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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16731247 [Reply] [Original]

It's out

>> No.16731257

Oh shit

>> No.16731258
File: 93 KB, 400x400, umpqua egg nog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck out of the way peasant

>> No.16731259

Comfort-Sama please, I'm already fat enough.

>> No.16731262

drinking eggs.. cringe

>> No.16731274

oh shit it dropped?!

>> No.16731279

Might as well just call it liquid fat fuck at that point.

>> No.16731280

egg nog is so good bros. what alcohol if any do you like to put in yours?

>> No.16731283
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, Warninks-Advocaat-Snowball-cocktails-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't drink eggs
Why are you even on this website?

>> No.16731289

It's a tax thing. You add your own alcohol to it.

Gotta be Lambs, amber rum.

>> No.16731291

im going to SHOUT
i fucking mlove egg nog.. egng NOG

>> No.16731303

apple cider is the true seasonal beverage for chads

>> No.16731306

Put apple brandy in your apple cider, it's a game changer.

>> No.16731308

kys alcoholics

>> No.16731318

best time of year

>> No.16731321

This is a thread about a traditional alcoholic beverage. You seem confused.

>> No.16731328
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Nestle Toll House pumpkin spic cookies?
Fuck yea.

>> No.16731331

Oh fuck I can’t wait to buy a case of it.
You haven’t lived until you’ve used SoCo eggnog in place of milk on a bowl of Crunch Berries.

>> No.16731378

how do you even get to this point

>> No.16731385

I always wondered who the fuck actually drinks Eggnog lmao

>> No.16731389

Dark rum for alcoholic sharpness and cognac for some fruity flavour. Tastes like raisins.

>> No.16731407
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>> No.16731427

>sips diet coke

>> No.16731432

Just us pesky white people, Jose.

>> No.16731438

I make egg nog white Russians with vodka and Kahlúa. You could add some Baileys Irish Cream if that's your thing.

>> No.16731442

Best dark rum? You mean like kraken?

>> No.16731461

I know that feel.
Doc says I'm supposed to cut out drinking for roughly a year, shit's been gay.
I am so very envious of everyone who still gets booze, went on a tropical vacation and everyone around me had mai tais and bahama mamas, fuckers.

>> No.16731543

have sex

>> No.16731606

I'm Whiter than you and I've never had Eggnog

>> No.16731616

>$3 for a single egg, some sugar, and water

>> No.16731617

Kraken is spiced, though it would probably work good too. Dark rum would be like Gosling's or Myer's; they have a heavy molasses flavor to them.

>> No.16731627

People who enjoy life.

>> No.16731649
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Imagine not buying the best.

>> No.16731660

I use Plantation dark most of the time. Imo most dark rums will work. I'd avoid spiced rums though.

>> No.16731671

Egg based cocktails are top tier

>> No.16731677

Cognac or bourbon, sometimes both. >>16731303
Nog is for when the temperatures drop and you need some fat to help warm you up

>> No.16731690

Step 1: have your country run by jews

>> No.16731713

I'm pretty much that fat and it's just because I love eating. I also don't exercise unless you count my job but it's not exactly physically demanding. The biggest contributor to my obesity has to be soda though. I just fucking love soda, I can't quit drinking it.

>> No.16731881

I get a carton every year, drink 1 glass, and end up letting the rest go bad and dumping it down the drain

>> No.16731911

I put it in my coffee instead of cream or milk

>> No.16731917

I'm 2 weeks sober but the cold weather and drinking culture of the holidays is going to be tough. I don't think I'm going to make it

>> No.16731921

Stay strong bro

>> No.16731929

Grocery store nog separates if you put any significant amount of liquor in it anyways. You're best off making your own if you want to get the whole family sloshed, so long as you don't mind a sore wrist from all the whisking.

>> No.16732005

I hate nogs

>> No.16732011

>Southern Comfort Egg Nog

Americans are such abject retards. I love it.

>> No.16732023

What mental illness compels a man to commit such vile crimes?

>> No.16732026

what is egg nog?

>> No.16732030

Read the thread faggot

>> No.16732036


>> No.16732043

>buying premixed cocktails
Absolute fucking trash-tier.
You buy nonalcoholic nog so you can add your liquor of choice in the amount of your choice.
Do you seriously not buy alcohol separate from mixer ingredients?

>> No.16732052

Thread the read, faggot

>> No.16732070

This. People who point out its non alcoholic are literally retarded and should be embarrassed.

>> No.16732074

>Kraken is spiced, though it would probably work good too. Dark rum would be like Gosling's or Myer's; they have a heavy molasses flavor to them
This. Don't want the spiced rum myself, and don't want the eggnog already spice, either.
I want Myers or Appleton, whichever I have that is aged the most, or a Barbancourt or Flor de Cana, whatever I have. I want to add my own grate of whole nutmeg, because I like it floating on top, so I want the thickest nog, and least flavored or adulterated.

If you have them local to you, I think Farm Store's does the best thick eggnog for adding rum and nutmeg yourself.

>> No.16732084

actual retard

>> No.16732098

>non alcoholic
why must american businesses be such prudes

>> No.16732107

see >>16732043
rent free btw

>> No.16732111

i prefer my nog with no alcohol

>> No.16732121
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>pumpkin pie
we are back fall bros!

>> No.16732128

Read the faggot, thread.

>> No.16732135

applejack chads, our time in now

>> No.16732136

I was in the same boat until I tried cognac with my 'nog.

>> No.16732228
File: 56 KB, 1000x562, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check ingredients
>check all the different brands
>go to another supermarket and do the same
>every fucking brand has HFCS
>they all taste like shit
>i have to make my own eggnog like some kind of caveman

>> No.16732279
File: 117 KB, 720x960, QUxMpLa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to live 20 mins from Oberweis headquarters.
>Now I live thouasands of miles away in a place where shitty milk can cost as high as $10 a gallon.

>> No.16732287
File: 744 KB, 1024x683, Doran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autumn chads.... we have arrived.

>> No.16732294

>buy egg nog made by liquor company
>doesn't contain alcohol

I'm starting to understand why you guys left behind billions of dollars of military hardware when you ran with your tail between your legs from Afghanistan.

>> No.16732298

>5% discount on milk proudly displayed

Holy kek.

>> No.16732315

Way too fucking early

>> No.16732326

Hey. I got it in, I put it out. Simple as.

>> No.16732472

11 weeks over here, Oktoberfest, Halloween, and Christmas are all going to be brutal.
At least there are a lot of refreshing cold NA beverages for the summer, there's no teetotaler's answer to gluwine.

>> No.16732495

Have you checked out a hippie store?
Dunno if hippies do nog, but if anybody has a 16$/half gallon for free-range-ass cane-sugar-only nog, it would be a natural foods store.
Lots of richfags in my neighborhood, so the grocery store has a cane sugar amish brand that's thick as a brick.

>> No.16732536

Cry more faggot. There's literally nothing wrong with HFCS in eggnog.

>> No.16732546

Troll harder yuropoor.

>> No.16732582

That cinnamon shit is the best

>> No.16732588

Virgin for me

>> No.16732645
File: 7 KB, 253x199, opra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one missing row because the temperature gauge

>> No.16732875

Oberweis is easy to find in St Louis. Their ice cream parlors are amazing.

>> No.16732885

Dammit there goes my diet.

There's only a few things in this world I'll break a diet for, and nog's one of them. Others are fresh warm donuts and pecan pie.

>> No.16732892
File: 657 KB, 848x761, 1631932748271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually mixed SoCo with this stuff one year
>just ended up vomiting the next day

>> No.16732945

You're getting mixed up, cider drinkers are stuck-up better-than-you twats.

>> No.16732963

Tfw I'm brown and drink the fuck out of egg nog.

>> No.16733020

Jesus Christ, Halloween hasn’t even passed yet.

>> No.16733058

>cider drinkers are stuck-up better-than-you twats.
Nah we just want people to realize something other than beer is an option desu. I love Angry Orchard for how mainstream it's gotten, but I wish they tasted better.

>> No.16733363

>It's out
Who the fuck cares? You can make it any time you want. What's your favorite recipe for eggnog?

>> No.16733387

Best mixer?

>> No.16733543

Meh, too much effort for something that tastes just as good as store-bought.

>> No.16733777

it tastes like SHIT

>> No.16733844

>storebought nog
youre all faggots.

>> No.16733858

This. I'm more excited for my local orchard's unpasturized mother fucking apple cider. That shit is mana from heaven.

>> No.16733864

One year I poured myself a glass of eggnog and took a sip and there was this giant blob of egg snot that hadn't been properly blended in. I have not been able to drink eggnog since without running it through a sieve first

>> No.16733875


>> No.16733888

Are you offering? Cause I'm getting bored with your sisters

>> No.16733900

The carton says to shake well, idiot.

>> No.16733905


Hawaii? Saipan? Guam?

>> No.16733917
File: 1.89 MB, 300x274, tripping balls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christmas can't come fast enough

>> No.16734166


>> No.16734807

>Angry Orchard

so artificial apple flavored soda and vodka?
enjoy your diabetes

>> No.16734816

Sounds like what the yankees call taylor ham. Disgusting bastards put sugar in their cornbread too. Makes me SICK!

>> No.16734832


Checked. But wtf, you've surpassed even Canada. Is everything that expensive? How much do you pay for your daily tin of Spam?

>> No.16734833

imagine wanting to skip the best season for some jewish corporate holiday

>> No.16734847

So you have no idea what taylor ham is then?

>> No.16734916

I had it once and it tasted like bologna but with less salt and nutmeg or something thrown in.

>> No.16735177
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step aside

>> No.16735206
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>Noooooooo I don't want a 60:40 ratio of fructose:glucose I want pure sugar which will immediately be broken down to 50:50 fructose:glucose in my mouth and digestive systemerino

Why are Americans so retarded

>> No.16735211


>> No.16735227
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>if you don't want corporations shitting subsidy juice down your throat you're soy
The absolute state of "dialogue" on /ck/

>> No.16735231
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 0006442000424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic.

>> No.16735237

post pics

>> No.16735279

>don’t buy premixed drinks like eurotrash
>that’s why the Afghan army abandoned their stuff
Based rent-free schizo

>> No.16735293

>sugar isn’t subsidized in sugar-producing countries
Actually yeah, shitting your pants over 55-60% fructose vs 50% is pretty fucking faggoty and soy.

>> No.16735533

i love that cozy image, i love egg nog, i love pumpkins, i love cinnamon and nutmeg, i love cool weather, i love the pretty leaves, i love the upcoming holidays, i love autumn and i love you!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16736216

Oh no no no no

>> No.16736222

Is this... bottled eggs?

>> No.16736242

My dad used to make the best homemade eggnog with whiskey, rum, brandy, powdered sugar, cream, and eggs.

>> No.16736465

It’s not missing, it’s just been moved to the front. Look at the bottom.

>> No.16736476

>not waiting till after christmas when they go for $1

>> No.16736740

When I was in highschool I used to love eating eggnog and ritz crackers during the holidays. How tf I didn't turn out fat is a mystery, god bless genetics.

>> No.16736747

Dude I'm never living on an Island. Fuck that shit the logistics for the supply chain must be a massive pain.

>> No.16736752

That's because it seperates and the spices pool at the bottom of the carton not to blend the eggs you buttfucking retard

>> No.16736815

*whew!* for a minute, there, i thought it wasn't going to be there in time for christmas

>> No.16736831
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Based dad. Eggnog isn't very difficult to make at home and you will use superior ingredients without even trying.