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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16722038 No.16722038 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16722042

how did black pepper become so ubiquitous in use?

>> No.16722047

Is it possible to make chocolate with high amount of cocoa but without the bitterness, without using sugar or other sweeteners? Or in other words, is dutch process cocoa - chocolate commercially available? All I see when I search 90+% chocolates is added sweeteners or acid taste.

>> No.16722094
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I think so, picture related is unsweetened. It's still a bit bitter even though it uses dutched cocoa, so maybe it's not possible to fully get rid of that. If you eat one square your mouth gets used to it and it doesn't really seem bitter after that, though.

>> No.16722112

/fit/ plz go

>> No.16722121

The Romans liked it a lot, followed by Europeans liking it a lot.

>> No.16722174

Is making a grilled cheese with real instead of processed cheese worth it or does the fact that real cheese doesn't melt as easily ruin the experience?

>> No.16722185

Why the fuck does it take so much goddamn cumin to make a cup of rice or beans have that "fried" taste? Is there another seasoning I'm missing or am I just going to have to deal with using a teaspoon of cumin every single time? I use a splash of liquid smoke, too, btw.

>> No.16722271

thats what u get for using cheap mass-produced cumin packages which by the time you pick them up from store counter lost most of their edge

>> No.16722288

easy shit that i can make sunday and just heat it up through the week?

>> No.16722389

is seaitan good?
as a Poorfaggot Maxx™ what meals i can prepare with seitan?
maybe seitan with rice?

>> No.16722394

da beenz and rice.

>> No.16722405

Wait, what?
ffs anon it's not the processing that makes it melt, it's the fat%

>> No.16722406
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So my unemployment extension got cancelled less than a week after getting approved, would like some cheap recipe ideas beyond beans and rice. Preferably ones without flour. Thanks.

>> No.16722430

Yeah most cumin is trash you have to shell out if you want the good stuff. This is true for most spices.

>> No.16722434

Smoke a chicken or pork shoulder.

>> No.16722865
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>> No.16722945
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I'm new to mangos. Why does it look like this?

>> No.16723410

They look dry, maybe they are old? idk

>> No.16723429

What are the symptoms of botulism and is there an effective at home treatment you can make from common household shit?

>> No.16723438

These threads are stupid. Every question and thought I have deserves its own thread.

>> No.16723451
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>> No.16723459

literally just call Poison Control instead of asking an underwater basket weaving forum

>> No.16723463

>is there an effective at home treatment you can make
Absolutely not. Hospital is your best bet.

>> No.16723487
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Should I make chicken sandwich or ramen?

>> No.16723796

Does the presence of fiber help with steady blood sugar levels, or does the carb have to be complex in the first place? Say you have a piece of whole wheat bread with 5g of fiber, and then a piece of white bread and supplemented fiber to the equivalence of 5g. Does your body react to them the same way, or still differently?

>> No.16723823

I love beans but am having a hard time making them taste good. I recently cooked black beans from scratch but they're not as creamy as I hoped and they harden up when soft. Am I doing it wrong? I followed a very basic recipe and simmered them a few hours with garlic, half an onion and a bay leaf. Added salt after it was cooked. I tried using the cooked beans for a black bean salsa but its just so... bland.

>> No.16723827

Harden up when cold I meant

>> No.16723849

make yourself a proper meal you sad fuck

>> No.16723864
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>> No.16724054

>Added salt after it was cooked. I tried using the cooked beans for a black bean salsa but its just so... bland.
You need to add salt to the soaking liquid when cooking dry beans so they get seasoned from the inside out.
Also if you have hard water that can prevent ion exchange with the outer surface of the beans so they don't soften up properly in which case add 1-2 tsps of baking soda to the cooking pot help

>> No.16724360

See, i followed another Serious eats recipe to cook black beans https://www.seriouseats.com/the-lazy-cooks-black-beans-easy-recipe and it actually recommends not soaking beans or at least that its not necessary, so I haven't been doing it. Maybe I will try that next time.

>> No.16724410

WHY does a cornstarch slurry always make my food taste weird and chalky??
asian restaurants do it and their food is good.

>> No.16724431

Does anyone else like jacking their cock like jacking their cock like jacking their cock off

>> No.16724440

yes i enjoy the occasional jerk.
But covid put a stop to that!

>> No.16724450

How much do you do with leeks? I've always wanted to do something with it, but it seems like so much you have to get at once and I hate wasting food so I never actually buy it

>> No.16724455
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Where do you guys generally go to store/find recipes? I'm short on ideas for dinner tomorrow and I don't want to get takeout. I have some cabbage and dry red beans and I want to use at least one of them.

>> No.16724464
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Why do memesters and 4channel NPCs eat sardines when canned tuna is superior in every way?

>> No.16724467


>> No.16725215

I have no idea but that's an interesting question, I'd also like to know.

Perhaps this isn't the reason but there's at least one downside to tuna, which is mercury levels. They're way higher so you have to limit your intake if you want to stay safe.

>> No.16725655
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i'm making a sourdough starter for the first time.
i have one i just stirred and one not yet.
originally it was larger amount but i didn't realize how much it would expand. much was wasted but it still was enough to fill two jars with it's volume.
waited a day, and this is what remains.
not bubbly, more of a crepe batter.

my question is should it be more dough like or liquid?

ingredients: 1tsp yeast
1cup flour
1cup water

>> No.16725682

runny batter consistency is OK.
pour off that liquid and feed it

I let mine go a week on the countertop with a daily feed, then into the fridge for a once a week feeding

>> No.16725685

More of a liquid than a dough, will take a little bit to start showing lots of bubbles

>> No.16725708

thank you anon's.
should i feed and wait or can i use what i have today and supplement after?

and if i do use today and supplement after so i do a 50/50 flour water combo with some sugar?

>> No.16725816

Fried chicken
Baked fried chicken
I guess you could make your own noodles, but I hear the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

>> No.16725850

Just learned that gravy is literally just beef broth or milk + flour and can make it effortlessly for most meals.
Are there any other ass-easy sauces one should know? Like Teriyaki sauce is just Soy Sauce + Mirin + flour isn't it?

>> No.16725857

Would dehydrating cucumbers before putting them in vinegar to make pickles make the cucumbers have a stronger vinegar taste?
Secondarily, would boiling vinegar make it stronger by making the water evaporate?

>> No.16725939

As far I understand it, it's not grilled cheese if you use cheese. Just as if it isn't grille cheese if it's actually grilled.

>> No.16726008
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Lazy bros if you get cast iron don't leave them dirty. It fucks up the seasoning.
It happened to me 3 times already.
Also don't season in the oven. That's too much work.

>> No.16726108

I do 60/40 Flour:Water, no sugar unless you want it making alcohol and killing your yeastyboys
If its brand new I would wait at least 3-7 days before using, I mean you could use it like a batter or something, but its not sourdough yet - just flour and water

>> No.16726121

I use my sourdough starter for crepes 90% of the time. whenever I feed it, I use the discard.

>> No.16726678
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>> No.16726692

Whenever I use cumin I always add ground coriander. I live cumin though, and I don't see 1 teaspoon as being a lot.

>> No.16726710

You're probably using too much cornflour. Do you continue cooking after you've added the cornflour?

>> No.16726722

I use leeks for chicken pasta dishes in white sauce, frittata, quiche, or to have with sausages. Occasionally I'll steam them and mix them with butter to have as a vegetable on the side, but most of the time I caramelize them with onion and garlic.

>> No.16726731

Tuna is more of an ingredient, whereas Deenz you can just open and eat with a fork. You can do that with Tuna too, but it's not as enjoyable.

>> No.16726746

That's American gravy. Traditional gravy is made with pan juices or some form of animal lard, flour, water and salt.
Bechamel, Mornay (bechamel with cheese), and hollandaise are all easy to make.

>> No.16726753

No need to dehydrate. Brines for pickling are usually a mix of Vinegar, water and some other spices and shit. Just use more vinegar.

>> No.16726812

your and idiot

>> No.16727361

Do ya squirt cum

>> No.16727904

also it does kind of go with everything, a bit like garlic
I still despise it ubiquity, though

>> No.16728125

I was at a restaurant that topped my meal with a pork fat based kind of "fluff" or bird's nest. Reminiscent of cotton candy, but crunchy and not sweet. How did they accomplish that? My first assumption was liquid fat with melted sugar but that doesn't fit the flavor profile.

>> No.16728132

Coulda been standard Chinese meat floss prepared in a slightly different way

>> No.16728136

Sounds like pork floss.

>> No.16728395

I made some pork neck bone broth in March 2020. At some point someone, or could have been me but not sure, left it out of the freezer for long enough for it to have thawed completely. This is probably stupid to ask, but is there any chance it's safe? It's pretty gelatinous. I don't really get the chance to make it a lot, or use it, and I didn't get to use much of it.

>> No.16728487

has it been room temperature since 2020?

>> No.16728601

No. It was maybe overnight, but I'm not too sure. I mentioned the date because I was thinking of asking if it would even be safe after so long, but I'm pretty sure most frozen stuff stays fine indefinitely. I just forgot to delete that part.

>> No.16728936

it doesn't matter how long it was frozen for. it only matters how long it was room-temperature for, and if you don't know that, you can't be sure it's safe to eat.

>> No.16729105
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what do i do with the juice left over from making a batch of pulled pork in a crockpot? throw it out?

>> No.16729127

Some real cheeses melt nicely. Havarti springs to mind - it's nice and soft compared to others.
Also, try lowering the heat to nothing after you've got your bread close to the way you like it. Real cheese needs time to melt.

>> No.16729134

It's likely too sugary to become stock and will spoil too quickly to be made into barbecue sauce or anything like that. Freeze it into a puck and toss it in next time you make pulled pork or else throw it out

>> No.16729162

well how much should i use??

>> No.16729165

No! I stop just before ejaculation!
i deprive myself of ejaculations!

>> No.16729207

i swear the guidelines for tuna used to be less strict than they are now, also i just did two different online mercury calculators and they gave me vastly different results

at any rate at one point in my life losing weight i ate like 1-2 cans of tuna a day 5 days a week. never got "mercury poisoned"

>> No.16729292
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What is some food/drinks that will INCREASE appetite?
>pic not related

>> No.16729356
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So uhh... How do people in ancient vietnam go about making Phô or broths in general? Nowadays there's pressure cookers to extract the gelatinous oily good stuff from the bones, but is there another way to make broth from bones without the use of a pressure cooker?

>> No.16729368

You dont make sourdough using yeast tf you doing

>> No.16729416

What are you using it in? And how much are you using?

>> No.16729417


>> No.16729440

Sure is, bud. You simmer all your bits and pieces together for a couple of hours. For pho it would likely be something 3-5, but a tonkotsu could 12 hours at a rolling boil.

>> No.16729590

I tried that but everything evaporates and i lose every tasty flavor from the bone so i was wondering how on earth did people in the past do it without a pressure cooker but also without losing the worthwile parts of bone to evaporation but instead keeping it in the broth?

>> No.16729597

>I tried that but everything evaporates


>> No.16729605

I have 10 pounds of ground meat what should I do with it?

>> No.16729618

Well... you have a lid on, right? And simmering is below the boiling point, so make sure you're not boiling it either. Your flavors should become more concentrated as marrow and other bits break down. You can also add more water if it's cooking down too low, just so long as your concentrates aren't burned it should be fine.

Anyways, if you're looking for cookware history, you're looking at anywhere from earthenware to ceramic to iron. With Vietnam, probably earthenware.

>> No.16729622

The only thing that evaporates from a pot is water
If your broth isn't flavorful enough, you need to use more bones and cook it longer, maybe even reduce it

>> No.16729624

The King of Portoga got it from Baharata and decided it was so good that he'd open passage to his continent just for it!

>> No.16729625

What kind of meat? If beef, make a chili. If chicken, make a chili.

>> No.16729675

I tried that too but no matter how i try the lid just causes the scum to rise up and make a mess or if there's no scum the vapors start to spill over regardless even at low temperatures if the lid closes the pot... which makes me give space for the vapors to go somewhere but in the process it makes the flavors evaporate

Flavors melt in the water and water vaporizes along with the aromas which leave the broth. Thats why pressure cookers come in handy but i dont want to use one because i dont have one and they're expensive

>> No.16730150

Do you ever use psyllium for cooking? I've seen it in some niche keto recipes but I wonder if it can be verstile in the kitchen.

>> No.16730813

>what is demi-glace

>> No.16730843

I stopped eating at open air markets and niche restaurants because they started denying me of service without a mask. So now I eat Little Caesars and Wendys.

>> No.16731173

okay, this stuff wasnt sugary and i just threw it out cause ill almost never use it, and immediatly after my roommate walks out his room and i ask if he would use it and he says 'hell yeah' and im like 'well i just threw it out ... it was really brown and lots of chunks of fat and shit in there' and he was like "ahhhh man, i wouldve loved to use that"

>> No.16731182

Cast iron good for anything else other than steaks/burgers?

I'm getting a 2-in-1 cast iron dutch oven. i love in an apartment and wondering if i can use the pan portion for anything that won't set off fire alarms. i have shower caps/dust covers which might help, but there'd still prob be tons of smoke regardless

>> No.16731234

Cast Iron is the only frying pan I use. I also have a Cast iron dutch oven I use occasionally.
I dont know why using a cast iron would have anything to do with your fire alarms.

>> No.16731236

Chop them up and make a chicken soup.

>> No.16731245


>> No.16731256
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I've been addicted to coffee ever since I finished lgh a few weeks ago

>> No.16731290

Not really. It's just fibre. Drink it for some sweet shits. Most common culinary use would be in baking.

>> No.16731380

Other anon mentioned havarti, muenster also works fine. If you want to add a harder cheddar or gouda, layer it in between havarti slices

In American cheese, there's "melting salts" like citrate and phosphates (sodium hexametaphosphate is a really good one, you can buy it and make your own american cheese out of any real cheese you want).

>> No.16731387

i don't know wtf i'm doing that's why i'm here.

>> No.16731406

Well, it depends on the fiber supplement in your bread example. Some supplements, like psyllium husk, are insoluble and just swell up in your intestines to scrape lingering poop out of you. Soluble fibers go into the blood and reduce excess cholesterol. Prebiotic fiber (fancy name for pretty much any fiber) can be supplemented to help build a robust gut microbiota, which helps regulate blood sugar. And generally, high fiber foods are going to be low on the glycemic index, so eating lots of those will keep blood sugar steady, but that's more of a correlation than a cause and effect

>> No.16731410

Embrace the sloppa

>> No.16732600

How do I make a spicy veg stock for egg noodles?

>> No.16732608

Put chopped chilli's and whole peppercorns in the pot when you make your stock.

>> No.16732643

Like I want advice on how to make the stock as a whole. Recently moved and they don't have the vegan/vegetarian stock out here sadly

>> No.16732849

post recipes that use lots of milk and eggs, i moved to the countryside and i have an excessive amount of them

>> No.16732907
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What is a good alcohol to mix with ice tea? Looking for sweet or unsweet ice tea ideas. Sure vodka gets the job done, but is there something better that will add to the flavor, or complement it well?

>> No.16732909

Cooked eggs with a large glass of milk that you put in the freezer while you're cooking the eggs.

>> No.16732910

coconut rum?

>> No.16732941

how do i know if i am seasoning my cast iron skillet right? i cook shit like meat, sautéed veggies, ad eggs in it, and then i scrub it without soap. but its never seems to get any more stick resistant or "better". idk. maybe i just dont get the point of cast iron

>> No.16732946

Was thinking some kind of rum might be a good idea. Guess I'll put that first on the list to try.

>> No.16733012

i have no fucking idea how to whta eat
lierally every single fucking recipe is just a bunch of randoms hit all over thep lace there's no themeing to what i make, half you guys seem to have vast stores of meat and veggies and routinely make dishes you like nad i don't have anything like that

please help guide me

>> No.16733055

You need to list something like 5-10 items you can normaly buy and have at home, then ask /ck to write some recepes for you.

>> No.16733073
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Fresh cabbage and cauliflower
Frozen chicken breast, ground beef, and (usually) shrimp
Frozen peppers, onions, okra, and broccoli
Most spices
Basmati rice
Loaf bread
Canned carrots, black eye peas, and black beans
Rolled oats

I have a toaster oven and rice cooker, and also an instant pot that's still in the box

>> No.16733100

do you not have an oven or a range?

>> No.16733102

well yeah i just assumed that went without saying, same with microwave

>> No.16733119

There have been regular posters here who live in sheds and abandoned houses, nothing is assumed.

>> No.16733125

1. buy a cookbook and start reading recipes. usually you dont need to have 100% of the ingredients. know what you like

2. start cooking. you will fuck up and it will sting when you spend 45 minutes making a shit meal, but if you always commit yourself to learn from your mistakes and do better next time, you will progress fast.

3. learn to shop. this is probably the biggest thing that will up your game. i have several rules to help me cook/shop, which i will list below.
>never waste food if possible. if i have leftover food/ingredients, my next round of shopping will be to supplement my current supply and use it up
>always keep either bread (lots of sandwiches to make for quick, easy meals) or large tortillas (lots of burritos to make for quick, easy meals)
>when i show up at the grocery store, i head immediately to the meat section to see whats on sale, or what looks good, and then i base the rest of my menu around that for the week
>always throw some instant noodles or a can of soup in the cart for a meal that requires no effort when im drunk. doesnt matter if you already have 1 at home, build a stash
>same goes for storable staples like rice, beans, noodles, pasta. build a stash.
>unseasoned meat is more versatile. raw chicken breasts can go in pasta, sandwiches, salad, soup. raw ground pork can go in dumplings, breakfast burritos, lunch burritos, tacos, red sauce.
>at the very least, try to buy one seasoning every time you shop, at least until you build up a good stash

be creative, be open to new ideas, and enjoy cooking anon. food is life

>> No.16733520

When cooking Ramen Nooderals, how do you set the timer for III minutes?

>> No.16733530

It tastes good you retard

>> No.16733535

Yes I think so I went on a tour of a chocolate factory and they said if you agitate the raw chocolate paste and heat it gently it makes the bitter chemical evaporate.
They said most mass market factory's do this stage for 7-10 hours while their factory did it for 2 full days per batch I tried their 76% dark chocolate and it was not bitter at all.

>> No.16733538

No it looks more under ripe over ripe would be a soggy mess with lots of brown spots

>> No.16733542

This can seriously kill you if you suspective botulism poisoning get to a hospital immediately

>> No.16733653

So, for a basic veg stock, you're gonna be looking at onions, carrots, celery, leek, garlic, thyme, parsley, mushrooms. This is just a total basic one. To make it spicy, throw some chilis and peppercorns in there like the other Anon said.

The important thing to remember about vegetable stock is, throw whatever the fuck you like in there so long it's a vegetable.

Now, you want water to cover your veg. Don't crowd it, you need room to stir it as well. Bring to a boil, simmer it for 60 minutes, giving it a stir every 15. Can do up to two hours.

>> No.16733666

Get a carton of eggs and some carrots and you'd have a nice egg foo young. It's a good way to use up random things.

>> No.16733672
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I've got raw chicken breast and pock chorps sitting on the counter ready to be brined.

What's the preferred salt:water ratio for this? Also I know brines typically contain sugar so if you have any ideas on how much sugar that helps too, but mostly the salt the important thing to get right

>used to have this down to a science like 7 years ago but lost my brine.txt file and recipe sites are wildly inconsistent

>> No.16733673

Muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, droopy eyelids, difficulty speaking. Go to the hospital.

>> No.16733676

How are you feeling?

>> No.16733677

I usually do a tablespoon of salt for every cup of water. I also like to throw in some chunks of cut up ginger.

>> No.16733745

Thanks anon I think that's what I used to do. I'm prepping 'er now.

Ever add sugar or is that just for fat Americans and The Dutch™?

>> No.16733765

i just add in a little more than i would season it with if it was on the pan, also maribrine

>> No.16733801

I'm not sure, I've never heard of it people adding sugar to their brines before.

>> No.16733814

good I remember adding sugar a couple times and it was totally unnecessary and kinda gross

I'm making teriyaki chicken breast so it won't need any goddamned sugar, not after I glop the t.sauce on there

>> No.16734094

sourdough doesnt need separate yeast the recipe for sourdough in fact is to let the flour make its own fermentation process which takes about 7 days

>> No.16734181

you guys said grill pans were no good. why would you guys say that? first run with the new grillet and not only did the food come out great but I enjoyed cooking it. I love the way the juices flow into the ridges and don't pool or interfere with the raised grills and the texture is pretty sweet too, not to mention those æsthetic cross-hatches

/ck/: 0
grill pan: 1

>> No.16734183

yep, season with food and other oils after continuous use. you can leave em a bit dirty, but a good towel wipe always served me well if it was too much. and a wooden utensil is perfect for scraping up gunk. it starts feeling like a painting you've been working on for months.

>> No.16734185
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>> No.16735402

Is there a way to get cottage cheese's fantastic nutrition alongside the tangy taste of Feta or Bleu? The latter is one of my favorite flavors.

>> No.16735527
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This is a blue board, anon.

>> No.16735538

can i eat raw mince meat

>> No.16735757

you can but you should not

>> No.16735999

i layer a slice of real cheese and one of the american processed stuff with the special salts. works great

>> No.16736022

smoke comes from burning whatever you are cooking, not the pan

>> No.16736493

there's a ton of good non-american cheeses that melt. not all of them work in getting the flavor though. some good ones are monterrey jack, most "not sharp" cheddar cheese, havarti, meunster, some types of gouda (non-aged), colby and colby-jack. just experiment to see what flavors you like.

>> No.16736506

unless you have very good knowledge of the provenance of the meat, don't do it. in some western european countries (and japan), raw mince meat is possible to eat, but there are some very strict standards to make sure you don't die from the process.

if you are curious search "mett", typical german dish, but i would not eat it in the US lol

>> No.16737049

what do i make for dinner

>> No.16737078

just dont buy that shredded shit with all the pasteurized flour/bullshit that prevents clumping on it. that shit never melts.

>> No.16737098

butter chicken. a lot of Indian recipes you can find that will use those ingredients.

>> No.16737834

food is a good option most of the time
there's literally nothing wrong with pre-shredded cheese if you but a quality brand, and it all melts as long as it's not some bullshit vegan "alternative"

>> No.16738050
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I'll post results again someday and then you'll be sorry

>> No.16738678

>Some supplements, like psyllium husk, are insoluble
Psyllium is soluble. It's literally advertised as helping control cholesterol. Most OTC fiber supplements are soluble. Where did you get this info from? A quick Google check?

>> No.16738717

what is the cheapest source of protein?

>> No.16738723
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either baloney/devon, or sensation™

>> No.16738729

unless you want to eet ze bugs that is >>16738723

>> No.16738737


thanks guys

>> No.16738740
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I'm one person anon, was just providing an addendum to my initial post

>> No.16739070

What is this "heard" meme I see on the internet about kitchen work?

>> No.16739316

Like other anon said, you don't add "industrial yeast" to make sourdough starters. The whole point is to ferment just flour and water to make the wild yeast that appears naturally in flour to come alive and become the yeast aka sourdough starter. There are metric ton of good guides if you just google it, it takes up to 7 days to make though depending on flour and other conditions. Make sure the flour is either 100% rye or course and organic wheat. Otherwise it barely has any wild yeast after all the processing but I think either works with patience.

This reminds me why most bakeries are full of shit when they say they use Sourdough. Sure, they add Sourdough to the mix but ALSO industrial yeast which quickly overpowers the slow and natural Sourdough so it barely does anything. Then you can slap "made with sourdough!" on the bread and sell it for 30% more.

>> No.16739325

How do I make the chewiest caramel possible? I want it to be an absolute pain the ass to chew but also not brittle at all. So basically it should be hard but give to pressure but not break into pieces if you smash it with a hammer.

>> No.16739393
File: 68 KB, 376x376, ezgif-7-bcdf80657cd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come the pastry on a chicken pot pie tastes different than regular puff pastry? the reason I'm asking is because I want to make seafood newburg but all the recipes say to serve with puff pastry but all my fond memories of newburg are served with a light pastry biscuit that tastes like pot pie crust.'

>tl:dr: what's the best pastry for newburg

>> No.16740045

give me some tough beef cut recipes

>> No.16740094


>> No.16740099

I hate the taste of processed cheese with the exception of the slices mcdonalds uses.
I use real cheese slices for grilled cheese. It melts no problem in a pan if you 'grill' them low and slow with some butter.

>> No.16740115

Can kimchi be done with just korean chili paste and rando cabbage/carrots/onions etc?

>> No.16740118

I'll try it out thanks

>> No.16740278

Just use hot water and a sponge to clean it. If there's stuff stuck to it you haven't been able to get off, heat the pan first then put it under hot water and scrub with a sponge. You can use salt to add some coarseness while you scrub. Then dry it, put it over the heat until it's too hot to touch (pinch the side until it's hot, shouldn't take too long), then wipe it with oil.
I usually clean mine with a wooden spoon to get anything that may have stuck off.

>> No.16740434
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i will always save this pic. that one too.

keep on truckin'

i would like to try making some recipes from eggslut. which would be best to try, or which could be steered in a moderately healthy direction

>> No.16740530

What are some necessary ingredients/spices to get for a new kitchen? I notice cumin and pepperflakes is used in a whole bunch of shit I make

>> No.16740536

red pepper

>> No.16740540

Not him but is there a /ck/-approved cookbook I should get?

>> No.16740589

Trying out HelloFresh because corporate gave me a coupon
Anything I should know?

>> No.16740598

You tell me, you're the one who's about to try it.

>> No.16740704

You can do a fermented cabbage dish, sure, but it won't be kimchi.

>> No.16740725

/ck/-approved restaurants in Montreal?
Preferably something I can have delivered

>> No.16740731
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this and its sequel :^)

>> No.16740733

Posted this in the ginger thread but I'll put it here too.
I'm making a few batches of homemade mustard this week. I'm going to experiment with ginger in one of them, maybe a 50/50 brown/yellow honey mustard with grated ginger. Or I'll leave out the honey and use some pomegranate syrup instead.

>> No.16740736
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>> No.16740748

Not vegan please

>> No.16740768

bulk grains and beans

Get a pressure cooker if you haven't already, and soak and rinse your beans.

>> No.16740776

>7 days
White flour be like.

Get some whole wheat and rye and it will be much faster.

>> No.16740792

You can make a bit of smoke and not set off alarms if you have a powerful HEPA unit to catch it. Ionization detectors seem to be sensitive to fat smoke but mostly ignore carbohydrate smoke. I burned some greens in a microwave and made the room very hazy and it didn't go off.

>> No.16741880

Went to a Mediterranean place for the first time. I got like half a bag of rice on the plate. Is this normal?

>> No.16741930


>> No.16741963

Why are they less stingy with rice than Asian places?

>> No.16741994

most people who run them are based

>> No.16742087
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How hot and beefy tight is a propper beef welly?

>> No.16742980
File: 152 KB, 717x789, what is this that stands before me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I always wondered. what is this thing near the sink faucet?

>> No.16742993
File: 54 KB, 300x300, img-thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the periscope so the drain troll can watch you

>> No.16743212

Pomegranate syrup substitute sounds pretty interesting. Keep us posted. I'd like to see how this ends up. I use a lot of pomegranate syrup when I'm cooking Middle Eastern food.

>> No.16743217

Yeah, bud. You always either get half a plate of rice with a quarter plate of veg or half a plate of veg with a quarter plate of rice.

>> No.16743526

Probably an odd question, but any former alcoholics here who've used kava to get off? I've heard you should wait at least a full 24 hours before trying kava, but will it really be bad if I don't? The body gets rid of alcohol pretty quickly. It doesn't just let it sit in the body.

>> No.16743530

My skewer of vegetables was kind of pathetic, I didn't even get any onions like the pictures showed, but I also got a salad. So maybe that's where the other part of the vegetables went.

>> No.16745079

I bought a pomegranate on impulse on my last grocery trip
What do I do with it?

>> No.16745342

I've been marinating chicken these past 2 weeks but I don't like throwing them away when I used them once. Is it possible to reuse marinades?

>> No.16745490

I don't see why not, though you might have to top it off. Usually I just throw it in a pot with some cornstarch in and make it into a sauce.

>> No.16745510

take out all the arils and eat them with a spoon like cereal

>> No.16745518

Can anyone recommend a quality rice cooker? Been looking to get one but not sure what to choose.

>> No.16745532

I live an apartment that has a very over-active fire alarm and I really hate setting it off. Whenever I try to cook on the (electric induction) stove, I start panicking whenever things start sizzling or smoking and I don't know how normal people even manage to cook.
I'm at a sad point in my life and I think I need to change my eating habits. Does anyone have any advice for getting into cooking, meals for one?

>> No.16745655

Any decent chicken of the woods recipes?

>> No.16745666

Just eat it with a spoon. The pith is bitter, but won't be noticeable in small quantities. Plus, it's basically impossible to get all the pith out anyway. Don't fuss over it.

>> No.16745695

i have the same issue. solved with; garbage bag, packing tape, footstool

i honestly just leave it covered. had a smoke detector inspection and i accidentally left it on. no one said anything to me lmao

>> No.16745746

so are you saying that cooking is naturally going to produce enough heat / smoke to set off the fire alarm so I should silence it? Or am I just bad at cooking?

>> No.16745753
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>it's /ck/'s turn to be destroyed by generals

>> No.16745777

yes. it's like that for mine, its way too sensitive, an air fryer has set mine off before.
really the only purpose of a fire alarm is to wake you up if you are asleep, if you actually have a fire from cooking you'd pull the alarm out in the hallway anyways

>> No.16746427

Is there a reason my fucking air fryer ALWAYS causes my smoke alarm to go off?

>> No.16746701

there's 1 (maybe 2) a month. don't get your panties in a bunch

>> No.16746754

Mustards have been started. They're chilling in the fridge to mature the flavor for the next few days. Half dijon style, half with pureed ginger awaiting a variety of sweeteners. Once they are tastable I'm going to try small batches with a few different ingredients to test them out and see which is best.

>> No.16746760

can someone give me the recipe they are eating?

>> No.16746773

If I have uncooked meat that I won't be able to eat for a few days and is approaching expiry date, should I cook it ASAP and just eat the leftovers?

>> No.16746896

Yes, especially if it's starting to brown. Next time freeze it and thaw it the morning of your cooking

>> No.16747375

What do you add to leftover rice to make it more interesting? It's so bland by itself but I have such a small quantity that it doesn't seem worth cooking anything to go with it.

>> No.16747406

Plain rice? I make a little pork fried rice with carrots, peas, eggs, and onions some fry it all in the pork fat.

You could do any kind of of fried rice plov and get weird with it. Toasted almonds, golden raisins, some turmeric, beef strips.

>> No.16747951
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help me with mastering my poverty cheese sauce? my cheese sauce tastes bland and doughey, why? i start by melting butter, a bit of flower to make a roux, mix and cook till it browns a bit to remove flour taste, add cold milk to a soft boil and then simmer, salt and pepper, then i take it off the heat and add cheese and it's always awfully doughy and tasteless. how do i make it sharp?

>> No.16747972

Why not make a ramen sandwich.

>> No.16748361

First and foremost, you need good cheese. If it's not sharp as cheese, it won't be as sauce. Secondly, I think adding a bit of mustard helps.

>> No.16748456

Throw it into a large pot with the pulled pork and reduce it so it coats the pork

>> No.16748467

In my experience all mac and cheese made with a roux sucks ass. Try doing it with heavy cream and add sharp cheeses like cheddar, red leicester, parmigiano, also shitty cheap American helps make a cheese sauce really creamy.

>> No.16749827

if you feel really lazy just pop a can of tuna on it

>> No.16750276
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to make a basic sauce somewhat like pic related, is the main ingredient just tomato sauce (tomato + water + salt)? and if I want to make the sauce spicy, could I blend some dried peppers and simply mix it into the tomato sauce and heat it in a saucepan for a few minutes?
any time I try look up recipes it's always hyperspecific, e.g. first step is something like "add 20g of butter to a frying pan", or it has 10 ingredients. I just want the very basic cooking recipes to understand how this stuff works before experimenting further with minor details like "add a teaspoon of garlic" or something, don't even know if I'd have a taste refined enough to notice most of the ingredients in the recipes I see online.

>> No.16751024

dip the sandwiches in it, shit's amazing

>> No.16751033

Nah, just inject bleach and take some horse dewormer. Don't listen to mainstream """science"""

>> No.16751037



>> No.16751047


>> No.16751128
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Is tenderflake real lard? I needed pork lard for a recipe and all I could find was tenderflake, but the ingredients list includes other shit besides lard. Can I buy “real” lard at the store? I’ve never seen anything other than tenderflake lard.

>> No.16751268
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First time making bread.
Did it in a cast iron pan. Came out perfect. Crumb was perfect.

>> No.16751281
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Third time making making bread today. I used a measuring cup instead of getto eyeballing ratios with a teacup like I did for my first one. It was too large so it got stuck to the cover I used. The crumb is pretty good (if slightly moist). When I make my lunch tomorrow morning I'm sure it will be good . The plan is a BLT.

>> No.16751315
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I use a mix of those two videos. I didn't have an oven or a cast iron lid so I used a microwave/dishwasher safe bowl as my lid. I lifted the bowl up a crack and poured in a spoon of water to create a "steam injection".
No question I just didn't feel it deserved a thread.

>> No.16751438
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Hello, anon
I used this technique: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLCX8VIcNWIu6BJyjWQDww/community?lb=UgyVXU1zbtYfpTiV_tx4AaABCQ
It was my fourth time making bread and I got pretty decent results.

>> No.16751453
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The flavour wasn't that great and the crumb is not the best but I'm just a newbie.
The first bread I made tasted better even though it looked much worse because I accidentally put too much olive oil in it.

>> No.16751514
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What was your question? This is a QTDDTOT thread.

>> No.16751551

I want to know how to improve my bread.
I used a pizza dough recipe but I would like to know a few recipes of good tasting bread.

>> No.16751595

What are some good /ck/ recommended boning knives?

>> No.16752576

Tenderlake is real lard. The rest of the stuff is just food additives for shelf life, color, etc.

Have you checked with any local butchers about buying lard off of them?

>> No.16752615
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i wouldn't get into that at all anon it sounds dangerous

>> No.16752983
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Recommend me some cookbooks. Preferably ones that can be found on libgen.

>> No.16753033

Bulk chicken thighs and drums at $0.69 per pound at the Costco Business Center.

>> No.16753036

You need garlic, onions, and fish sauce to have that kimchi flavor. The peppers alone will just make it spicy and bitter.

>> No.16753213

is there a knife/cleaver guide?

>> No.16753449

Good to know. And no, I haven’t checked with a butcher but perhaps I will. Thanks anon

>> No.16753550
File: 43 KB, 800x800, BW15PP_Pizza1_Bakeware_White-Table_WEB_800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can pic rel be used to make Neapolitan pizzas? I can use a skillet for deep dish, but I want to be able to make nice thin pizzas too.

>> No.16753557

I buy lard from places that sell pork products, for example, my carnitas place sells really cheap lard in plastic bags.

>> No.16754246

Sorry. I mentioned in my post that I didn't really have a question. But I didn't want to make a whole thread about it. Have a good day. Polite basil in all fields but one.

>> No.16754885

My meat grinder just jammed for the first time and made a god awful scrapping sound from the internals before I could shut it off.
Is the machine completely fucked or are their failsafes that prevent damage from occurring?
I think it sounds different from how it did before, but I don't want to stress the machine again just to test it.

>> No.16755141

Can someone recommend me a low calorie sauce. one that I could mix with tuna and put on chicken.

>> No.16755339

I'm overweight and trying to fix it. I've cut my days down to 1500 calories, I'm going to the gym a few times a week and I've already got a fairly active job (at least in comparison to anything you'd do in an office) as a mechanic
A problem I'm having is meals, what are some decent places to look for things I can bring in to eat for lunch at work that fit the following
>Can be prepared in 30 minutes or less in the morning
>Can sit in a plastic container for 5 hours or so and be reheated in a microwave
That aren't just rice and beans? My breakfasts tend to either be two eggs on some dry toast, a banana, or some other fruit I grab and run
Pull things apart and check for anything broken. A couple reviews I'm seeing on there mention similar problems, grinding causing metal to contaminate the meat.
Could be you've got some damaged parts in there, a metal burr or something that got caught on another internal part

>> No.16755667

It's too late for you, but with cabbage and beans you can make borscht or tomato cabbage soup.

>> No.16755805

What are your go-to least-boring-possible chicken breast recipes?
Legume-based salad dishes are healthy/filling/tasty and don't have to be reheated. Same goes for soba noodle dishes minus the inherently healthy part. Your biggest problem is >30 minutes in the morning.

>> No.16755874
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>> No.16755902
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Can someone help me find this epub?

>> No.16755928

I regret buying a cast iron, no one else in my family will bother taking care of it.

>> No.16755932

Have you checked pdfdrive.com?

>> No.16755961

thanks anon, but its russian language version.
I need English.

>> No.16755976

How do I get a nice smokey barbecue taste into lentil soup without using meat? I'm actually new to using lentils (just got some and they came with a garlic and herb seasoning packet I'm not sure I can trust the quality of), so any ideas for soup that doesn't taste just like refried beans would be a boon. Thanks.

>> No.16755982
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>> No.16756006

I'll probably just jew amazon for a new one.

>> No.16756007

>find recipes
Literally just cruise around cooking YouTube. How long have you been cooking for? Once you've been doing it with an eye for quality and horizon-expansion you can make whole meals in your head from pretty much any set of ingredients. Like, you'll find yourself going "Hmm, those two flavors seem like they'd go well together", and then you make it, they do, and it turns out it's a food made commonly in [country x] that you figured out independently. Some good jumping off points on YouTube (imo):
>French cooking academy
>Jaques and julia
>grandpa kitchen
>bon apetit (before that CUNT sohla ruined it)
>Adam Ragusa

>> No.16756019

The indian spice stoneflower/kalpasi imparts a mesquite-like smoky taste when you fry it in oil, just start with a very, very, very small piece and work up incrementally so that you don't overpower the dish. You can also just use smoked paprika if you're poor or lazy.

>> No.16756029
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There's a lot you can do if you are willing to buy marrow bones and older vegetables. Roast both make into a nutritious broth, which can be used as the base for many things. As a base for soups, reduced into a stew with some shit cuts of beef, tons of sauces, etc. If you're just trying to be not-hungry and also have your daily vitamins met, a lot of variety can be found in Indian cooking. You can make the same dish 50 times but spice it 50 different ways over rice or with naans, and it'll not get stale. Hot dogs are cheap and so are kielbasa, which is always good. Spam is cheap too, which with some frozen mixed veg can be made into some awesome fried rice, or into a kind of meat pie with some cream and chicken stock

>> No.16756042

I will also add wrt the caution about kalpasi is that some/most people seem to find it mild but if I use more than a dime-sized piece I can literally feel the taste for >24 hours, so there might be some genetic component to how you experience it. Better to be safe than sorry.

>> No.16756061

That's not really gravy. It's only gravy if you reduce it a lot with herbs and pepper, then add cream, and let it thicken a touch. Real gravy is made with the pan drippings, so jus

>> No.16756131
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I have leftover mashed potatoes but no meat and I don't want to go to the store, what can I eat it with?

>> No.16756134
File: 33 KB, 500x500, tatercakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make potato cakes.

>> No.16756136
File: 172 KB, 768x864, ezgif-3-287a5168f91d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making these today. I've never fried chicken and basically never deep fried anything. I don't have a thermometer. How the fuck can I be sure I have the temp in the right ballpark? The recipe says that a little flour should sizzle in the oil but I'm guessing that will happen from about 300ºF-450ºF which is a really stupid temperate range to try and guess correctly

>> No.16756178

alcohol alternatives for tiramisu?

>> No.16756284


>> No.16756616

You're replacing the marsala in the wine/coffee mix I take it? You can get away with dropping the wine altogether, otherwise...maybe a little vanilla in with the coffee or even a rum extract if that's fine.

>> No.16756628

i heard you can use the end of a wooden spoon or something, if bubbles form then apparently its hot enough. maybe even a wooden skewer would work

that or keep a little bit of the batter around and just throw little drops of it in to see if its hot enough to cook it, if it is then it should be good, just dont throw everything in at once otherwise itll cool the oil down

>> No.16756631
File: 899 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_1165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, I figured out a system and it seems to have worked great

if it's too hot the batter will burn before the chicken's cooked through but then a light bulb went off - my induction cooker has temperature settings! so i set it to 170ºC and it seems to have been pretty accurate

they came out great, just like at the seafood shop back home!

>> No.16756633

Google is telling me to drop a kernel of popcorn in there to check as it should pop starting at 325. This is fucking retarded, so please don't do this.

How many chicken fingers are you making? Can you really not go to the dollar store and get a thermometer or have a friend drop one off?

My best advice, use a drop of leftover batter, do the sizzle method, put...3 in the pot, take them out, do a quick cut on a thick area to check for doneness, do a couple more for the same time, give or take.

Since you're pretty new to deep frying, be fucking careful. It can and will fuck you up.

>> No.16756638

Looks tasty! Good job, Anon!

>> No.16756640

thanks anon! this is another reason I used induction, no hot plate or open flame anywhere in the kitchen so all I had to do was watch for oil burns.

Couldn't get a thermometer, due to covid™ shops are all closed except grocery stores and all they had were meat thermometers

>> No.16756670

It is kitchen lingo for "I heard what you said and I understand". It's also another way of saying "Yes Chef". If the chef calls out a ticket to a brigade he wants to know if all the cooks heard the order. In some kitchens it will be a "Yes Chef" but more often these days the kitchen will respond with "Heard". Now it is force of habit and we all say it to eachother 10,000 times a day about everything. "I'm thirsty as fuck" "Heard"

>> No.16756966
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A toast! I call a toast! Cheers!

>> No.16757867
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1. What do you use as a healthy mayo alternative? especially with tuna

2. What do you use pic related for? I bought it for onions and tomato, what else

>> No.16758036

I've seen people use cashew cream as a substitute for mayo, never tried it myself or know how it compares to mayo health and flavor wise.

>> No.16758856

1: get off 4chan
2: go to a hospital immediately

>> No.16758863

less than your usual amount
also, potato starch is better and tasteless

>> No.16758873

when I cant decide what to cook I check food wishes

>> No.16758882

gravy has meat drippings from the pan, not broth
and cream instead of milk

>> No.16758896

sourdough starter is just wheat flour and water, you gotta let it develop its own yeast over a few days, feeding the mixture with more water and flour every day
look up a tutorial because its a delicate process

>> No.16758921

literally, mealworms
realistically, eggs or chicken breast unless you live in north america

>> No.16759053

yellow mustard and louisiana hot sauce

>> No.16759420


>> No.16759650

That's a good one. I hate peeling the chickpeas though, very lengthy messy process but I do love the taste.

I also just remember black beans. I love black beans (probably not very good with tuna though)

>> No.16760809

its an ant siphon valve for a dishwasher.

>> No.16760872

I'm vegetarian and am struggling to find tasty ways to cook beans that don't involve meat. A lot of recipes include salted/cured meat like bacon, chorizo, ham hocks, etc. Does anyone have suggestions? I saw one recommendation to add liquid smoke and parmesan rinds.

I do eat animal products like worcestershire sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce etc, just not meat.

>> No.16760906

>I'm vegetarian

>> No.16760991

Budget and convenience mostly. I'm trying to save money and I also work a lot. I share a fridge with a housemate with very limited space, so trying to find space to keep meat separate, having to wash everything after it touches meat, needing two chopping boards etc is just really tiring on top of all the other work I need to do. Meat also spoils faster. I do still eat eggs and dairy and meat products because they're convenient to store and cheap.

Also I don't live in the US, so products like bacon and smoked meats are considered exotic and very expensive.

>> No.16761064

Best that comes to mind is using stock, but there really isn't a substitute for smoked pork.

And where the fuck do you live that smoked meats are "exotic and very expensive"?

>> No.16761184

Asia. They have their own types of cured meat here but they are not suitable for cooking beans.

Yeah I got a batch of pinto beans soaking now. Think I'll saute some onions and garlic then add beans and cook with stock.

>> No.16761641

Can a pan with bad heat conductivity ruin my rolled omelette? I have managed just fine at my parent's or my friend's.
The issue is that essentially for the outer part to solidify means that the inner part will be browned and that ruins the smooth texture.

>> No.16761683

It's a pain in the ass but you could rotate the pan around the center of the heat so the pan middle point doesn't constantly get the highest point of heat which promotes uneven cooking.

>> No.16761842


chicken sandwich.
better filling protein, do you know what ramen does to your body? it's like fourteen grams of doughy fatty crap.
>that said, i still love the hell out of ramen

>> No.16762148

Sliced into ginger. it had a slight greenish tint. Quite fibrous.. is it safe for a stir fry? Only results on search are for blue hawaiian ginger

>> No.16762266


>> No.16762274

Update - I sauteed onions and garlic, added pinto beans I'd been soaking for a couple of hours and the soaking water, added two bay leaves and simmered. To my surprise, they were already quite soft by half an hour, and they were completely soft after an hour - the instruction I read online all called for simmering for 2 hours or so. It was actually pretty tasty on its own, I just added some salt after the beans were soft and it was pretty good. I may turn some of it into refried beans, and the rest into pasta soup.

>> No.16762285

>potatoes and quark
>liver on rice
>broth with whatever
>chicken (the whole thing)
>apple things (its fall, you can get them for a smile)
>jagly with milk and sugar/preserve

>> No.16762637

What's the best store-bought buffalo sauce?

>> No.16762669

I made fermented honey garlic and it turned out great
Tried again with honey ginger and it was going good until the two week mark. It's producing a shit ton of gas, like it's practically carbonated there is so much gas being produced. I have to burp the jar multiple times a day, and even shaking it the slightest bit causes the lid to puff up to dangerous levels. I ended up throwing it in the fridge because I'm honestly worried it's going to explode while I'm at work.

Has anyone else tried making fermented honey ginger and get similar results? I'm pretty sure I accidentally made some kind of alcohol or carbonated drink or something because holy fuck does this thing like to foam.

>> No.16762676
File: 269 KB, 400x600, united_states_franks_redhot_wings_buffalo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're keen to stir your own it's Franks with butter. Heat the Franks in a shallow saucepan just until the edges are bubbling, turn the heat off and stir in COLD butter. Keep the butter moving so it emulsifies and holds together properly, douse it over the wangs and serve immediately.

If you don't want to go through the emulsifying trouble I actually do recommend the Franks Wing Sauce. It's ready to go and doesn't have any weird flavours or textures at all, just a nice tasty thick sauce ready for wangs or dipping or whatever.

>> No.16763495

can confirm
franks is the best basic hot sauce

>> No.16764420

I'm not too familiar with the survival conditions for the yeast in ginger, but it's possible you're making ginger beer(maybe mead since it's getting the sugar from honey) by accident. I know that when I flavor my kombucha during the second ferment with ginger it always ends up significantly more carbonated than without. If you have some grolsch style bottles sitting around you could probably turn it into a carbonated drink.

>> No.16764470

which McNugget dipping sauce would pair will with a McFish without tartar sauce or cheese?

>> No.16765385

>they harden up when soft

>> No.16765442

thats a really good question and I think Buffalo is the only answer for that one. Every other sauce flavor is too strong and would distract from the fish. even their buffalo is strong for fish but I think it would be best suited.

>> No.16765469

>What's the best store-bought buffalo sauce?
depends on how much you want to spend. dollar tree buffalo sauce is very decent. but if you wanna spend more, you should only get Red hot or Hooters wing sauce.

Not a vegetarian but cooking with wines and liquor comes to mind for adding flavor. As a vegetarian you also have access to every single cheese ever created.. You have access to every spice that was ever created as well, which most normal people ignore

>> No.16765524

I got a little tub of BBQ sauce from Nathan's famous once, it was dark, very spicy, and super thick almost like mayonnaise consistency except a little grainy.
They never had it again so I never found out the brand, but does any anon know of a similar BBQ sauce out there? Preferably available in the UK.

>> No.16765587

How do people cook with wine when living alone? It goes "bad" in like 2 days.

>> No.16766104

Should I try dipping my pizza rolls in ranch?

Can’t believe I just thought of this.

>> No.16766158

It goes bad to drink from the bottle but not to chuck into food you're cooking. Used a two week old wine I had in the fridge yesterday for some meat sauce and spaghetti. Any complex flavor or aromas don't get into the food anyway.

>> No.16766229

is chorizo healthy?

>> No.16766259

Define "healthy".