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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16737469 [Reply] [Original]

Any good pastrami near you?

>> No.16737473

i live by the king, FRANKELS in greenpoint

>> No.16737475

Shapiro's though I prefer the corned beef or the chopped liver.

>> No.16737501
File: 24 KB, 500x500, P08638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what pastrami looks like in Australia and before anyone starts trying to be reasonable, don't. It's fucking terrible, and dry, and doesn't have any of the correct seasoning on the outside. Literally 100% of everything is wrong; wrong cut of meat, wrong fat content, wrong curing method and ingredients, wrong spice rub, fucking everything.

Somebody fly down here and just kill me already.

>> No.16737504

No. You moved to another country, fucking integrate with the culture you fucking immigrant.

>> No.16737509

just because there's counterfeit pastrami afoot doesn't man i haven't integrated anon

>> No.16737609

What’s good Polish around there? Just moved nearby and looking for some good polack comfort food

>> No.16737837
File: 157 KB, 1400x933, 9F9D436E-C89D-4B68-B880-D247DDBE8B8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Langer’s Deli in LA.
No better pastrami in the welt.

>> No.16738047

>it's clearly plain co'n beef
god LA is such a shithole

>> No.16738090

That, you ignorant twat is the number seventeen at Langers. Pastrami, slaw,Swiss cheese on rye.

>> No.16738113

well then may I suggest they don't know what pastrami is

>> No.16738142

Shit is cut mad thick. Is it dipped in sauce before it's added? Looks dry as fuck

>> No.16738178

it’s hand cut extra thick for every order

the real LA issue is that it costs $24 or so

>> No.16738187

still worth it for a special occasion or a particularly special hangover

>> No.16738957

>didnt deny being an immigrant
get out of my country

>> No.16738983

live in Melbourne and came to complain about exactly this. I always thought pastrami was a jewish thing but having the largest jewish population in the southern hemisphere apparently it's not.
That being said, my dad is getting really good with his smoker and he makes some absolutely fucking amazing pastrami, his brisket is even more batshit

>> No.16739454
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Capri Deli in Covina.

>> No.16739488

There's this place called The Beast by Todd English inside Area 15 in Vegas that has the best goddamned pastrami sandwich I've ever had.

Bagelmania is also okay, but nothing to write the pastor about.

Any Vegasbros have a lead on other great pastrami?

>> No.16739502

thanks anon I appreciate this validation. any pics of your dad's 'strami? man it's been years since I've even seen proper pastrami. I took it for granted forever too, which makes me sad

>> No.16739556

Based. By far the best pastrami in the US

>> No.16739574

I'm 40 miles west of Minneapolis. It's unlikely that more than 20% of the people here have even heard of pastrami, much less eaten it.

>> No.16739593

If you're ever in the city try the Ruben at the butchers diner on the parliament end of Bourke Street. I worked in the butchery there for a bit and the pastrami is made in house

>> No.16739609
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There was one, this place called Corbin's but the evil china bug closed it down. Now I just make them for myself.

>> No.16739628
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You should have seen the original Reuben's on Madison in Manhattan, those were great but got closed down by crazy high rents and cheap and easy shit like subway and those types.

>> No.16739646
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Where's all my fellow Chi-Raqians?

>> No.16739658

They all wanted to be gangsters so are now in cemetarys.

>> No.16739665

3rding this. If it wasnt in an area where your mom literally sees vato homies jumping each other in front of the place, id go once a week.

>> No.16739710

go to /nig, I'm not wearing my human-2-nig translation ring right now. The folk on /nig might understand your yo yo yo shit.

>> No.16739714

The best and only pastrami is from the Caucasus region.

That shit you call pastrami in the US is nothing like its supposed to be. Its a fake bullshit version bastardized by refugees and immigrants that had no fucking idea what they are doing, and what little they knew they did not pass on to the next generation.

>> No.16739728

no sandwich, ever, is worth $24.
you are getting jewed, hard.

>> No.16739732

>I'm ready to settle down now

>> No.16739734

I'd try it out given the chance but it's not too easy for us simpleton USA folk to get to the Caucasus. Be specific, if I were to get there by chance, where should I go? I'm not there for the beautiful ladies mind you, I'm there for the pastrami on rye, and I'm not a fat fuck, though you'd tempt me.

>> No.16739747
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Expense account baby, talk about shop for a few minutes and its business so written off, the American way. Just show receipts and they bean counters do the rest.

>> No.16739771

Its also patently stupid for both the recruiter and recruitee to waste the little personal time they have spare on a meal with someone they have nothing personal to do with.

meal times are not for work, and your attention is divided.

>> No.16739782

This is what "pastrami" is supposed to be, and is at its root in the Old World, before Jews bastardized it in the US:


>> No.16739786

Not really, you're thinking like a minimum wage worker and sadly will likely always think that way.

>> No.16739800

Ive never had good pastrami. Its always fatty and salty. Im midwest and there arent any jews or jewish delis. I guess I cant complain

>> No.16739816

>Not really
That is a typical faggot thing to say, meaning you arent actually saying anything.

You are the one that isnt thinking regarding it being a waste of ones own and the others personal time to conduct recruitment during a meal, and where you are only half focusing on your job. Also you are wasting company money.

I ask you sincerely. Are you either gay or female?

>> No.16739821

Hi 626 anon-- have you been to European Sandwiches in Glendora? I prefer it to Capri but they are both good and different. I live in Covina myself.

>> No.16739823

Interesting, I'm still going through that description. I'd love some on some rye bread right now. Thanks for the link.

>> No.16739828

You're projecting. Don't put your bullshit on me.

>> No.16739840

Everything I said above is accurate.
None of it is projecting. Its factual.

>> No.16739861
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Keep believing in you're own bullshit.
If you say it to yourself then you might believe it, that's kind of like making stuff up, perhaps some nice calming shock therapy might suit you.

>> No.16739862

If you're ever near milwaukee you should check out Jakes. Granted it's been a very long time since I've been there and I have no idea if they survived covid, but their corned beef and pastrami were legit.

>> No.16739878

Thats exactly the kind of faggot/femme bullshit that is typical, and completely incapable of actually thinking about what is being discussed.

Its also typical that you write off those as an expense to your employer, and then have the gall to call people that call that bullshit out, as "wageys".

>> No.16739883

dont look for a jewish deli.
look for a butchershop of eastern european or caucasus heritage.

>> No.16739884

Sounds cool, not the one you were replying to but this is drinking weather with a girl, picknick.

>> No.16739890

You're just digging yourself into a hole, I bet you watch with great goodness those antifa videos and how everyone wants to put you down? I just step aside, you do that quite for yourself.

>> No.16739901

Again. Typical of a faggots/femmes mentality.
You will never understand any different, you are incapable of it.

You are actually defending "working" during meals when you are distracted and consumes personal time from the other person as well, and charging it to your employer. Also defending a ripoff jewed $24 sandwich.

>> No.16739903

Does anyone have experience just getting boar's head or something from the grocery deli and telling them to slice it thick?

>> No.16739904

Do you make a life out of blaming others?

>> No.16739906
File: 35 KB, 500x381, ck1619386235714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pastrami is a Jewish thing, but only a NY area Jewish thing. my dad grew up in NYC and after moving to Australia declared that it's "pastrami" here in name only. not terrible but not actual pastrami.

>> No.16739908

Observing behavior and facts is not "blaming".
Do you make a life out of lying and pretending people are not to blame for their own behavior and how they think?

>> No.16739909

No, the guy at the counter will slice it to your specifications, boars head or not. Just tell the guy and not be a moron.

>> No.16739916

NYC pastrami, is something unique to the US and created as a bastardization by Jews there to sell cheap and fast with maximum profit.

Its not what pastirma is, which is what "pastrami" should be. Notice the spelling.

>> No.16739922
File: 93 KB, 780x520, Hogshead_Nolafoodgoddess-head_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what I write you'll have a shit opinion, so it doesn't matter now does it?

>> No.16739929

not him but i work for a FAANG company and expense the $25 of pizza i get friday night just because i can. you sound like some boomer middle-management cuck ranting about "the value of company time," it is wildly pathetic.

>> No.16739935

You're nothing but a troll.

>> No.16739937

No, I mean, does it even come close to comparing? Obviously it's not going to be anything close to a deli that cures its own meat in the back and gets bakery fresh bread on the daily, but I was wondering if it'd be at least a step above Arby's.

>> No.16739942

Just a question here, but what's a FAANG company? Do you people consider yourselves to be snakes?

>> No.16739945

fb/amazon/apple/netflix/google, and yes my co-workers seem largely reptilian, not me though, you can abssssolutely trusssssst me

>> No.16739948

At least in NYC they got bought out by high rents and cheap labor, generally from anchor baby types. The old mom and pop Italian mom & pop shops did it right but just me buying a sandwich once a day couldn't keep them afloat.

>> No.16739950

how do I find hot local pastrami in my area

>> No.16739951

what's you're area?

>> No.16739970
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*** crickets ***

>> No.16739981
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and I wager that particular bastardization is where the flavor lies, much like hotdogs or any greasy peasant snacks for that matter.

>> No.16739993

I suspect that's more Hawaii with their beautiful goddess Pelu and spam is a ww ii relic, if fried nicely with some pineapple it can be pretty good. I'm certainly nobody to knock it.

>> No.16740000

You'd loose that wager.
Low and high eat spam, it's just canned meat, why are you so high fallooting?

>> No.16740362

Each of you just proves my point.
Thats how persons of your persuasion think.
That is not your fault, you just arent capable of thinking otherwise, because your wiring doesnt work that way.

>> No.16740420

>At least in NYC they got bought out by high rents
Jews own those buildings.

>> No.16740429

you short-change the company for $25 for a pizza, and claim you can be trusted? typical homo and female mentality. You are a cancer.

>> No.16740439

spam is still spam, no matter where its made.
NYC "pastrami" however is nothing like its Old World origin, but a basterdized version created for quick and easy money by Jews there.

>> No.16740446

Karczma, with drinks at Irene's after.

>> No.16741859
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Billy, Billy, drinks are on the house.

>> No.16742331

It's spelled "your".

>> No.16742461

dude what thee fuck. this looks amazing. why is everything so shitty now?

>> No.16742464

Spam is too expensive to be peasant food. Only someone who grew up in an upper middle class household would call spam peasant food

>> No.16742470

Muh naptown nigga

>> No.16742524

It's not dry at all. And the thick cut pastrami is what they're known for. Blows shitty katz's out of the water

>> No.16742666
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Never thought I'd see 2 SGV fags in one /ck/ thread.
Lots of great thin-sliced pastrami around here, but my favorite is the pastrami breakfast burrito from lucky boy

>> No.16743365
File: 42 KB, 480x320, carnitasburrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got burritos.
wish jew yorkers would immigrate here.