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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16761186 No.16761186 [Reply] [Original]

I’m drunk, hungry
and never made one before, let’s see how I do.
>seasoning with salt and pepper
>filling with gruyere cheese
>topping with melted butter
Gonna try to respond between steps, let’s see how I do

>> No.16761195

You don't have a ton of time to post between steps bro

>> No.16761200
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Finished prep, let’s do this

>> No.16761203

Yeah I know, but I’ll see what I can swing

>> No.16761205

I practice everyday and I still fuck it up 80% of the time.

Pls update.

Are you freezing your butter? What's your technique?

>> No.16761207
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Pepper is in, time to assemble

>> No.16761222
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Not too bad for a first time

>> No.16761226

You should have just microwaved it.

>> No.16761229
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Tastes better than expected
I’ll tell you my method after I finish.

>> No.16761233

What did I do wrong? The glare is from the melted butter I rubbed on the top if that’s what you meant.

>> No.16761248

You didn't do anything "wrong", but you get the same results using the 'wave.

>> No.16761251

My butter is refrigerator temp. I beat the eggs until they’re uniform with a pinch of salt to help break down enzymes. I drop a cap full of olive oil into a medium pan to keep it nonstick. When I drop the beaten eggs in I beat the shit out of them to avoid big clumps of egg. I decided to take it off the heat every few seconds and beat the shit out of it while it’s “resting” while shaking it side to side. when it gets just below the consistency I want I fold it until it’s at the edge, drop a load of cheese and flip it onto a plate, rub some cold butter for richness before it cools. Enjoy.

>> No.16761265

I’m sorry I’m a tad blitzed, outside of presentation what did I do wrong? What makes it “microwave-like”

>> No.16761334

Decent omelette but get a real nonstick pan, those pans suck. I had that same one

>> No.16761383

this is already fucked up
no it looks like dogshit it's supposed to be a fucking omelette
you already posted a picture. it's fucking simple. yet you managed to fuck it up. someone post the video of the the literal mongoloid retard flipping an omelette 20 feet in the air and catching it in the pan without looking

>> No.16761389

is this you OP or someone trying to make you sound like a fucking abvious retard?

>> No.16761600

Jesus as I said at the start it’s my first try. I want to improve all this vague “you suck shit” talk isn’t giving me anything to work with. I know my presentation is poor, but I honestly don’t know what I’ve done wrong.

>> No.16761750

Nice job OP. I've been trying to make those about 70 times this summer and I think I got it down now but I can't ever know because no restaurants around me make these things so I have no idea what it's supposed to taste like.

Sometimes it seems too undercooked and sometimes it seems too overcooked. I think I get something I think is really tasty about 70% of the time.

Also I have a fucked up pan where the non-stick surface got fucked up from being forked or some shit. So the pan over cooks a portion of the outside. Also the pan is too big ;_;

I'm proud of you OP

>> No.16761758

A French omelette is a dish of softly scrambled eggs wrapped in the barest veneer of rolled omelette skin.

Actually achieving that takes a specific technique - there's a few ways of doing it, I like to tilt the pan as it comes together to redistribute the egg on a slant and roll gently down while tilted. I find this gets me the most reliable shell and classic shape.

>> No.16761789

i never made an omelet before but the last time i grated cheese drunk i lost the skin on my finger. Roommate's kitchen ware is surplus from the local college and never used to her knives and anything metal's sharp as hell.

>> No.16761794


This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen

A french omelette is eggs butter salt and pepper. No gruyere.

It should be extremely simple to make. Cook low and slow, once egg reaches the right consistency start rolling from one side, then finish with a roll from the other side, then flip onto plate.

It's literally one of the easiest dishes to make if you have the slightest bit of cooking skill.

>> No.16761796

>A french omelette is eggs butter salt and pepper. No gruyere.
Oh go pound sand.

>> No.16761814


T. retard

It's a CLASSIC recipe that specifically focuses on the texture of having a fluffy, barely cooked shell of egg with a creamy, custardy egg interior. Putting gruyere in there completely changes the dish. Then it's just a normal omelette.

>> No.16761817
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>> No.16761825

Adding a little cheese does not 'completely change the dish'. Slow buttery eggs with a little melted cheese are not very far from just slow buttery eggs.

>> No.16761837

>adding a cup of gasoline to carbonara doesn't change the dish

>> No.16761838


There's a million ways to make an omelette. There ONE way to make a french omelette.

You wanna make a tasty omelette, throw whatever you want in the middle. You want to make a french omelette, it has to only be eggs.

Also that's like half a cup of grated gruyere for 2 or 3 eggs. "A little melted cheese".

>> No.16761849

there is not one way to make a french omelette. also, the larousse gastronomique entry for omelettes includes a suggestion to add cheese.

>> No.16761862

yeah putting cheese in eggs is like putting gasoline in noodles. you're not retarded.

>> No.16761951
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>> No.16761981

You should probably learn to cook before telling other people how to

>> No.16761987

listen your's double aughts digits mean both your holes are open. just let me have my fill (i'm veru gentle but on the large side) and i will teach you about what to do and how to present it. if you let me youse your ass too cum i will teach you how to make breakfast that is sex in your mouth. deal?

>> No.16762023

Look OP, a proper french omelette is very simple. Ignore all the retards and follow this:

Lots of butter in a pan, low heat. Mix eggs with salt and pepper in a bowl. Try not to incorporate too much air but mix well.

Eggs in once butter in nice and melted. Be patient with the low heat, you don't want eggs to start solidifying in clumps. As the eggs start cooking you can tilt or stir a little bit to get an even distribution, but I prefer not stirring at all to get that silky smoothness.

Once the bottom has just started to firm - there should be no browning whatsoever - Tilt the pan and roll the omelette from one side, about 1/3 of the way across. Then roll over again, another 1/3 of the way. Now til the pan slightly the other way, and from the other side tilt the remaining 1/3. Flip gently onto a plate, seam-side down.

Your exterior should be silky smooth and fluffy, your interior should be nice and custardy. There should be no browning whatsoever, and no lumpiness.

>> No.16762032

Agree. For a drunk first timer you could have done a lot worse.

>> No.16762048

Presentation sucks, obviously, but I bet the taste is pretty much spot on. Be a little gentler next time. The most important trick is to really stir the bitch out of the eggs before cooking so they're really nice and fluffy, and of course don't skimp on the butter. Good job anon.

>> No.16762060

Why are these supposed to be hard to make
Its just butter and egg

>> No.16762066

The simplest recipes are the hardest to get right.

>> No.16762079

why are these fuckers talking about low heat? you're supposed to cook a french omelette in like twenty seconds.

>> No.16762104



You will never get a smooth custardy omelette on high heat.

Some people like to add water to their eggs to get a bit of steam action at the start. In that case you start on medium high with stirring, then quickly turn down to low to smoothen out the omelette and roll it. I think that makes a much worse omelette.

Do it low and slow and it'll turn out perfect.

>> No.16762122


>> No.16762140

I came here to post this
It should settle any disputes
If you disagree with ANYTHING in this video then you are fucking wrong

>> No.16762149


Yes Jacques Pepin can do it, you're right.

Most people trying to do it that way will end up with something like OP's omelette.

"just bang the pan at an angle to tilt the other edge up" -> egg in burner.

Just cook it low and slow, get the same end result in 30s-1min more time.

If you want to have fun with it you can try it his way, but I'm telling you from experience you're going to fuck it up a lot, it's a much harder and unnecessary way to cook it.

>> No.16762288

I bet you would let peppin bang you in your b hole

>> No.16762511

>t.mentaly handicaped person

>> No.16762517

Anon, how do I cook an omelette without burning it. I almost always end up browning it too much one side, but if I try to go faster it just falls apart.

>> No.16762521

I'm using cast iron btw.

>> No.16763039

>no cheese
So it's just fucking scrambled eggs in a different shape? Are you retarded?

OP it looks too folded, use less egg next time, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan and a little bit more than that. Look up Italian rolled omelette techniques that will fix the presentation issue it just takes practice

>> No.16763097


Wow. These levels of retardation shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.16763473

welcome to the internet grandpa