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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 243 KB, 1080x1062, Screenshot_20210921-214610_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16728171 [Reply] [Original]

>MSCHF Sunday Service consists of a genuine Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich — purchased from real Chick-Fil-A establishments — repackaged in special “666” bag with a Shroud of Turin napkin, so you can dab away pickle juice with the (supposed) face of Christ. Of course, it costs $6.66.

Absolutely based

>> No.16728177

grow up

>> No.16728180
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>he doesn't believe in eternity

>> No.16728184
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>hail satan amirite reddit?
>haha imagine if we sold chick-fil-a, on a sunday!

>> No.16728185

I'd be amused by the satanic theme if it weren't clear they're just insufferable ironic atheists

>> No.16728186

Imagine getting triggered by a chicken sandwich

>> No.16728193


>> No.16728203

Besides the faggotry, is that even legal?

>> No.16728205

trannies ahould 41% themselves faster to meet their maker

>> No.16728221

Yes, it's basically like all the food delivery services. You're not buying from a restaurant when you order Uber Eats. Uber is buying it and then selling it to you at a markup. You're not even buying from the restaurant, it's Uber that's paying the restaurant

>> No.16728234
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So if it's from a chick fil a wouldn't that mean they bought it on a Saturday? So you're paying six dollars for a cold or reheated chicken sandwich? If people buy this they deserve to be swindled.

>> No.16728239

Huh, didn't know it worked like that. But they're always sort of rebranding it, so what about that part?

>> No.16728241

where is this based out of? so i can show them the way of the lord.

>> No.16728242

You do realize the food in grocery stores wasn't grown and/or cooked a few minutes before you entered, right?

>> No.16728253

Go buy two chic fil a sandwiches.
Eat one fresh, then save the other till the next morning and re heat it. Tell me which is better.

Actually, don't really do that, you get the idea just from me explaining it and I would hate for you to waste money on something stupid.

>> No.16728257

Sounds fucking stupid. Buying day old, reheated sandwiches from edgy turbofags.

>> No.16728260

That's not how fast food works though retard

>> No.16728269

I go to Chick-fil-A on Saturday and buy 6 sandwiches. One for Saturday and the rest for lunch each day of the work week. The one I eat on Friday tastes just fine after being refrigerated for almost a week

>> No.16728277

Is this legal?

>> No.16728281
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>> No.16728282

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Not only are they reselling a brand product, but they are bringing pre-cooked food in from another establishment and repackaging it. It just takes one person to get a tummy ache from eating too fast to call lawyers in and have them ripped a new one for damages.

>> No.16728288

But muh gays, bro! Muh gays! This is showing them when we buy their sandwiches that were already bought from them, which means they still made a profit! We got them now lol!

>> No.16728307
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Where I live, the Chick Fil A workers would hunt down these folks and beat and kill them

>> No.16728314

Nice head canon

>> No.16728335

What the fuck is MSCHF? Am I expected to know about it?

>> No.16728348
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>no mention of trannies anywhere
rent free

>> No.16728358
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>> No.16728367

a quick google yields they are some tryhard 'art' group that foists trash via limited-availabilty-blindboxes on people for hundreds of dollars
this is just another
>omg we're so quirky and non-conformist look at us sell these reheated chicken sandwitches to a few people on a sunday omg we are SO going to get in TROUBLE for this but it's so worth it to stick it to the MAN, man

>> No.16728373

Mald af

>> No.16728402

Chick-fil-a isn't closed on Sunday because they think it's satanic to eat chicken on Sundays. They're closed because they want their employees to have a day they spend with their families, which hopefully includes worshipping together. At their corporate headquarters, you cannot work past 5pm without special authorization from someone at the VP level or higher for the same reason: they want you to be able to spend your evenings with your family.

>> No.16728414

so, what, am I paying for the privilege of sticking it to christcucks just so I can eat day old chicken?

like, fucks sake, man, just go to popeye's or something.

>> No.16728420

Not even sure how this is a dunk of Chick-fil-a because the sandwiches are purchased on Saturday. Maybe if they were stealing sandwiches or selling a knockoff, then it would have some small impact. All this is doing is selling more Chick-fil-a.

>> No.16728431

>Chick-fil-a isn't closed on Sunday because they think it's satanic to eat chicken on Sundays.
Exactly. It's not like some SDA thing where they think it's sinful to work on a certain day, either, it's just wanting to respect their workers' right to free/family time.

>> No.16728437

Seething larping "Christians" on an anime gore website kek

>> No.16728439
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Chic-fil-a inquisition when?

>> No.16728447

There aren't many entry level jobs that you can do when you're young where you're guaranteed a certain day off. Friends who worked there during high school loved that they could plan out lake trips and concerts ahead of time knowing they'd never be scheduled to work a shift on Sunday. Pretty much every other food service or retail job will fuck up your social life with every changing schedules.

>> No.16728489

so....they hate their fathers or what?

>> No.16728499

I agree with you completely. I usually go on the first of each month and purchase 31 sandwiches.

>> No.16728503

>buying at the very best, day old chicken sandwiches
>this somehow sticks it to chic-fil-a, who profited off of you buying the sandwich

>> No.16728519

Same, except I only go once a year, the Thursday before good Friday. 365 - 366 chicken sandwiches one a day for the year, all of which taste as good as the last.

>> No.16728526


>> No.16728544

stop projecting. yrwnbaw

>> No.16728570

Same as the other two anons but I'm only allowed to eat them on a full moon after I turn all the lights in the house on and then off and then on again and meditate for 16 hours. It's not for everyone but I like doing it this way.

>> No.16728596

imagine being such a colossal faggot you need le heckin anti-christian chicken burger so you can consoom on a sunday

>> No.16728600

I didn't realize that Ubereats repackaged the food and passed it off as their own product

>> No.16728638

oy vey it's 43% now

>> No.16728667

Welcome year zero

>> No.16728682
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>> No.16728699

Based ghoul

>> No.16728744

unbelievable amount of seething in this thread. i dont think ive ever seen ck so worked up and ostensibly upset. when did this site get flooded with christfags and how do we make them feel unwelcome again?

>> No.16728779

>reselling chicken sandwiches bought at 2/3rd of the price
What kind of sucker falls for this shit?

>> No.16728791

Didn't lil nas x get sued for doing something similar, but more edgy to Nike?

>> No.16728808

Why you mad though?

>> No.16728845

You know what would be edgy? Selling a McRib wrapped in a picture of Mohammed.

But these losers don't have the balls to do that. They play it safe.

>> No.16728856


>> No.16728868

Is this your first time seeing a CFA thread on /ck/? Welcome.

>> No.16728883

I wonder why that is.

>> No.16728905

How do atheists make religion look so good.
its been a shitshow since the Banana incident.

>> No.16728906

One will get pissy and make snide and passive aggressive remarks on Facebook, the other will hunt him down and yank out his testicles through his nostrils. Which would you rather piss off?

>> No.16728907
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>> No.16728909

Banana incident?

>> No.16728910

Would even be worse if they wrapped it in the star of David. They would be jailed, instead of being threaten to be bombed, for such an action. I'm don't even think they're playing it safe. They're just that delusional.

>> No.16728912

selling pork as a kosher/halal product would be more devilish. These little edgelords know that some CFA fanatics would get mad. That's it.

>> No.16728913

straight from the mouth of a reddit tourist, how quaint

>> No.16728914

>I'm don't even think they're playing it safe. They're just that delusional.
Exactly. This is like early 90s edgy goth shit "woah I'm talking shit about Christians, watch out world"

Literally the safest group to attack, it's practically condoned. What's next, talking shit about white people woooooahhhh watch out!

>> No.16728917

atheism was the big thing in the late 00s-early-10s.
then one of the most popular atheist content creators among young people had a video leaked of himself shoving a banana up his ass, and pouring (cold?) coffee on himself.

>> No.16728922

i should specify, online atheism.
they never recovered from the banana incident and tips_fedora.jpeg

>> No.16728929

Never heard of this guy or this happening but just checked his rebuttal video "BANANAGATE 2011". I hate to say it but he handled it really well.

>> No.16728931
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someone shoop this onto a mcrib box, maybe with some edgy shit and a MSCHF logo.
/ck/ could probably false flag the faggots into getting KEBAB'd

>> No.16728932

Fucking kek

>> No.16728940

I think the fedora thing is what really BTFO atheists.

>> No.16728955

true, he somehow kept going and still does shit to this day.
but it was an embarrassment to the hardcore edgy atheists at the time, and barely a year later "tips fedora" became a thing.
it was the beginning of the end.

>> No.16728961

That's pretty cringe.

>> No.16728972

I'm surprised I somehow didn't hear about this, I was on 4chan (mostly /ck/ though around this time).

If a video of me doing that weird shit was posted online I don't think I could come back at it like he did in the rebuttal. I have to give him credit. I'd probably stop going online except for work/school and I certainly wouldn't be maintain an online presence. Gotta handle it to this fedora especially with his little pecker and flabby physique showcased in the weirdest way possible.

The atheists really were BTFO. Never really was into that scene because I have a live and let live attitude and don't care if people are religious or not so long as they're good people. But their presence has certainly declined now that I think about it.

>> No.16729048

so theyre seeling day-old burgers as an art project?
not sure this is wholly legal

>> No.16729070

But I mean they aren't doing it because they know it's safe. They're brainwashed into it. It's dangerous. It's the same with your white people scenario. It will come to be accepted, despite being hypocritical, which means any criticism will be looked at like you're some kind of problem. And the people continuing this idea won't even understand why they carry these memes.

>> No.16729131

My High School had a CFA about a half mile away from it and it definitely was the best job to have when you are that age, I remember missing out and having to work floating schedules at Walmart which was terrible. Plus with CFA they pay well (for a fast food job) and are always properly staffed so you won't be doing too much work.

>> No.16729232

Why would anyone buy leftovers at a markup

>> No.16729463

Oh no people are making fun of other peoples made up fandom

I'd get it if chick-fil-a was in Aus

>> No.16729495

>MSCHF (pronounced "mischief") is an American art collective in Brooklyn
Stopped reading there. Dear deep state: it is not 2009 anymore, please find actual edgy people to astroturf and not the same people you would have astroturfed over a decade ago. Saying "fuck" and "hail Satan" isn't edge anymore, calling people "niggers" is. Thank you.

>> No.16729502

Wonder how many Jesuits were involved in this

>> No.16729524

I made a purchase at Chick-fil-A in South Atlanta back in 1985 to the tune of 14,600 sandwiches. Every day since then I pop open my freezer and choose one at random to eat at work during lunch. Some days I eat two, some days I don’t eat a sandwich at all. I should be covered until 2025 at the earliest, and when that happens I’ll just strangle my wife to death in her sleep and hang myself from the ceiling fan.

>> No.16729527
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>> No.16729538

I'm not even American but with all the fuss raised over Chick Fil A the business I really want to try one of their sandwiches. Are they good?

>> No.16729539

calm down, they're not trying to get beheaded

>> No.16729543

I bet a jew is behind this, but in all seriousness I'm glad I can get cfa on sunday because you fucks always make threads on sundays!

>> No.16729565

We're not seething, dummy. We're cringing.
Writing 666 on a bag of CFA is something a 13-year-old would do, but these "artists" and their supporters are adults.

>> No.16729577


>> No.16729578

Repackaging it is going to get them sued

>> No.16729602

they're pretty good
not that expensive for fast food and the best part is you can park your car and walk inside and get your food 15+ minutes before everyone in the drive thru does because in America people will unironically see a massive backed up drive thru and decide they'd rather wait in their cars then park and walk inside
service is top notch and everyone speaks perfect english

>> No.16729610

>Redditors very mad Chick fil A doesn't sell on Sunday
>Opportunist comes up with this scam
>Praised for selling reheated sandwiches bought a day before

Retards, just buy the sandwich on Saturday by yourself and eat it next day, It's gonna be the same thing and I bet cheaper than the $6.66
You people get scammed so easily

>> No.16729613
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>> No.16729614

Didn't they actually find out years ago that the real number of the Beast is 616 and 666 was a mistranslation?

>> No.16729626

Based. I'm going to order 6 on Sunday.

>> No.16729633
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>spurning the love of Christ to eat a meme sandwich because you can't wait one day

>> No.16729636
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>> No.16729657
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>> No.16729766

It stands for Nero

>> No.16729815

They sell sauce in grocery stores on sunday, they don't care about this lmfao
You just gave Chick Fil A money congrats

>> No.16729849

This does look like a little Lori McBride side project

>> No.16729938


>> No.16729950

The creators of Beavis and Butt-Head were threatened all the time, most notably once by actual children with guns (details in the behind the scenes of Beavis and Butt-Head Do America), because they made a (for the times) raunchy animated comedy. Modem comedians are cowards, deal with it, zoomer.

>> No.16729965

I bet you have to wear a helmet before you do anything

>> No.16730033

>Reheated soggy day-old chicken sandwich
>Paying a mark-up for le edgy turbofag packaging that is going in the garbage anyways
You'd have to be a colossal faggot and glutton not to hold off for 24 hours to get the fresh stuff for half the price.

>> No.16730042
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>unbelievable amount of seething in this thread. i dont think ive ever seen ck so worked up and ostensibly upset. when did this site get flooded with >christfags and how do we make them feel unwelcome again?

>> No.16730057

Fuck yeah that'd be hilarious

>> No.16730064

for fast food, its very good. For regular food, it's nothing special, and certainly no reason to wait in your car in a long line for one

>> No.16730069

No, this is not a delivery service like Uber eats, Doordash, Postmates et al., they're operating as a food establishment using another company's products. Its not only infringement, but considering they're operating without a license, they've opened the door for liability if Rodney Redditor gets sick from eating a le epic satan day-old sandwich that may or may not be expired.

>> No.16730086

The Chick-fil-As in the Texas panhandle cook up the best chicken sandwiches you've ever tasted, so once a month I'll drive about 250 miles and pick up a pallet of 40 of those bastards, chuck em in a couple of coolers and then drive back right away.

>> No.16730094
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Projecting christcuck lmao

>> No.16730115

Don't have to be a Christcuck to spot retarded cringe.

>> No.16730118

Wow so edgy

>> No.16730171

look how reactive they are when called out

>> No.16730225
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this is a thread about some pathetic reactionary grift by retards who are triggered by christians existing.

>> No.16730261

Imagine spending extra money to get a sandwich but a day old just to own an imaginary sky fairy...

>> No.16730316

Rent free

>> No.16730343
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>chick fil a

>> No.16730354

>retards who are triggered by christians existing.
It's politically correct to hate christians & jews in 2021. Praise Allah.

>> No.16730413
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>buying day old chicken sandwiches to "own" the christians
>selling day old chicken sandwiches to "own" the christians

>> No.16730431

They are pretty good, but the dine in service was what always got me to go. Almost all white staff, sometimes you seen an asian. Resturant is always clean as fuck. No bums or junkies in the bathroom. Dining room is filled with clean customers.

I hate eating in my car because it will pick up scents. If I don't have time to pack my own lunch I used to be able to go right in and enjoy a stress free dining experience before heading back to work.

>> No.16730440

trademark infringement only works 1 way you have a right to deny others using your trademark but you dont have a right to use your trademark.
of course the legal issue is more complex than that but this is just coming from what little I know.

>> No.16730553

>paying extra for a day-old chicken sandwich just to own the christcucks
Wickedness really never was happiness.

>> No.16730559
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Why are white liberals like this?

>> No.16730563
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You don’t have to be a Christian to mock atheist losers, that’s the point incel.

btw, purchasing a companies products to “own” them is retarded.

>> No.16730580


>> No.16730583

>Its not only infringement
Lol no it’s not.
Do you know what that word means?
Infringement on what? The patented chicken sandwich?

>> No.16730591

Yeah, you know something's ass backwards when the republicans and right wing in 'Murica have to defend the Jews while it's politically correct for the liberals to hate the jew "zionists"

>> No.16730592

>it’s ok to hate dhimmi

You’re not a Muslim. Kill yourself atheist larper.

>> No.16730598


>> No.16730623
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I don't go to Chick Fil A anymore since she never called me back

>> No.16730639

no, socialists have always hated Jews even in the 1940's, blaming them for controlling the wealth & creating inequality... history's just repeating

>> No.16730650

It's copyright infringement on the company's name if they're not licensing it's use. Either CFA's in on it, or some click-boosting bullshit's going to hit the fan.

>> No.16730657
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>& jews

>> No.16730666

The socialists WERE the jews, dumbo.

>> No.16730669
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>Sells Chick-Fil-A on a Sunday with a 666 logo and a 6.66 price tag
Cute and funny.
>Shroud of Turin napkin to wipe your filth onto Jesus's face
Disrespectful and rude.

Come back when it's just a funny joke and a way for people to get their food/special on a day they normally can't and isn't some cringe political statement trying to be offensive for no reason.

>> No.16730674

how does this work? I've never been to a chick-fil-A and there's only one here in Toronto that's way too far for me. I'm assuming Sunday they are never opened so does that mean that MSCHF buys a whole bunch of CFA sandwiches the day before and reheats them?

>> No.16730677

sorry, trademark, not copyright.

>> No.16730691

Christcucks = Owned

>> No.16730696

Shroud of Turin is clearly fraudulent so I'm not sure why you'd get upset by that.

>> No.16730697
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The only thing more cringe than bible thumpers is atheists

>> No.16730703

who else would do something so gay and cringe?

>> No.16730705

based warriors of christ

>> No.16730733

Man he was really going all out trying to win the black customers from Popeye's. Too bad Chik Fll Eh sucks a donkey dick.

>> No.16730759

They still have Chic Fil A money, what exactly do they this accomplishes. It's like when people were trying to "own" Starbucks by putting Trump as the name or some shit. They still bought the coffee.

>> No.16730765

>gif and file name
Kek. Shame he couldn't heal Johnny from a fucking boulder.

>> No.16730805
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>Low hanging fruit

So edgy

>> No.16730863
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>> No.16730875

they discovered a while back the number was actually 616

>> No.16730892


>> No.16730988

they hate our father who art in heaven, anon

>> No.16730992
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OP: No dubs
FPBP: dubs

God has spoken

>> No.16730997

So they're giving Chick-Fil-A money so they can resell their product. Wow, they sure got them.

>> No.16731003

>Where I live, the Chick Fil A workers would hunt down these folks and beat and kill them

Where I live, half of the employees are gay twinks.

>> No.16731009

Oh no the edgelords bought and resold a chicken sandwich on Sunday this has shaken my faith to its core.

>> No.16731048

Hell no. Chick fil a is actually not all that busy either. They hire people to circle the drive thru all day to make it seem better than it actually is, hoping people will make memes (aka more business). No one likes chik fil a this much folks. No one wants mediocre chicken daily. It's just capitalist stupidity and pettiness because they want to be the iconic chicken joint. Want proof? How many people do you know in your city or town where chick fil a is always crowded? Now think about how many of them actually get chick fil a often? Or keep an eye on the cars there- You'll see a lot of the same exact cars there daily. How do I know this? I was a chick fil a drive thru paid customer. It's not an actual hired job per se, they don't want it to show up in tax or hiring records and you aren't assigned a specific store. You're paid by trip what you make an hour depends on you. They train one staff member per shift to handle it and put them in the pickup window. When they hand you your order, thank them, and when they say "My pleasure" reply with "Giving you pleasure is MY pleasure," they'll know why you're there. Then they'll say something like "Oh, something isn't right with your order," or say they forgot a part or similar, the point is they'll ask you to pull ahead for a minute so they can bring it out when it's ready. In bag of food they bring you'll also find cash for the trip, plus refund for what you spent on the order. I use a card so they just reverse it

>> No.16731056

>edgy retards paying money for 1 day old fast food
oh no!


>> No.16731078
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>>MSCHF Sunday Service consists of a genuine Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich — purchased from real Chick-Fil-A establishments — repackaged in special “666” bag with a Shroud of Turin napkin, so you can dab away pickle juice with the (supposed) face of Christ. Of course, it costs $6.66.

>> No.16731228

>make a joke
>y-y-y-you're just trying to be edgy!"
Now I remember why I have no time for mythcucks.

>> No.16731241

More pasta? Well at least this one isn't stale.

>> No.16731244

Imagine eating a stale day-old chicken sandwich to own the christian. A sandwich that was bought from said christians.

>> No.16731292
File: 34 KB, 625x415, B7726DEB-7101-4BC8-BD2F-CCC72938191C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanists are the JNCO jeans of religion.

Utter cringe

>> No.16731468

hits all the markers for a proper schizo pasta. well done.

>> No.16731475

It's exactly what the triggered atheists are doing though. It's a shitty attempt at comedy, especially since the entire "joke" rests on tame 90's-esque edginess.

>> No.16731483

>paying more for a microwaved day old Chick0fil-a sandwich
I mean, you could just buy it yourself on Saturday and stick it in the fridge?
It doesn't even make sense to reason that you're "sticking it to them", they aren't anti "eating chicken" on Sunday, they don't want to force their employees to work on Sunday.
Unless you kidnap the blonde teenage cashier and make her work the fryer on Sunday at gunpoint, you're just eating old chicken.

>> No.16731493

Unless you picked it up from chick-fil-a, put it on your car seat, and sat on it like a momma bird, the sandwich should be fucking fiiiiine.

>> No.16731505

It's an attempt to trick idiots and autists into saying a very obvious sexual innuendo at what is typically a young, attractive (usually [REDACTED]) drive through worker.

>> No.16731539

How fucking gullible are you

>> No.16731540

Alright, Gorske.

>> No.16731542


>> No.16731547

Satanism aren't a religion. They're atheists still mad that Mommy took them to church on Sunday instead of letting them play Nintendo.

>> No.16731588


>> No.16731603

>cold chicken
Satanics really are evil huh?

>> No.16731625
File: 2.14 MB, 3013x4096, saint_peter_1960.6.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It says here you sold day old chicken sandwiches at a markup to blaspheme against God's people, care to explain that?

>> No.16731641

>buy something on Saturday
>sell it on Sunday
Not only is this an unsustainable business model, only fucking retards would pay to eat cold food from yesterday.

>> No.16731722

>Pay an extra $3 for a fucken sandwich just to be edgy

>> No.16731739

What? My post was simply about the possibility of a lawsuit. I don't give a fuck about religion/politics. I once was a LARPing angsty teenager who wore EYEHATEGOD shirts and stood in the politics or occult section of BnN to try to look "intellectual". I hate how you can't post a single thing on this site now without someone getting absolutely buttblasted and accusing you of having a differing political/religious stance than them. I just want to talk about food.

>> No.16731791

Do hipster really?

>> No.16731810

Imagine being such a redditor you believe in 2000 year old Jewish fairy tales kek

>> No.16731883

The Bible is where the idea of Satan and 666 come from. So

>> No.16731946

>MSCHF buys a whole bunch of CFA sandwiches the day before and reheats them?

yes, and white liberals will pay to eat reheated sloppa

>> No.16732083

Momma says I only have to wear it if I go outside to play in the yard.

>> No.16732095
File: 432 KB, 1800x1200, lil-nas-x-nike-case-halted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between this and those lil nas x shoes they put out i think i'm starting to see a trend

>> No.16732096
File: 195 KB, 1242x699, 6783708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick-fil-a is protestant.
So there's really no difference here.

>> No.16732154

Catholic? I think you mean a seasoned practitioner of idolatry.

>> No.16732170

Sounds pretty heckin' based, I love science and abortion!

>> No.16732216

based for making christrannies seethe in this thread.

Ahem. fuck christcucks, fuck sandniggers, fuck kikes and fuck trannies.

>> No.16732260

Damn, this thread showed how utterly fragile christcucks are

>> No.16732272

have some pity, after all it's the only god they've got

>> No.16732790

white people

>> No.16732821

>pay more for day old fast food to "own" christians

>> No.16732903
File: 2.35 MB, 498x280, 1609874469263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter SatanCucks can't even make a basic chicken sandwich?