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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 1200x798, how-to-turn-cow-brains-into-a-delicious-fried-sna-1-18537-1351276607-0_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16768864 No.16768864 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16768869

Always wanted to try it. Any good recipies to share?

>> No.16768880

Want to try. What's the taste and texture like?

>> No.16768887

>prions you to death

>> No.16768892



>> No.16768899

Kys faggot

>> No.16768909

you're not supposed to eat the brain. very risky.

>> No.16768910

>scared of a couple misfolded proteins

>> No.16768930

I'm genuinely curious, how are brains supposed to cause prion infection. Doesn't digestion break down proteins into amino acids? Short of injecting them directly into your bloodstream, I don't see how consuming misfolded proteins could have any affect

>> No.16768934

I read that fried pig brain 'n eggs is a tenessee thing and wanna a tenessee granny to cook me some, id give her a 20 if she tells me stories from her life while i scarf down a bucket or so

>> No.16768938

idk dude I'm kinda retarded. I just know prions are on a whole other level compared to bacteria, or something.

>> No.16768943

I accidently ordered this in tacos. It just tasted like eating chunks of fat.

>> No.16768944

Nothing can break down prions

>> No.16768946

Yeah prions are pretty scary. I'd still risk it tho, just out of curiosity

>> No.16768949
File: 299 KB, 640x480, i-can-break-these-cuffs-59964403568a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can break down prions.

>> No.16768950

my initial post was somewhat in jest, i thought humans could only contract prions from human brains? i know for a fact my father ate pork brains as a child, as many others have as well

>> No.16768953
File: 265 KB, 490x363, cervello-fritto-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

battered and deep fried brain is delicious
it has a nice delicate taste and a kinda creamy texture

>> No.16768957
File: 220 KB, 746x665, Protein_PRNP_PDB_1ag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant break down these prions

>> No.16768958
File: 76 KB, 819x544, 52A9CC94-AE65-4CD9-9E53-2261325900DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa used to have me save and skin the heads of squirrels I shot hunting he’d boil them crack them open and slurp out the brains said they were delicious

>> No.16768968

Yeah I've herd they're pretty rare so hopefully we're safe.
Did he ever talk about how they used to prepare them?
Those do look good. I'll have to go look up a recipie

>> No.16768969

I tried beef brains after being convinced to do so by reading a thread posted here about a week ago. They were very squishy like globs of fat, and had a flavor reminiscent of beef bone marrow, that is, extremely beefy and savory. There was no weird metallic or livery flavor like you get with other offal. It wasn't ideal on its own, but I could definitely see it being delicious in a pate, sausage, or just melting it down and rendering the brain fat to use like bone marrow fat in cooking. I ended up just spreading it on toast with some chives and black pepper, and it was delicious.

>> No.16768971
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People in the Midwest used to eat this in the 1930's

>> No.16768978

That explains why he was retarded.

>> No.16768981

Thanks for the serious responses. Will try soon.

>> No.16768984

>Did he ever talk about how they used to prepare them?
pan fried, as you would bacon or sausage, served with eggs

>> No.16769008
File: 86 KB, 391x620, scrambled-eggs-brains-cow-calf-600w-1082826011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best recipe I know of is brains and eggs. Cook the brain, add the eggs, s & p, and scramble.

>> No.16769014

A protein is just a long chain of molecules folded a specific way due to a chemical reaction. A mutated protein can cause a reaction that misfolds your own proteins to turn identical to the mutant, which can spread through the body until it breaks down.

>> No.16769022
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>> No.16769055

- wash the brain
- blanche it in slightly salted boiling water for 5 minutes (some also add a bit of white vinegar)
- remove the membrane and cut into smaller pieces
- prepare a thick but not too thick batter with flour, cold beer and an egg
- leave in the fridge to rest for at least half an hour
- dip the brain pieces in the batter and then deep fry them until golden
- alternatively, you can use a standard breading: cover in flour, dip in beaten eggs, cover in breadcrumbs and then fry

>> No.16769130

lel, /ck/ has been on fire as of late

>> No.16769150

>- wash the brain
Brainwashing, handwashing, behind-your-ears-washing.
What's next? My dick?

>> No.16769175

my grandma ate sheep brains twice a week and lived to 90 while also downing 2 bottles of Riesling a day for 50+ years.
She died from a hip fracture.

>> No.16769539

do cow brains have the same chance as pork brains to fuck your shit up? or is that basically exclusive to pork?

>> No.16769566

as far as i can tell from a very brief google search and the sentiments ITT, it does. I've only had very little brain in my life, and now its a forbidden fruit. fuckin science better hurry up and solve this shit before I die without consuming brain again

>> No.16769618

>still only occasionally served in small restaurants
Wtf I'm in this region and never heard of fried brains being served anywhere, it's just something people make at home sometimes

>> No.16769931

extremely soft, less resistance than toothpaste

>> No.16769940

>eats healthy
>dies anyway

>> No.16770571
File: 1.40 MB, 1764x2500, Aep_ong-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly chopped pig's brain mixed with egg and curry paste


>> No.16770650

Prions are a type of misfolded protein. Prions are found pretty much only in nervous system tissue. Upon contact with the regular conformation of the protein, the prion will convert the regular protein into a prion. Due to their stability, they are resistant to denaturation (destruction) via heat, chemicals, radiation, etc. You can definitely contract prion diseases from non human meats, and some people have. For example, about 232 people in the world (that we know of) contracted vCJD from eating the nervous tissue of cows with “mad cow disease”. As of now, prion diseases are untreatable and 100% fatal. Good news is that if you don’t eat brains/spinal cord, or get unlucky with genetics, they are very rare.

>> No.16770691

And if you eat brain and spinal tissue it is also very rare.

>> No.16770722

Pig brains only cause the fatigue disease if you inhale them, like those workers were while pushing them out of the skull with compressed air.

Old cow brains aren't usually sold anyway, only calf or heifer ones.

>> No.16770763

high temperature breaks down prions.

>> No.16770769

british beef gave lots of people the human version of mad cow disease.

>> No.16770835

Hilltop inn in Evansville has them

>> No.16771231

I always fry them with onions and scramble some eggs in when I shoot a roe. Easy peasy breakfast for the next day

>> No.16772163

That was because they were fed with animal products (mostly blood, bones, remains of other cows and beefs dried up and ground up into flour) to cut down costs, but that's not allowed anymore

>> No.16772198

>lots of people
178 people, in a population of 58-67 million, since 1990 up to 2021, during which there were ~450 deaths due to food poisoning from eating fruits and salad vegetables.

>> No.16772483

>Old cow brains aren't usually sold anyway, only calf or heifer ones.
does that mean that there's less chance of prion contamination given their lesser amount of time alive for whatever archaic bullshit causes prion formation?

>> No.16772491

>spinal cord
shit, I've probably eaten a lot of chicken spinal cords, but I'd much prefer to eat beef/pork brain if there's the same chance of prion presence

>> No.16772515

do eating brains make more smarter

>> No.16772523

Where to buy on the Germany?