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File: 82 KB, 614x533, vital farms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16727459 [Reply] [Original]


How does anyone verify these claims are true? Unless you go on a trip to these "farms" and actually watch what they do on a typical day

>> No.16727481

yeah where is the hidden valley that has all the ranch anyways?

>> No.16727485

I don't waste my money paying 2x-3x for 'organic' shit. Animals are for eating and I don't really care about their feelings.

>> No.16727495

ive noticed when i eat the organic eggs raw i dont get sick. i get sick from the other eggs eaten raw tho.

>> No.16727503

Is this what sub 90 IQ looks like? fascinating

>> No.16727505

I thought the guy who owns these farms actually goes on podcast and makes videos about it

could be wrong though

>> No.16727507

I do


>> No.16727517

Some eggs are less toxic than others. Chickens are pumped full of shit to artifically fatten them up until they can't walk anymore, they're crammed in literal shitheaps where they poop on each other and are fed soi, so their fatty acid profiles are estrogenic and shitty. If you raise your own chickens or get them from a good source you'll see the difference in taste and effects on your body. But the thing with "healthier" options is there's no way to confirm if they're just bullshitting. I take eggs very seriously and I'm planning to one day see what Vital Farms, Happy Hens are up to.

>> No.16727520

same they honestly taste better

>> No.16727529

I owned chickens and know what a healthier chicken’s egg is like. Vital’s eggs are pretty good in this right.

>> No.16727534

don't know, i raise my own chickens

>> No.16727540

There are farm videos. You can check the carton to see who the farmer is.

>> No.16727543
File: 893 KB, 1920x1080, different-color-egg-yolks-today-tease-180604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also don't fall for the meme of "deeper color means the eggs are better". Some farmers sneak substances into the chicken feed to get the deeper color, it's not always indicative of quality.

>> No.16727548


Here the farm from my carton.

>> No.16727550

>he doesnt know that you can type out soy on this board

>> No.16727553

The USDA regulates the use of free range label on food products, and is responsible for inspections and enforcement of that.

>> No.16727557

yeah this. The ones from the store rarely match up, but they do come closer. It isn't just color, but that certainly helps.
It really isn't that hard OP, unless you don't know.

>> No.16727580

USDA is a complete failure and not worthy of anyone's trust. They approve so many products which when tested yielded completely rancid or inaccurate ingredients than what's put on the labels. People who studied carrageenan (something banned in other countries for being a carcinogen) wanted it to be banned but USDA still approved it for everything including baby formula. USDA certified "grass fed" or "free range" products are also lies. The animals only have to be a fed grass for a certain amount of time during the inspection to pass, they can still be fed cancerous shit outside that short time frame. Free range just means the door is open and might still mean most of the chickens are cooped inside 99% of the time.

>> No.16727628

I need lots of protein to lift heavy ass weights and I cannot afford to pay $7 a day for a dozen eggs.

>> No.16727645

$7 isn't a lot, if you have a working PC with internet connection it's a non-issue. Even then most of the cheaper brands are only 1-2 dollars less. The absolute cheap garbage tier ones have estrogen and soy which go against your training. Which explains why you're a DYEL on 4chan and not a bodybuilder, athlete or fitness influencer making easy cash. Some people think saving some dollars means value but it's actually the opposite when it comes to important foods like meat and eggs. All the chemicals and bad fat profiles you're ingesting are going to cost you more money down the line in medical bills, and cheap eggs have a huge margin when it comes to improved nutrients and minerals. Good quality eggs sometimes quadruple or even way more the amount of nutrients for your body compared to ghetto nigger eggs.

>> No.16727650


Taste the chicken

Food that’s actually like that tastes vastly different than Tyson or a National chain

>> No.16727669

same with grass fed beef it has a different taste than normal corn/soy fed beef.

>> No.16727715

You’ll burn in hell if that’s worth saving $0.75 on

>> No.16727723

I've never had a truly farm-raised/organic egg that wasn't a deeper color. You can also taste the difference.

>> No.16727725

call your congressman nigger

>> No.16727737

>cost you more money down the line in medical bills
American moment

>> No.16727763
File: 1.06 MB, 250x141, 22191157-D3F0-4E23-9F12-D1BDC107B888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I buy these yeah I hope they’re doing their due diligence but my poor ass Mexican neighborhood level dream is to have a chicken coop in my backyard when I have my own house. Also a birdbath and at least a cucumber and tomato plants.

>> No.16727785

actual schizo post....imagine typing this out, i bet you think vaccines are a scam too

>> No.16727791

This is usually caused by feeding chickens pepper seeds right?

>> No.16729537

In the absence of cheating though, it usually means they had access to open forage and they have a high amount of beta carotene in their diet from eating grasses and various wild plants.

>> No.16729545

>if you have a working PC with internet connection then its a non-issue to spend half your salary just on eggs

>> No.16729547

I remember looking up the brand of eggs that Dr Berg showed in his video and they had got in trouble for mistreating the chickens. You can't trust anyone these days.

I like the Clarence Court eggs. I think they're endorsed by the royal family so I trust them to be good.

>> No.16729711

Isnt Dr. Berg not even a real doctor but a chiropractor? And he's apparently a crazy schizo scientologist according to his son. Also he said in one of his pizza videos that you can eat his pizza as much as you want without gaining weight, even though calories are still a thing. He also says dairy products has estrogen but still recommends everyone and their children eat butter. He collabs with Thomas Delauer, another fraud with a questionable history and contradicting statements.

>> No.16729735

You're telling me a valley hid this ranch?

>> No.16729738

He's a nutritionist I believe also because he sometimes talks about patients coming to his clinic and talking to them about their diet.. Not a medical doctor no. But he does seem to do a lot of research, and he rarely peddles his own products and seems like a well meaning guy.

With dairy I think his issue is with milk, also he gives advice based on different people's conditions so if he's doing a video saying not to eat cheese it's for certain people not everyone.

I remember he did a cauliflower pizza crust video.

>> No.16729747

>quality eggs sometimes quadruple or even way more the amount of nutrients
Nice strokepost, anon

>> No.16729781

>dozen off soy eggs costs at least 3 bucks
glad am no mutt

>> No.16729841

I would try explaining this to the smelly fucks who would come in when I worked produce at a grocery store that would insist that "Organic" produce was free of pesticides and healthier than regular produce. I miss seeing them seethe about the organic meme and would tell them they're better off going to the farmers market or growing their own

>> No.16729847

>half your salary
What the fuck are you even talking about poorfag

>> No.16729854

Just find someone on craigslist selling their chicken eggs ez pz

>> No.16729887

Soy isn't filtered here.

>> No.16729917

Exactly, he's only good at massages, not at being an actual doctor. And he contradicts himself so much and sells people shit too. Also straight up lying saying you can eat as much of his pizza without gaining any fat at all. As expected of a fraud and a scientologist who his own family hates.

>> No.16729923
File: 902 KB, 973x1000, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does anyone verify these claims are true? Unless you go on a trip to these "farms" and actually watch what they do on a typical day
First, if the claims were untrue they would be sued and fined for false advertisement when the government inspector comes around to the farm. You know that happens, right? Not to mention animal farmers actually get shitloads more oversight than other types of farmers.
Second, they actually have cameras set up in their farms that you can view. On the side of the carton is the name of the farm the eggs came from and if you go to the Vital Farms website and type it in you can literally view a 360 degree video from that farm which proves that the chickens roam in pastures with plenty of space. Pic related.

>> No.16729925

Oh come on that's out of order. The sheer amount of videos he does he rarely promotes his own stuff. Even when he does recommend supplements he'll tell you to go do your own research and find one you like. How can you beat on a guy who tells you to eat grass fed organic pasture raised meat, dairy, eggs and vegetables?

I don't know what you're talking about with this pizza claim but that doesn't sound like something he'd say.

>> No.16729929

raise chickens urself

>> No.16729932

>removing the cost from healthcare also removes people's responsibility for their own health and makes them lazy and not care about taking care of themselves
Color me surprised.

>> No.16729955

>USDA certified "grass fed" or "free range" products are also lies.
Don’t be an illiterate retard schizo.
The standards are public info. You can see exactly what they are.

>> No.16729964
File: 17 KB, 200x198, thumb__appears-to-be-the-grinch-in-a-mask-holding-a-4187733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm planning to one day see what Vital Farms, Happy Hens are up to.

>> No.16729970

>you can literally view a 360 degree video from that farm which proves that the chickens roam in pastures with plenty of space.
recorded for 4 minutes on one day, not a livestream

>> No.16729978

I said you can view a video, not a livestream. But do you really think they would go through the trouble of releasing all their chickens for a video, then go out to round them up and cram them back in tiny cages? You can see the chickens and tell that they're healthy and not overly fat, too.

>> No.16729985

Yes. The chickens are just CG and funded by the USDA to help gives us all estrogen and cancer because evil moon base.

>> No.16729993
File: 64 KB, 1080x458, Screenshot_20210922-095955_Blue Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where is the hidden valley
It's hidden, dummy. They don't want people to know where their farm of ranch trees are, people would just storm the place with Buffalo wings and eat all of it

>> No.16730017

I've noticed a difference in taste, but could just be placebo from reading the carton and my brain inferring that it tastes better.

>> No.16730045

Enjoy the lower quality of products you consume because you're a cheap fuck

>> No.16730152

Pasture raised eggs have less PUFA in them, they are fed a proper diet unlike industrial sludge shitken.
You're crippling yourself if you don't only eat pasture raised pork and chicken because they are what they eat unlike ruminants. And what they eat is soi

>> No.16730157

these eggs aren't even organic...

>> No.16730415

If you don't feel a tinge of guilt buying the cheapest eggs, the cheapest meat, etc, you are soulless. In real life you have to make moral compromises, though - you AREN'T always the good guy. I make just enough to support myself, my family and save a little for our future and, to that end, I will make savings - even if it means buying an unethically produced product. If you don't get this you are either a child, a richfag or a zealot, none of which have any understanding or empathy for normal people (which calls into question their supposed understanding/empathy with animals)

>> No.16730428

>Unless you go on a trip to these "farms"
Doesn't this brand have a program to let you do that?

>> No.16730439

Never underestimate the pretentiousness & self mastabatory consumer products of modern upper-middle class white people

>> No.16730444

>Never underestimate the pretentiousness & self mastabatory consumer products of modern upper-middle class white people
White people. Saving the world for the sake of all the savage brownies, one dozen organic eggs at a time.

>> No.16730451

look at the yolk. if its orange, it's a well fed happy chicken.

>> No.16730464

That's because organic certification is full of dumb bullshit. If you don't have 100% organic certified feed AND 100% organic certified pastures then your chicken eggs can't be certified organic, and each of those other organic certifications come with healthy doses of their own dumb bullshit like if you use any kind of treated wood fence posts anywhere around the pasture it can't be certified organic, among plenty of other ridiculous stipulations.

>> No.16730557

>muh pufa sludge microplastic phytoestrogens 5G signal
Go back.

>> No.16730567


>> No.16730642


>> No.16730690

i've been to their farms. i know he's speaking generally, but vital farms is a pretty good company