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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16731198 No.16731198 [Reply] [Original]

Or is this just another myth from the plant eaters

>> No.16731202


>> No.16731203


>> No.16731205

Not unless it's all you eat. But sugars and processed foods sur will.

>> No.16731226

Deep fried scrambled eggs are my kryptonite

>> No.16731227

Being a lazy fatass causes heart disease, and your genes cause cancer.

>> No.16731243

Heart disease and cancer are caused by vegetable oil.

>> No.16731250

If you stay thin and exercise you won't get heart disease or cancer until you're in the age range where something's gonna kill you no matter what.

>> No.16731301

if you eat multiple butter eggs every day along with many other unhealthy foods and never exercise, yeah
theres no single thing that causes a disease, its your life style as a whole

>> No.16731356
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Stop shilling your video here.

>> No.16731440

Also stay out of the sun and don't smoke

>> No.16731496

im smoking weed out in the sun right now

>> No.16731506

>theres no single thing that causes a disease
vegetable shortening definitely caused heart disease even if you did everything else right

>> No.16731508

i think he meant dont smoke cigarettes

>> No.16731514

harvard school of public health says veg oil is good. dont you believe the science?

>> No.16731515

yea ciggies are deadly

>> No.16731518

No, you need sun. Just don't get burned.

>> No.16731550
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Is there proof that butter is healthy? I need to justify my addiction

>> No.16731556
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nigga butter is better for u than vegetable oil, that being the right serving size. if ur making some eggs dont use more than a fucking tablespoon you fat fuck

>> No.16731820

No man can just use only one tablespoon. You'd have to be low test or be a skinny california hipster woman to do that.

>> No.16731835

i always just rub the stick on the hot pan till its enough

>> No.16731842

What's with all the sugar hate lately?

Sugar is way better than fat.

If you wanna lose weight, just lower your total calorie count. How much sugar you eat doesn't matter as long as your calories count is lowered.

UNLESS you are eating fat. Fat is very hard to lose for your metabolism (look up transfats).

>> No.16731866

>Is there proof that butter is healthy?

I wouldn't say it's 'healthy' but at the same time one only needs to look at France, one of the highest butter consuming countries of Europe, and their generally decent life-span in global rankings to realise that butter isn't this evil artery clogging demon that certain diet or nutritionist factions make it out to be. There is always more complexity to health and diet than any mere component especially for things which have been integral to a nations cuisine for hundreds if not thousands of years.

>> No.16731877

Nah, sugar is worse. Sugar spikes your insulin and has so many other ill effects that it's never worth it. Calorie count isn't what matters, it's what type of foods you eat. 200 calories of broccoli is STILL better than 190 calories of oreos despite having more calories. Because oreos wreak havoc on your progress due to its ingredients while broccoli will actually have good effects on your body.

>> No.16731912

1 tablespoon, cook on medium heat
you fat fucks

>> No.16731964

>Calorie count isn't what matters, it's what type of foods you eat.
That's not how chemistry works. Only thing that matters for your weight is calories. Calories are literally just another word for energy.

>> No.16731977

>Only thing that matters for your weight is calories
This thread is more about general health, not just weight. It's kind of true though, as long as your diet is balanced and you're not eating processed food it's actually hard to eat more calories than you need that way.

>> No.16731983

Human metabolism is not a physics problem. It's not a closed system and not all ingested energy is stored as fat. It's a very complex system regulated by hormones and yields highly different outcomes depending on where those ingested calories come from and in what state the metabolic system is in.

>> No.16731990

>eat sugar all my life, 100g+ for sure almost every day just by drinking cola with every lunch/dinner
>never get fat
>stop eating sugar
>get fat

>> No.16732001


>> No.16732006

>That's not how chemistry works
Except for the fact that if you eat 200 calories of broccoli and 200 calories of oreos, you're going to gain more fat with oreos due to your insulin spiking more and the harmful ingredients it has. It's not just a one-dimensional number game, other factors come into play and that's a fact, not opinion. Oreos will put more visceral fat on you than broccoli even if you eat an equal amount of calories because of the soybean/canola oil, the trans fats, of course the insulin spike puts the break on any weight loss and does the reverse. Meanwhile broccoli actually lowers blood sugar levels and has positive effects on your body instead of negative. Your ""chemistry"" most of the time just applies to the same foods because when you do that to different foods, you have to take into account other factors. Yes, eating 200 calories of oreos is better than eating 2000 calories of oreos so your chemistry can be the be-all-end-all of that comparison. However comparing different foods is another story, and that's an objective fact.

>> No.16732013

>visceral fat
That's transfats

>> No.16732029

Taking a lot of trans fats adds to your visceral fat. I suggest you look up what visceral fat actually is.

>> No.16732032
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my blood pressure and cholesterol are through the h*cking roof

>> No.16732050

Before you reach the age of 25, your body is better at processing sugar

I saw this in a Stefan MOlyneux video so it must be true

>> No.16732063

If your a man you should have higher serum cholesterol levels on average because it's the building block of testosterone. If you don't get enough in your diet your body will produce it on its own.

>> No.16732066

haha not an arguement

>> No.16732068

Honestly, who cares? If your a real man, you're not gonna live past your 40s anyway. Just eat all the unhealthy shit you want.

>> No.16732090

>That's not how chemistry works. Only thing that matters for your weight is calories.
its biology and you burn more calories at rest the less carbohydrate you eat.

>> No.16732094

>Before you reach the age of 25, your body is better at processing sugar
diabetes risk increases with age. this only seems to be the case in populations that eat significant amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrate. traditionally living populations had virtually zero diabetes and obesity.

>> No.16732195

sugar is aweful for you but no one considers the fact that people are constantly snacking so their insulin levels barely ever get to drop throughout the day

>> No.16732200
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Sugar is not unhealthy for you

Toxins/Acids are unhealthy for you.

>> No.16733004

the "sugar" in milk is lactose, other anon means the sugar, fructose which is bad for your liver in high doses

>> No.16733200

There's no way anyone is this dumb naturally. Not all sugars are the same.

>> No.16733207

Heart disease is caused by damaged arteries and inflammation, which causes blockages to form in the arteries. Artery damage is mostly caused by high blood sugar. Insulin resistance and diabetes causes really high blood sugar levels for longer periods of time which essentially shreds your arteries. Your body produces cholesterol to repair arteries which is why cholesterol is a sign of artery damage, but its not the cause, which is why cholesterol content of food doesn't matter.

Inflammation is complicated, but can be caused by eating a lot of oxidized / spoiled / burned fats. Saturated fats and monounsaturated are the best fats for you because they are more stable. Polyunsaturated are only good fresh, and you want high omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. Problem is they spoil easily, and become bad for you. Its better to avoid polyunsaturated including omega 3 if you can't get them fresh. High body fat in general also increases inflammation.

Usually just not eating huge amounts of food and not becoming obese will do the most to prevent heart disease, but also reducing glycemic index by eating more fats and fiber and less processed foods or refined sugars on their own. The point is to reduce sugar spikes which damages arteries. Non-diat sodas for example are terrible for you if you eat them with nothing else. While fruits aren't as bad even though they're both simple sugars. Eating fried foods from restaurants that reuse their oil a lot is also pretty bad for you. Like fast food french fries, etc. Although frying foods yourself in fresh oil at the proper temperature is not that bad. Eating lots of fruits and veggies with anti-oxidants is also good for you because its reduce inflammation. But its mostly just about not being an obese fuck with diabetes.

>> No.16733985

>diabetes risk increases with age
Can confirm, my brother got diabeetus at 27 even tho he wasn't fat. He just never moves outside of my parents house and doesn't work.

>> No.16733993

>There's no way anyone is this dumb naturally. Not all sugars are the same.
t. failed at chemistry class

Fructose/lactose/sucrose/glucose is all turned to the same thing.

>> No.16734010

>looking only at reactant/product and not activation energy barriers
>t. never even attended a college chemistry class

>> No.16734035

You aren’t as smart as you think you are and you’re displaying some textbook traits of autism.

Quality post.

Based retard.

>> No.16734042

ive gone from 180 to 135 eating only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ramen and cookies
was I healthy, no

did I have almost no fat on my body, yes

>> No.16734078

>Based retard.
How is that retarded? I am currently a 30 year old virgin. Within the next 10 years, I will lose my job, lose all my savings (I have currently 38k saved up on my bank account - yes, unironically, I haven't invested it into anything), get killed by t

>> No.16734086

>ive gone from 180 to 135 eating only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ramen and cookies
>was I healthy, no
Sounds like the dream life to me
Bet you're 5'4" tho

>> No.16734096

6.0 actually

>> No.16734115

You'll have to find something other to blame for your condishun than sugar.

>> No.16734128

>am 6 foot too but 150 pounds

oh no

>> No.16734139

psh, I'm 6' 120lb, you guys are smalltime

>> No.16734174

Does saturated fat cause heart disease? This is one of the most tested hypotheses in medical history. Vritually every randomized clinical trial test has failed to confirm it. In other words its probably false. Saturated fat is a naturally ocurring substance in real food. Not something to be feared.

>> No.16734316

That's actual underweight

>> No.16734392

>personal anecdote
I'm 8'3, have a 70-inch penis and have more muscles than Prime Arnold and my diet consists of fast food and ice cream.

>> No.16734403


>> No.16734405


>> No.16734471

Butter and eggs are both extremely healthy food.

>> No.16734474

Our biology isn't as black and white as this retarded take.

>> No.16734477

Fat is essential for our health, and butter is one of the healthiest fats.

>> No.16734481

You've probably got diabetes you fucking retard.

>> No.16734485

>diabeeetus makes you go fat when you stop eating sugar

>> No.16734530

Yes, it does.
>with diabetes it’s also likely that you’ve lost a lot of weight in a short space of time, as this is one of the symptoms, and the weight gain is part of the recovery.

>> No.16734556

/ck/ is full of fat people who refuse to exercise. Of course they think sugar is the devil. Are you surprised? Most are on fad diets too that never work.

>> No.16734569

>be me
>never cooked anything in my life
>have a slim and toned body while eating nothing but ""processed garbage"" food
Think you got something there. Alpha males love eating at Chipotles

>> No.16734606

op asked about health. why are you talking about weight? daft cunt.

>> No.16734612

no fats are healthy and eggs are a great source of protein and vitamin b / choline

>> No.16734628

Health and weight... two sides of same coin... Hyōri Ittai...

>> No.16734637

false. it is possible to be a bit overweight and healthy, and it is possible to be lean and unhealthy.

>> No.16734676

>overweight and healthy
t. perfectly healthy (300lbs) 22 year old who died from the 'rona because he didn't take the damn vaxx

>> No.16734703

Hell no.

>> No.16734720

No the studies everyone sites are actually very weak. There's a weak association between animal fats and increased inflammation but I wouldn't worry about that.

>> No.16734728

Why do you think acids are bad for you?

>> No.16734734

Good advice, one caveat many fruits and vegetables that are "fresh" have been taken from cold storage and could have been picked more than half a year earlier and many antioxidants will break down in that time. Apples are especially vulnerable to this, and testing shows a store bought apple is just sugar, water, and fiber by the time you eat it. Most berries are fine though and even frozen blueberries and strawberries retain their antioxidants.

>> No.16734740
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I just wanna say hi to all the newfaggots from reddit. Also i want you to know that youre abunch of cucked retarded faggot niggers and you have to go back to your containment zone. We dont want you nigger loving faggot jew cock sucking libshit normie globalhomo pozzed retarded gorilla niggers here. So you best get or we'll make some Mississippi Windchimes out of you like the true niggers you are.

Also the holocaust didnt happen, but it should have.

>> No.16734749

bet you didn't even take your scijuice

>> No.16734750

>all the newfaggots from reddit.
>cannot even quote cross-board, like the cross-boarding newfag from reddit that he is

>> No.16734772
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>> No.16734802

>one of the highest butter consuming countries in Europe
France is in fact the #1 butter consuming country in the world by a pretty big margin. They're also in the top 3 countries with the lowest rates of heart disease.

>> No.16735193

Pick one. Unless you implying both are good for your health.

>> No.16735226

french and swiss eat butter cheese ham bacon and drink a whole lotta wine but they are quite healthy.
their secret?
not being american and living in a functionning city/village/community.
give a city in america where you can SENSIBLY move about without a car.

>> No.16735540

Yes, saturated fat isn't what is killing us but the question now is how to get people to cut down on the sugars and HFCS and take the heat of traditional sources of protein.

>> No.16735547

Did you seriously read "margin" and thought I meant margarine?

>> No.16735555

But they have to speak French all day. Not worth it.

>> No.16735566

swiss talk german and italian too.

>> No.16735585

>traditional sources of protein.
mostly come with some fat attached. step 1 should be to de stigmatize natural healthy fats from fish, meat, olive oil, etc and get people to eat real food not garbage with loads of sugar added.

>> No.16736687

Imagine being over 30 and not having a driver's loicence

>> No.16736814

Eggs deep fried in olive oil over toast used to be my go to Saturday breakfast. Then I developed celiac and can't eat bread anymore.

>> No.16736922

>give a city in america where you can SENSIBLY move about without a car.
Boston, or basically any New England city

>> No.16737433

easily bated

>> No.16737820

No, in fact you will live longer if you eat lots of butter and eggs. They're both perfectly natural healthy animal products that people have been eating for thousands of years, why would you possibly think they're bad for you?

In a study of lab mice, the mice fed a buttery diet lived twice as long as those fed a seed oil diet.


>> No.16737849

>31198 [Reply]▶>>16737820
>Or is this just another myth from the plant eaters
High amounts of yolk can effect your serum cholestrol but not much. Eating 3 eggs a day would still be nominally safe, but ultimately I'd recommend variation and to limit eggs to 3-4 times a week.

Butter has had a recorded negative effect on cholesterol for years, but using a tablespoon to cook with is harmless. Most industry professionals don't even actually use butter. It's usually butter-flavoring and lard or vegetable shortening.

>> No.16739265

> lately
The massive intake of sugar is a relatively recent thing

>> No.16739606

only people with a very specific gene can get bad cholesterol from eating eggs

>> No.16739706


>> No.16739766

Clinical trials are garbage for nutritional science and even then, you're still cherrypicking.

>> No.16739801

only for fat people

>> No.16739804

>Except for the fact that if you eat 200 calories of broccoli and 200 calories of oreos, you're going to gain more fat with oreos due to your insulin spiking more and the harmful ingredients it has.
Fucking kek, insulin somehow breaks the laws of thermodynamics. Amazing.

>> No.16739810

More than obese schizos who want to keep stuffing their faces with bacon and more than snake oil salesmen, sure.

>> No.16739817

Yes, all of our ancestors that ate bacon butter and eggs every morning were just really really lucky to avoid heart issues for so many centuries.

>> No.16739844

The 'muh ancestors' thing really doesn't make sense since you're talking about the same people who worshipped rocks and the sun, ate literal shit and do all sorts of dumb shit that got themselves killed. Not to mention there's no proof anywhere that they were healthy adonises since video cameras didn't exist in ancient times, it's all speculation.

>ate bacon butter eggs every morning
Proof that they ate those 3 together "every morning"? And modern bacon, modern butter and modern eggs are different from the past versions. Unless you're talking about organic hipster pasture raised shit which you all claim to hate, so you're being hypocrites.

>> No.16739860

No. What causes heart disease is sitting on your fucking ass all fucking day you fat fucking slob. I eat WHATEVER the fuck I want, drink as much beer as I want and love eating in the middle of the night, but I do run 5k every other day. I just have my health checkup and I have all optimal scores. Not even high cholesterol. And I'm 34.

Fucking move your ass.

>> No.16739876

overconsumption of foods with high cholesterol causes arterial-plaque buildup, which is a major contributing factor to heart-attack risks.

just about anything shy of water can cause cancer but there's nothing acutely carcinogenic about eggs & butter themselves--factory-farm products most often contain antibiotics & synthetic hormones though, of which there are.

>> No.16739895

Excercise only raises good (HDL) cholesterol, it doesn't remove the extra bad (LDL) cholesterol. I wish people stopped talking from their ass and actually started studying facts instead of spewing black and white bullshit.

>> No.16739920

ok you fat shit

>> No.16739957

Shut up lard ass. Start lifting.

>> No.16739969

>acids are bad for you
you are so dumb

>> No.16740036

I use a teaspoon. Im 193cm tall and 68 kg. Say that to my face, faggot.

>> No.16740088

The laws of thermodynamics apply to closed systems, but the body is a connected series of open systems. At the cellular level, billions of them. Not all substances are used the same, not all energy is used efficiently. Food is broken down into constituent parts and then utilized throughout your cells and organs, so what that food is made of changes how and where those parts can be used. Food isn't burned like wood in a furnace and converted to heat energy directly, so calories are not a good measure of exactly what food will do in your body, especially since your body has processes where it can literally just burn off excess energy in different ways without making use of it, again going back to the fact that the body is an open system and the laws of thermodynamics can't be strictly applied.

>> No.16740200

>dont use more than a fucking tablespoon
Tell that to the French

>> No.16740285

>Clinical trials are the gold standard for science
every clinical trial testing the hypothesis has failed to show any negative effect of saturated fats.

>> No.16740329
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>> No.16740342

>When we accounted for known risk factors including demographics, lifestyle, and disease prevalence, the CVD risk was lowest for those with high levels of the dairy fat biomarker 15:0, while those with biomarker levels around the median had the lowest risk of all-cause mortality.

>> No.16740544

Bet you'll be blindsided by that surprise cancer diagnosis in a few years