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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 1280x720, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16766801 No.16766801 [Reply] [Original]

Does people actually like bacon or are they just pretending?

>> No.16766824

I don't understand. Is this a trick question? Of course people like bacon. Bacon is delicious.

>> No.16766835

Everybody likes bacon

>> No.16766838

Bacon is fucking amazing but the problem is that people usually fry their strips for too long. I like to slightly undercook it so that it's very juicy but soft at the same time.

>> No.16766842

It's fine. Goes well on a burger.

>> No.16766855

I switched to baking bacon.

>> No.16766857

This. It's much easier to control in the oven then on a griddle.

>> No.16766858


>> No.16766860

We are only pretending, my friend. It’s a joke.
We all know bacon is haram, and an affront to Allah (PBUH).

>> No.16766874

Mohammad puts penises wrapped in bacon in his mouth.

>> No.16766893

your mom's name is Mohammad??

>> No.16766899
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>Does people

>> No.16766907

Hey, could you do me a solid and tell me the name of the middle school you got your humor from?

>> No.16766918

Is School Of Comedic Studies of Munich, Germany. Why you ask?

>> No.16766932

for me its burnt bacon.

>> No.16766933

thick bacon is best, especially chinese bacon. it's like a fatty jerky.

>> No.16766934

bacon is extremely reddit lately. chad choice would be proper lardum

>> No.16766967

What kind of triple faggot bases his food preferences on whether or not it's talked about on Reddit? Eat what you like and not what 4chan approves you infant.

>> No.16766979

i would prefer the more chewy slices than crispy, unless it was a blt. blt's need the crunch.

>> No.16766990

This overcooked bacon is my favorite

>> No.16766993

dog or cat?

>> No.16767002

t. monke
of course a "spirit" of food matter. Just like you eat groats and venison to contact your hyperborean ancestors on the spiritual plane, you should avoid certain foods due to their contacts with harmful influences. Like the jew sin chicken, or turkish "honey".
First is filled with sin and devil magic and the other is turk harem food and will turn you twink eunuch femboy

>> No.16767094

sadly, just pork like all bacon

>> No.16767115
File: 265 KB, 1041x854, SmartSelect_20210726-011135_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you have a nice coma? EMT is still around but they're not doing so great

>> No.16767126

Have all my foreskins, and go.

>> No.16767128

you made my day anon

>> No.16767134
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I miss those times

>> No.16767140

never heard of it

>> No.16768360
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>RWJ =3
Wtf kiddos that shit was 2010 and 2010 only. Anyway, that about does it for this post. Today's comment question of the day comes from OP and he says "Did you too like to project the copious amounts of penises you liked in your mouth by watching Ray William Johnson for more than a year?" So forum? Are you anything like OP? Let me know in the comment section belooooow

>> No.16768394

"Does people"
kill yourself retard

>> No.16768401

due to the internet anything popular is gay
so you just need to ignore nerdy adults having child-like enthusiasm, and then you are free to enjoy whatever you want op

>> No.16768815

Bacon's one of those things that is delicious when you're in the mood or haven't had it in a while, but gets kind of nasty when eating too much or too regularly. I never get sick of beef, chicken, salmon, lamb, etc, but bacon can be so overpowering and greasy in excess.

>> No.16768824

bacon is disgusting, 0/10 wouldn't eat again

>> No.16768842

damn muscle glsses is back

>> No.16768843

American bacon is best bacon

>> No.16770518

It's nothing but fat and nitrates

>> No.16770528

The narwhal bacons at midnight

>> No.16770539

im sorry but he got your ass hard, you gotta take this L whether you like it or not.

>> No.16770616

epic! you win the internet today kind sir!

>> No.16770728

it ain't bad, but the obsession is because of a massive advertising campaign

>> No.16770765

>nearly 7 million subs
>only 60k views on a recent video
Not even 1% of the subscriber base watched that video. That's got to be demoralizing yet they still continue.

>> No.16770934

Bacon is good when prepared by the right person. I try all my friend's bacon when they make it just to see if I like how they make it. No two bacon cooks are the same. One of my friends bakes bacon ffs

>> No.16770935

>One of my friends bakes bacon ffs
How else are you supposed to cook bacon?

>> No.16771014
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>watch it for old times sake

>it starts off with him reviewing tiktok memes

>> No.16771033

Do you have cerebral palsy? Lack of arms? Serious question, I couldn’t imagine many other reasons why someone would have difficulty controlling bacon on a griddle. I don’t disagree that it’s less work to throw it on a baking sheet and into an oven, but I’ve watched a 6 year old male bacon on a griddle with no issue.

>> No.16771039

What’s it like attempting to trigger fake Muslims based off of a bait post? I bet you believe that everyone who posts “white boy can’t handle spice” is black/brown too.

>> No.16771064

>very juicy but soft
I find it inedible like that

>> No.16771088

Misread that as Allah (PUBG).

>> No.16771102

I love bacon. I began to love it even more when I started buying nitrite free bacon from a local butcher. Literally only pork and smoke.

>> No.16771221

I used to hate bacon because the only person in my family who ever cooked it was my grandma. And she would cook it until it was hard and literally crumbling. Then one day I bought my own bacon and cooked it to where it would still wiggle around a little and now I enjoy it. But I'm not a fanboy redditor who flips out over OMG MUH BACON!!!

>> No.16771237

bacon is good but the OMG BACON SO GUD RANDOMESS XD faggots ruined it

>> No.16771313

says the man making the "lol muslim eat bacon" joke

>> No.16771334

The patrician's choice. I like it so the fat is still slightly crispy but the meat is soft.
This is also great. Sometimes I get those shitty frozen hashbrowns to stick next to them and they soak up some of the salty water/fat/whatever that comes out of the bacon, it's pretty great.

>> No.16771393

I realy like it as a suplement to an other meat, but by itself what the fuck, it literaly just tastes like salt.

>> No.16771594

for some reason Americans make their bacon so fucking dry that you could crush it into dust, seems. In Australia where I live it's normal to have bacon that has some color but it's not crispy and dry all over.

>> No.16771784

Did they hire a new actor when Harvey revealed his (((power level)))? Because if it's the same guy as the original it's not MusclesGlasses. That guy is a scrawny vegan now.

>> No.16772029

>floppy complimentary hotel breakfast bacon

>> No.16772033

You don't like bacon!? FUCK YOU

>> No.16772048

>pin unrelated

>> No.16772092

I used to wonder too. The problem is how there's some kind of wierd culture built up around it that is pretending. The truth is, it should be used more like an ingredient than a food itself, and then it is good.
The people that eat it on its own are in fact pretending

>> No.16772139

Yes. Anyone who likes something you don't is actually just pretending.

>> No.16772147

How autistic are you? Be honest.

>> No.16772259

Probably around but never diagnosed..
Also forgot to mention I'm specifically referring to grocery store bought pre packaged bacon. Recently tried pork belly my dad smoked and sliced thin, that was good af on its own actually.

>> No.16772267

porkbelly > bacon
doesn't shrink down like shitty bacon

>> No.16772270

>The people that eat it on its own are in fact pretending
Monster cope.

>> No.16772295

you can prepare more at once this way and it's much easier

>> No.16772440

it's good but overrated

>> No.16772442

might as well eat ham, bacon should have a good balance of fat and crisp

>> No.16772445

really? almost all of this is complete trash

>> No.16772514

>rip off your friends you made the channel with
>dont even fucking pay them their share
>act surprised that the channel dies when the most popular member of the crew leaves
like pottery
the fact that their most loved member was the one guy who never fucking talked speaks volumes. bunch of noisy faggots.

>> No.16772886

yeah, but it was our trash.

>> No.16772913

What happened? I stopped watching EMT in like 2013.

>> No.16772932

underrated post

>> No.16772955
File: 53 KB, 820x853, 1567538561920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the most popular videos they made are say they were posted "10 years ago"

>> No.16772967

Maybe yours. I didn't start having good taste only recently.

>> No.16772980

Money got in the way of having fun. Muscles Glasses left because he knew he was a fan favorite and brought a lot to the show, but didn't think he was being fairly compensated for it. Harvey quitting his job to do EMT full time was the beginning of the end

>> No.16773013

Are you a faggot or are you just pretending

>> No.16773502

not if its burnt like this

>> No.16774382

What about the power level stuff the other anon mentioned? I knew they'd sold out when their content just became festival appearances and stuff, which is when I stopped watching.

>> No.16775083

>doesn't like bacon
Are you a commie?

>> No.16775133

Bacon should cooked such that it's firm enough to maintain it's erection when picked up, but doesn't break when you bend it. That is bestest.
What screws people up is how the bacon changes after you let the fat dry for a minute. They aim for the perfection but end up with brittle bacon that snaps way too easily.

>> No.16775138

They phrase, "Don't quit your day job" was highly apt.

>> No.16775163
File: 33 KB, 500x374, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer mine...


>> No.16775167

Maybe if you didn't burn it every time you'd like it as well. It's not amazing or anything, but it is pretty good.

>> No.16775168

Communist wannabes are Russians and Chinese. They love pig meat, especially Chinese, though their execution of communism falls well short of the ideal. Pig haters are Jews and Muslims. Both of these favor military states, which is very different from communism.

>> No.16776769

a decade has gone by since, grandpa.

>> No.16776777

Bacon is fucking disgusting.
You're fat.
This is cope.

>> No.16776786


Seek help or ngmi.

>> No.16776838

I miss Ray William Johnson.
I mean, he's still around, but all he does is complain about videos on TikTok. He's not interesting anymore.

>> No.16777158

a guy I used to work for "cooked" his bacon in the microwave for 60 seconds

>> No.16777183
File: 93 KB, 500x500, artworks-000136326038-ubi2h2-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey why is everyone pretending to like pizza? this shit is terrible it's all crunchy and tastes like an ashtray I mean cmon bros

>> No.16777252

Bacon is good but sausage is better

>> No.16777686

I pretend to like it just to piss you off. Shhh, don't tell.

>> No.16777936

This. I cook my bacon differently for different occasions but when I just want to eat bacon with eggs I want the fat to not be rendered out too much but the meat to be decently cooked. I have to cook it slow as possible on medium heat in some oil to get it this way so it evenly cooks it to the exact soft fat, cooked meat doneness I want.

>> No.16777970

judging from your reply, he succeeded quite well

>> No.16777988

>though their execution of communism falls well short of the ideal
lol no. Communism is just a tradh ideology designed to seduce naive fools.