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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16737797 No.16737797 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ newbie here, what oil should I be cooking with? Is vegetable oil really bad for you? When can I use butter or lard instead of oil?

>> No.16737802

Cooking temperature (smoke point) determines everything.

>> No.16737830

Most vegetable oil is processed fairly heavily and might not be great to consume in large amounts. Butter or lard are both fine to use when cooking at lower temperatures like >>16737802 said so it doesn't start burning. Olive oil is also fine to cook with at lower temperatures. If you're going to do high temperature cooking then tallow or clarified butter seem to be the best choices.

>> No.16737840

Alright fuck, me again, smoke point is one thing. But it's more a relation to refined oil. Butter has milk fats, extra virgin (meaning first press and non-refined) has impurities. It are these things in the fats and oils that can scorch and give off a burnt flavor. Generally, fat means it's from an animal and oil means from a plant. It's how much they've taken out from the impurities to how much more heat you can apply because the other things in them generally burn at a lower level of heat.

Smoke point is in reference to the isolated oils or fats before they themselves scorch, but in practical terms that only needs attention when deep frying.

>> No.16737857

I should add, to address the question "Then why wouldn't you just use refined? Why risk scorching?" The less processed, the more flavors are preserved.

>> No.16737871

olive oil for italian food, peanut oil for everything else.

>> No.16739321

everyone else has made important points about smoke temp but i want to bring up flavour
some oils have their own taste (sesame, peanut, coconut, etc) that play very well with certain foods and dishes -- and very poorly with others

>> No.16739338

I only use butter and olive oil. If you're wanna use olive oil make sure not to use an expensive one for general cooking, you're just gonna waste the flavour. Expensive oil is for salads and bread and flavouring a finished meal.

>> No.16740564

Dont fall for the lies of Big Olive.

>> No.16740666

coconut oil is king when it comes to high-temp frying

>> No.16742147

You misspelled Peanut.

>> No.16743482

Avocado oil.
End of story

>> No.16743491

Peanut oil is for plebs that don't know any different, it also burns easily and taints food with a peanut taste.

>> No.16743504

Is it true that olive oil becomes cancerous when cooked at high heat? I don't see the point in oils if they become toxic at smoke point

>> No.16743510
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Saute stuff with lard. Get these jugs for frying stuff.

>> No.16743513

No, they only lose flavor when cooked.

>> No.16743630


Vegetable and canola for neutral oils (no taste). Canola has lower smoke point.

Sesame, Coconut for asian dishes mostly.

Olive oil for italian dishes, salads, etc. Strong flavor.

Peanut, Corn, and Vegetable are used for deep frying. Peanut gives peanut-y taste and is popular with asian dishes.

Toasted nut oils for special purposes / recipes that specifically call for them.

When you start getting fancy you can infuse your own oils with whatever flavors you want. But for starters if you have Vegetable, Olive, Peanut, and Sesame, you're pretty much good to go for any recipe.

>> No.16743635


Also avocado oil is expensive hipster faggotry. "But it's heeeeeeeeeeeeealthy" No it's not, it's the same shit as other neutral oils, just 5x more expensive.

>> No.16743645

Extra light olive oil is also a good neutral oil with a high smoke point.

>> No.16743710

The fuck is a 'vegetable oil'?
What it is made out of?

>> No.16743775

You must not cook much. Avocado oil has the highest smoke point and has a specific buttery flavor. It's definitely unique on it's own

>> No.16743796


>> No.16743804


>> No.16743818

i have ricebran oil as a neutral because peanut oil doesnt come in big bottles
olive oil for dressings
coconut for a few recipes that need a solid oil(date protein balls, cakes when im low on butter)
and i save fat when ever i roast bones for stick, just chicken and beef mostly

>> No.16743824

and butter for breakfast

>> No.16743870


>Peanut doesn't come in big bottles

The fuck? It most commonly comes in 2, 4 or 6+ L jugs.


> Paying out the ass for higher-than-ever-necessary smoke point and "slight buttery taste".

>> No.16743898

>The fuck? It most commonly comes in 2, 4 or 6+ L jugs.
i cant find it in those sizes, only in the typical 500ml bottles, i guess its just not as popular here.

>> No.16744476

>Blatant lies
Coconut oil is also a massive ecological damage source that runs on animal abuse.

>> No.16744483

I'll note that sesame oil should be used for finishing a dish, not for cooking with.

>> No.16744531

Extra virgin olive oil (legit stuff) and Avocado oil is all you need. Don't listen to ketolards that try to shill you on saturated fats

>> No.16744536

I animal-abused ur moms pussy kid, eat more coconut oil

>> No.16744597

Avocado oil is heavily suggested for keto. So is olive oil.

>> No.16745350

>Don't listen to ketolards that try to shill you on saturated fats
I sear my steaks in beef tallow, suck my chode.

>> No.16745373

you should eat
>cottonseed oil
>canola oil
>palm oil

try and avoid
>olive oil

>> No.16745439

PUFAs are the devil!

>> No.16745483

Butter for meat and mushrooms
Cold pressed rapeseed oil for potatoes and root vegetables
Olive oil for relatively low temp use and garlic

>> No.16745763
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Health wise, monounsaturated fats seem to be the least controversial choice. Conventional wisdom is that saturated fats promote heart disease but there are also others who argue that polyunsaturated fats are inflammatory. Monounsaturated fats, however, seem to be universally agreed upon to be healthy or at the very least not harmful.

High monounsaturated fat oils include olive oil, avocado oil, and high-oleic sunflower or safflower oil. There are others, but I'm just listing the ones that are easy to find.

High-oleic sunflower/safflower oil is different from regular sunflower/safflower oil in that they come from a strain of sunflowers or safflowers that have been bred to be higher in monounsaturated fat as opposed to the original strain which is higher in polyunsaturated fat.

High oleic safflower oil is my go to. It's not too expensive, it's high in monounsaturated fat, it has a pretty high smoke point, and it's neutral in flavor. I also like extra virgin olive oil when the flavor is appropriate.

>> No.16745807

Too much staturated fats will raise your naturally occuring cholesterol production resulting in an acceleration of the formation of plaques in your arteries thus augmenting the risk of heart complications. They don't cause it, they accelerate it.

Unsaturated fats are more like a slow poison, they are better at oxidizing which isn't a good thing for you in the long run as your body fat that now compose you will degrade faster, which isn't good at all, it lowers your life time.

Monounsaturated fats seem to be alright, I've dig up many studies but can't quite see any health problems associated with it.

Transfats are poison, you don't need it and it kills you.

So when you choose a cooking oil or fat, avoid transfats like the pest, avoid cooking only unsaturated fats so try to use monounsaturated fats instead and limit your saturated fats even if they're just the best.

>> No.16745813

this but backwards

>> No.16745824

Asian supermarkets here have them in 2 an 4L containers.

>> No.16745893

My local big box grocery store sells a few different oils in quart (.94L) and gallon (3.78L) sizes.

>> No.16745918

Something to keep in mind is that, outside of trans fats, most of the idea that "fat is bad" is actually bullshit science promoted by the sugar cartels to hide that the spike in obesity and heart disease was caused by the massive increase in sugar in people's diets.

>> No.16746121

If you're a newbie then you should start with butter. idk why these other anons are flyinff the rails.

>> No.16746166
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high smoke point for Frying
Low smoke point to Saute
Use the use one you like the flavor the most
I think Avocado oil is the healthy pick