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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16740780 No.16740780 [Reply] [Original]

This is 120 dollars in ontario, leafland. Make of that what you will.

>> No.16740797

waste of money
>frozen pizza
make your own.

>> No.16740807

Cuck. I might go bankrupt if I need surgery, but at least my food is cheaper!

>> No.16740809

>fucking coffee pods
>Coca-Cola brand milk
That's probably a third of the total price right there, if not more. Why do these meme hauls always include stupid and expensive shit?

>> No.16740815

cheap, tasty amphetamine that makes me feel good. Worth it.

>> No.16740816

I would rather default on my debt and have it sent to collections than deal with our retarded taxes and glacially slow medical system. I've been waiting 7 months for a head CT.

>> No.16740822

I lived in Toronto for a bit, a 6er of PBR is at least $10 compared to <$5 for a 6er of PBR tallboys in the US.

So that's already about 25% of your costs. Fresh fruit, can't get that in Canada. Milk, can't get that. Sparkling water? No idea how much that was, but can't afford that in Canada.

If that's a pork shoulder at the top, I would expect $30 at least for a 4-5 lb cut like that.

>> No.16740826

Im not above admitting I need coffee and enjoy beer lmao, If you don't need it than good for you. That milk tastes better than the other brands and is like a dollar more, on top of having more protein.

>> No.16740841

The pork was 21 bucks surprisingly! gonna give me a good amount of meals. Debating on pulled pork or just a regular roast.

>> No.16740852

OK well I don't know why you though those would be good to buy.

Also, when you post about how many "dollars" something cost on 4chan other users will assume you mean USD, so it's a good idea to specify since 120 CAD = ~95 USD.
Euros and Britbongs know to do this; I don't know why Canadians don't.

>> No.16740859

Bullshit, falseflag. Even in the height of COVID it was taking 3-4 months for imaging.

>> No.16740872

The kcups are cheap and convenient and cost a lot less than going to mcdonalds or god forbid tim hortons.

>> No.16740873

Because they get paid in Canadian dollars. I lived in Canada for two years, and everyone was like "everything will be so cheap with the exchange rate!". Yeah, but when I'm getting paid $60k USD for my job and pay $975 for a two bedroom apartment with parking and a patio, and then I move to Canada and I get paid $70k CAD and pay $2350 for a one bedroom with another $200 CAD for parking, you see the financial trouble leafs are in.

>> No.16740895

I dont think other first world countries realize how fucked we are financially lmao. Canadas still coasting off its reputation of being a nice place to live. Our wages have been stagnant for 20 years, inflation has gone up 4.1 percent this year alone, used cars have sky rocketed in price because of the chip shortage, we have the most expensive housing market in the world, we recently dropped out of the top 10 happiest countries, weve been in lockdown for 2+years now, low paying jobs wages are being supressed by the hundreds of thousands of immigrants the liberals and conservatives bring in yearly, meat will soon be something you eat a couple times a week. We will be the first "first world" country to die in front of the world. I'd unironically rather live in Britain.

>> No.16740901

Oh yeah, we also have the highest internet AND mobile costs in the world. Fantastic country, truly amazing.

>> No.16740903

>>frozen pizza
Nigger it costs like 4 times as much to make your own

>> No.16740923

useful instruction in how to waste money

>> No.16740967

Came here to post this exact thing. He could have saved maybe 30 bucks if he did JUST this. Though i personally disagree with making your own bagels, they are pretty cheap and not worth the effort to make yourself.

>> No.16740973

You must be one of those retards ive been hearing about.

>> No.16741013

It doesn't matter if you "need it". I'm saying that beer and the retarded single-serve coffee plus the imported milk accounts for the bulk of your bill.

>> No.16741032

Scratch part of that last bit. I just looked it up and apparently Coca-Cola got their Canadian milk plant up and running this year. You're still buying it at a retarded markup, though.

>> No.16741033

Ill agree to that, sure.

>> No.16741041

>buying PBR
Is Canuck beer really so bad you'd prefer the dregs of American beer over your local brew?

>> No.16741049

Oh that's so much better, you sure showed him Anon. The only delays I have for tests is waiting for my next day off.

>> No.16741075

I've watched shopping haul videos from Scotland (I'm bored okay) and even accounting for the exchange rate foods pretty cheap there. Especially fresh produce.

>> No.16741082

no, canadian beer is quite good, it was on sale for 9 dollars per 6 so I got it, watching ufc my friends tomorrow and getting drunk, no need to splurge on actual tasty beer.

>> No.16741104

When it comes to pissy lagers, we mostly have the same brands you do since they're all produced by or sold under license from the same three major companies. They're usually sold at domestic prices, too.

>> No.16741152

>name brand products
This is only possible on a 6-figure salary in Leafland

>> No.16741250

It also depends on the severity of the situation, as triaging is a major component of leaf healthcare. Got a sore knee? That’ll be six months. Can’t put weight on that knee? Two months. Cancerous lump in the joint? Next week.

It’s still slower than the US for sure, but most people don’t recognize how these things are queued up

>> No.16741254

shop at no frills you goofball

>> No.16741644

that's beef at least, right?

>> No.16741733

pork shoulder lel, beef is going up week by week, all the feed stock in alberta is dying due to a drought

>> No.16741786

Our healthcare system is shit. I’d rather go bankrupt if it meant having access to cutting edge cancer treatments in a timely fashion. I’d also like to be able to have preventative diagnostics even if it meant paying. You can’t get bloodwork or even a full physical unless there is a reason for it. In other words, you need to be sick.

Canada is a joke. We’re told inflation is up 4% when Stats Canada is underplaying the food and other inflation by a significant amount. Canadians are complacent retards who can only shrug and say “at least we’re not in the US”

And we obsessively want to change our demographics and give advantages to everyone but whites. It’s fucking crazy.

>> No.16741796

It's not your country to begin with, settler. Hopefully you get replaced, violently.

>> No.16741819
File: 461 KB, 777x711, 1632422759033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you have some listerine to chug, bud?

>> No.16741834

I think stats canada doesnt take chicken into account when calculating food inflation because its risen so much lmao, they dont include housing either btw

>> No.16741837

Most of my fresh fruit in New York comes from Quebec though. Canada isn't a barren wasteland just cause they produced Drake and Sum 41

>> No.16741843

I'm also from Ontario, meat will fuck you over people are saying the beer but ehhh it's fine. Your problem is the sparkling water

>> No.16741871
File: 152 KB, 1000x750, 541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sound like you got ripped off anon...
try smarter shopping and coupons.

>> No.16741875
File: 262 KB, 1176x1364, Canadian prices 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16741935

the sparkling water prevents me from buying more beer and coke zero lol

>> No.16742299

Who's gonna pay your welfare when whitey's gone?

>> No.16742328

Yeah the browns aren’t going to bite the hand that feeds them. Once the brain drain increases my country will be fucked. I’ve already got my escape plan so I don’t care. I feel connection to the land here not the people, this country is what happens when people try to play chicken with each other to see who is the most progressive.

>> No.16742390

PBR in Canada? Seems strange.

>> No.16742412


>> No.16743338

I can have four times that at Eurospin and it'd be the same quality

>> No.16743575

it's pretty common in Australia now too

>> No.16743593
File: 344 KB, 750x500, australians white pick one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 120 dollars in Australia. Make of that what you will.

>> No.16743595

Didn't mean to reply to post

>> No.16743602
File: 1.40 MB, 3024x4032, aussie prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is 120 dollars in Australia. Make of that what you will.
lying cunt

>> No.16743610
File: 123 KB, 1300x978, 57696230-glass-of-apple-juice-and-potato-chips-over-blurred-caribbean-beach-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got your key but no need for it

>> No.16743665

Yeah it's actually $303 according to the source (Hungry Planet).

>> No.16743672

It'll be around 30 to 40 euros where I live to get the Lidl alternatives

Can't you just pay for a test at a private hospital?

>> No.16743694

the booze alone would be $40

>> No.16743696

Both are for poor trash

>> No.16743713

vancouver is worse
leafbros, is it worth escaping to AB or should i just go all in and try to get a US Visa?

>> No.16743892

that’s the best milk

>> No.16743912

get a US visa, canada isn’t worth staying for

>> No.16743944

beyond cucked. I get that in Germany for 20€ max

>> No.16743951

>frozen stuff
>junk food
>no greens
Well no shit no wonder it cost you that much.
>Canadians are asking if it's better to live in the US
What a world. What is happening up there? Haven't been in a couple years, are you guys OK?

>> No.16743984

y'all buying shit ass food for way too much.
I spend quite a lot on food but it's all top quality veggies and meat and cheese and bread.
Fucking Folgers seriously

>> No.16743988


just don't live in the city
my mortgage on a 2br home on an acreage by the ocean is like $600leaf

>> No.16743999

Get a French press and a kettle so you're not drinking plastic. Its also faster

>> No.16744005

>drinking pisspods is cheaper and more convenient than going to mcdonalds restroom
that's a pisspoor excuse

>> No.16744012 [DELETED] 

Fuck off were full on mexicans and blacks that dont contribute. Unless you want to work menial jobs at a local walmart or be a sous chef at Outback steakhouse we dont have shit for you. If your white like snow you can come but know the white man cant get shit here anymore

>> No.16744016

>talking shit about laid back bros

>> No.16744041

What does a cheap can of beer cost in Germany these days?

>> No.16744053

It does require a little bit of work for clean-up after, though. It's what I use. But a drip machine, ground coffee, and paper filters would be cheaper than pods, and still convenient.

>> No.16744075

I feel your pain man

>> No.16744084

french press needs cleaning like once a month if that
dump out grinds rinse WA LA

>> No.16744433

I have cabbage and spinach in my fridge already, im not a manchild that refuses to eat veggies. The frozen pizzas are so I dont sperg out when Im tipsy and order a 20 dollar pizza. The goldfish are my salty weakness.

>> No.16744469

PEI? Rural Scotia? Newf?
Should I take the French presspill bros? My old roommate had one and the coffee he would share with me was amazing. The keurig was a gift btw.

>> No.16744482

>I'd unironically rather live in Britain.
They don’t even have wilderness there, fuck Britain.

But I agree with everything else you wrote. But the 4.1% inflation rate is complete bullshit, that’s the official rate but everyone knows they are underestimating it. Butter went up like 30% this year. Across the board everything is going up especially real estate. My house has gone up around 30-35% since I bought it three years ago.

Canadians are FUCKED and I figured with this election the anger would have come out but it didn’t. People will march off a cliff before they break out of their complacency and stop worrying about immigrants/potential immigrants over themselves. The boomers with their bought homes and disposable income live outside our reality and so do the students, but they graduate and hit the job market and want kids they’ll realize shit isn’t all the it was cracked up to be.

I have a connection to the land here but the people are retards. I’d hate to move away but I’m absolutely prepared to if I start getting personally affected to the point where my quality of life really suffers. Even now I make $115k, my wife takes care of the kids, we don’t live extravagantly and we’re not nearly as financially comfortable as I would have imagined with this salary. The mortgage, taxes and increasing cost of living is killing us. Sure I’m better off than the majority of humans but that’s not good enough for me. I’ll jump ship to the USA if need be, I’ll be another one for the brain drain.

>> No.16744486

>just don't live in the city
Agreed but that’s not an option for most people job-wise

>> No.16744502

My families been here since the early 1800's, ancestors fought in the Boer War, WW1 and WW2, would love to jump shit from this shithole. Offers nothing to me and is beginning to become openly hostile. All I fucking wanted was a medium sized house and kids without becoming a debt slave.

>> No.16744505

Anybody who thinks the default price at hospitals is what is actually paid is a brain dead fucktard.
I spent 5 days in the hospital because my heart was flipping out and they thought I had sepsis, had every blood test known to man done, chest xray and emergency abdominal CT scan, and stayed in a private room the whole time (btw you can ask for ativan whenever you want and order room service without charge)

Total cost of stay and treatment was $36k, of which I paid 2k, which I think is perfectly reasonable considering the amount of resources I ate up

tl;dr American healthcare isn't anywhere near as expensive as reddit makes you think it is. People just like posting pre adjustment statements and act like it's the actual bill.

>> No.16744530

It’s 100% hostile to certain demographics (old stock Canadians) and it is becoming more and more openly and plainly stated. I have kids and if the pendulum keeps swinging the way it has been I wonder what kind of future they’ll have: bottom of the pile for jobs, scholarships, university selection and absolutely unable to afford homes of their own. I don’t see a benefit to them staying here unless things change.

My family has been here for a long time too and I’d hate to leave but it’s important to remember that our ancestors moved around, including coming to Canada, for a better life. They didn’t stay where they were born out of a misguided sense of loyalty: they moved for a better opportunity for themselves and their families. It was hard for them to do this and it will be hard for us if we have to, but such is life. I refuse to stay anywhere if it means eking by and putting my kids at a disadvantage.

I did all the right things, make good money in a STEM field, watch my finances carefully and don’t live extravagantly. And my bank account is being slowly bled to death by a thousand cuts. And all we hear about is “how lucky we are we’re not in the USA” as if that is true or even means anything.

If the country continues to turn its back on us then we should be prepared to jump ship for our own sake. Fuck em.

>> No.16744569

Fair enough. Still seems like a lot for what you got.

>> No.16744571

Get a french press and a Hario Skerton hand grinder.

Grinding beans by hand is not bad at all with a french press grind. I can grind enough beans for about 12 cups of coffee in less time than it takes a pot/kettle of water to boil on my stove. Hand grinders are only slow/annoying if you are trying to do fine drip or espresso grinds.

When it comes to regular coffee it will not get any better than this. The only thing worth getting from coffee shops is espresso-based drinks, because those actually require expensive equipment to make properly.

It's interesting to me to see grocery hauls almost entirely composed of things that I would never buy myself.