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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16727083 [Reply] [Original]

worst food in the country

>> No.16727102

Retard opinion. NY obviously is NY, but mid Atlantic states like PA and MD have some of the best food in the country.

>> No.16727105

Wow, Altoona pizza and sea bugs? Sign me up !

>> No.16727109

>NY obviously is NY
new york is one of the food capitols of the world

>> No.16727111

Any of those landlocked western states except the ones at the border cause tex mex is great

>> No.16727121

>haha memes represent every dish XD funnay memes XD

>> No.16727150

Colorado has some bomb restaurants. As does Utah, surprisingly, there's a great sushi place in downtown SLC. Never would have guessed in a thousand years.

>> No.16727162

>"sea bugs"
Your opinion has been invalidated by proving you have the palate of a child.

>> No.16727168

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16727182
File: 81 KB, 658x901, 61BA0979-5DBD-45FA-8CE6-B4FFFB68FCA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC anon here. Pretty much true. Nice pizza here though, dollar slices are hard to compete with

>> No.16727900

whats so bad about nyc food?

>> No.16727918

say that to my face, chud

>> No.16727924

>not mentioning the bagels
I know the state's a shithole, but at least be aware of the things we got right

>> No.16727937
File: 50 KB, 759x581, 1632158540481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want a lobster roll
>microscopic sized hoagie 'obster 'oll costs me $22

>> No.16727949

that's where all the italians live, retard

>> No.16727955

i used to make fun of PA food until i went to amish country for a weekend
got dayum

>> No.16727956

considering virtually every American food besides southern cuisine was invented there I'd say not

>> No.16727970

While I'm all for hating Yankees as a Southerner, I think we all know the real answer is the Midwest

>> No.16727973

everyone hates the midwest except coping, boring, flatlander midwesterners intervene with their horrifying concoction recipes

>> No.16727976

Bro you want some mumbo sauce?

>> No.16727977

Flyover retard thread

>> No.16727985

yea even though the South does the food in the US the best I gotta say that the Northeast at least does some stuff like pizza and seafood pretty good as opposed the the midwest which is pretty much unremarkable in all categories

>> No.16727988
File: 187 KB, 2048x1503, skyline chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The midwest alternates between being so bland it's basically inedible and horrifying. There is zero in between.

>> No.16727995

Culver's is alright but that's about it

We have Culver's in most southern states that aren't shitholes now anyways desu

>> No.16728002

And by alright I should've said the best fast food burger chain imo, my point still stands. Midwest is outclassed in every other category
this shit tastes like pumpkin spice

>> No.16728008

Maine has some of the best seafood I've ever tasted.

>> No.16728120

Yeah, I’m never ordering BBQ in those states ever again. New York City is a cultural wasteland, devoid of any original tasty cuisine.

>> No.16728148


>> No.16728153

Transplant from Midwest scum

>> No.16728158

The dollar slices are shit

>> No.16728393

What is Altoona Pizza? I live in DuBois and dated a girl from Altoona for 7 years and never heard of this?

>> No.16728466

infantile debate
every region in wealthy countries has nice food to offer

>> No.16728514

>But muh pizza!
Garbage, little Caesars is better and I hate little Caesars.
>But muh philly!
Literally everywhere does a better philly, than any place in Philadelphia, tourist trap or local favorite.
>But muh Pittsburgh rare?
Really reaching now, black outside and raw inside? Disgusting. Thats it, that's what new England is known for, anything else is really region specific like new haven pizza, and is inedible, like new haven pizza. Next time you faggots want to complain about flyoverland, eat your local food and remember just how fucking God awful it is, that you have to import thousands upon millions of shitskins just for decent grub.

>> No.16728641

Everybody outside Ohio thinks that shit's weird.
Have yourself a deer chop and think of the humble 65 cent bullet that filled your freezer, and pork for damn near a dollar a pound (thanks to Cali banning our pork, 40% of their import, because "my poor wittle piggies D:")

t. Iowa

>> No.16728675

I'm Going to Say Something Baseless to Piss Off People in These Particular States For no Apparent Reason: The Thread

>> No.16728924
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What do they eat?

>> No.16728963

Marketing BS some pizzeria owner came up with in Altoona ten years ago.

>> No.16729284

Finding good food in Utah/Idaho outside of SLC is almost impossible