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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16748815 No.16748815 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever steal from your local grocery store?

>> No.16748818


>> No.16748851

I buy stolen meats at the bus stop sometimes. There's an old guy that will go in and grab me steaks on demand I usually pay 30% to him.

>> No.16748910

that is radical if true.

>> No.16748937

This one time I was buying mandarins but they weren't listed in the self-checkout list so instead I weighed them as oranges which were cheaper.
And I forget to pay for the bag sometimes and I don't bother correcting it.

>> No.16748945


>> No.16748946
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you shouldn't either

>> No.16748949

Nice try FBI

>> No.16748968 [DELETED] 

No, I’m not a nigger.

>> No.16748978

no, but I stole your moms heart last night, op.

>> No.16748992

Used to regularly, but since i moved in with my gf she isnt keen on it, id usually just steal shit if i was buyinf multiples, 4 packs of ramen and ill only scan 2, 5 frozen pizzas id scan 3, etc. I stole a whole coffee maker once.

>> No.16749047 [DELETED] 

Spiritual niggers

>> No.16749050

Back in school we had to wear blazers (UK) and they had these large pockets on each side. I'd walk into this store that had basically 0 security, put a box of malteasers in each pocket and just walk out again. Did this several times at the same place until I decided I'd risked it enough. I would never do such a thing as an adult though, much easier to get some money to spend on whatever shit you want, nevermind the consequences. Teenagers just don't care/can't afford the things they want.

>> No.16749055

yes, mostly just small items like wedges of cheese and packets of spices
in the past ive managed to put clearance labels onto whole chickens and fool the scales in the bagging area by having a bunch of other stuff on them already, but theyve gotten better since then

>> No.16749451

no. why would i steal anything when i can just pay for it?

>> No.16749504

I steal the expensive dog treats for my dog. Fuck paying 10 bucks a price of dried bull wiener.

>> No.16749935

thanks doc

>> No.16750278

I have walked back into the store several times when I realized they didn't charge me for something

>> No.16750288

You're a good person anon.

>> No.16750368
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When I use to spend all my money on drugs, I would
>walk to the grocery store
>line the bottom of a hand basket with shopping bags
>place items inside
When it was time to leave, I would just pull the bags out and walk out.

When it was really busy I would take 24packs of beer also.

>> No.16750482

No but on the rare occasion I forget to put an item in my cart onto the converyor belt I rarely come back to the store to let them know of the mistake

>> No.16750489

You're a gay person anon.

>> No.16750498

I steal cases of water everytime from walmart due to their self checkout BS. I place the water on the lower port of the cart and feign ignorance. If I get busted, (never have) ill just say oh haha, oops, yeah darn self-checkout, maybe you should open up some registers! Niggers.

>> No.16750555

Yeah. But I usually wait for the power to go out, then I role your fat fuck mom out of her mobility scooter. First I take her in her HUGE waterbed like ass, then i steal the scooter and ride home.

>> No.16750595


>> No.16750625

I steal loose ginger and turmeric and lemongrass paste. I live in a black area; nobody cares.
Nigs shove steak and lobster down their sweatpants and I pass by quietly

>> No.16750628

Are you in Madison WI?

>> No.16750629


>> No.16750976

I used to steal alcohol from a Safeway in my hometown when I was a teenager. Several years after graduating, I worked in the meat department there. Started stealing tons of frozen meat all the time. My house never went hungry

>> No.16751015

Yes. Why?

>> No.16751162

Cause you don't have to, large supermarkets don't deserve money, only pay at small grocery stores

>> No.16751234

based and bananapilled

>> No.16751254

technically, thats not stealing

>> No.16751338

When I was bordering on ending up homeless due to lack of money I would just steal part of my weekly groceries by leaving it tucked in the bottom of the cart and using self-checkout. Always mentally prepared myself to laugh, apologize and pay for it anyway (so I never got more than I physically could pay for, even if it'd fuck my budget up). Didn't feel good though since it was a constant reminder that I was doing it because I had no other option. The gelato tasted good though; it definitely got me to appreciate food more

>> No.16751361

Never stolen food, I steal moisturising cream every time I need it though. The moisturiser I like costs $40 , you'd have to be out of your fucking mind to spend that money on moisturiser.

>> No.16751377

My prices went up to 40%. See you at the bus stop

>> No.16751380

not food but I've started stealing from Target just out of boredom.
>buy $2 clearance candle
>take it home
>remove barcode sticker and set aside
>go back to target with barcode sticker palmed in hand under cellphone
>pick up massive $45 candle along with all my other shit
>slap the palmed barcode over the new one
>self checkout
Could do it for anything but I just do it for dumb shit like candles

>> No.16751383


>> No.16751420


>dumpster diving

>> No.16751471

I buy 6L packs of perrier once a week and just scan the one bottle, costs like a dollar. Fuckers.

>> No.16751497

Good Goy!

>> No.16751520 [DELETED] 
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No because I'm not a nigger, nor do I go to establishments with a negro surplus.

>> No.16751522
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I'd only steal if I was homeless.
Stealing from big companies is ok, stealing from Mom and Pop corner stores is not.
The food programs around here are pretty good anyway so it is not like I'd got hungry, I'd only steal stuff people don't donate like chips and candy to boost morale.

>> No.16751625

no because you idiots dont realize when you steal the prices go up so you end up paying anyway and most of the time more than if you hadnt stolen

>> No.16751638

When I was a kid, probably 10ish, I stole some fancy beads out of someone else's locker because I thought they looked cool. I haven't taken anything that wasn't mine since.

>> No.16751743

Once I stole a bic pen from a cvs cuz I really needed it for work and didn't have money on me

Once I stole a donut from a whole foods

>> No.16751917


Don't steal just because you can get away with it. When everyone steals, society transitions to a low trust society and you don't want that.

>> No.16751940

When I was a kid I would stuff my backpack full of chips ans soda in a blind spot from the security cameras. I stopped though cause I didn't to risk it anymore.

>> No.16751948
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No I'm not black or white trash

>> No.16752908

when I was a kid I stole and ate some gum drops.

one time a store put someone elses vodka in our bag at check out. we kept it.

>> No.16752920

just the hearts of the cashiers

>> No.16752962

Technically not stealing. I have found a golden necklace close to the entrance of a supermarket. There was nobody near, otherwise I would give it back. Took it to a jeweler and he gave me 1600 fucking bucks for it, no questions asked, no ID, no proof I was the owner needed. I was like holy shit, just how much was it originally worth?

>> No.16753022

I've always had urges to but never went through with it. In elementary school I did steal a book though

>> No.16753025

when i lived in the city as a student i used to

>> No.16753029

>I stole a whole coffee maker once.

>> No.16753148


Nah, plenty of opportunities.. there's some items I buy that are too expensive for what they are, but when I think of doing it I get this intense voice in my head telling me karma will get me

>> No.16753152


>> No.16753294

I did in college. I'd pay for one bag of brussel sprouts but have like 4 in the plastic bag.

>> No.16753323

No but I don't judge people who do.

>> No.16753346

this thread is fortuitous
i've just started stealing from my big gay local store and have big plans to get better at it
shits fucking expensive out there and if they're gonna pay some braindead boomers or zoomers to extremely half-assedly pay attention to me ringing myself up then yeah, i'm gonna abuse that system

>> No.16753354

Got caught and left with a warning once with that

>> No.16753377

no, i'm not a nig.

>> No.16753427


>> No.16753507

I once noticed that cashier forgot to pick up a can of whipped cream in my cart but decided not to say anything so I got for free. I've never deliberately stole, though.

>> No.16753584

i'm white...so....no

>> No.16753587

Stealing is wrong.

It's a reflection of you as a person when you can't get caught for something. If you steal, chances are that you're a generally corruptible person who wouldn't really stand strong on anything he believes in.

Simple as.

>> No.16753590
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>> No.16753599

Based, I too only stole from big box and large chains. I wouldn't ever steal from the local grocery store I frequent now.

>> No.16753601

I'm not black

>> No.16753607

>When you can't get caught
You're right, I never have. Wal Mart won't miss the 2$ sandwich I yanked.

>> No.16753626

I ring up shallots as onions at self-checkout all the time. There’s no reason shallots should be $3.99 a pound

>> No.16753665
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>ring up oyster mushrooms as buttons they are in a paper bag
>make spice mix from bulk spice bins ring up as onion powder
>if they have it loose just pocket a whole nutmeg
>fill bag with pinenuts place that bag inside another and fill with peanuts looks like a bag of peanuts and rings up like peanuts

>> No.16753790


>> No.16753794

so close

>> No.16753813

i used to use the scan as you go gun and half ass "scan" an item. It was great for a few months until they caught on, pulled me aside as I was checking out, made me rescan everything in my cart as an "error occurred" then the manager stopped me as I was walking out, screamed at my face that if I did it again they'd press charges. I stole probably a total of 2k worth of groceries.

>> No.16753895
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back in high school we would stuff 40s into our Jncos all the time and just walk out

>> No.16753901

Wtf based

>> No.16754021

yes son

>> No.16754069

I hope the manager catches you and kills you in front the customers as a free lesson

>> No.16754087

No, but before he was old enough to understand it was wrong, my son would take a vegetable away from the display and I would knowingly let him for our family's benefit and then pretend I just noticed when we left the store and would correct him. He grew out of it before he started being cognitively able to maliciously do it.

>> No.16754098

>T. Taliban social media worker

>> No.16754100

i always ring up organic produce as regular
saved at least $100 over the years

>> No.16754106

i never used to, and i noticed my local store often makes mistakes on prices; the coupons won't work or the meat market guys will put the wrong sticker on. it happened multiple times.

so now i go for lunch and self-checkout myself a large container of soup from the deli which is 7.99$ and i hit the button for small 2.99 container. desu i wonder what 'll happen if i get caught but i've done it legit like 20x now

>> No.16754113


>> No.16754193

I only really shoplifted in college
there was always a huge line for breakfast at the coffee shop in the main building, I'd grab my buttered roll and iced coffee and get on line, at this point I'm so far away from the register I can just hop out of line, and take my free breakfast to class.

>> No.16754207

No, I only steal money from the homeless.

>> No.16754217
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>> No.16754220

I get stopped by the security guard every time because I'm fat so he thinks I stuff my pockets with candy

>> No.16754247

I do steal ginger because the store has an autistic rule on buying an arbitrary amount of fresh produce and I don't want ginger rotting in my fridge

>> No.16754252

I used to for a short period when I was 19. Occasionally I did it after that. I haven't in many years now other than a package of sausages I recently didn't pay for because it didn't have a barcode when I was in the self checkout.

>> No.16754284

Holy fuck I work at a Safeway and never come on this board based

>> No.16754351

No. I'm there once a week and i look funny so theyd know it was me.

>> No.16754417

No. I've even returned money to the teller at the bank. I guess sometimes I don't go back after I realize they didn't ring something up, but I try to let them know what to ring up when I'm at the checkout.

>> No.16754514
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>I stole a whole coffee maker once.
I kneel...

>> No.16754576

A pack of gum got stuck to my jumper once while I was checking out my stuff. I didn't know I stole it, but it was technically stolen I suppose

>> No.16754601

If it's a small family owned business, no. If it's a big chain, yes. And you should too

>> No.16754624


>> No.16754631

I make sure to select 0 bags used at the self checkout every time regardless if an employee is watching

>> No.16754727

pro tip: at self check outs, when given the option to pick a container, always pick the biggest/heaviest
i get my nuts for free practically

>> No.16756230
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At the self checkout I type in 20 limes cus it’s 10 for a dollar but really I’m taking 23 limes. I also swipe one or two cans of 65 cent cat food by holding two at a time when I run them through the checkout. I’ve also taken 89 cent two liters of soda by only scanning 7 of the 8 bottles. shady shit yo.

>> No.16756243

I love this pic it makes my screen purple

>> No.16756251

>implying prices wont go up anyway just because they can

>> No.16756341

this shit is why we dont have self checkouts here

>> No.16756352

My wife stole brie cheese yesterday...

>> No.16756426

Wow gee whiz a whole hundred?

>> No.16756436

i've "sampled" some almonds and cashews from the bulk bins if you catch my drift.

>> No.16756470

why did you keep going back?

>> No.16756474

if they don't want me ringing up everything as bananas they should offer to actually pay me for doing their job

>> No.16757383

I stole your wifes cheese last week

>> No.16757391

no because I am not neekeri :DDD

>> No.16757465

I put that pussy to rest last night thanks anon after that we had some of that cheese very yummy

>> No.16757493

no but i've seen a woman with her mentally handicapped son in a wheelchair steal shit like meats

>> No.16757507

I stole on Saturday. I wanted some smoked garlic but just a little. They were selling bulbs of it so I broke one up and put a couple of pieces in with a bag of onions.

>> No.16757522

I'm an grownup, so no. But when younger, penniless I might steal a chocolatebar,
Today If I was level above homeless, I would steal, also because in my country, police dont care. Shopowners don't even report it.

>> No.16757525

What happens if you get caught There's an entire subgenre of porn where the LPO takes you to his office, forces you to strip, blow him and then fucks you over his desk. I don't want that.

>> No.16757533

Do they even bother trying to stop blacks from stealing anymore or are they like sacred cows now and not to be interfered with?

>> No.16757577

I did once but it was semi-unintentional and from a big grocery chain.

I was stocking up and my cart was completely full. I had things on the bottom and flipped the baby seat to put some eggs, produce, and meat from the butcher in so they wouldn't get squished. The girl at the cashier was obviously new. She went to ring me out without scanning the items on the bottom and in the baby seat. I reminded her to not forget that stuff, she updated my total, and I left.

While I was on my way to the car, I realized that everything in the baby seat wasn't bagged. I checked the receipt and sure enough she only scanned the items on the bottom but not in the baby seat. I could have gone back and paid for meat, eggs, and produce, and maybe I should have...but I didn't.

>> No.16758672

similar thing happened to me when i was buying expensive-ass prescription food for my cat. the lady behind the cash register was slow or high or something and only made me pay for 8 cans per pallet (when there are 12 per.) since i buy this shit in bulk i saved like $80 lmao

>> No.16758710


They only do that to good looking people, not disgusting fat fuck neckbeards like you. You they'll just ban from the store.

>> No.16759703

A couple times when I was younger. There was a Safeway across the street from the park me and the other high-school kids would get drunk in. My friends would steal half gallons of liquor on an almost daily basis, but I never had the balls for that. I stole a fifth one time, but my main thing was the pre made sandwiches that i would steal after I got drunk. Once I got caught because I started eating the sandwich before I left the store. I ran away with a mouthful of sandwich, spilling the contents of the sandwich all over the floor as I ran. I made away with two slices of bread by the time I got out. There was also one time where I was trying g to use the self check out and it wasn't working correctly, I waited a few minutes for a clerk to help me out but no one came and I was in a hurry so I just walked out with my bagged groceries.

>> No.16759911

I steal their business by growing my own food, so I suppose in the eyes of the government, yes.

>> No.16760094

thank you for this mental image

>> No.16760484

I've accidentally walked out with small items on occasion, I only ever intentionally steal from Walmart and even then that was more of a college thing.

>> No.16760569

I conveniently "forget" to ring up a couple items at the self checkout every time I'm there. Usually it's expensive stuff like cuts of beef or nice cheeses.

Never been caught, and if it does happen I'll just say I'm dumb and didn't notice.

>> No.16760867

I'm from Rochester NY, home and headquarters of Wegmans so we don't do stealing at that store. Sometimes at an Aldi conveniently close to a weggers, I will buy extra produce at the wegs and stuff it into the Aldi store's produce clamshells because their veggies always look so sad. I'll do other things but most of the Aldi groceries are pretty good, just the produce is glaringly bad (I go to Aldi for the German specialties). Most people don't do this but I work remotely in software development and make much more than an average or median Rochesterian so I think of it as my way of giving back, which also conveniently allows me to deduct $350 on my income tax as "cash" donations.

>> No.16762145

I've been taking 40 minute breaks ever since I first started working my grocery job a month ago and nobody's noticed yet

>> No.16762150

lmao that's awesome, what they don't stop him because he's old or what?

>> No.16763065

I worked at a grocery store and took an hour long lunch to walk in a parade once.

>> No.16763075

Literally everyone at every single job does this unless you have some kind of kike boss that micromanages your breaks down to the minute

>> No.16763101
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i can tell you have good taste

>> No.16763139

I bought some honeycrisp apples but the self check out didn't have them listed so I rang them up as gala

>> No.16763166

My grandmother will, and she will act like she's senile if caught. I've stopped driving her to grocers and just let my brother do that. However, I do respect it.

>> No.16763195

One time I did on accident. Popped a pack of gum in my pocket, meant to pay for it with the rest of my groceries, but forgot.

>> No.16763204

No, i'm not underage or a drug addict.

>> No.16763216

I've popped a few of those chocolate malt balls from the bulk section a few times, but they pretty much got rid of that because of corona

>> No.16763242
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>> No.16763249
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>> No.16763402

Wow what a rebel

>> No.16763444

Spreading your nasty germ in others people food,

That's nice...

>> No.16763445

>Good Goy!

>> No.16763449

I get the scoop and dump one onto my hand. If they bulk bins are filled, then that means many other people have touched that scoop.

>> No.16763455

is it really that worth it to look like "that" guy in the gocery store?

>> No.16763459

I honestly give no shit at all how others perceive me. I'm not going to dump 5 dollars on flavored almonds when i may not even like the flavor. If people want to judge me, by all means they are welcome to.

>> No.16764872

No, I'm too white to.

>> No.16764932

Not as an adult but I certainly don't care if others do, especially if it's food. Big box stores are insured for hundreds of thousands of dollars of shrink every quarter; you lifting a six pack isn't going to hurt anything.

>> No.16764949

Yes. Most places are waiting for you to, overtime, steal $1000 worth of items, that way its grand larceny. Anything less isn't worth their legal team's time. So I just keep track.

>> No.16764958

That's a big assumption to think any store is monitoring specific individuals and the exact items they're stealing.

>> No.16764979


You know how the internet exists? How streaming video exists?

The individual stores don't have some crack team of full time camera monitors in the back. The video feeds go to a contracted company elsewhere who tracks all this shit as a service. Target pioneered the business model.

>> No.16765003

I can see very large stores like Walmart doing this, but local stores like a Kroeger? They couldn't afford to contract a separate company for this. It's easier and cheaper to just absorb loss into the shrink budget.

>> No.16765029


>> No.16765044

Take your meds.

>> No.16765174

How could you have the small dick gene?

>> No.16766219

The state wants you relying on them so they own you.

>> No.16766243

There's cameras everywhere, yes they are keeping track.
That one guy that stole a candybar 3 weeks ago is on watch for about 90% of the time he's in the store in the hopes he attempts to steal something far more important while 3 cameras are recording.

>> No.16766377

Crackheads do this in the UK

>> No.16766383

No. I have light skin, and a good upbringing.
One time I witnessed a "person" try to run out of a local costco with a cartful of meat, so I kicked over the cart, and held her there at gunpoint until the police came. Then we took turns making sport with her body. She would probably press charges, but she suicided.

>> No.16766398
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>> No.16766931
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Not anymore, but when I was 13 this white kid and I would hit a nearby Price Chopper at 2am every night and go to the candy aisle then litterally just put fucking boxes into our bookbags then we'd sell a lot of the candy at school
They had one cashier there but he didnt really do shit

>> No.16767761


>> No.16767800

I've been stealing steaks lately

My local Wal-Mart is getting stricter at checking so I haven't stolen what I usually steal which is their shitty furniture or boxes of canned sodas and energy drinks

I also like stealing exotic fruits and veggies for my birds. It's good for them to have variety, but I'll be damned if I pay for it

>> No.16767905

That's happened to me a few time, with bank tellers that don't make a lot of money they appreciate the honesty. It's all counted at the end of the day and at multiple levels so missing cash gets noticed.

>> No.16767917

I still remember grabbing a toosie roll from some mom & pop shop when I was like 14 yrs old, they were in a big bin so considered it a sample. My cousin and I spent like $30 that time between us so didn't consider it stealing.

>> No.16768315

they cant stop you if they touch you you can sue all they can do is call the cops

>> No.16768336

Yes, I steal hearts from all the cute cashiers :)

>> No.16768345
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Back when I was a silly teenager this was my modus operandi.
We stole during break time, we did it for fun, we stole a breakfast for break time, or multiple most of the time. Until we got b&'d from even entering the store anymore.

>> No.16768701

Yes, I would steal vanilla extract, saffron and stuff from health & beauty. I know which grocery stores are old as shit and are too understaffed to care.

>> No.16768739

Do the same but with liquor bottles

>> No.16768765
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I used to when I was fresh on my own in my early 20s so it saved me a lot of money. I pretty much just wore a messenger bag and put a shit ton of produce in it. Then I'd go to the checkout line with a bag of chips and a drink to buy. Then I'd walk past the security guy at the door with my plastic bag and receipt in hand. I did this for months every week or so with no problem. Then one day I joked about doing it while talking to my mom and she was disgusted. Guilted me hardcore. Then I felt disgusted. I never did it again lol.

>> No.16768771

No I have low levels of melatonin in my skin and do not habitually use drugs.

>> No.16768773


>> No.16768774
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>> No.16768782

This thread is absolutely brimming with lowlives.
> Technically not stealing.
How is that not stealing?

>> No.16768785

That's how you go to hell.

>> No.16768802

Yes it is dimwit

>> No.16768818

>Whoa this luxury product is too expensive
>Buy a cheaper one then

>> No.16768851

I actually just got back from the grocery store and it turns out I left without scanning a spray-bottle of multi purpose cleaner. AMA

>> No.16769239

When self serve checkouts first came out, my brother would grab massive bags of Lindt chocolate balls and ring them through as $0.29/lb jelly beans. We lived on that shit for like a year

>> No.16769251

>me and bro ate soooo much chocolate!
you must be over 18 to post here

>> No.16769264

In high school I used to buy a pound or so of various bulk candy every week and go through self-checkout to put the code in as drink powder and shit to fake the price. I got caught one week and the supervisor came over and made a big show of putting the right codes in. I don't know why I didn't just walk out but I didn't get in trouble so all good there.

>> No.16769273

Hey I’ll pay 70 percent
Here’s my discord if serious

>> No.16769279

i did once accidentally. rang up like 200$ worth of groceries at the self scan and just left. I only realized it when i got home and noticed i never got a transaction notification from my cc company

>> No.16769292
File: 1.32 MB, 167x170, Dennis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the LPO takes you to his office, forces you to strip, blow him and then fucks you over his desk

>> No.16769300

I used to go nap in the very back of our storage room for at least an hour a day at my last retail job

>> No.16769311

Weakest bait I've ever seen.

>> No.16769337

Not a grocery store, but one time I went to In-N-Out, paid on credit card as I always did, and the cashier gave me a $1 bill and (I think?) told me to give it to the person who would give me my burgers. I was really confused but accepted the dollar, but the whole thing was so awkward that I just kept the dollar. I was a regular customer prior, but after that I began having suicidal thoughts about how I was a thief and a piece of shit, and it took me a few months before I got over it and went back.

>> No.16769442

no im rich and have morals