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16725384 No.16725384 [Reply] [Original]

Layers of irony edition

>> No.16725430

is the 1zpresso jx pro worth buying? I will be using it for a moka pot and pourover, and I might get an espresso machine in the future

>> No.16725445

Classic. Two ctgs at once.

>> No.16725691
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Why is my drip coffee channeling? I'm using a bonavita machine which is like a less expensive moccamaster. It's a light roast ground in an electric grinder if that matters

>> No.16725787
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Thoughts about this?

>> No.16725806

They're several months behind schedule and posting about graphics. Just buy any other decent grinder.

>> No.16725817

That normally happens when your grind is too fine.

>> No.16725844
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Hey guys, I'm looking for a cheap (<200€) electric grinder
I've read the previous thread and there has been some discussion around the Oxo Conical Burr and the Baratza Encore. I'm really drawn to the Oxo but it looks like it only has a 110V version (t. yuropoor), so it's no good to me
Is there anything better than the Baratza Encore for that price? I don't mind buying from China if I have to
I basically drink coffee from pic rel, half with milk

>> No.16725872


>> No.16725997

is it the same people who made that shitty goat mug years ago?

>> No.16726020

Yes. Also the meme gina brewer.

>> No.16726071
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Can anyone recommend me a super automatic or semi automatic coffee machine for the office?
We've been using a DeLonghi Magnifica for a few years now and the coffee is good enough for 1 button, but cleaning is a pain in the ass. There's always a lot of coffee inside.
Is there something better?

>> No.16726112

Have you guys looked at jura's line yet?

>> No.16726270
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Yes, but they're so damn expensive!

>> No.16726312
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Anyone else like to listen to relaxing jazz while sipping coffee?

>> No.16726333

I got a K-plus last week and I'm seriously loving it for pourover. The external dial, magnetic catch cup, and larger hopper capacity are fucking nice.

>> No.16726581

Is there a single good reason not to buy a good manual grinder and just chuck it up in my electric drill to make life easier?

>> No.16726604
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>you can grind your coffee while fapping because you don't have to use your hands for anything else
I can't come up with anything else.

>> No.16726620

Got an izpresso pro recently and I cant seem yo find the right grind settings. I use multiple different methods when I feel like it, I have a v60, a shitty little espresso machine, moka pot, and a drip machine.

Ive used the grinder and it makes great grinds if I get it set right but I find it hard to do so. From a fully tightened "closed" setting 1 full turn around seems good for espresso, another full turn to the 4 setting is good for moka, but I cant find a good setting for the v60. It seems too small for what Im choosing; though Im not too sure if its the right size anyway. Any help here, what settings do you use if you have one? Should I just keep going up in turns and numbers until I get something right?

Also how can I really tell I made a proper brew anyway? I like the coffee I make but how can I know its "right"?

>> No.16726669

If you like it then it's right, adjust untill you find what tastes best to you, what else would you do?

>> No.16726733

Baratza Encore is comfy if you can deal with the faggot gasket

>> No.16726750
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Good afternoon fellas.
I've been looking around and there aren't many local roasters in my little corner of nowhere and the ones that are here have very lacking variety. I Does anyone here buy coffee that's shipped to them? What roaster(s) do you buy from?

Basically I'm looking for roaster recs.

>> No.16726848

Yes, keep going coarser. Bitterness means it's overextracted and too fine, sourness means it's underextracted and too coarse. The V60 range will be coarser than espresso and moka pot.

>> No.16727210

I just started working as a barista at a local place, anyone have tips for a total beginner? I can make just about every basic espresso drink pretty easily, I'm more looking for tidbits of theory that are less easily learned. Stuff like the window of time before a shot dies; I had no idea that was even a thing before I started working.

>> No.16727220

retards that order only milk drinks don't deserve a solid effort.

>> No.16727231

The stepping on the Encore makes it impossible to make decent espresso.
That anon posted a little moka pot and he might run into the same problem. Though I don't have any experience with a moka pot and the Encore specifically.

>> No.16727353

You could go for a manual grinder with the Lido 3. That's what I use.

>> No.16727362

Super-automatic's are going to be expensive for decent quality: It's espresso after all. My old job had a lavazza espresso maker that used pods and the quality was...okay. Wouldn't use it for cappuccinos but if you needed some caffeine for drinking it was acceptable.

>> No.16727372

Do you not have any local coffee shops near you? They usually have beans you can buy that are fairly fresh, within 2 weeks of roasting. I've been buying my beans locally for years now. Then again, it also depends on what method you use for brewing.

>> No.16727385

You don't need to go espresso fine for a moka pot. Also the encore can be modified to be stepless and recalibrated and the burr upgraded to go finer than it can as manufactured, though most people agree it's still not fine enough for espresso.

>> No.16727402

The problem with the Encore's stepping isn't that it doesn't go fine enough. It can almost go fine enough to make Turkish Coffee. The problem is the delta between each step if too wide.

>> No.16727405

>Do you not have any local coffee shops near you?
No. The only place to buy groceries within 30 miles is a walmart.

>> No.16727407

That's why I mentioned the stepless mod, it eliminates that

>> No.16727413

Well that sucks. I guess there's those subscription boxes like Trade Coffee, or if you wanted to save money you could try roasting your own, though that has its own complications.

I've bought beans online and been pleasantly surprised with the quality. Just seems like a waste of resources to ship a single box of coffee to me.

>> No.16727418

This image just made me racist, thanks asshole

>> No.16727444

>I guess there's those subscription boxes like Trade Coffee
I hadn't heard of this. Normally I'm skeevy about anything I'm not buying individually but this seems to have a pretty good selection and I'm the kind of indecisive fag that'll wind up never buying from the same roaster twice just because I wanna try everything.

Thanks anon.

>> No.16727455

I order from counter culture which is semi-local to me, they seem to favor darker roasts if that's your thing

>> No.16727460

np anon. Feels nice to help someone out. Been having a shitty week.

>> No.16727516

Why do I get heartburn after 4 cups of coffee?

>> No.16727539

why do I get diarrhea after a gallon of ice cream?

>> No.16727563

I would say that you could get away with a much cheaper grinder if you only plan on using it for mokapot and pourover.

However, I have been using the JX Pro for around 2-3 months now and I think its great. I wanted a one off purchase that could do all types of coffee as I make espresso, pourover and french press. If you plan on getting an espresso set up then it makes sense to skip the cheaper grinder and go for the JX Pro.

>> No.16727597

Please tell me your go to UK roasters/subscriptions

I have been using Hasbean. Overall I have been happy with it but I always find their beans make a much better pourover/french press than they do espresso. Perhaps its just my technique. But either way, Id like to try something new.

>> No.16727615

Why dO I get the pisses after a hit on the chocolate blunt?

>> No.16727666
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Would you buy a 2010s ish Lelit for 200 ish bucks for your first espresso machine? Thinking of adding a PID to one like this and calling it a day

>> No.16727724

Order from Sey. Very good roaster out of NY.

>> No.16727867

i already have a hario mini mill plus but i want something faster, and yeah i might get an espresso machine
i've had 2 coffees from pact which were alright - although i only signed up for a free v60 with my first bag
I can reccomend horsham coffee roasters, their workhorse espresso is good

>> No.16728346

>not linking previous thread

>> No.16728369

Those are likely just from the last few drips after the brew is done. Not an indication of channeling most likely.

>> No.16728376
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I like this grinder so much I've started taking pictures of it.

>> No.16728396

That would make sense. The machine does let out a couple drops even after I take the pot away

>> No.16728643

Looks great. Have they started polishing the raw burr edges yet?

>> No.16728660

I haven't taken it apart yet. I'm afraid to look. I will in another week or two. I was going to do a longpost about it soon. I already have one little nitpick, but overall it's pretty great.

>> No.16729096

bump help me pls

>> No.16729137

Is it 57 or 58mm? If 57 no, if 58 probably. Put the money you'd save towards a good portafilter handle, couple good baskets, tamper, leveler etc. Most of your interaction is going to be with that stuff while the machine is chilling in the background.

>> No.16729156

A lot of what you're after is just based on experience.
A shot 'dying' happens when it gets too cold, and when the crema dissipates. You want enough crema for a good pour; that is, to wrap the rim of the cup in that m golden brown. Not enough crema and your milkies will taste like milk, not coffee. The other thing is if the shot gets too cold, when you pour the milk in it'll be below temperature. Black coffee should always, always be served fresh and sent straight away. 30 seconds can make a difference.

There's some good stuff on youtube, James Hoffman is memed a lot around here but there's some great theory there. Lance Hedrick is great for all things milk, an ex-latte art champion. He knows heaps about the espresso itself too. For some of that instinct stuff like when a shot dies, there are people who stream the opening service of their cafe on youtube, you can watch how a barista opens and operates.

My advice is to stay hungry, keep feeding your curiosity. Sperg the fuck out about it and you'll have a great time.

>> No.16729230

how tf do i make my shit taste like the mcdonalds iced coffee

>> No.16729418
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Here you go.

>> No.16729426

I think 57mm and it's only been used a few times in the last 4 years, during which time it hasn't been serviced. It has a 15-bar 250ml brass boiler and he says it worse fine. I like tinkering and so I'm looking for a good machine to build off of.

>> No.16729432
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it's one like this but branded as Faema, guessing it's just rebadged by them since they do commercial machines

>> No.16729487

For any french press recipe, if my press is big enough could I just double the amount of coffee and water and keep the same wait times? Or would I have to relearn and come up with my own if I want a higher volume?

>> No.16729669

So who going to order a Bripe? Looks like an easy way brew on the move without carrying a bunch of stuff.

>> No.16729755

Yes, basically because there is no variable of time in which water contacts coffee. water is always in contact with the coffee. Theoretically, the thermal mass of a larger volume would retain heat longer. Will this lead to a shorter steep time to acheive the same taste of a smaller batch? Maybe, but I doubt you'll be able to taste the difference. Try it and report back.

>> No.16729842

Wilfa Svart or Sage/Breville whatever

>> No.16729878
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Anyone else use a cold brew maker? I got the Gator coldbrew pitcher and so far I like it, still trying to figure out the right amouny of coffee to use because the 2oz it says to use just doesn't make it strong enough.

>> No.16730699

If its 57mm you're fucking yourself out of standard sized accessories like baskets and pfs. I'd wait.

>> No.16730738
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coffee with milk and no sugar, please.
what ?
2% or whole ? arabica or robusta ?
just put the cheapest thing you got, damnit.

>> No.16731278
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This look promising?

>> No.16731325

It looks pretty.

>> No.16731327

why the FUCK is that more expensive than an iphone?

>> No.16731346

because an iphone can't make coffee

>> No.16731355

Bit of a design flaw, that.

>> No.16731415

because you are weak

>> No.16731424
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coffee makes me poop

>> No.16731535
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x3024, 30F67D81-F459-4EAC-B844-7A9E3D5CB94E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today’s coffee

>> No.16731546

jesus christ for $850 it better wipe my ass too

>> No.16731559

>drinking anything other than black coffee

I mean honestly

>> No.16731575

>limiting your options for no reason other than tradition
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.16731592


I might be crazy i don't know, but I simply love the taste of coffee in its natural state. All the milk and sugar and spices just remove the coffee flavor and I hate it.

>> No.16731610

>All the milk and sugar and spices just remove the coffee flavor
you're putting too much in if it removes the flavor! A little bit of half and half transforms coffee into a milky and relaxing drink. And then espresso drinks can have coffee flavor all over the place.

>> No.16731613

>milky and relaxing drink


>> No.16731629

fuck you cunt i don't consider the opinions of close-minded coffee troglodytes. Go to Denny's where you belong.

>> No.16731644

At least they serve coffee

>> No.16731705
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i don't normally suggest this but i think you should kill yourself

>> No.16731896

82nd for aeropress and 1zpresso

>> No.16731902


>> No.16731927


Because it makes espresso and will likely last many times longer than iPhone.

What would you get for making espresso at home. I've been using a Flair Classic for a couple of years.

>> No.16731937

I'm using a Breville Bambino Plus. Nothing fancy, pulls decent shots. Also compact which is a big plus for me, my kitchen is tiny as is. If I had more money and space I'd probably get a larger machine with a stronger steamer.

>> No.16732035
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>> No.16732937

so im starting to drink coffee after cutting out energy drinks completely
i dont know what im fucking doing but i bought this shit and some powder creamer and its actually drinkable, what are some coffees to try if im not a coffee drinker, black coffee is for serial killers

>> No.16732951
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fucking forgot image

>> No.16732975

You should stop buying flavoured coffee and just buy middle of the road medium/dark roasts for pourover. Stop adding sugar right away, use cream instead. You can use cream as a clutch until you transition to black. Then, once you're actually tasting the coffee, dabble in unique roasts, try natural or honey vs washed, etc.

>> No.16733019

im not putting sugar in, just using that powdered french vanilla coffee mate stuff
i figured the hazelnut stuff sounded like the least holocaust tasting coffee so i went with the flavored stuff and i remember one of my old roommates buying this brand

>> No.16733035

Might be working as a barista soon, any tips/stories from working in cafes?

>> No.16733038

Try iced or coldbrew coffee. At lower temperatures, it becomes a lot less bitter.

>> No.16733040

>>16733035 here I'm a retard and didn't even scroll down far enough to read >>16727210. My bad.

>> No.16733396

Based retard.

Roasted up a few different coffees today. 1lb of guatamalan esperanza and a half lb each of brazilian yellow bourbon semi washed and loma la gloria red bourbon black honey. Probably going to coldbrew the brazilian and pull shots with the rest.

>> No.16734036
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Work fast. Seems obvious but a lot of newbies forget that morning-rush & lunch-rush is a thing.
Also see >>16729418 >>16727210

>> No.16734287
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Anons, tell me why aren't you sipping a cup of egg coffee?

>> No.16734615

that looks disgusting. don't get me wrong, I understand what you have achieved, but those layers don't look healthy

>> No.16734831
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>> No.16735299
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How long do you guys steep your aeropress for? I usually steep it for a bit over a minute but I'm seeing some people go up to 3 which seems insane to me

>> No.16736478

For me it's 2:10 with a filter drip grind (35-40 on niche zero). I'm done pressing by 3:00.

>> No.16736678
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, 2D33BFBC-AF12-465D-9C83-2B3BD4615AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new day a new coffee.

>> No.16738195


>> No.16738197


>> No.16738425

I prefer milk to egg.

What's your setup?

>> No.16738469

I use inverted method on aeropress. I never get consistent pressure during plunger pressing. Sometimes the pressure is so light that I can leave it go down just on gravity, sometimes it's very heavy. What would be possible causes?

>> No.16738481
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r8 my setup

>> No.16738700

Learn your equipment. Be methodical, be precise, and be consistent. The coffee is roasted for you, the grinder is built for you, as is the machine. The baristas job is literally just don't fuck it. Get the coffee from point A to point B without fucking it. Consistency is the biggest key. The coffee is already good, all you have to do is facilitate it

>> No.16738712

looks good. machine could use a wipe down though

>> No.16738713

Holy shit that seems coarse. Is that the norm for aeropress? I thought it was typically closer to stovetop. I don't own one so I'm genuinely curious. Work at a cafe and have to grind retail for aeropress customers

>> No.16738724

>drink coffee for years
>stopped drinking for a while out of the blue
>try to drink coffee again
>get a headache after drinking, every time
What do lads? I drank a lot of coffee in my college years and it was the best drink i could ask for. Now I'm a working man and suddenly i can't drink coffed without getting a headache.
I'm also asian, and I've heard that asians often do get a headache after drinking coffee

>> No.16738736

Also very weird, my piss actually smells like coffee after drinking.
Anything like that happens to you guys?

>> No.16739299

okay folks been drinking what my bialetti moka produces for years and have loved it every day. whats some other method i could try? once tried french press and im not a fan of what it gave me, also it fucking broke.

>> No.16739305

try tea lol
this isnt weird at all. your kidneys are working.

>> No.16739902

Would a Lido ET work for espresso and French press? I just want a grinder that does everything well enough, especially since I want to get a Flair (all of my coffee making is manual and I don't want to get an electric machine desu)

>> No.16740111

There's no real norm. Most of the world aeropress championship recipes use medium to coarse grinds, but iirc the box tells you to use an espresso grind, and pretty much everyone agrees the recipe on the box is shit.
Check out Tim Wendelboe's recipe for a starting point.

>> No.16740230

for one, get a better french press. It's probably my favorite way to drink cheap coffee, only complaint is the sediment in the bottom of my cups and cleanup. Espresso is a whole different beast and I fucking love it. There's also pour over but that shit is way too much trouble for my tastes; very good coffee tho.

>> No.16740232

I have a lido 3 and it works great for espresso and french press, not to mention it rips through beans way faster than my old manual grinder. It's expensive but totally worth it IMO. It's so fucking compact.

>> No.16740306

Lidos were half decent 10ish years ago. Since then the market has rapidly surpassed them and they just make overpriced mediocre junk. Amazonreturn lidobro, where you at?

>> No.16740317

I'm looking to start adding spices and flavorings for my coffee that aren't sugar.
Thoughts on coffee with chicory?

>> No.16740721

Why do y'all never talk about nitro? It's the best way to get a coffee in you fast, because it's cold and there's no ice in the way, and you also get to burp up the nitrogen.

>> No.16740925
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 22BDCE70-67FA-4A03-A3EC-769F3D74F7E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today’s coffee with the setup

>> No.16741116

did not know there were world aeropress championships. I'll check it out thx mang

>> No.16741318

Then what is a good manual grinder for the full range from Turkish/Greek coffee to French press?

>> No.16741376

Kinu is the kino choice. 1zpresso q2 is the new cheap choice but I can't remember which version is the rec'd one.

>> No.16741401

1zpresso JX Pro.

>> No.16741468

All of those have steps, why wouldn't I want something stepless so I could have more control?

>> No.16741521

I've got my hand on a french press, and I'm moving to a new place where I'll not have a brewer. Is the french press a meme or is it as good as a standard coffee brewer?

>> No.16741524

>Micrometrical, step-less reproductible and easy grinding adjustment.
>Micrometrical, step-less reproductible and easy grinding adjustment.
>Micrometrical, step-less reproductible and easy grinding adjustment with up to 50 divisions per revolution.

Its like you didn't even read...

>> No.16741554

Where did you find those sentences?

>> No.16741562

From kinu's website dipship.


>> No.16741576

It's hard for me to imagine the encore working stepless. Too much play in the selector. I took my old one out of the cupboard and its slop city inbetween numbers.

>> No.16741765
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>> No.16741842

coffee does look weak anon, as for cold brew i just tie ground up beans in a cheese cloth and let it sit in a jar with water overnight, it doesn't really have much cleap up either, just grab the bag and throw it away

>> No.16741914
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For a few dollars more you can get the entry level M47 which is almost entirely hardened steel and a joy to use.
Looks like a typical kickscammer to me

>> No.16741942
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Flair Signature anon here

I have to apologize to whoever I called an autist last time because getting a good grinder has changed my experience significantly. Went from really sour and inconsistent shots to something I can enjoy and find flavors in. Currently doing a bag of columbian medium roasts giving me cranberry and chocolate flavors. Any suggestion for other beans? I'd like to try a darker one as it's taken me longer to dial in medium-light roasts, and the acidity is getting tiring

>> No.16741948

god damnit clean your grinder

>> No.16741962

It's pretty good. There are other immersion brewers that use percolation such as the clever dripper and the aeropress which can give you a little more precision with your extraction. Press is great for a nice rich thick coffee tho

>> No.16742096

I want to do cold brew cause it easier. Any way to heat it without fucking up the flavor? Haven't tried making from bean btw. I'm more of an instant coffee guy cause I'm cheap.

>> No.16742144


here's your problem retard

>> No.16742180

I want to try making real coffee and asking for advice here. You are being a cunt. Eat dick

>> No.16742231

I'd try adding more coffee. Know the finer the coffee grounds the more that can be extracted. I can't remember if it's the sour or bitter part of coffee that doesn't get extracted when you cold brew, but its why it tends to taste more robust but smooth. Coffees whose flavor comes from being brewed with hot water will not taste or have the listed flavor notes when cold brewed. Drink trade lets you browse coffee that do well cold brewed. Use that as a reference point. Some barista autisium says cold brewing with an air fermentation seal on a mason jar helps preserve flavors and such, cause air bad.

I'm rusty on my coffee knowledge, so someone yell at me if I'm wrong.

>> No.16742239

Bros I literally can't into latte art
I've been doing 2-3 lattes a day for a couple of weeks now. Watched tens of videos, read articles. I never seem to get it right
Why the fuck is it so hard? I pour my milk and the foam never make anything except a big circle on my coffee

>> No.16742283


Thanks for the tips. I'll go ahead and try that cause I really prefer drinking hot coffee cause that's what I consume during intermittent fasting and it helps me feel full. Hopefully the shop I'll buy from will be able to help me which ones are for cold brew. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.16742383

Don't feel too bad, there's a guy in your situation every thread. Pay it back by telling the next moron he's really going to have a better experience with a decent grinder.

>> No.16742605


Really like these guys great coffee at a low price, they are mainly wholesalers but sell to the public online. Their new world roast is really good.

>> No.16742644

Have you tried to stop being asian?

>> No.16742672


Can any one suggest a good grinder?
Maybe give me a tip tier one and a middle of the road one so I can compare and see the differences.
I really have no clue what the price range is for one of these but I'm tired of using these shitty spice grinders I got off Amazon that call them selfs coffee grinders.

>> No.16742691

Kinu or 1zpresso is where you should be looking.
>Maybe give me a tip tier one and a middle of the road one so I can compare and see the differences.
Hoffgay has two hand grinder showdown videos. Here's the upper tier, but at the end he compares these grinders to the one that won the sub100 shootout. Spoiler alert, its junk and shouldn't be considered the same appliance.


1zpressos weren't as prevalent when he did this video so it didn't make the cut.

>> No.16742785

this lad is a little on the small side but he's done good by me

>> No.16743242

Thanks for the tips guys,
Do you think it's worth it if I only grind coffee once a month?
Idk maybe if it came out better I would grind more often.
I have both Nespresso machines a Keurig 2 cold brew pots an espresso pot and a French press, but for the most part I use my girlfriend's older model Nespresso or do a cold brew.

>> No.16743392
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Rate my 140gbp/300aud express shipped coffee machine

>> No.16743396

i thought people were memeing when they recommended spending as much or more on a grinder than espresso machine but they are definitely not

>> No.16743417

Coffee degrades quickly after grinding. More surface area exposed mean the oils are going to spoil quicker and the beans oxidize and lose their flavor.

>> No.16743435 [DELETED] 
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Don't stress bro it takes hundreds, if not thousands of pours before you can consistently nail it. Self-correct. Try leaving the jug to sit, try pouring immediately after steaming, wiggle faster, pour more slowly, see what works for you. I personally leave the jug about 15sec after steaming, then swirl well, pour high so there's only milk coming from your jug to make your base, then pour with the spout so close it's almost making contact with the coffee when you do your design.

Start with nailing something simple like wing-bases and go from there. If you can consistently get a white dot surrounded by crema you've already got decent foam control.

Picrel is a pour from a few months ago

>> No.16743444
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1330, bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stress bro it takes hundreds, if not thousands of pours before you can consistently nail it. Self-correct. Try leaving the jug to sit, try pouring immediately after steaming, wiggle faster, pour more slowly, see what works for you. I personally leave the jug about 15sec after steaming, then swirl well, pour high so there's only milk coming from your jug to make your base, then pour with the spout so close it's almost making contact with the coffee when you do your design.

Start with nailing something simple like wing-bases and go from there. If you can consistently get a white dot surrounded by crema you've already got decent foam control.

Picrel is a pour from a few months ago

>> No.16743619

wait, what is this thing?

Is it supposed to be another stovetop espresso type of thing?

>> No.16743779

But I already have a flair pro

>> No.16743817
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i love a cup of joe myself

>> No.16743838

Yeah because I'm a hipstercel
Mom and me had a aeropress but we are sick of it been using it forever almost a decade

>> No.16743860

Question: When you drink a layered hot drink, for instance a cappuchino, are they intended to be drank without stirring? does it matter?

>> No.16743875

thats beautiful anon

>> No.16743885

My V60 pourovers are sour. I don't want to invest in a grinder, since I'm cutting out caffeine by early next year. What's an easy pour over dripper that makes okay coffee with store bought grounds and just kind of pouring boiling water in willy nilly? My camping dripper has never let me down, but I'd prefer something not plastic for daily use.

>> No.16743886
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If you're doing french press/filter, the Hario Slim (base model, not plus) will get you through. It's stepped adjustment and plastic, but it's not expensive. A good introduction to grinding and you can barely pull espresso with it.

I think you'll only need a high end grinder if you want to do espresso, in which case I'd go directly to the M47 Phoenix. It's pretty much top tier as far as grinders go, don't bother with the higher end models as they basically double the price for a metal funnel and a thumb stop.

For middle ground then check Hoffman's video >>16742691 or his cheap grinder showdown if you're looking more around 100$

Grind it fresh each time before you brew, but as I said if you're only doing french press I'd start with a hario or whatever picks your fancy in this video. I don't think a french press or even moka pot will benefit from a top end grinder, wait till you get an espresso machine or hand press for that


>> No.16744054

Thanks for all the tips.

>> No.16744161

>hundreds, if not thousands of pours
Well that explains it. I don't even know if I tried a hundred times yet.
I'll keep trying thanks anon

That's amazing.

>> No.16744914

what type of temps are you pulling out of your grouphead? I think my temp sensor needs replacement as it's around 180F, even if I cycle and run the machine for 30 minutes

>> No.16745010
File: 670 KB, 1086x720, chino making coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used a siphon maker? I want to feel like I'm in gochiusa

>> No.16745053
File: 229 KB, 850x1261, sample-13bfbf10b8aacabd98a6b3118834ecfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with some home made pumpkin spice cream that I made from warm whole milk, pumpkin spice mix, caramel syrup and an egg yolk beaten in. It was pretty disappointing as the cream came out really good and tasted a bit like a pumpkin spice custard but when mixed into the coffee it immediately disappeared.

>> No.16745105

You're retarded, if you want to flavor your drink you need to make a concentrated syrup. If it tastes right on its own, it won't taste like anything diluted in the drink.

>> No.16745310
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Heyo. Someone recommended you the Hario Slim and it's a great choice as a first hand grinder as it was my first but going straight to a Stainless Steel Burr grinder rather than going with the Hario's ceramic burr grinder will save you a lot of pain and long ass grinding.

Check out the Timemore C2, the Hero S01 (similar burr inside but plastic built) or anything that you can find and like the design this exact same steel burr inside (see image).

It's a "generic" stainless steel burr set that is used in most coffee grinders on Amazon / Aliexpress and it grinds way faster and more consistently than the Hario and any other Ceramic burr manual grinders you'll find. Sure it's somewhere between 20-30$ more than the Hario Slim but trust me it's just better to skip ceramic burrs and go straight into steel ones.

Hope it helps :)

>> No.16745369

Please don't buy a hario grinder. You'll be back here next month asking why someone would trick you like that. The goal is to not replace your grinder, so you're fucking yourself. If I had just bought a weber hg1 instead of ordering my kinu, I'd be ahead like ~$800. Instead I waited two years and dropped 1650 on a key, hopefully sell the kinu for 150, and still be out an extra grand+.

If that what you're interested in, you'll need to spring for a beam heater as well. Significantly upps the cost, but you gain temperature accuracy/stability and programming.

>> No.16745389
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Not sure if you'll like it but maybe try the Clever Dripper. It's unfortunately plastic (yet again) and it uses Melitta style paper filters rather than V60 ones but it's extremely simple of use and in my experience doesn't do too acidic coffees. It however tastes a bit muted / the bitter taste doesn't come through for me however whenever i compare it to my V60 but if you hate bitterness you're in luck i guess.

You basically put the paper filter, pour in the amount of hot water you want and then toss in the ground coffee and give it a stir for all of it to be mixed in the water. Give it 2-3 minutes to steep and then put it on top of the mug of your choice and it will release the valve so that all of the coffee then pours down inside.

That or maybe try out French Press coffee which are usually made in metal or glass vessels but compared to the Clever Dripper it's metal mesh filtered which will leave you with a some silt and richer body compared to a paper filtered brew.

Hope it helps :) !

>> No.16745437

Made this imgur and youtube vid a while ago about Cold Brew. No idea if it'll help you out but hopefully it does even a bit.



I called it a "simple and beginner tutorial" but in hindsight it was probably a bit more into details than the average beginner guide but yeah.

Hope it helps :)

>> No.16745455

As an asian too i (luckily) don't have that issue but maybe Decaffeinated coffee? The Caffeine might kick your brain a bit too much thus the headache.

There's probably a few decaf coffee choices both in supermarket or more specialized / specialty coffee shops that you could try.

If your goal was to drink coffee in the morning to get caffeinated and energized though instead of just the taste and enjoyment of drinking coffee welp sorry but hey maybe just the act of drinking coffee even if it's decaff will alert your brain that you're "caffeinated" and make you more alert and awake.

>> No.16745470

Why are you so focused on cold brew when you want hot coffee? Just make regular hot coffee with any of the common methods, it's not hard. An immersion brew such as French press, clever dripper, or hario switch is as simple as putting in ground coffee, adding hot water, and waiting a set amount of time. So long as you don't do something massively wrong like forgetting it for ten minutes you'll end up with a nicer cup of coffee than heated cold brew.

Also trying to cold brew instant coffee was a silly idea, when you add water to instant coffee you're not doing any extraction because there are no grounds, you're just reconstituting already brewed coffee. You just made cold old instant coffee.

>> No.16745506

I like mine and appreciate that it's solid enough to beat to death anyone who criticizes my brew or asks for sugar

>> No.16745512
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If you're getting sour coffee from your pour over just adjust the brew, why the hell would you buy a new device? If you're only getting store-bought they you'll need to find something finer, probably something specifically saying it's for pour-over. No new device is going to compensate for you using the wrong grind size and water temperature.

>> No.16745531

1zpresso has (sigma) grind setting guides for each grinder here:
Pourover should be somewhere between 2 and 3 full rotations around from closed

>> No.16745537

I saw some Starbucks Pumpkin Spice beans today... Has anybody else tried them out as a novelty?

>> No.16745702

I've been playing around with a coarser grind and like 5-7 minutes steep actually
Works like a little french press and the filter solves the sediment issue, very cute

>> No.16745717

Assuming constant grind size, probably channelling

Also, if you're doing inverted, do you always let the grinds settle onto the filter for the same amount of time after the flip?

>> No.16745767
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, FAD3FE83-A1DF-44A6-832B-E29A7DD6C48E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying new latte art. I attempted to make a heart but it didn’t work out.

>> No.16745779

If you told me you were drawing a power button, I would have believed you.

>> No.16745821

Sir did you cum in my latte?

>> No.16746032
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Who here /f1/ here

>> No.16746148

Hario switch is another option if you prefer V60 over Melitta

>> No.16746189

Oh yes ! Definitely. Hario Switch is also an amazing brewer, i'd prefer it to the Clever Dripper by a long margin but it is really hard to find nowadays and it's quite pricy but hey maybe he can find that one cheap somewhere that would be great as well.

>> No.16746223

If you have to ask what grinder to get and want to cover every single range, you don't need the subtlety of a stepless

>> No.16746272

>Buy 50$ grinder
>Hey I like this
>Let's get a Kinu
>I dont like coffee
>Only dropped 50$


>Get 250$ grinder
>I dont like coffee
>just wasted half a month's rent on a piece of metal

>> No.16746286


>> No.16746292

more like
>Get 250$ grinder
>I dont like coffee
>sell it for almost what you paid for it unlike the cheap grinder which is now worth nothing

>> No.16746349

Boots theory.

>Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.

>But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

The man with nice boots can sell them after a few years to a man who needs cheap nice booth. What other appliances do you cheap out on? You could be replacing dollar tree ceramic knives every time they chip, or just invest outright in half decent steel.

>> No.16746355

Take any black coffee and squeeze a lemon into it and I promise you that you won’t ever go back.

>> No.16746435

or you can just get a decent light roast.

>> No.16746453

I use a 1:8-1:12; coffee to water ratio. I use a mason jar w/ a metal filter insert.

>> No.16747156

Where is rent $500?

>> No.16747516


Are you supposed to stir it before drinking or not? I thought you stir it, but a friend of mine said you're supposed to drink the layers separate. Am I getting memed on?

>> No.16747675

kek what a grid penalty-taking cuck

>> No.16748713

You paid $300 in aussie bucks for an autistic moka pot?

>> No.16749450

Its a mokapot that can actually build enough pressure for espresso and steams milk. Pretty based. Also made of 18/8 so you're not giving yourself alzheimers while your aluminum mokapot disintegrates.

>> No.16749630

seems bssed but 2autistic4me
>t. have a 9barista and Nanofoamer

>> No.16749783
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My roasts hit first crack in 4 minutes today.

>> No.16749790

How did this happen?

>> No.16749795

expect dull coffee

>> No.16749798

>Its a mokapot that can actually build enough pressure for espresso
no it can't, it's fauxpresso

>> No.16749809

You could have gotten a real espresso machine for the cost of this overpriced mokapot..

>> No.16749810

Probably just pg&e working extra hard today
I always do, I'm bored of coffee but addicted to it

>> No.16749831

6 bar is more than enough for modern espresso. That hits 7. Most people who are pulling turbos are around 4 bars.

>> No.16749885

Why did this turn into such a gearfag "hobby"?

>> No.16749902

>turn into
always has been newfag also good home-brewed coffee has never at any point in history been more accessible than it is today.

>> No.16749911

yeah but some of the third wave stuff is clearly excessive consoomer shit. like that one espresso machine with with the fucking pc monitor on it

>> No.16749947

The decent? There's actually a pretty interesting story behind that whole debacle. TLDR kickstarter bozos don't understand how product development and engineering work, so they folded and the guy behind decent bought all their files and actually brought a product to market. Decents are clearly designed for minwagies to press a button and serve a repeatable espresso, but it works well for consoooomers too.


>> No.16749954

you wouldn't say refrigeration is for gearfags just because theres samsung smart fridges with TV sized touch screens on them. for lots of people, coffee is just pour over with a plastic v60.

>> No.16750023

Around 2005 the aeropress came out proving that cafe-quality coffee can be made easily at home for cheap. Since then, coffee gear makers have been shilling their "commercial-grade" grinders, kettles, espresso machines, sieves, refractometers (the list goes on) nonstop to consumers as a psyop to make them feel inadequate and spend money on placebo hardware.
(((They))) don't want you to know you can make top-tier coffee for under $100 of gear.

>> No.16750054
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So where does this fall in the hierarchy of canned coffees? The only other I've had so far are some Mr.Brown which is better without even taking into account the price.

>> No.16750057
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Actually (((they))) invented aeropress to get retards like you to drink hot coffee from a plastic tube day-after-day, year-after-year until the plastics take over and you become a mindless aeropiss shill in the carcinogen cabal.

>> No.16750088
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>> No.16750099

Remember that time he got called out for his bpa tubes, then claimed it was lab tested to not leech but never published the results? I member.

>> No.16750116

Plastics? Leeching chemicals into hot water? My dear boy, me thinks you spend too much time on the Facebook. Tthis is BPA free plastic and as you all know BPA is the only known issue with plastics... anyways is that a 180 triple-inverted method you're doing? And with your collection of hot sauces no less? My goy, you've done me proud.

>> No.16750120

Friendly reminder that the resident schizo is a tobacco smoker so he can't even taste coffee and definitely doesn't care about cancer.

>> No.16750138

Explains why he enjoys aeropress so much

>> No.16750153
File: 102 KB, 1400x458, Evolution-of-AeroPress-materials-December-2019-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tthis is BPA free plastic
Didn't used to be.
>And with your collection of hot sauces no less?
I buy $12 gallons of trappeys. Basically a pepper vinegar. Keep projecting tho.
>a tobacco smoker so he can't even taste coffee
He says, with a tongue full of cum.

>> No.16750174
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today’s coffee. I forgot to attempt latte art. Just a bit out of it this morning

>> No.16750248

BPA free plastic is safe and effective.

>> No.16750279

Sure. But the first two versions of the AP contained bpa and after scrutiny Alan Adler claimed to have them lab tested for any leeching. I've never been able to find any published lab testing verifying this, and soon after claiming it didn't leech and was fine, he updated the material.

>> No.16750282

leach* Thx gboard.

>> No.16750314

Just like nalgenes tritan than was found to leach at higher levels when, for example, exposed to uv light? And the just launch adhoms at the lab techs to save face.

>> No.16750404

Funnily enough, ap switched to clear tritan right after their bpa tube.

>> No.16750452

I just got my Niche Zero today

>> No.16750800
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Hell yeah. Thoughts? Shots? Weber delayed the key by a few weeks till november but they say they're happy with the progress.

>> No.16750819


>> No.16750825

Can anyone recommend a cheap water boiler? Preferable electric, gooseneck spout, maybe temperature-controlled. I see cheap ones on google, but am feeling a little paranoid. What do you think?

>> No.16750827

Premium material, super solid, the same thing they make bulletproof glass out of
Cheap chink shit

You've been tricked dumbass

>> No.16750844

Tricked into not wasting my money on a plastic french press with a paper filter?

>> No.16750915

It's ok. It does have some significant retention out of the box but that should stop once the burrs get more settled in. I don't like how the stage is set up so that there is just enough of a gap between the chute and the catch bin that grinds can come flying out between them, especially towards the end of the grind. That should however be alleviated somewhat once I get my order of atomizers in to use the water spray trick and a bellows to blow out old grounds. I have only run about 1 kg of some undrinkably bad swill through it just to warm it up and it already has a really consistent grind and is very fast. It's also a lot quieter than I was expecting so that is nice too. It's really easy to clean and calibrate as well which helps with the unusual amount of retention that I am getting now.

>> No.16750934
File: 355 KB, 697x1406, Screenshot_20210926-173228_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$300 dollery doos just for quality entry level equipment
This is what is wrong with making your own coffee.

>> No.16751013

when the equipment became a status symbol. the prices wont come down because then people cant flex on social media.

>> No.16751020

if your spending $6 a day for a coffee, at day 50 your gear has paid for itself
obvious not including the price of beans

>> No.16751041

what's the point in getting this over a La Pavoni?
genuinely curious, they look functionally identical but La Pavoni is an old, established brand

>> No.16751132

Have you ever used a pavoni? Pretty shitty workflow, you're going to burn yourself(even with the big ugly heatsink), and to top it off(not that you can since its a pressure bomb) you have to deal with a 52mm portafilter.

>> No.16751140

>I see cheap ones on google, but am feeling a little paranoid. What do you think?
If they're not telling you the exact grade of steel they're using, you probably should be paranoid.

>> No.16751175

>You paid $300 in aussie bucks for an autistic moka pot?
It used to be 200aud before our dollar shit itself about 2+ years ago and bellman put the price up

>> No.16751184

thanks, that's useful info
really tempted by that argos machine

>> No.16751372

Nice, I've been using a moka pot, it's cool to see alternatives to them I guess.

>> No.16751470

Argos seems like its trying to be the upscaled flair58/robot killer, with an extra $300 of steam wand attached and an optional knockoff sep.

>> No.16751628

How cheap are we talking? If you want gooseneck and temp control you're gonna have to spend a little bit unless you're happy with preset temperature buttons that are probably wildly inaccurate.

I have this one which was the cheapest I could find that had the features I wanted and was well reviewed

Had it for a while now and it works pretty well, temp control seems pretty accurate and it's adjustable to single degrees. Also has a temp hold and timer feature which are nice

>> No.16751742

Yeah we used to use our atomic stove top alot but it died of old age

>> No.16751747

>You could have gotten a real espresso machine for the cost of this overpriced mokapot..
It used to be cheaper it's just scalp here fucked

>> No.16752721

If you went with a hand grinder, and just gone w/ a plastic v60, you could save another 100 dollars off that total.

>> No.16752728

If you want to "heat up" cold brew. I would personally make cold brew concentrate and add hot water when drinking it.

>> No.16752764
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My fav local cafe closed. *sigh*

That's cool.

>> No.16752773

what kinda cakes are those

>> No.16752847

Switching from chemex to a plastic v60 and caraffe only saves ~$12, but is much more durable and it looks like the v60 03 works with chemex filters so ill give that a try.

What is a good hand grinder for 40 grams pour over? I had a skerton in the past and did not like it, it was difficult to adjust and seemed inconsistent

>> No.16753421


>> No.16753967
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210927_182825686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck. Some bozo has a brand new video.
New standartmag just hit. Code standart20% for 20% off the first month of berlin coffee barn's subscription if any euronons want to try it.

>> No.16754314

I narrowed down my choice to the c40 and the K-plus the other week and went with the K-plus. It's great. Pourover is fantastic, fast, fits 40g, and is really a pleasant tool to use. c40 supposedly tastes a tiny bit better than K-plus, but has a lot of drawbacks (higher price, a lot of plastic parts, slow grind speed, bigger steps).

That's funny. I hadn't seen this before I bought a K-plus. I was sifting through Chinese forums with grind uniformity charts of all the high end grinders and reading anecdotal fucking reddit posts.

>> No.16754498
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, 26479B6E-6407-4733-84C2-65CDB43339A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart attempt #3
I made an apple

>> No.16754780

feminine penis

>> No.16754798

>BPA free plastic is safe and effective.
lol no

>> No.16754856
File: 261 KB, 1280x958, 73C6E83F-9609-465D-AE70-C2C7B129F439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Key Coffee available outside of Japan? this stuff is delicious, especially for preground

>> No.16754868

So why can you have a coffee thread, but we can't have any whiskey or alcohol-related threads? Both are beverages. Hell, coffee doesn't even have calories, whereas alcohol does and is made from grain/sugar/yeast.

I want my comfy whiskey thread, faggots

>> No.16754875

Literally every hobby is like this but people act as if coffee is somehow worse and overly autistic when it's the same as anything else. I took up coffee, tea, and more recently bartending over the past few years and already making cocktails is way more expensive and requires way more up front investment than making good coffee.

>> No.16754889

at some cafes they come with a spoon, drink it however you enjoy it

>> No.16755005
File: 2.54 MB, 4228x2823, PXL_20210927_231545442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bretty good. Kinu + melodrip + origami + cafec light

>> No.16755194


>not recognizing ironic new speak

>> No.16755568

>Black coffee should always, always be served fresh and sent straight away. 30 seconds can make a difference.
what do you mean by this? i almost always order black coffee.. sometimes i get a black americano tho

>> No.16755912

There are tons of alcohol threads you turbosperg, I just scrolled past a whiskey thread that's been up for 4 days and a rum thread that's nearly a day old. Learn to fucking read and use your god damned eyes.

>> No.16755925

The only significant upfront cost to making cocktails is buying the booze, fancy equipment might get pricey but you can absolutely get away with basic ass everyday kitchen gear for everything if you need to. For the booze you just pick a spirit to start with and practice those drinks first and grow the collection a bottle at a time, replacing as needed, and if you're not an idiot you learn what the optimal quality/price options are for your staples.

>> No.16755957

>The only significant upfront cost to making cocktails is buying the booze
Yeah no shit retard.
Getting all of the necessary bar tools cost me almost $150 not including any sort of glassware. Decent base spirits can be anywhere from $25-$40 for one 750mL bottle that only makes around 13 drinks. And many cocktails require multiple base spirits plus even more expensive modifiers and liqueurs, which typically last longer since they are used in smaller amounts, but are also frequently perishable. And you have to get additional glassware for storing syrups, and constantly have to have a rotation of fresh citrus and/or herbs for most drinks. Then if you decide to make some slightly less common cocktail you are going to have to go out of your way to a specialty store or ordering online to find stuff like orange blossom water or whatever. All of the components add up so quickly even if the entry equipment cost is seemingly low. As opposed to coffee where I only spend around $40 on overpriced specialty coffee every month or every other month, that I have to order online and pay shipping for, that makes me 43 cups of coffee. Or tea where I make one $200 order from China that lasts me for an entire year or more.

>> No.16755971

>Necessary bar tools

Nigger you can get started with a $5 shaker, a measuring cup you should already own, a $15 bottle of whiskey, and a couple lemons. Go back to your YouTuber-endorsed bartender LARP site and fuck off.

>> No.16756001

What is it about /ctg/ that brings out this special sort of retard

>> No.16756015

> Hurr durr ((HOBBY)) is so expensive if you buy tons of unnecessary bullshit upfront before you even know what the fuck you're doing
>Calls other people retarded

>> No.16756031
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i drink folgers because i'm a jew. but recently switched to illy. gotta say it does make a difference.

>> No.16756039

You're an actual fucking moron. Shaking bottom shelf "whiskey" (49% neutral grain spirit) and lemon juice in a plastic cup is the cocktail equivalent of immersion brewing preground grocery store coffee beans in a sock. Shaker tins, strainers, barspoons, bitters, etc. are not "unnecessary bullshit" if you ever intend to become better at mixing drinks than a sorority girl. Why would you even have something as a hobby if you care that little about it, just don't even bother at that point.

>> No.16756072

Read it again, the only thing you need to buy to be able to mix drinks effectively is a shaker which can be had for literally a few bucks off Amazon, it's two metal cups. Everything else can be done with things you should already own. Obviously you can buy more/better equipment as you go but none of it is necessary to get started. From there all you need is a single bottle of something you like and the ingredients to a few drinks you want to try. You buy as you go. I have a bar stocked with literally thousands of dollars of equipment and spirits, but I didn't buy it all at once because I'm not mentally deficient.

>> No.16756088

>retarded newfag spams off-topic garbage after being BTFO
Many such cases!

>> No.16756112

Since we are going to be retarded and disingenuous, then coffee still has a lower entry cost since you should already have a mug and water and instant coffee costs less than $5. You can upgrade along the way if you want but it's not necessary :)

>> No.16756135

Cool meme, but unironically you can get started with a $5 French press, a cheap blade grinder, and good beans. Difference is with this setup it is significantly more difficult (but still possible) to get a decent consistent grind, whereas with the cheap bar setup the only limiting factor to quality is what booze you buy and there's plenty of affordable stuff that's good to start out with before you start buying exotic fancy shit. Fancy bar spoons and 5 types of strainers don't make it easier to shake a cocktail, a more expensive grinder does make it easier to get a consistent grind that brews well.

>> No.16756155

>unironically you can get started with a $5 French press, a cheap blade grinder, and good beans
And you would be a fucking moron who is wasting your own time and money if you did that. Same with buying cheap shitty bar tools (or just not buying any at all as you would suggest) you're just setting yourself up for frustration. Because you will totally get the full experience and fully enjoy being able to make one really shitty drink with shitty/improper tools. Again, if you don't care about the hobby or are poor, then just don't even bother with it.

>> No.16756188

I'm honestly curious how much you think "good" bar equipment costs. Please tell me what tools for making cocktails cost more than a few bucks for reasons that aren't "it has a meme logo on it"

>> No.16756206

I'm not going to waste any more of my time replying to your retarded shitposts. Just fucking kill yourself already for the love of god. Nobody wants to see you arguing about how mixing everclear and grape soda in a ziploc bag is just as good as using real equipment and quality ingredients, in a coffee general of all places, you stupid faggot.

>> No.16756213


>> No.16756215

Anyone try putting la lechera in their coffee?

>> No.16756216

No, but I have crammed an entire can up my ass before

>> No.16756281
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I'm really debating picking up the whole line of norlan crystal. Shit looks so based.

>> No.16756659

>Also, if you're doing inverted, do you always let the grinds settle onto the filter for the same amount of time after the flip?
Bingo! I've been trying to follow Hoffmann's recipe but I forgot to take account of flip timing. Now it feels more consistent. Many thanks, bless you with good cuppa.

>> No.16756805
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I always enjoy a good piccollo latte.

Caramel cheesecake & orange butter cake

>> No.16757292

Is it worth it for the electric kettles with goosenecks and temperature shit? I only boil water for a french press, tea, and oatmeal. Every time I try to find a decent kettle it all just looks like chinkshit.

>> No.16757364

Temperature control is pretty much always worth it if you want to be able to get the best flavor out of various roasts of coffee and different types of tea. If you have no interest in any brewing methods that benefit from better pouring control like pourover then you can probably skip out on gooseneck though. Best price I've been able to find for a good quality kettle with both features is like $80, but you can usually find options with only one or the other for significantly cheaper that seem well-liked based on reviews I've seen.

>> No.16757508

I bought Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Pie™ beans today, gonna try them out tomorrow for the meme

>> No.16757808

just got my 1zpresso zx pro
its incredible how much faster it is than my old hario grinder
worth it for that alone

>> No.16757928

its cool enough out that i can probably roast in my popcorn maker again. can't decide if i should stick with a classic profile bean or go with an ethiopian or something else fruity which im a fan on drinking.

>> No.16758902
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I make better espresso than the local meme cafe (ritual) and it's not even close.

>> No.16758985

that's a cube of egg coffee

>> No.16759025
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Another circle rather than I heart today

>> No.16759089
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>> No.16759180

>175 to 180F
kek is that so that you don't leach xenoestrogens into your shitty fake espresso? What kind of retarded faggot brews with anything less than boiling?

>> No.16759195

>t. Burnt tasting coffee lover

>> No.16759204

Maybe if you are drinking dark roasted swill from the grocery store. Any coffee worth half a shit is best brewed with boiling water.

>> No.16759446

this is the equivalent of "don't buy a used miata, instead you should get a porsche 911 gt3 to get a good driving experience".

utterly fucking retarded.

>> No.16759516

Coffee to you and I might mean specialty coffee prepared carefully and enjoyed mindfully but for a lot of people coffee is simply a utility. Why are you wasting time arguing with someone just looking for a cheap way to get caffeinated?

>> No.16759522
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1 step further. You'd rather end up with a used miata over a few rusted out junkers right? Don't collect trash. Invest in shit you're interested in. Running a $20 bag of beans through a $20 black and decker blade grinder is fucking d u m b. Going from a $20 blade grinder to a $40 skerton is fucking retarded.

If you go through the archive and read through a few different random /ck/s, you'll see not a single person has ever questioned their decision to hop up from sub$100 to a "premium" hand grinder.

>> No.16759527

The only retard here is the guy who thinks that mixing lemon juice and bottom shelf whiskey in a plastic cup is somehow comparable quality to a Miata and thinks that basic tools are an exorbitant and unnecessary waste.

>> No.16759535

Every time I come here you faggots are bitching about something. Why do you guys hate being comfy?

>> No.16759536

Too much caffeine makes you irritable.

>> No.16759539

It's actually the equivalent of "Don't buy a scooter off of Aliexpress to drive to work, buy an actual car instead" you disingenuous faggot

>> No.16759554

Take caffeine pills then. Unless you enjoy the taste of coffee. In that case, you should probably improve at the things you do the more you do them. You could be guzzling down soylent instead of cooking since eating is just a utility to some.

>> No.16759566



I don't see how this comment is wrong (not me btw). French Press does not need perfectly symmetric grinds, nor do french press need super small grind size adjustments to get good coffee out.

While it isn't ideal, a krups blade grinder, a cheap french press, and some patients can make a decent cup of joe.

>If you go through the archive and read through a few different random /ck/s, you'll see not a single person has ever questioned their decision to hop up from sub$100 to a "premium" hand grinder.

Sure, premium hand grinders are better than cheaper hand grinders, but if the goal is cheap decent coffee, a "premium" handgrinder pretty pointless if your brew method is a french press.

>> No.16759594

>krups blade grinder, a cheap french press, and some patients can make a decent cup of joe.
Literally how my boomer mother makes coffee, and no it's not decent. She has to drown it in sweeteners and milk because it's fucking impossible to make anything but bitter sludge shit with a french press and blade grinder.

>> No.16759604

That says more about your boomer mother and her lack of skills.

If you're diligent with pulsing the grinds it's perfectly fine for french press. No one here is saying he'll reach the pinnacle of coffee here with it. Like any hobby there's always gunna be a babies first step tier.

>> No.16759607

I don't think coffee is a utility, merely brought up how laymen think. Also you care way too much about how other people live, doesn't it ever get exhausting?

>> No.16759613

Anyone ever use a "il primo" espresso maker? It's pretty small, admittedly shitty, machine. But I got one for free and I can make an ok espresso with it. But I can't find the right grind setting, every time I drink espresso for it (and I've used different settings), there's barely any coffee being made.

But if I throw in some preground shit like cafe bustelo it pours just find. My grinds don't look any smaller than the bustelo grind so idk what's up. Should I try adding more water?

>> No.16759619

>Blade grinder """skills"""
Peak poorfag cope.

>> No.16759624

>sette 270w
>barataza encore w/ m.2 burr replacement
>lido 3
>poorfag cope


>> No.16759659

3 bad grinders. Kek.
I could give a shit less about how the unwashed masses live.

>> No.16759707

that looks kinda coarsely ground

>> No.16759858

4m+ drawdown. I've found I really don't mind longer brew times with the melodrip. Rao's latest pourover has like a 5m drawdown. The cafec light filters def slow my brew down so I coarsen up a touch.

>> No.16759886

aaah i see. i was worried because the coffee in the glass looked very light, but i'm guessing that's a combination if it being a light roast and the way the light is filtering thru the glass.

>> No.16760356
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What ratio should I use for my Moka pot?

>> No.16760552

1 part moka pot and 1 part trash can

>> No.16760730

I'm still curious what the hell costs $150 that you think qualifies as a "basic necessity" for a bar

>> No.16760826

shaker tins
Hawthorne strainer
mesh strainer
citrus peeler
double old fashioned glasses
trays for large ice cubes
bar towels
and some fucking alcohol since you for some reason refuse to count buying decent spirits that can make you more than one drink as an entry cost
But we all know that you are a disingenuous faggot who thinks that earlytimes and lemon juice is a "cocktail" so you are just going to cope and try to argue that whatever tool is unnecessary, but nobody gives a shit about your worthless retard opinions so fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.16760926

Most of that is shit you should already own if you have a kitchen and spirits are not equipment which is what you claimed costs $150 to get started plus alcohol schizo. Even if you had to buy all those tools from nothing you're looking at $50 max if you're not stupid enough to just buy whatever's the first thing you see at bed bath and beyond while picking up lube for your bull.

>> No.16760932

>He doesn't own a spoon

Damn that's crazy, it really do be like that sometimes tho

>> No.16761051


>> No.16761060

You should already own a coffee grinder if you own a kitchen so therefore making coffee has zero entry cost

>> No.16761083

It sounds like you're just disconnected from reality and don't realize how much things cost these days

>> No.16761264
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