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16762928 No.16762928 [Reply] [Original]

line cook bros... I don't want to go to work today

>> No.16762951
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more accurate

>> No.16762965

Same, I really wished coronavirus was q super deadly illness so I can just die without upsetting my parents, I even avoided the vaxx so the deadiler strain could get me but I got it and got over it in a day and now I'm naturally immune

>> No.16762997

could have lost taste and smell, then your job

>> No.16763012

I did all three at one point (taste and smell came back in a week and the job was because I refused the jab and my general manager is super liberal faggot) though I found another job really quickly that pays the same

>> No.16763013

>other staff members just take off random days without telling anyone
>never get fired or discipline
>if you did that you'd get fired
Never let an employer see you as reliable.

>> No.16763025

I'm 30 and never worked in a kitchen and want to try but I think I wouldn't handle it well

>> No.16763037

This, you don’t get a raise or anything besides being buddy buddy with the boss

>> No.16763041

that's.... the same picture

>> No.16763048

Stage somewhere then to try it out I wouldn't recommend it as the industry will suck the soul from you but it isn't thst hard to find out

>> No.16763052

And then they get personal hirt when you move on for a better opportunity which burns the bridge whether you give them full notice or not

>> No.16763082

what is your edit even meant to imply

>> No.16763340

I went into a line cook job as a novice only because it was the only place that would hire me at the time, it wasn't that bad, just a lot of screaming, moving around to restock the kitchen, preparing dishes ASAP, etc.. I ended up making friends with the other cooks and the manager surprisingly. The hours are long but if you're working in a busy restaurant, time really does fly, I'm not sure how it's like now in the covid era though.

>> No.16763355
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six months or so until i can start my plumbing apprenticeship

>> No.16763365

Yeah and I’d fire you again you smelled like shit every shift too

>> No.16763491


Plumbing is damn good money. Just make sure to work out some good strategies and managing people. That's 90% of success as a plumber, or contractor in general.

>> No.16763516

Same. my little bro did and the more he tells stories about it the more I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle it. Might have just been where he worked but it seemed the hardest thing about it was the incompetence of his coworkers. I have 0 patience for incompetence, and I noticed he lost a lot while he worked there

>> No.16763533

My uncle worked for the sewer authority. I think he's been there like 30 years now he makes more money than he knows what to do with and barely has to show up for work since he's the boss guy now. Guess you deserve that after 30 years of on call working in literal shit conditions. He does in fact recommend it

>> No.16763565
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Happy to hear that, hope you make it anon

>> No.16763571

My high school English teacher was a line cook until his 30's when he got a degree mill degree and a teaching credential.
Genuinely weird guy, but you can escape from line cookery fairly late in life and he's proof.

>> No.16763574

Fucking don’t. It sucks so much lmao

>> No.16763677

Tradie life isn't so bad. The shittiest part is dealing with journeymen and master plumbers who hate their existence and take it out on their apprentices. But once you get your journeyman license you'll have a lot of latitude to do your own thing.
Also, if you're going into service work you'll have to be a decent salesman. But you have time to learn how to do that.

>> No.16763694

thats true. you dont see many line cooks past 35, either you find SOMETHING else to do or you truly burn out
when i have a job that i hate or im in a bad situation, i just remember that its impossible for it to last forever

>> No.16763703

Restaurant near me is hiring Line Cooks, QA/Expeditor, Food Runners and Prep Cooks. I really need a job and no other place is hiring, which one would be the easiest to do?

>> No.16763735

stageing is the biggest scamshit in the industry that restaurants use to get some free labor

>> No.16763774

being a linecook is ass but if you're a masochist who needs instant gratification you'll like it

>> No.16763780

Runner is going to be the least responsibility. Prep cook will be more solo work, and a chance to learn some cooking shit in a lower stakes environment. Linecook will be hell.

>> No.16763811

Pretty much. Recently I staged at a place and they had me peel and chop like 50 pounds of onions. Then they sent me home and said "you didn't get the job lol."

>> No.16763833

how does one even get an apprenticeship as a bartender or chef, it seems everyone just talks about being a line cook

>> No.16763864

Apprenticeship? Lmao. No, you sell ten or so years of your life to the industry and work your way up from being a line cook. You can go to culinary school if you want, but unless you have experience no one is going to want to hire you.

>> No.16763879

why cant we live in the 1800s...

>> No.16763884

lmao I just got it

>> No.16764212

At the restaurant I worked at food runners/bus boys got a fat share of the tip money. More than the kitchen gets, so that's something to think about

>> No.16764215

Start a union

>> No.16764678

you start as a dishwasher and wait until a cook is too hungover to hold it down and you're in for life

>> No.16764910

>be prep cook
>wake up every day at 530AM
>arrive at work just before 8 AM
>make a list of all the things the night team didn't do
>send it to the owner because I fucking hate night team
>set up line
>cut vegetables and portion shit for four hours
>don't have to do any prep involving actual cooking because the sous chef is deathly afraid I'll steal his job so he doesn't let me touch that stuff unless he's too busy
>he basically has the job because he'll work 50 hours and knows how to use a knife
>he once got the yips and became unable to flip eggs for six months, would do everything sunny side up and put them on the plate upside down instead of doing them over easy/medium/hard
>at five hours into my shift, the second lunch guy shows up
>ask for my lunch break, always make sure to do it in earshot of the owner
>without fail this will lead to the owner walking back, asking the sous chef if he really needs to keep me, because when I started the old chef agreed to give me fifteen minutes paid for lunch instead of half an hour unpaid and this is a source of constant agony for the owner
>without fail watch the sous chef's face war between fear that I might take his job later and fear he'll have to work overtime if I'm cut
>fear of me taking his job wins every time
>I go home after five hours
>if I need more hours I just don't ask for my lunch break
>never am actually responsible for anything
>never have to changeover
>never have to clean
>almost never have to cook on line
>still the highest paid hourly employee
>almost always home by 3PM
>if the sous chef starts being a little bitch or coming down on me I just rat him out for something stupid he did like using a quarter of the onions the soup required because he got sick of cutting them

I unironically hate my job but get a degree of satisfaction from watching all the people I work with that I hate suffer more than I do.

>> No.16765181

OP here. just got back from my shift. My feet are fucking killing me. I don't think my body will ever get used to standing in the same spot for 8 hours without a break.

Also I caught one of the FoH staff sobbing in the walk in. I did not want to have a conversation with her so I just had to awkwardly maneuver around her trying to grab the shit I needed. It was weird.

>> No.16765235

Yeah just you mentioning your feet hurting after your shift makes me glad I don’t do that anymore

>> No.16765363

i always wondered why anyone would want to work in the kitchen of a restraunt. just frying frozen foods and frying the same hamburger patty, preparing the same salad for eons. i don't sense the joy of that but i've also never experienced it.

>> No.16765415

There's practically no joy in it any more. It's just that this is the only useful skill set I have and the only work I can find that pays more than minimum wage.

That being said, when it's slow I do try to put love and effort into preparing dishes for people. Even if I hate my job, it lets me rest a little easier if I know I made someone's day by preparing a really pretty plate, or a perfect steak. At the end of the day, food is one of the few things that binds every human being together. I do think it's an honor if you have the skill and knowledge to make someone an unforgettable meal.

>> No.16765447

>I don't want to go to work today
shut the fuck up fucking faggot. waste of breath eat a dick fucking loser.

>> No.16765460

This anon loves his job

>> No.16765464


>> No.16765559

I have never been involved in the food business but i would like to give you some advice.

You like cooking. i think you should apply to a popular food spot in your area that is very expensive, this will give you a better atmosphere and the pay would most likely be better. the second suggestion is to start saving capital in order to build your own food truck or restraunt.

By the way, it's always been a dream of mine to work in a restraunt to experience how it is.

>> No.16765583
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>save to open a food truck or restaurant
the most you'll get in food service is probably about 22 an hour with no benefits at all so youll be living paycheck to paycheck no matter what you do unless you work 70 hours a week even then youll probably just be dead in a month instead of have money to do anything
and that isnt a dream
its a nightmare

>> No.16765594

Sorry, bro, someone's got to pay for your daughter's catholic school tuition. It'll pay off someday!

>> No.16765610

Ah, I actually do work at a very fancy place. The kind sells $90 steaks. I make more than the average line cook, but still not as much as you would think. $18 an hour.

I like the place I work at, and I'm proud of the food I put out. But man... I just feel like I am not making enough money considering the 5 years of experience they required of me to even get this job. Shit I could have spent those 5 years studying javascript and I'd be making ten times the amount I am now.

>> No.16765621

jesus christ man fuck food service glad im getting out when i have a drivers license
shit id work as a plumber helper for 14 an hour if it gets me out of this shithole at this point

>> No.16765690
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I was a line cook for 5 years until last month. I'm now working at a warehouse milling wood and making river tables and shit like that. I had no experience but I already make more than I ever made cooking. No regrets. Cooking for myself might be fun again.

>> No.16765828

i've been out of the industry for a while now, if they tried to make me wear a mask in a hot kitchen i'd walk out. it was bad enough during summer without that bullshit

>> No.16765833

the incompetence of others is the worst along with working with people who don't care. that being said when you're on top of things and get into a flow state during a busy service it's like being on a drug

>> No.16765839

>get into a flow state during a busy service it's like being on a drug
This is the best feeling in the world, but IT NEVER LASTS. Somebody always fucks up, gets fired, quits, calls out.

>> No.16765853

What dies the neck difference mean?

>> No.16765870

I always used to have it happen when I was running the pass, it sucked being on larder because I couldn't set the pace and everyone else was slower than I was used to

>> No.16765877
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>be neet manchild that subsists on chicken tendies
>the rug gets pulled out from under me and now i must make chicken tendies for other neets in order to survive
the circle is complete

>> No.16765883

It probably took you 4 hours to do something they needed done in 1. I always get job offers aftef staging but I'm actually good at cooking

>> No.16765900

sorry to tell you but >>16765883
is probably right. i'd never seen people move so slow in my life until I saw some retards on a trial shift

>> No.16765905

I mean you don't know me at all. I really wanted that job and I did my best. I have like 3 years of prep cook experience so I think I'm pretty decent at peeling and chopping onions.

>> No.16765919

sorry anon, if you did your best I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I know there is chefs who pull shit like that

>> No.16765923

>doesn't want the darma
But why? Dharma is love, Dharma is peace.

>> No.16765927

It's fine. Restaurant jobs are a dime a dozen tbqh, especially now. I found a job like a week later so I'm not too upset. I was however pretty annoyed at the time when I came in to stage for a line position and all they had me do was prep.

>> No.16765967
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Do what you love. There’s infinitely more to life.

As long as you can find food and shelter, you’re good.

>> No.16765990

>Line cook at sushi bar/teriyaki place
>Pretty reliable and usually able to handle most BOH stuff myself
>Always say no when asked to come in on my day off
>Just know I'm gonna get fired one day for saying no to coming in
It sucks but I'd rather get my days off, enough cook jobs around now I can just hermit crab into some other kitchen

>> No.16766102

yeah it sounds like the chefs didn't want to peel a bunch of onions for something and put out an a for free labour. i hope you like your new job fren

>> No.16766133

There's not much more to life if you're barely making ends meet.

>> No.16766138

Never in my life will I work my day off. Niggers can fire me first

>> No.16766139

*an ad

>> No.16766155

>general manager
Maybe one day you’ll stop flipping burgers and be on the other side
t. 3 Michelin exec chef

>> No.16766157


that happened with me. my last chef found out i was having a kid and had to get a second job. instead of giving me a raise he encouraged me to get a second job and told me "always think about your wallet and family first". then after a month i got a job offer at a very famous michelin place for $26/h so i wouldnt have to work two jobs and would get more time with my family. i walked in and gave him a two week notice the next day and told him about my new opportunity and he spent the next two weeks working me like a dog while simultaneously giving me the cold shoulder. then when i got to the new place one of the cooks there who knew my old chef told me that he said i "left him in the dust"

its like bro... you told me to think about my wallet and family first, then i do the respectable thing and put in a two week, work 7 days a week to train my replacement, and you still try to get me fucked at my new job. honestly there really is no better thing to do as a line cook than just jump ship because putting in your two week is a waste of time the chef will always get butthurt.

>> No.16766513

honestly if i could see myself putting in the grind for years id take 26 an hour for food service
its just that its cancer to hope for that after years of killing yourself, plus you probably wont get higher than that until the USD is like 2% of what its current value is rofl

>> No.16766715

Yeh my bro says that too pretty much exactly that he does miss those days but would never go back for it.

>> No.16766724

They are just trying to mitigate damages due to their own incompetence. I had it happen to me twice, but both on my last day at work. The first time I was given my final wow up by the night manager for cussing by the dish washing station even though I had not had had a single write up before that, second time I was sent home an hour and a half early by the chef because I was checking my phone too often. They always act like shitheads in this manner because it's way easier to blame the guy who isn't there any longer than to have any accountability. You always hear about how the last guy was lazy or whatever wherever you go and it's usually true only about half the time.

>> No.16766725

wow up = write up, sorry on mobile

>> No.16766728

Don't, for the sake of your potential coworkers

>> No.16766729

So like, couple months from now?

>> No.16766733

Say you feel weak, and get a drive through covid taste but around the same time of wgen your shifts over. Give the results to your boss the next day.
>hurr durr so sick I thaught I could of had covid
And your boss will tgank you for saving everybody's life by taking the test

>> No.16766755

Once I gave a place literally 2 month's notice that I was starting a new job on Jan 2nd. Cunt scheduled me for a double shift on new year's eve and morning prep on the 1st, then acted completely appalled when I told her "no I'll just quit on the 30th"

>> No.16766798

yeah that happens. I once gave a place a one week notice instead of two because I hated it and the next job wanted to start me immediately, GM talks with me directly being all pissed off that I'm not giving two weeks notice. I tell him I can quit today if that's easier, he goes that's not going to make it easier then I being up the fact that it's an at will employment state and ask him how many times he's given workers a notice at all that they were being fired or laid off. we went back and forth a little and he was eventually like fine, one week notice will do. And then I told him on second thought I'm just gonna quit right now. he had one of the floor managers follow me out to the parking lot he was so fucking mad.

>> No.16766883

This happens in every field. I am a physician and took a temp job in a shithole hospital while looking for a permanent position. My whole contract is built around me leaving as soon as I found a good job, and I was very upfront about this.

I took a position that starts in December, and I let my current hospital know I would be leaving then (I am required to give 30 days notice, I gave like 3 months).

Hospital flipped a shit, cancelled all my shifts and said "well it's not worth working with you anymore if you're just going to leave". I called up one of other physicians there who would've had to be on call 24 hours a day EVERY DAY FROM NOW UNTIL THEY FIND SOMEONE NEW, and he was like "what the fuck, this can't happen." They ended up backtracking, but they were literally going to fuck themselves over so hard just out of spite.

Never giving notice more than a SECOND I'm required to anymore.

>> No.16766922

>source of constant agony for the owner
because of the sauce chef? it seems like a very reasonable agreement

>> No.16766955

No one does. Have a bang or two you'll be iight

>> No.16766962

Dishbitch in a nursing home here. Thank fuck I didn't enter the restaurant industry because shit sounds like hell.

>> No.16767093

Kek. I did this at my old job once. I lied and told them my roommate had been exposed to covid and they gave me a week vacation.

>> No.16767104

look at the eyes

>> No.16767118

Ok so what

>> No.16767142

>200 boomers need their dindin
>spend 6 hours bussing and cleaning dishes already behind from the lunch bitch didnt fucking finishing his shit
>also have to bake a million sheets of cookies or some other bullshit dessert
>clock out late and get yelled at despite having to close the entire kitchen myself
would b comfy if they hired more people desu

>> No.16767158

And? I don't see it

>> No.16767169

>be 15
>get job as busboy
>they really only want cute girls on the floor, corral me into washing dishes for more hours
>line cook gets fired for having a fistfight with a waitresses' bf
>"ok you're up"
>2 years later
>approaching end of high-shool
>"you're going to college right?"
>"I guess"
>"for what?"
>"idunno lol cooking I guess?"
>2 year meme degree in "applied business - chef technology"

>> No.16767175

He is just calling you fat
Should've added in a roll there lel

>> No.16767182

Does your dad work at nintendo too?

>> No.16767198

Yeah pretty much. When we're missing even one person it's hell but when everyone's here the job is peak comfy.

>> No.16767298

What's even crazier is that jobs are plentiful right now and managers judt don't notice thst nobody is coming in for the interview I'm >>16762965>>16763012 and the GM that laid me off for not getting the jab has asked if I want to come back (on the condition that I get tested monthly and I gotta mask up while the vaxxed are optional) as I wasn't the only one out from that and a full 3rd of his staff left kneecapping his business I told him maybe part time for an increase in money

>> No.16767332

I'd imagine that cooking is a little like music in that 99% of people who do it are not very well off financially, 0.9% of people do OK out of it, and there's like 0.1% of people who are in Pink Floyd / are Gordon Ramsay etc.

>> No.16767338

>the GM that laid me off for not getting the jab has asked if I want to come back
Funny you mention that because our government announced that any health workers (including kitchen staff in health related facilities) that didn't get their two doses of the vaccine by October 15th would be laid off while at the same time admitting that there's a critical shortage of health workers right now. Shit is fucking insane.

>> No.16767355
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NYC just did exactly that, laid off a bunch of healthcare staff and then declared a state of emergency because hospitals are understaffed especially when the vax doesn't even work that well. If it did maybe I can see the justifications but it's mind boggling how little logic and forethought is being used. I would just cut completely away but the Chef is s genuine bro and I can always use a bit more cash plus the team is fun to spend time with

>> No.16767406

Oh shit are you me. Also how are you holding up.

>> No.16767840

Lmao based as fuck

>> No.16767932

Went into a mom-and-pop pizza place with my brother. Manager had a couple of other guys in the kitchen doing their trial. They left and for our interview, he just asked a couple questions, and then said make any sub on the menu. So we did, it was extremely easy, and then he said "okay, you're hired. want to know why I hired you after turning those guys away?"
" you washed your hands before touching the food".
Then my brother got the job, because he was looking for a delivery guys, and I didn't have a car

>> No.16768003

I walked into a restaurant that is slightly expensive because it's shellfish, and they don't trust me in the kitchen because I'm white and not Chinese. Everyone who works here besides me is Chinese, I just host, take phone orders, run the registers, deal with problem customers, mixed drinks, and when the new Chinese waitress is lagging behind, I'll take care of her tables and still give her her tip.
Also, the kitchen is run by only two guys, and we all want to be done at 10 when we close. They are you willing to do fried food 15 minutes before closing, but no seafood, and no sit downs. The only stress in my life is when some nogs try to sit down at 9:35, and I tell them they can only ordered some fried food to go. They bitching line, yell at me, and all I tell them over and over is that the kitchen is cleaned, we close at 10, I won't make my cooks stay overtime because they've already been here 11 hours.

My boss's boss gets super pissed about any negative review, he doesn't seem to understand that we have 300 good reviews, the 4 bad ones don't matter. But he thinks perfection is possible.

>> No.16768021

the vax never stopped you from getting it dummy, it makes the infection less severe

>> No.16768031

>be waiter
>boss needs me more than I need him
>meet a dealer and I just fuck off work fri-sat with a "hey I won't be in" text
>do molly
>come in sunday with bad attitude because of the comedown
>he doesn't mention it
That was over six months ago, I haven't missed a day since though, maybe I should so he doesn't forget I'm not reliable.

>> No.16768046
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Infections don't equal hospitalizations or deaths. Point of vaccinations is to prepare your immune system to fight off or recover from an infection to significantly reduce the likelihood of you dying or being crippled, it's not complete protection from infection. This was also after the super gay pride event at P-town, where people from all over the country came to hook up and blow each other, so increased infections were not really unexpected. Very few of those infected were seriously ill and under 10 of the people that attended were hospitalized and none died....because the vast majority of them were vaccinated.

So as always, you antivaxx retards don't understand basic science and just misrepresent what actually happened.
Fuck off. Literal mouthbreathing retards.

>> No.16768049

I forgot my point
on a good day I make $20-25 an hour for 5-7 hour shifts before my hourly wage.
get into serving. all you do is lie to customers and smalltalk

>> No.16768063

serving is okay so long as you don't work for a chain restaurant

>> No.16768071

Its supposed to curb transmission meaning the numbers shouldn't be that high. These are also people who were forced to report it while there should be many people with "less severe" symptoms not noticing they even have it.

>> No.16768093


>> No.16768195

This is fucking bullshit. The cooks should be the ones making the majority of tip money because they do the actual hard work.

>> No.16768204

this is why cooks never have to tip when they done out

>> No.16768226

i know it's bullshit
I don't feel bad, literally everything we have is precooked, and then dropped in a deep fryer or dropped into the boiler. I could do it myself, all the cook times are on a piece of paper next to both appliances.
The only prep that goes on in the kitchen is me filling up sauces for the fried food, and chopping up Romaine lettuce for the salads. It's so easy that one of the cooks just fucks off and plays on his tablet for 10 hours.
The other cooks wife is the new waitress, so he at least gets some of those tips she makes.

>> No.16768320

I always figured the dips were the upside of having to deal with the public.

>> No.16768413

Currently on year 5 of starting my own restaurant. Short answer is stay the fuck away and don't make the same mistake. The service industry bubble is about to pop anyway so there's going to be massive changes to just about everything.

>> No.16768523

It's shit. Long hours, no time outside of work and the quality of the workplace rests mostly on your coworkers

>> No.16768530

at least you get some free tendies out of it, right?

>> No.16768546

there is no joy. Most people go into it imagining they will cook shit they like, while in reality most people only eat chips and burgers. Once the realisation sets in they have already wasted a few years working and are too deep into it to quit. Most cooks are walking wasted opportunities

>> No.16768557

Just the thought of working in a kitchen gives me anxiety

>> No.16768780

>be me
>line cook at a grill in a tourist trap town
>get fucked every night, especially during the tourist season
>some of the funniest people ive ever met work there though
if the people i work with werent there i probably wouldve quit, you really gotta get lucky and find a place with a good vibe if u wanna be a fulltime cook. also remember that every restaurant is looking for people, if a place aint treating you right other places would be delighted to have you lmao

>> No.16769054
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>Hello, is the one cook in the entire kitchen cleaning the fryers or pulling 75lbs of raw chicken out of bags? I'd like to order a thin crust pizza with everything on it.

>> No.16769069
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>> No.16769144
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>yfw an 8 top walks in 5 minutes before closing

>> No.16769170

yeah that would be horrible, I remember at the end of the night, my work uniform would have soaked up a layer of grease and other nasty stuff, and a mask on my face would definitely soak up all sorts of shit too, would probably be horrible for my skin

>> No.16769554

Not a line cook, but a baker. I hate that I find this relatable. Mainly
>wants to get out of the industry but has no skills
>see no future for self
>lost love cooking
>no real social life
>wish he could go back to school
>burn marks on arms

Luckily I just got a job working as a baker for a non profit. Full benefits including tuition reimbursement. So I may actually be able to go back to school and get into a better career.

>> No.16769800

find an employer that both needs and deserves you if you can.

>> No.16769888 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 720x396, truth vs facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an admission that the vaccine doesn't work. We were lied to about its efficacy out the gate and we were lied to about corresponding policy. The only consistent pattern is goalpost moving, politicization, and this smug sense of unearned morality you project. Every day there is new conflicting information, often out of the very same sources, and every week there is a new major refutation of past statements.

We are told that data we can see anecdotally by speaking with each other is a lie. We are told that data coming out of other nations with near total vaccination rates is inconsequential. We are told that any therapy not promoted by a the EUA, with a patent, must be mocked. This is not science this is an outrage and criminal.

It has gotten so bad that statements are being refuted a day after they are made. We see completely vaccinated populations having the highest infection rates. Then we find that the hospitalizations are majority "breakthrough" cases. This is not efficacy this is insane and it is NO surprise that there are resignations at the high level, specific to vaccine policy, at the FDA happening right now.

You discuss science as if you have ownership of it, and as if it was a religion. This is dogmatic horeshit and totally foolish. It puts all of us at risk for a lot more than the 0.02% (debatable) chance of losing one's life from a coronavirus infection. Science is a method not a marketing plan.


>> No.16769923

I can tell when someone puts effort into good food, and appreciate you for it.

>> No.16770632

I've worked in like 4 different places throughout the whole pandemic and literally every worker just wears the mask around their chin, defeating the purpose of even using masks in the first place. I don't blame them either. Working in a kitchen is already hot and miserable enough without a fucking piece of cloth strapped over your nose and face.

>> No.16770641

Good luck idiot

>> No.16770653

still not getting it

>> No.16770663

I'm the same, I miss it a little but I know I'd be over it in a month or two

>> No.16770684

even that sounds too bad. I'm not putting shit on my face in a 65° C kitchen. The people making the rules don't know anything, so I guess nothing has changed kek

>> No.16770705

It's bullshit, it's dehumanizing, and it doesn't even fucking work. Especially when none of the god damn customers have to wear masks. I'm so sick of this I swear to god.

>> No.16770716

used to work at a trendy, medium sized japanese restaurant in an outdoor mall that contained restaurants and bars, movie theater, and other entertainment. server friend told me their dishwasher was about to get fired if i wanted to swoop his job. after finding out when the manager arrived at work i went in there at 2 p.m., handed him a copy of my resume and expressed my interest in the position. after a few minutes of speaking he offered me the job and asked if i could come in that night at 5 p.m. to which i agreed. the previous dishwasher i was replacing was supposed to train me but kept disappearing to smoke meth in his car. a few hours into my shift the korean manager, who assumed i was hispanic, asked if i'd like to be a cook for $1/hr more to which i, again, agreed. at this point i had zero prior cooking experience. the other three cooks were a mexican husband who ran dinner and his mexican wife who did prep in the morning along with the 3rd cook being some 50-60 year old mexican guy who used to work at a 3 star resort in mexico and no longer gave a fuck and got drunk all shift. within 9 months i was offered the position of head cook and kitchen manager. i negotiated a salary which i never received. i was working 60+ hours/week for peanuts, often times with just me in the kitchen and one kid around my age in the sushi bar up front, with us each taking turns to solely cover the kitchen and sushi bar during the others break. it didn't take long before i quit.

>> No.16770735

I get depressed when I stop and really think about just how many hours of this short life I've wasted working my ass off for peanuts in shitty restaurants.

>> No.16770751

>worked in kitchen while in college
>make it very clear that I can't work more hours than my schedule dictates because I need to study
>make it clear that around exam time I will need to work 1 shift less
>the whole time I am there I get bitched out for not being able to work more hours and for needing time off for exams
>jackoff retard I worked with would just no-show for shifts or come in hungover and do no work
>doesn't get bitched out or harassed, but I get hounded constantly and the manager hates me
Why does this shit happen?

>> No.16770753

it was a great wakeup call for me. working shitty jobs motivated me to go back to school and finish my degree.

>> No.16770755

i started working as a line cook after school and i've been one for 4 years now. i went back to school for an engineering degree to finally get a proper job

>> No.16770771

I want out so bad but I don't have the money to go back to school. I'm kicking myself for being a retard and deciding to drop out of my first year of college to "find myself"

>> No.16770775

Just get some sales job and work yourself to death for a year. It will suck but you'll have a cushion to make something happen. Money is the fuel for options unfortunately.

>> No.16770776

if you live in the u.s. than FAFSA provides you with free college tuition. don't fall for the college debt meme.

>> No.16770779

Stop being the only one with responsibility and your employer will give up on you too. Easy. Best case scenario the place closes and you can spit on its grave.

>> No.16770783

i still work, only on the weekends though. i'll start doing internships and stuff in a year or something though but until then i'm still cooking. not quite out of the woods yet

>> No.16770792

thankfully I don't work that shit job anymore, but a part of me wants to quit my current bullshit forklift job (I went to school for something "useless") for another cooking job because I enjoy cooking to a certain extent

>> No.16770827

you're not seeing the bigger picture which is that the jab is just a political fulcrum being used to destroy small business. Most people who get covid whether they shag each other or not get very little to no symptoms and don't require hospital. It's literally the old and infirm on death's door skewing the numbers.

>> No.16770838

I'm back from work again. Today I slipped near the dish pit and cut a huge gash on my arm because I'm too poor to afford a new pair of non-slip shoes. Someone please save me from this nightmare.

>> No.16770983

I think the dehumanisation is the whole point, there's no other reason apart from giving people a false sense of security

>> No.16771018
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start looking for work at other companies? I've been a prep cook for about 9 months and I think I'm seriously burning out at my job. Our kitchen basically won't bump pay for people since the worker shortage started and we keep losing people because other companies keep recruiting our staff. I started part time and I still technically am, but I haven't had a night off since the 19th and am putting in about 50+ hours a week. I want to work my way up to sous but I'm not sure if I should just wait it out and hope it gets better here or start interviewing with other companies that will probably pay me a few more bux an hour.

>> No.16771030

obviously. do it ASAP

>> No.16771032

Look for another job anon, they'll take everything you can give and throw you out when you're too burnt out to keep going without so much as a thank you. I've tried it myself and it ended in heartache. It won't get any better if they don't appreciate your time and effort already

>> No.16771046

Thanks, I figured that that's what you guys would say but it just sucks to throw 9 months of work down the drain without a promotion. I still keep in touch with one of my old co-workers who left 2 months ago and where went from $13.50/hr to nearly $17 and she didn't even have to interview, they just gave her the job based on her work history.

>> No.16771050

youre not throwing anything down the drain, you gained 9 months worth of experience which qualifies you for a better position at another joint

>> No.16771058


flow state is what keeps me as a line cook. i seek kitchens that have people that are as addicted to it as i am. i can not work in a place where people dont give a fuck. its the balance between anxiety and skill that creates flow state and when you hit that realm its straight nirvana. if im in a kitchen where people cant hit flow state i dip immediately.

>> No.16771070


there arent dips when you work in high caliber food. but then the servers are getting tipped out on $500-$1000 checks and so even though the cooks are making a little more than your average cooks the servers are walking away with $300-$500 for a 6 hour shift

>> No.16771083

Cooks and other hospitality workers are literally in the best position they've ever been in to find/demand higher wages & better working conditions. If you aren't taking advantage you're an idiot.

>> No.16771110
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, gtq23n0mzkj41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't I left this industry yet?

>> No.16771111
File: 829 KB, 150x250, 1489067967348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, pwnd

>> No.16771123

Hospitality is futile. At least in Australia it is. Glad I ditched the cooking industry. I picked up a trade laborer job and learned a lot of new skills, thank fuck for that because chef's and restaurants here have been getting fucked up since the covid lockdown.

>> No.16771129

Well, I'm gonna go grab some KFC. Want anything?

>> No.16771137

good luck anon, I hope you find a place that values you, your time and your skills

>> No.16771141

>Prep cooks didn't do shit
The absolute worst when nothing has been prepped and you're about to go into lunch hour.

>> No.16771151 [DELETED] 

the industry has been in need of an overhaul for decades here, covid actually might be good for the industry in the long run because a lot of chefs have learned to value their time. it'll suck once we have shitskins coming to take jobs again

>> No.16771163

> the jab is just a political fulcrum being used to destroy small business

Absolutely delusional. Take a break from social media, or at the very least stop blindly believing everything you read on it that happens to fit your political narrative.

>> No.16771178

I saw a chef I used to work with not too long ago. Business is probably going to close down if they don't reopen soon and he was drunk as fuck and looked like he had a death wish. Kinda sad to see.

>> No.16771200

poor cunt, looks like it might be around the corner. I think it'll take longer for VIC to bounce back, it's a shame, the food scene in melbourne was world class

>> No.16771216

whats even the point of giving a notice beside courtesy? does anyone even care about a reference?

>> No.16771227

>I lost my job because I'm an idiot

The manager was right to fire you. If you ended up spreading covid 19 to a lot of other people, the restaurant could become known as a covid 19 hotspot. Liberal faggot he may be, but you were an unnecessary liability to the restaurant and firing you was the right call.

>> No.16771234

>The service industry bubble is about to pop anyway so there's going to be massive changes to just about everything.
whats going to change

>> No.16771359

>but I think I wouldn't handle it well
That's probably true considering your age. Most people who worked long time in kitchens started when they were young and are fairly used to it. Most people may take up kitchen work for short term income, most kitchenhands quit within the first year. The only good thing about been a chef is you get to leave early and not have to clean up the place. Kitchenhand is a fairly soul crushing job, only the most washed up, introverted types of MEN can handle the intensity of a kitchen during the busiest hours.

>> No.16771369
File: 72 KB, 956x1024, 1633043787316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the "I wish I had paid more attention in school" facial expression followed by intrusive thoughts about all the missed opportunities throughout his life.

>> No.16771385
File: 292 KB, 1080x978, Screenshot_20200918-010723__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get paid 22 hourly as a line cook
>plenty of overtime
>good tipouts, 800-1k monthly
>owners are present, work the floor, and treat the kitchen like people
>family meal every night, they'll give you a beer or two after shift
>front of house are still morons though
I feel for you boys, this job has treated me fucking well the last couple years and I genuinely cannot imagine doing the kind of work we do without compensation like I get

>> No.16771422

Did a stint at local beachclub during summer. It has it's moments, but when your sous gets passed over for promotion, his wife divorces him, he sleeps in the storage room and you open up for the breakfast at 6 on a sunday with the guy the atmo becomes quite dour.

>> No.16771438

incite him until he explodes

>> No.16771441

kek, front of house will always be faggots

>> No.16771584

apprenticeships don't seem to be an American thing. I did an apprenticeship in Australia. It wasn't that bad of a job, but I'm not the right kind of person for it so I got fired after my apprenticeship (too anxious to work effectively)

>> No.16771656

>Line cook forever
>Get a job at a brewpub
>Decide enough is enough, going to learn a new trade that I'll actually like
>Fill in part time in the brewery for two years, mostly doing bitch work before or after my kitchen shifts, slowly learn how to brew
>Covid happens, head brewer decides to lay me off permanently because something something something hard times something something something yada yada
>Think I wasted two years of my life and will be stuck cooking forever
>Get a job at a brewery in Minnesota, move to Minnesota rather than stay in Montana and flip burgers forever
>Don't make much more than the cooks, and the job is more labor intensive, but a lot more fun and I'm happy for the first time in my life
We're all going to make it, Bros.

>> No.16771821

What about front of house? I have once worked as delivery guy in a small joint and beyond that no experience with gastronomy as a non-customer.

>> No.16771904

Lmao enjoy being balls deep in pee pee and poo poo

>> No.16771957

How do I become dishlad in a nursing home?

>> No.16772062

I used to be an assistant manager at a chicken tendie restaurant and the irony was never lost on me

>> No.16772077

...all you did was remove the party hat

>> No.16772113

just leave, trust me it's worth it, go work at a painting company if you have no education

>> No.16772129

every place that serves casual food but isn't priced already to well account for food prices (aka fancy restauraunts) will shut down as workers refuse to work for shit wages and those businesses cant raise wages as their business was unsustainable and then only fast food and expensive restaurants will be left

>> No.16772179

Do NOT listen to this guy. I work in a financial aid department at a college and the FAFSA absolutely does not give you free money. If you are a single male with any kind of job, you get $2k at best that you don't pay back

>> No.16772227

>find your nearest nursing home
I guarantee you your nearest boomer home is currently understaffed and would see you as a blessing from God. Unless you confess to an old people's fetish or some shit during your interview (if they even interview you) you'll get the job easy.

>> No.16772303

Absolutely delusional. Take a break from social media, or at the very least stop blindly believing everything you read on it that happens to fit your political narrative.

>> No.16772326


>> No.16772718

>a bunch of faggots got the vax so you should too
Yeah that just tells me I'm in the right.

>> No.16772806
File: 1.91 MB, 482x270, elsa-jean-blacked-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look a closeted cuck

>> No.16772851

I literally never went back to working as a cook, I bailed to the nearest warehouse and watched the resturant burn.
Sure I make 80% of my previous pay, as a cook. but I sure as hell don't suffer the chef life.

>> No.16772943


Its because its easier to harass an employee who will listen than it is to fire and hire a new employee.

>> No.16773634

it's the way of the world, homo, sorry that upsets you.

>> No.16773666
File: 104 KB, 492x640, whiteknight cuckboi incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope incel

>> No.16773865
File: 88 KB, 720x396, truth vs facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an admission that the vaccine doesn't work. We were lied to about its efficacy out the gate and we were lied to about corresponding policy. The only consistent pattern is goalpost moving, politicization, and this smug sense of unearned morality you project. Every day there is new conflicting information, often out of the very same sources, and every week there is a new major refutation of past statements.

We are told that data we can see anecdotally by speaking with each other is a lie. We are told that data coming out of other nations with near total vaccination rates is inconsequential. We are told that any therapy not promoted by a the EUA, with a patent, must be mocked. This is not science this is an outrage and criminal.

It has gotten so bad that statements are being refuted a day after they are made. We see completely vaccinated populations having the highest infection rates. Then we find that the hospitalizations are majority "breakthrough" cases. This is not efficacy this is insane and it is NO surprise that there are resignations at the high level, specific to vaccine policy, at the FDA happening right now.

You discuss science as if you have ownership of it, and as if it was a religion. This is dogmatic horeshit and totally foolish. It puts all of us at risk for a lot more than the 0.02% (debatable) chance of losing one's life from a coronavirus infection. Science is a method not a marketing plan.

>> No.16774060


>> No.16774073

>Oh no, I'm spreading the flu, somebody stop me

>> No.16774869

The human body wasn't meant to be on its feet for 8+ hours 5 days a week.
Not for this kind of pay.

>> No.16774882
File: 183 KB, 1894x356, happy_bday_cook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16774896

Literally Bourdain story

>> No.16774904

Yes it was. Even more than that. Chairs are relatively recent. The biologically natural thing for a human to do while resting is squat, and lie down when intending to sleep.

>> No.16774923

Sure, but it definitely wasn't meant to be standing in the same spot for 8+ hours a day, which is the reality for most cooks. Standing in the same spot for long periods of time is hell on your body.

>> No.16774924
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 583ca1b7b430dc343e434d9b596872a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man there's no way my great grugfather was hunting animals for 40 hours a week.
If our overlords could get away with having us work 16 hours a day 7 days a week they would.

>> No.16775202

Go fuck yourself. Shoot up and drag your worthless human garbage corpse onto the line so strung out junkie whores can sneer at you while they fuck up their trained dog tier job

>> No.16776888


>> No.16776894

>$45,000 a year
>Paycheck to paycheck

No wonder you fuckers are so poor

>> No.16777004

What party hat

>> No.16777030

$45k a year is nothing. It takes at least $100k+ a year, job security and $200k+ saving invested in high dividend stocks for comfortable passive income.