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File: 50 KB, 640x640, vapor_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16769804 No.16769804 [Reply] [Original]

Why is vaping considered more dangerous than cigarettes?

>> No.16769806

It isn't

>> No.16769809

It isn't

>> No.16769811

don't do this it vapes mustard gas

>> No.16769830

Is it? The only thing I could think that might be generally worse is that some folks who vape do it all the fucking time, they don't bother to get up or go outside or any of those things cigarette smokers need to do, they just sit and pump nicotine juice all day.

>> No.16769846

Why won't you think of the children? Bloomberg needs your children to be supple.

>> No.16769854

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.16769859

Bloomberg is thinking about your children right now. Mmm.

>> No.16769881

Most vapers have the equivalent of at least a 5-pack a day habit in terms of nicotine consumption and behave like absolute fiends when they can't get their fix.

>> No.16769882

>they don't bother to get up or go outside or any of those things cigarette smokers need to do, they just sit and pump nicotine juice all day.

>> No.16769889 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 850x400, BF173E44-46FB-444A-A77C-275F0C68A1EA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw the chinks infected us all with gookflu by sending us disposable vapes filled with infected gookjuice

>> No.16769896

it isn't

>> No.16769916

After 1 cigarette I get dizzy and distracted and wish it was over because they're designed to deliver so much nicotine to addicted monkey users

>> No.16769935

It's all fun and games until one of those defective fuckers blows a load you didn't want. Never known a person to die from it, but 5 of us have had the fuckers fail and no one likes getting more nicotine than wanted.

>> No.16769986

vaping is dangerous in other ways and there isn't as much data on it. Unironically if you do either you are basically a gigacoomer without any self-control at all.

>> No.16770002

thats ironically the worst part about vaping, that its electronic. my old roomie gave me one of his vapes cause he had two, i ran that thing into the ground. really should have bought a new one sooner, it hasnt given me any issues at all
>vaping is dangerous in other ways and there isn't as much data on it.
the most extensive study was funded by the japanese government, in an attempt to negate any possible vaping(they already have a huge smoking problem), and they found unless you fucking crank that shit up to unbearable heat levels, the amount of carcinogens you get is less than merely living in a busy city or grilling meats
>Unironically if you do either you are basically a gigacoomer without any self-control at all.
i admit this is true though

>> No.16770010

Because it's the new boogeyman since tobacco use has declined to the point of endless tax hikes having diminishing returns on revenue

>> No.16770021

it's neat to try it if you have never had an addiction before. try vaping every day for like 2 months and then cold turkey it.
really weird feeling.
it's like, you don't get anything from doing it. it's not like you feel high. it's kind of like when you sit in a weird position for a long time and your legs hurt and then you stand up finally. hitting the vape takes away that annoying ache that you didn't even know you had.

very strange.

>> No.16770022

just dont get the shitty DIY juice. its full of vitamin E supplements as a stabilizer, but that shit is paired with a bunch of things that shouldnt be painted on the inside of your lungs

but fucken karens and kens gotta find something to protect da chillun's from. and this was the boogeyman they chose

>> No.16770083

Because it's killing the sales of traditional smoking cessation products (patches, gum, etc...), which is largely produced by Big Pharma. When vaping gets regulated/taxed, sales for nicotene patches/gum go through the roof.

>> No.16770347


>> No.16770507

Metal shards in cheap chinese vaporizers. Just make your own vape with quality parts and you are fine.

>> No.16770516

Vaping helps to prevent me from stuffing my fat face with food all day.

I could drink water but I don't like having to piss every five minutes.

>> No.16770525

I vaped nearly every day when the lockdowns started. I ended up quitting after a few months because it was turning the inside of my lips black. Didn't feel anything after quitting, I guess I am immune to the addicting effects of nicotine.

>> No.16770556

What fucking brand of juice were you using?

>> No.16770567
File: 31 KB, 344x291, 6756f9a2a8fab55fcdc40fa9f0576fdc(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just got banned in Australia yesterday

>> No.16770600

was i supposed to put juice in it?

>> No.16770607

What were you vaping if not juice?

>> No.16770619

How is Australia so pozzed?

>> No.16770642

the vaping cart things. theyre filled with some fluffy white stuff.

>> No.16770647

Teehee she's having a party

>> No.16770673

They just used it as a scapegoat for covid way early on since it was here before their official date.

>> No.16770693

carts are awful anon, vapes with chambers to squeeze the juice in are 1000 times better

>> No.16770697
File: 34 KB, 210x300, Screenshot from 2021-10-01 16-40-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes wearing a hat

>> No.16770700

I had a few different brands.

>> No.16770710

They're definitely in the lead for the shittiest western country. Once a prison island always a prison island. Something like $3 per cigarette, too.

>> No.16770724

Because its her 18th birthday and that contraption is a bukkake vaporizer machine.

>> No.16770733

based picture

>> No.16771739

is the only reason people smoke/vape is for the dopamine hit from nicotine? literally just a feel-good drug

>> No.16771743

cigarettes are highly taxed in aus to the point it makes up 90% (not joking) the total retail value of a pack. the taxes got so high people were forced to vape to save money, but the government got mad it was loosing revenue so they made vapes prescription only in the hopes of forcing people back onto cigarettes to recoup taxbux

>> No.16772201

I came here to do this. Fuck you guys

>> No.16772246

Can you guys get the nicotine pouches like zyn?

>> No.16772283

Australia sounds like a fucking shit hole.
Is it true you can't buy shots in bars and pubs etc?

>> No.16772328


>> No.16772451

what should i get then? i want to vape

>> No.16772507

idk but ive stopped using both for nic gum and i am very happy with the choice

>> No.16773497

Because vaping was stealing customers and market share from traditional cigarettes. Notice how the media outrage ended shortly after Philip Morris acquired a 35% share in Juul.

>> No.16773513

idk what he means about shitty DIY juices, because there's not really anything to it.
but if you buy some sort of big branded juice it's fine.

>> No.16773647

I did this after some girl left a juul in my car and didn't feel anything unless you're telling about vaping some custom juice with high nicotine numbers. I bet way more crushing withdrawal from caffeine, but I drink 600mg/day.

>> No.16773781

cigarettes are the primary food of line cooks

>> No.16774225

i like to dry vape herbs and weed. mint, damiana, and lavender are my favorite.

>> No.16774229

isnt the vitamin E dangerous?

>> No.16774267

bad for your lungs probably

>> No.16774284

>not food
>not cooking
Mods clean this up

>> No.16774294


>> No.16774352

it looks like this only applies to "nicotine containing vape products" you can still vape nicotine containing plants as long as you're really careful about the dosage so that you don't poison yourself.

>> No.16774441

Australia is one of the most conservative western nations
This kind of nanny-state is an extension of their conservatism
This is what conservatism looks like outside of the US

>> No.16774627

It is not proven scientifically to be more or equal (=-+) than regular cigerrettess

The only big hub bub about this is the fact that the new trend with e-cigs are fruit flavors and sleek modern popular design

Fruit flavors for vaping has been around ever since the invention of the most commercially successful vape device created by Hon Lik, a 52 year old pharmacist, inventor and smoker who created the Ruyan v8 launched in 2006

Only do we get the controversy and talks about vaping was due to the congressional hearing of the newest vape company Juul

Before then vaping has been only for the hipsters and Chinamen

tl;dr vaping has been around for a while but was too new for old fart politicians to notice until it was mainstream and due to scare mongering of new things & "think of the children" act do we rethink the whole vaping industry

>> No.16774687

They want to kill it because china controls the market and it's more addicting and cheaper than cigs

>> No.16774692


>> No.16774695

>Cigarette health issues are a "boogeyman"
Thoughts on climate change and vaccines?

>> No.16774703

If youre one of those retards that uses a gas station vape pen you are probably putting lot of metal in your lungs. It tastes better and spent years as a "healthy" alternative to smoking so people are/were getting 4-5x the nicotine from vape as they had been getting from cigarettes every day. People blowing massive clouds of double bubble berry dream look and smell like massive fags, especially when they do it indoors.

>> No.16774734

It depends on the material the coil is made from and temperature it is heated to. Ceramic coils are best as the do not use metal. The metals can subliminate if too much power is applied meaning you breath it in with the vape hit. Also there are additives in vape juices that can turn in to formaldehyde. Always check labels and buy tested products. PEG bad.

>> No.16774873

US literally had prohibition

>> No.16774891

Nicotine juice is "banned" where I am and a 20 gram pack of tobbaco is up to 60-90 dollars.

Still easy to get noctine juice but its silly

>> No.16774894

You consume less nicotine when vaping compared to cigarettes even if you're vaping consistently throughout the day.

1 cig contains 10 mg of nicotine
A 30 ml bottle of 6mg/ml nic juice contains 180mg. Generally speaking 30ml bottle of juice takes 1-2 weeks to finish, so the nicotine of 1 pack for me at least was spread over 7-14 days vs. 2-4 days with cigarettes. If you're a maniac you could definitely vape more nicotine than ciggs, but I doubt many vapers do that.

>> No.16774912

>ignoring the rest of the post to make a smarmy clap-back
I can easily assume your thoughts on those things

>> No.16774917

vapong isn't banned in Australia you stupid underage fuck. prescriptions are now required ro import nicotine. devices containing nicotine (disposables) are banned.

>> No.16774955

Back in the early days of 4chan hatposting was the best part of 4chan bday. Nobody does it anymore, now you have people who think it's just a funny coincidence when a hat fits a thumbnail.

>> No.16774964

It's not. Why do you make stuff up?

>> No.16775349

This hasn't been mentioned enough in this thread. Remember in 2019 when the evening world news ran segments EVERY FUCKING DAY about how dangerous vaping is? Metal shards in your lungs, mildew in your lungs... tracking hospitalizations and deaths daily like they were doing for COVID. There was an Illinois kid they were just waiting to die so they could report on it. The whole time, my only thought was how they messed around, stepped on Big Tobacco's market share, and got squashed as a result.
Nicotine is what people THINK they keep coming back for. But think of that proprietary blend of 113 or some odd addictive substances they worked so hard to develop. You think Big Tobacco is gonna let that concoction be bested by a bunch of hipsters who would rather smoke water vapor?

>> No.16775555

but who will they provide nicotine prescriptions to? no-one.

>> No.16775567

too blinded by the initial stupidity to read the rest

>> No.16775603

>cigarettes are highly taxed in aus to the point it makes up 90% (not joking) the total retail value of a pack.
Good. Wish that was a thing here.

>> No.16776423

The nicotine in cigs is typically less than 1mg

>> No.16776525

How does one unban vaping

>> No.16776544

Vaping isn't considered more dangerous than cigarettes. But it's still considered not good for you.

>> No.16776547

You can control how much nicotine you vape.

>> No.16776572

It's true.
You can't buy shots

>> No.16776592

>1 cig contains 10 mg of nicotine
lmao you're literally repeating made-up vaper manufacturer talking points.
Cigarettes have less than 1mg nicotine.

>> No.16776601

Go away Marlboro man, your cigarettes suck you faggy cowboy

>> No.16776613

Wrong and non critically thinking pilled which is why you failed to eborate. Vaping is much worse. Lungs evolved to handle smoke, not a sudden introduction of PG or VG which causes acute inflammation. Not to mention, cigarette smoke is antimicrobial whereas vaping will capture the mouth flora and migrate it into the lungs by virtue of the hygroscopic material capturing your spit on the way down. Tobacco has been shown to prevent COVID 19 infections due to its ability to downregulate ACE-2 receptors in the lungs and also nitric oxide from combustion is itself antiviral. The harms of smoking are overated and often untrue. I took the habit up late in life and am healthier for it. It takes an NPC to say smoke bad.

>> No.16776617

Based tobacco manyfacturer lobbyist

>> No.16776621

At no point did you prove cigarettes are safer than vaping

>> No.16776647

You retards can see the actual nicotine levels range between 0.1 and 0.8 (less than 1mg) listed here
But yeah, keep believing your vape juice talking points that you're actually consuming waaay less nicotine than smokers lol.
I can't wait to see your copes.

>> No.16776665

>He cant literally go check the amount of nicotine in a cig even though he has the entirety of human knowledge at his fingertips

>> No.16776666

I don't even vape or smoke you just sound salty that cigarettes don't make you look cool anymore

>> No.16776672

>The amount of nicotine
And that makes vaping more dangerous how?

>> No.16776693

Nice projection, retard. I don't vape or smoke either, but I can do basic research.
Follow the reply chain retard. I was addressing the nicotine junkie's cope that he really wasn't using much nicotine at all compared to smoking.

>> No.16776704

Big tobacco propaganda. While it's not entirely safe, it's orders of magnitude better than smoking.

>> No.16776717

Higher chance of getting the gay, meaning getting the AIDS

>> No.16776813


>> No.16776860

Vaping is most popular among zoomers/millennials and they are the most well-adjusted masculine generations in all of history.

>> No.16776870

*smokes shitty filters*
we do things
*wheezes from existence*
*inhales rat poison, coughs out lung*
round these parts partner
*that would be 12 dollars plus city tax plus state tax plus tip*

>> No.16776871

more likely to get your ass kicked

>> No.16776881

So the fact remains that first post was best post

>> No.16776919

>I will cope by ignoring the fact you obliterated my lie about nicotine content and project that you are the one coping by trying to minimize your own vice my contrasting it to a different vice
wew lad. Time to stop huffing that nicotinized glycol juice and get your shit together.

>> No.16776936

dry herb is nice. skips the whole cartridge full of mystery chemicals meme