, and on the first bag of coffee I had, I was pulling great shots. Stuck with that but struggled with a few coffees to really get the best out of them.

Anyway, today I decided to heat it, dump the water and add more boiling water, and then do that one more time to get it as hot as I could. Everything else remained constant. The coffee I have been drinking for the last week was completely different. So much more body and sweetness.

I was really shocked. Seems like quite a small difference but such a big result.

>> No.16773490

When I had a flair signature I'd do fullboiling water in a yeti cup and soak the chamber in that once or twice. The new tek is to use the steam off your kettle to heatsoak it, so you may want to experiment with that. I think people in the fb group are buying a silicone funnel to set the chamber down into a kettle.

>> No.16773508

It doesnt balance well on my kettle unfortunately. I am in the market for a new one though. Stagg looks best but is only 600ml which isnt really big enough for my needs. Tempted by the Brewista Artisan which is 1L, although the base looks a bit big.

>> No.16773584
File: 123 KB, 1475x1467, 71iZg9UhcSL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stagg is .9L. Great kettle. Here's the funnel the flair youtube guy recommends for steam heating in any kettle.

>> No.16774080

Probably. He likes really light roasts and considers city+ or FC to be burn-down-the-garage dumpster fire coffee. Exceptions could be made for so good you'll cum cold brew cafe du monde, as they should be.

>> No.16774088

I feel like you're fighting the flow here by not trying to pour latte dicks.

>> No.16774122

>city+ or FC to be burn-down-the-garage dumpster fire coffee.
Which is why I take 2/3 of my brazilians well into second crack.

>> No.16774125

Just open the garage door and use a fan next time bro.

>> No.16774142

He enjoys smoking out his entire house skilletroasting over an open flame.

>> No.16774176

Try not to be jealous of my advanced roast development skills.

>> No.16774192

Small ethiopian co-ops have progressed past squatting over a skillet.

>> No.16774197

What is so good you'll cum cafe due mobd? Isn't that not a light roast?

>> No.16774391
File: 142 KB, 1080x934, 20211001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still gonna visit this thread. Just saying goodbye to my fav local cafe (flc). Peace!

>> No.16774632

Fat hands

>> No.16774682
File: 23 KB, 632x747, sweetenedcondensed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone liked my cold brew recipe. Going to regulate my emotions with a can of coconut cream.

>> No.16774849

Lol. That was the worst /ctg/ we've had in a while. It was like 250 spergy shitposts and 50 about coffee.

>> No.16774972

Tried the pumpkin cream cold brew at starbucks today, that shit was lit frfr no cap

>> No.16774977

Going to try the pumpkin iced latte tomorrow morning see how that smacks

>> No.16775428
File: 69 KB, 625x626, report bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to ignore troll posts, not to respond to them, and to report.

>> No.16775456

peepee poopoo
don't forget to announce it too

>> No.16775473

>Favorite brew method
French Press
>Favorite Coffee
Henauer Camocim Cafe Crema Beans, ground at my local supermarket in the 60 year old mechanical machine with continually adjustabe grind
>Favorite additives
Milk, nothing else pls

>> No.16775705
File: 472 KB, 682x960, fat_honey_loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one:
>absolutely no one:
>literally no one:

>> No.16776092

Should I by a moccamaster or a Wifa Svart Classic+

>> No.16776177

You should buy an aeropress and jx pro.

>> No.16776199

Buy a Kinu and a Kalita Wave

>> No.16776252
File: 77 KB, 762x754, oilbutterlardandmayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a new latin american themed brew. So far its nescafe de olla and dulce de leche.

>> No.16776316

i use one of those funnels to put fluids in my car

>> No.16776426

Oh. For some reason I thought it was 0.6. I think id prefer the Stagg in that case. Im not sure if there are any retailers in the UK stocking the Black and Walnut version though.

>> No.16776484

Thats the one I was looking at getting. Ended up with the normal black/black one since I figured I didn't want to bother with having to oil. I guess I could have put a few coats of salad bowl finish or something. No complaints. The flair58 portafilter sits right on the handle so I can steam my basket to get a few more degrees on my first shots.
You should probably lurk the brew with flair facebook group. I say lurk because the admin is a massive faggot and locks posts if people don't search months old threads to bump.


>> No.16776528
File: 117 KB, 440x232, honeygrasshoneyunderroastedbeansandhoney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one of the most prissy people on this entire board, to the point that you act like a woman. Someone used some coffee you don't like so you complain for 2 days. I can smell the estrogen pouring out of you, slow down on the soy milk.
Buy an aeropress, you won't regret it. Best coffee-related purchase I ever made.

>> No.16776549

>Best coffee-related purchase I ever made
What other coffee related purchases have you made, just so I can get an idea of how good it is.

>> No.16776554

He's a shitposting troll. The aeropress is fucking garbage and is universally maligned in /ctg/. But this spamming retard has been shitting up the thread for two days now with his retarded cold brew recipe and now ironic aeropress shilling.

>> No.16776565
File: 877 KB, 3219x2109, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I was making a joke. The aeropress is fine for like $30 and it's what got me into making my own brews 5 years ago.
>But this spamming retard
You've made 8 posts in this thread sneeding about someone else's coffee from the last thread
>has been shitting up the thread for two days now
You've done nothing but talk about someone else's coffee recipe. Lmao, talk about projection.
>The trolls! They're everywhere!
Take your meds

>> No.16776571

I'm not the same person that you were talking to earlier, schizo

>> No.16776573

>A sanfranciscoite and a fatty both acting like faggots
Imagine my shock. Report and ignore, do not give them (You)s.
It isn't, anon's either stupid or joking

>> No.16776575

>shitting up the thread for two days now with his retarded cold brew recipe and now ironic aeropress shilling
I've been shitting up these threads for several years, trashing the aeropress the entire time.

>> No.16776576

nah the aeropress is unironically good. have sex incel.

>> No.16776577

>I've been shitting up the threads for several years
Are you saying you've been trolling?

>> No.16776582

That's nice dear. Post about coffee or leave.
Good? It's okay for the price. Not what I'd call good, if you have any budget at all. The fact that *edditors like it should tell you something.

>> No.16776587
File: 2.69 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211002_174457744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occasionally. Other times I compile ebooks for you retards or purchase physical books for anons who never post again. Some guy wanted the chemex recipe out of here.

>> No.16776598

>immediately starts backtracking
Just cause you do post someone else's writing once every couple months doesn't make you not an enormous faggot

>> No.16776600

>It's okay for the price
And for the same price you could get an actual pourover brewer like a V60 or a Kalita and some filters and make actual coffee.

>> No.16776605

To be fair, you can make "actual coffee" in the aeropress. It won't be good coffee, but it'll be better than the garbage 90% of people are drinking

>> No.16776607

Backtracking via answering your question. Kek. You've still yet to post about coffee. Just estrogentubes.

>> No.16776624 [DELETED] 

You are one of the most prissy people on this entire board, to the point that you act like a woman. Someone used some coffee you don't like so you complain for 2 days. I can smell the estrogen pouring out of you, slow down on the soy milk.
Buy an aeropress, you won't regret it. Best coffee-related purchase I ever made.

>> No.16776629 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 254x254, 1618736340809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aeropress coffee isn't good because... because it just isn't okay??

>> No.16776631 [DELETED] 


>> No.16776633

>Backtracking via answering your question. Kek.
>Admits to trolling
>"Did you say you're trolling?"
>Only occasionally! I also do good things, see! See! I'm not a troll! Please don't call me a troll
>You've still yet to post about coffee. Just estrogentubes.
>Nooo u can't just talk about the coffee related subjects you want to, you have to talk about what I want
Nah, if it's on topic I can say whatever I want and you can't stop me. What are you gonna do, post about me telling you "no" for a week and cry?
Fair, but the V60 is almost half the price and the kalita is more expensive IIRC, but not by much

>> No.16776636

La Spaziale. Needs to work for a few hours before it delivers.

Jamaican Blue Mountain.

No additives.

Mineral water. 1300m and above.

>> No.16776643
File: 148 KB, 800x789, 1618656715520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The environmental estrogen bisphenol A and its effects on the human organism
good thing they don't make it with BPA anymore

>> No.16776653
File: 87 KB, 924x857, final_5e0cd5986ada0700140462b2_502735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have my opinions or I'll call you names
That gives me less confidence. The thing about BPA is, it's been studied. The non-BPA stuff has so little research that it could actually be WORSE for you and we wouldn't know

>> No.16776663

You keep asking if I was trolling with the swiss miss, when we've clearly established it 20+ hours ago. Its not a "gotcha". I'm acutely aware of my actions. Please go buy some cafe du monde and brew a few cups. You're bitchy before you get your coffee.

>> No.16776670


>> No.16776674

Good thing they make it out of tritan now right?


>> No.16776686


>> No.16776690

>We already established 20 hours ago
I'm not the same person you were arguing with yesterday. Not everyone is out to get you, schizo.
>It's not a gotcha
It is. If you admit to being a troll, nobody will take you as seriously, they'll start to look at you like a retard (which you are).

>> No.16776702

>People start shitting on anon
>Suddenly 4 posts within 30 seconds of eachother
really makes the noggin jog

>> No.16776719

>I'm not the same person you were arguing with yesterday.
Does that matter? Its clearly posted in this thread. You read these things top down. Take as long as you need.

>> No.16776746
File: 394 KB, 512x384, UaLpJOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep sipping and investigating sherlock.

>> No.16776758

>Does it matter
>...when we've clearly established...
You and I didn't establish shit. Stop trolling and post about coffee.

What are some god coffee you anons have had lately? There's a place down the road from me and everything there is delicious, but I have to cross the highway to get there. The beignet are incredible

>> No.16776767

Ah so you're a paranoid chud and a samefag. Let's go through the reasoning.

>BPA proven bad
It's not made from BPA, irrelevant post.

>non-BPA not yet proven bad or good, despite being FDA approved
>there could be estrogenic effects
Not really a solid argument, you consume estrogen through other sources with no ill effects. You've fallen for a /pol/ meme here.

Now let's look at the procedure of that study.
>Prior to applying stresses at CCi, resin pellets were compression molded at 230°C into 4 × 4 × 1/64 inch thick plaques. Heat and moisture stresses were obtained by sealing plaques in individual crimped packets of aluminum foil and placing them into a Tuttnauer autoclave set at 134°C for 8 minutes.

>Microwave stresses were obtained by placing samples into glass beakers and microwaving them in a 1200 W oven set to “high” for two minutes, allowed to sit for 30 minutes, and the cycle repeated 10 times. Alternatively, samples were placed in EA-free polypropylene tubes, microwaved on “high” setting for three minutes with a resting period of 30 minutes and this cycle repeated 5 times. Both methods produced very similar results.

I don't know anyone who bakes or microwaves their aeropress, that would be retarded. It's made of polypropylene, I don't know if Tritan falls under that category either. I'll let you know if I become impotent or start growing tits though.

>> No.16776778
File: 3 KB, 278x66, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16776783
File: 354 KB, 1174x990, 1632843952189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based post. Have a sip on me, anon

>> No.16776795

The absolute state of aerocels. Not only will you shill a worthless product on a Cambodian flyfishing forum for free out of some misguided sense of brand loyalty, but you will defend to the death that company's right to literally poison you with their product. Thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.16776797

this lel aeropiss faggots are so delusional

>> No.16776808

Tritan is safe and effective, chud. Drink the aeropiss.

>> No.16776811 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 281x75, Dial 8 you will never be a woamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed, cope.
"Anyone I don't like is a shill"

>Batchposting again
You're making it obvious that you're samefagging. You're supposed to wait between posts anon.

>> No.16776820

>Cites the science when it conforms to his views
>Samefags when it doesn't

>> No.16776826 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1860x1494, Screen Shot 2021-10-02 at 2.34.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo AND plastic loving it's crazy

>> No.16776828

I didn't post any of those NCBI articles, I joined in just to make fun of retarded aerocels.

>> No.16776836 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 691x802, untitled 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy and a samefag! It's crazy

>> No.16776931

I've been pulling espresso shots so this faggot quits crying. There are at least two other people chiming in.
webm incoming bitchboy. get brewing.

>> No.16776971
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211002_190144431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too coarse.

>> No.16777009

I mean, I'm tired of hearing him bitch and moan about the same person for 3 days now but staying up to make a fag stop whining about other people's coffee? That's almost as bad.

>> No.16777023

aeropress bros we should make our own thread so we can discuss aeropress recipes and stop bothering these fine gentlemen here

>> No.16777069

Maturbation is a useless maladaptive behavior that leads to compulsive sexual behavior. Daily masturbation results in inflammatio, low motivation and mediocrity.

>> No.16777081

I've tossed 2 and taken a sip of the third. Its nearly dialed in. I went from pulling the ethiopian to the coldbrew blend back to the guatamalan so I just eyeballed the grind. The empty cups have smelled great. Almost like cherry cider.

>> No.16777275

That's the bellman right?

>> No.16777299
File: 2.20 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211002_195301893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pullman 17/19g basket in a flair portafilter. This one pulled ugly but its delicious. Doesn't even taste like coffee, just like dark cherry juice. Grinding finer next. Taking a break to smoke some wax and figure out how to retain image quality and get the webms under the filesize.

>> No.16777345

I've had my aeropress for four years and the rubber gasket on the plunger has been replaced twice now. It wears down and the seal weakens allowing coffee to seep around it as I press.

How much rubber are aeropress users drinking?

>> No.16777420

The seal wearing down is probably from the gasket shrinking, rather than material loss. If you really thought you were drinking rubber, you wouldn't be using it still

>> No.16777436

Sure I would. Plastic is in everything now. Every time someone scrapes a plastic container with silverware they're getting plastic in their food.

>> No.16777541

What the fuck are you scraping your aeropress with?

>> No.16777595
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 530E8CC2-73FF-4AED-A25E-8C3CAAA64AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart attempt #7

>> No.16777602

>storing food in plastic containers
kek, you aeropiss cucks are pathetic

>> No.16777616

"Sure I would"
This feels like someone pretending to be an aeropressfag for an easy counter argument. This is known as consensus cracking.
It's a little small but the shape is defined.

>> No.16777654

what's the best coffee for pre workout before hitting the gym? couple shots of espresso with maybe with splash of cream and a little sugar for the extra energy? or cold brew?

>> No.16777698

Give this a shot.

>> No.16777702 [DELETED] 

You realize that posting this racist frog is essentially the same as saying nigger right?

>> No.16777708
File: 2.82 MB, 2600x1950, gettyimages-542502429-27867461d697a947417e7f8760b72b1c96880582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16778826

And look at that. Once we start posting ontopic the noncoffeeposting shitstirrers dry up.

>> No.16778841

That's right!

>> No.16778863
File: 292 KB, 1906x1219, 1631127661849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store brand coffee grounds. Black. Simple as.

>> No.16778889

Why is coffee good for you? Increase of cortisol can't be good for you.

>> No.16779393

>coftards think their isnt plastic in everything and everyone

>> No.16779401

for most westerners it's what they get the majority of their antioxidants from

>> No.16779441

has anyone tried putting butter in their coffee? is it as good as people say it is?

>> No.16779543
File: 151 KB, 644x1000, a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's good if you follow USAian trends but I personally don't like my coffee too oily.

>> No.16779581

in a high-power blender it's really good. i'm not one for dairy in coffee but this was alright.

>> No.16779595

Depends on the butter.

>> No.16779597

No, it's terrible. It tastes bad. It does not emulsify unless you use a blender. It is inferior in every single way to cream. It is stupid and only stupid people drink it.

>> No.16779953
File: 272 KB, 2300x1533, 5454243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried basically every brewing method known to mankind. Cheap espresso machine, expensive espresso machine, french press, pour over, chemex, vacuum brewer, moka pot, clever dripper. Basically called it quits once I discovered the AeroPress which imo is the best compromise between consistency/taste and practicality.

Lessons learned:
- Fresh beans and a grinder is a must. If you're not grinding your beans you're not drinking real coffee. Wilfa Svart/Black is the most bang for buck grinder on the market.
- Water boiler with variable temp is also a must. Electrolux EEWA7800 comes at a bargain price.
- Specialty coffee is not as important as having good quality fresh beans. The difference comes down to roast, specialty coffees are usually a light-medium roast when the bag says medium, which gives more fuity complex tastes. And also freshness, which you can circumvent by digging through the bags at the grocery store and grabbing those in the back and then storing the beans in an airtight container.
- The easiest way of frothing milk (aside from an espresso machine ofc which is a pita for many different reasons) is in a french press, like a small one cup Bodum.
- Stick with the original AeroPress recipe and not those retarded hipster upside down minute long methods etc. 80C for medium to dark roasts and 85C for light roasts, 10 second stir followed by a slow press. The quick brew and low temp is what allows the coffee to maintain its complexity and you can easily modulate the brew with a seconds more or less stirring time, keeping everything else consistent.
- Don't bother weighing the beans. Weigh once when you open the bag and remember the volume, then repeat the process for the next bag. This is exact enough. They're only anal about weighing in commercial settings because they have retarded zoomers making the coffee and it would be impossible to maintain consistency without a short leash - they do the same thing with fastfood workers.

>> No.16779973

>I've had my aeropress for four years and the rubber gasket on the plunger has been replaced twice now. It wears down and the seal weakens allowing coffee to seep around it as I press.
Stop doing the upside down method. It's retarded and defeats the purpose of the brewer.

>> No.16779996

>hurr durr, coffee tastes better if you crudely pour scorching hot boiling water over it because a bunch of retarded hipsters on plebbit told me so
Imagine unironically being this retarded.

>> No.16780035
File: 33 KB, 480x444, 13346946_596203123887068_2728247746624091901_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No posts for hours then 3 aeropress shills within 20 minutes. Strange.

>> No.16780051

>People who are afraid of plastics are actual paranoid schizophrenics
Who would've thunk?

>> No.16780055

>Basically called it quits once I discovered the AeroPress which imo is the best compromise between consistency/taste and practicality.

>> No.16780071

>Random no context quote, supposedly to prove a point of some sort
Ahhh, that clears everything up schizo-bro. Yes, I am indeed a mind-reader and your cryptic messages makes total sense. I too have seen through the bullshit. We're all friends here...
*slowly backs away without breaking eye contact*

>> No.16780176

Everyone knows 0230cst is prime time for pressposting.

>> No.16780193

>Y-y-you don't g-get it d-dude, th-there's a p-pattern, I'm n-not sch-schizo at a-all
Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why people are "shilling" the AeroPress is because it's really just that good and people find it very useful? Like, how actually fucking arrogantly retarded do you have to be to assume that they like most people who use fresh beans haven't gone through a plethora of other brewers before landing on the AeroPress?

Even more ironically, retards who sperg out over the AeroPress also always seem to "shill" for the real meme-brewer of choice, the hipsterish "no ackchyually, you should try this" NPC cucklord go-to answer above all go-to answers: the pour over.

And what are the "ackchyual" high IQ merits of the pour over then? Nothing. You're crudely pouring scorching hot water over an extended period of time on a substance that likes a quicker, colder extraction to preserve its taste. It's beyond stupid. Like arguing the merits of a standard fucking coffee machine with a hot plate and preground beans. The amount of autism required to come to the "brilliant" conclusion of "ackchyually, pour overs" should cause anyone with a functioning brain to pause.

But you don't have a functioning brain. You just went with whatever seemed like the "artisan" method of choice and you gargled down multiple gallons of cum and you bought it, not ever once considering the fact that you were literally just pouring boiling water of coffee and banking on the idea that filtering it through a "special" filter would make it taste better? So how fucking stupid are you on a scale of "I pay a premium for special filter" to "I don't pay a premium for special filter"? You're literally paying a premium subscription fee of sorts while accusing other people who are not paying this subscription fee of being "shills". There are Gillette fags who are less gullible than you are.

Absolute retard. AeroPress chads > schizo filter subscription virgins.

>> No.16780211

The absolute state of presslets. Its a paper filtered french press that leaches estrogen. As evidenced by your tirades on nicaraguan basket weaving forums. Post some more please.

>> No.16780215

Drank instant espresso earlier today and it caused me a panic attack. Fuck coffee.

>> No.16780219

we've been over this, you're not supposed to go on autistic fits, just promote the product

>> No.16780223
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16780235
File: 380 KB, 800x800, pla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a paper filtered french press
>3 minute unfiltered brew at 95C = 10 second filtered brew at 80C
>You will eat the bug
>You will sleep in the pod
>You will take the shot
>You will wear the mask
>You will buy the filter
>Btw, you can also wear the filter as a mask, Plebbit... so you're actually saving money!
>Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!!
This is the state of filter-cucks. This is how immaculately smooth your brain has to be to make you a return filter customer.

>> No.16780238

>you will buy the trendy gadget
>you will drink the plastic
>you will be happy

>> No.16780254
File: 128 KB, 1500x1500, 61zFAfyFhBL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's brown, therefore it tastes better
>I don't mind paying a little bit extra for quality
>Cheap, superior product? Tsk, tsk, must be some sort of ruse
>Yeah so the secret is in the pouring action combined with the filter quality, you see
>Didn't taste good? Did you buy the filters from the European factory of the Japanese factory? The filters from the Japanese factory are soo much better
>Why they're better? I.... umm... fuck off, shill!
>Can you believe those AeroPress shills? Just that time of the day, I suppose. According to my Excel spreadsheet they're busiest around 02.30 CST
>Hold on, gotta hyperventilate into my filter

>> No.16780258

lmao didn't read enjoy your estrogen

>> No.16780265

>L-l-lol, d-d-didn't r-r-read *sob*
Shut up and pay your fee, filter-cuck.

>> No.16780384

Is this pasta?

>> No.16780450

>samefagging to recover from btfo

>> No.16780529

Did you write that post or is it pasta? I was going to comment on it, but realized it might be fake and I didn't want to feel like an asshole.

>> No.16780543

See, the problem with the shit in the last thread and in this one (to an extent) is that it drives away normal posts and interesting posts. Everyone defensively posts sperg shit to try to be cool or funny. I'm just not in the mood lately. Banter doesn't work when it's not funny material.

>> No.16780599

>Did you write that post or is it pasta?
Who me? Yeah I wrote it and no it's not a pasta. I've not followed the other threads, I just scrolled through the thread and spotted schizo-anon sperg-raging against the "secrit AeroPress cabal" or whatever and decided it'd be fun to add my .02 for shits and giggles. It's my real opinion though, albeit slightly sharpened to maximize the autistic reaction. I do love the AeroPress and think it's the bee's knees and the best thing since sliced bread, but I honestly couldn't give a shit how you make your coffee.

>> No.16780648

I take a 100 mg caffeine pill before work and on my days off I just drink a couple teaspoons of Medaglia D'Oro powdered espresso with a splash of whole milk. Sometimes I will buy half n half. I sometimes use coffee just as a way to drink cream.

>> No.16780843

I snort 100mg caffeine powder before work and on my days off I just snort a couple teaspoons ofMedaglia D'Oro powdered espresso with a splash of powdered milk. Sometimes I will buy powdered half n half. I sometimes use coffee just as a way to drink cream.

>> No.16781612

>low temp is what allows the coffee to maintain its complexity
Thanks for succinctly proving to us that you have literally no idea what you're talking about. Now we all know not to listen to anything that you have to say since you're clearly retarded.

>> No.16781616

Like I said, it smells like a consensus cracking troll. ignore him

>> No.16781641

/ctg/ has been a shithole for at least 2 years now. I used to post a lot when it was good but then it went downhill and I stopped even looking at the threads for a long time. It was never this bad though. This one dedicated autist has been shitposting for like 4 days straight now at all hours of the day.

>> No.16781666

Someone just learned the term consensus cracking xDDDD

>> No.16781909

>spotted schizo-anon sperg-raging against the "secrit AeroPress cabal"
>I didn't post several spergy samefag rants at 2am, no no that was a response to an hours dead discussion I happened to stumble across.
You like how he strawmanned pourovers then patted himself on the back for it?
> AeroPress chads > schizo filter subscription virgins

>> No.16781956

I don't understand what point he was even trying to make with the V60 filter thing since the goyimpress still uses proprietary filters

>> No.16781983
File: 621 KB, 4812x3208, Aesir_Filters_-_IMG_3633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooooooooooo you CANT use 3rd party filters to improve your brews you HAVE TO USE AND REUSE THE ONES THAT COME IN THE BOX!
I think from this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing we've cracked the case. By the time you'd have to reup on ap filters, its time to replace the whole unit. You see what that shit does to your brain.

>> No.16782034

You know I disagree with you but I have spent the past four minutes laughing at "goyimpress"

>> No.16782086

Everyone else take your meds

>> No.16782105 [DELETED] 

>Hey this partial and out of context quote is dumb
No the quoter is a retard, retard.
>listen to anything that you have to say
Yes, you definitely should listen to anything I have to say. Thank you so much for acknowledging my superior knowledge. (This is literally you, retard)
>I'm a paranoid schizo
The coffee clearly isn't helping. Take your meds.
>/ctg/ has been a shithole for at least 2 years now
Lol. So you've been autistically sperging in this autistic thread for TWO fucking years, gatekeeping against what you deem to be bad brewing methods? Un-fucking-believable. Beyond pathetic. I was joking about the Excel spreadsheet but I guess the rabbit hole really does go that deep, huh? Maybe it's time to take a break and go back to Plebbit?
>This one dedicated autist
Overly invested, gatekeeping, autistic, paranoid schizo engages in samefagging to avoid mental breakdown; assumes everyone else does as well. What else is new?
Take. Your. Meds. Schizo.

>Someone just learned the term consensus cracking xDDDD
Hail Great Satan!

>> No.16782175

I use a $10 Mr. Coffee brand drip coffee maker with generic Walmart brand pre-ground coffee. Literally not going to spends hundreds more per year just to give my caffeine addiction some kind of false elegance, and I'm not going to trick myself into think there aren't much more tasty things to drink than coffee.

>> No.16782238

You keep using that term gatekeeping. Its not gatekeeping if we're showing them the fucking gate. Calling you a faggot doesn't restrict others access from being a faggot.
>What brewer should I buy?
>Wouldn't you like to know newfag.
That's gatekeeping.

>> No.16782317

He's not even forming coherent thoughts anymore. Just complete verbal diarrhea and regurgitating memes in contexts where they don't even make sense.

>> No.16782318

>Everyone I don't like is a retard, schizo, autistic, spaz
You're arguing with people that agree with and against you.

>> No.16782604

Look. I know im responding to a mongoloid, i know. But i have to tell you. You dont know anything about coffee. Read all the faggot books you want. Go to coffee fest and turn your nose up to the italians and masturbate over synesso. Go pay thousands of dollars to be a q gradee and look at coffee under a uv light. Go for it. I dont even care. Just remember kid, i was stripping trucks of supremos while you were in fucking poopy pants diapers. I remeber when Choc full of Nuts delivered coffee in a fucking rolls royce. Your playing yourself, kid.

I have over 100 specialy offerings from 97 different countries of origin in contianer quanities AT ALL TIMES. Wow you say mr. Coffee broker bean KANG you just doxed yourself on the internet, but i dont care. Fuck you. Ive been doing this so long i was playing golf with the nca guys before it blew up ive been a member and disbarred by the scaa more times then your punk ass has even been on there mailing list. Ive FUCKED my way through more coffee roasters secrateries than you even have in your rolodex. I have a warehouse filled with over $1,000,000 of espresso equipment laying DEFUNCT.

People like you, kid, people like your are marks, customers, losers. Go ahead, drink your shitty overextracted coffee; freeze your green coffee; hook up thermoprobes to your estrogenpress, buy a 1 bag Lorring. But to me kid, youll always be a loser and a faggot

>> No.16782646


>> No.16782648

Sperging like a mongoloid muppet over differing opinions due some weirdly possessive attachment to a thread on 4chan is definitely gatekeeping, moron. The only gate you're qualified to show anyone is the gate to the mental asylum.
>What brewer should I buy?
>I like AeroPress becau--
>Who the fuck is this guy?
>Yeah, who asked you, retard?
>Sooo... this is getting a bit weird. Bye.
>Yeah sorry about that, anon. Give it a try though.
That's gatekeeping.

>Lazy pasta

>> No.16782651


>> No.16782687

>Sperging like a mongoloid muppet
Just zero self awareness.

>> No.16782690
File: 21 KB, 200x194, 1553094890499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heat up milk and add tasters choice instant
Used to add 1/3rd pouch of Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix to it in the winter

Very tasty

>> No.16782757

>Be me
>Enter thread
>"Mmm, coffee... this could be good..."
>Scroll down
>Some stupid fucking fag or fags are sperging at several anons, crying about samefagging and plastics in an obvious psychotic paranoid state of high tier schizophrenia
>Lel wtf?
>Apparently this has been going on for days, kek
>*tink, tink, tink* "I have an important announcement to make..."
Absolutely zero self-awareness.

>> No.16782770

Based and swissmisspilled.

>> No.16782782

sad for the state of us.

>> No.16782937

I have horrible grastric reflux. Doctor basically says I shouldn't drink anything else except water.
I need coffee to wake up in the morning.
What type should I drink ?

>> No.16782947


>> No.16783080

Caffeine pills probably.

>> No.16783209

smoke weed

>> No.16783229

This, but unironically.

All my gut problems vanished once I started using the sticky icky.

>> No.16783340

I like tea but it's not enough to wake me up.
Same thing.
I live in a country where it's illegal and I have no friends.

>> No.16783379

What country

>> No.16783414


>> No.16783866

Interesting question. Are you taking a proton pump inhibitor? Three things to avoid: robusta blends, light roasts, and coffees from Kenya. Kenyas are typically some of the most acidic coffees. In general coffees grown at the highest elevations are more acidic than lower elevations. Robusta coffee is more acidic than Arabica coffee. Lighter roasts are more acidic than darker roasts. South and central American coffees, Sumatran coffees, and some Ethiopians are lower acid naturally. Good luck finding Ethiopians roasted to a medium or medium dark though. You can also cold brew to make it less acidic, or add a pinch of salt to balance the pH a little bit.

>> No.16783944

>That's gatekeeping.
>the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.
Again, calling it a shitty brewer does not control or limit access to the device or the thread. Try harder.

>> No.16784295

The amount of autism in this thread is astounding

>> No.16784669

you could easily make it better just by running a toothpick through it

>> No.16785016

ersatz grain coffee (you can often find it at Polish stores) + a caffeine pill
normal coffee is too acidic

>> No.16785074

>Finally try the coveted MRE "Coffee, Instant, Type II" stuff that people always meme about
>Literally the worst cup of coffee I've ever had in my life

>> No.16785087

Can anyone reccomend me the cheapest possible decent hand grinder, i do filter brewing on my V60 but i only have an electric blade grinder that was gifted to me and even with shaking it and all i still get a bunch of fine powders

>> No.16785129
File: 92 KB, 1080x1080, u15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the question; you want a hand-grinder to grind coarser?
If that's the case, any hand-grinder would do.

>> No.16785396

Just wanted to get more consistency, probably a burr grinder or something, problem is i get wildly varying sizes from the blade grinder, from acceptable to basically dust

>> No.16785445

dude you just posted this image when you made a thread earlier quit it download more than one image your computer can take it i promise my dad works for nintendo

>> No.16785632
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, received_711991382491209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never make iced coffee as good as the Vietnamese do

>> No.16785664

nice n hot

>> No.16785671

coffee is good for you

>> No.16785735

Can confirm my dad is the Sega ceo and our dad's just had lunch and discussed this last week

>> No.16785873
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20211004162911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.16786069

Are you a woman?

>> No.16786343

Femboy ;3

>> No.16786353
File: 29 KB, 600x471, Yall-Got-Any-More-Of-That.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall got any more of that caramel sweetener

>> No.16786361

>love coffee
>also suffer from anxiety
what just god would do this to me

>> No.16786381

One with a sense of humor

>> No.16786400

Some anon with a slayer is making the shitty cafe du monde cold brew right now. I think he should top it with dalgona.


>> No.16786420
File: 142 KB, 1169x1114, E3VSi26VEAs_9u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think live was a tragedy........ Now I realize...... It's a comdy.......

>> No.16786491

DM me your feminine penus

>> No.16786501


Watch this then downvote him so I don't feel bad for shilling random tubers.

>> No.16786589

Flexing your kitchen appliances on 4chan while pretending to make meme coffee... Is this the final form of buyfaggotry? Pathetic desu.

>> No.16786650
File: 522 KB, 976x836, 1633061637821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure roasters lie about their roast dates.

>> No.16786661

Yeah you've really cracked the case. I much prefer my flair to the slayer single group.

>> No.16787619
File: 3.25 MB, 3024x4032, cappuccino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a cappuccino today

>> No.16787641
File: 976 KB, 720x720, joe-coffee-aeropress-serve-step-8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeropress is the best coffee gadget there is experiment with it

1, 2 filters
light, dark, medium,
inverted or standard

it's the best combination of price and taste

>> No.16787652


>> No.16787653

The quick brew and low temp is what allows the coffee to maintain its complexity and you can easily modulate the brew with a seconds more or less stirring time, keeping everything else consistent.

>> No.16787660


>> No.16787667
File: 328 KB, 930x671, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time pouring latte art ever
i think it looks like a perfect seahorse

>> No.16787670

Kek is this the new official /ctg/ pasta?

>> No.16787691
File: 18 KB, 588x586, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerochad here. I don't even care that it's made out of plastic, in fact I am so high T that 1. I'm not afraid of any plastic and 2. Any estrogen could only help balance things out.
Pic related is how I typically use my aeropress.

>> No.16787738

>in fact I am so high T
We already assumed you were a tgirl, princess.

>> No.16787749
File: 130 KB, 620x380, Screen-Shot-2014-02-10-at-10.07.50-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


undeniably based

I laugh at the delusionals who waste their time
on fancy equipment

>> No.16787815
File: 46 KB, 700x544, 20210927-180515-Varela - Benjamin - Sept 27 2021 cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16787842
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, BCF8CC58-5B07-4EA7-B195-FBA536823771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is shit, mainly because caffeine is shit.

If you want a stimulant stop being a pussy and do coke or cigarettes. Coffee on the other hand is a garbage drug that will just make you lethargic and tired all the time after long term use.

>> No.16787854

>caffeine is a garbage drug that will just make you lethargic and tired all the time after long term use.
>do coke or cigarettes

>> No.16787871
File: 34 KB, 343x343, A1A876C7-6234-4F8D-9B23-F5A6CDBDE528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have literally never done cocaine or smoked a cigarette if you think caffeine is better in any shape or form.

All caffeine does is make you chronically tired. It is a shit tier drug. The only good coffee is decaf because it doesn’t contain that garbage drug in it.

>inb4 decaf bad
Nah, if you don’t like decaf that means you don’t actually like coffee, just the garbage drug that’s in it.

>> No.16787878

cocaine is for women. do meth like a man

>> No.16787895

>false flagging for (You)s
Happens in every general thread, bored resident schizos need constant stimulation so they try to start fights when the thread slows down.

>> No.16787909

>comes into a coffee general threat to shill cocaine and cigarettes

ok buddy, maybe you should go to your dealer for your next hit?

>> No.16787923

Do you like decaf coffee? Answer honestly.

>> No.16787925

The fact that people still drink coffee just for the sake of caffeine is baffling to me. Why would you drink something that you hate, and go out of your way to find the cheapest and shittiest version of it at that, just for a buzz? Surely energy drinks or caffeine pills would be more effective than drinking coffee if caffeine is all that you want?

>> No.16787926

It has its place, you can make good coffee with decaf.

>> No.16787929
File: 259 KB, 1476x1990, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16787936

looks like you've got some thick crema there which is inhibiting your design. If it's too thick the milk can't cut push through it, hence why it lumps and ends up narrow. Try swirling the coffee cup beforehand. Make sure the crema is all mixed before you start pouring, should help your designs a ton

>> No.16788352


>> No.16788364

I usually hate contracepted coffee, but it's good when want to drink it late at night (9pm+) and don't want to have trouble falling asleep. But only at parties or after a feast.

>> No.16788377

this, I love caffeine, but I love coffee even more
drinking it with your imouto at 3:30am and chatting until the sun comes up is comfy as fuck

>> No.16788411

thanks anon, will give this a try

>> No.16788868
File: 296 KB, 736x1280, K3 Touch Advanced Polished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a compak k3? I want to convert one to single-dosing

>> No.16789249

