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16712287 No.16712287 [Reply] [Original]

bros....im dying, this is the worst hangover I have ever experienced in my life..are there any remedies?

>> No.16712306

some good soup

>> No.16712317


>> No.16712318

There is no such thing as a hangover cure. Your liver can only process alcohol so fast. If you do something like drink six steelies in one night you're going to feel like shit until your body has enough time to process all the poison you consumed.

>> No.16712320

drink more but not enough for another hangover tommorow, smoke some weed, drink pedialyte(important)

If you don't plan on drinking to deal with it, then you can take ibuprofen (just don't mix the two, I did once and shat blood)

>> No.16712321

Electrolytes (whether mineral supplements, sports drinks, or pickle juice), paracetamol or iboprufen, and lie down with an ice pack on your head. Focus all your attention on the sensation of the cold, with the intent of meditatively emptying your mind of active thought and hopefully returning to sleep.

>> No.16712338

yup, if you want some immediate relief, drink a tiny bit more, and taper it down slowly.

>> No.16712346

I made a frozen trader joe's Quiche Lorraine in the toasteroven and ate it with babyspinach

>> No.16712347

Water and weed

>> No.16712356

Drink some gatorade, pop a multi vitamin, eat a some bacon and eggs, and then take a nap. It works every time.

>> No.16712387

Take a valium, drink some water and sleep it off. Then have a nip or 2 if you wake up. If the hangover is that bad you can't push through it youll need help

>> No.16712462

doesn't need to be pedialyte but some kind of electrolyte beverage is ideal
i personally get these little tabs that are like alka-seltzer

>> No.16712473

Those things are disgusting

>> No.16712667

you are disgusting. I needed something to stick to my ribs after a night of slamming Miller Lites

>> No.16712781
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Usually multivitamins. Take them early tho since they can make you restless when trying to sleep. Also nausea curing foods can help. Ginger is good, weed can be used as a vomit supressant.

>> No.16712783

i have never once thrown up from a hangover...mine always just feel like a drunk from hell

>> No.16712789

Tall glass of water with a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar in it. Soda crackers or mashed potats if you can stomach them. I like toast with butter and salt after my Eastern Euro exgf told me that's what they do back home.

>> No.16712817
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prarie oyster

>> No.16712936
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How about you fry this egg put the tabasco afterwards on the yoke and get outta here

>> No.16713034


>> No.16713041

you are literally dying, go see a doctor

>> No.16713577

>There is no such thing as a hangover cure

This is true, but years ago I think it was some German scientists that developed a preventative 'cure', in that after taking it, you could drink as much as you wanted and feel fine the next morning.
They decided to not release it, when they realised that it would turn people into heavy alcoholics.

>> No.16713591

Did it stop you from still being drunk the next day, too?

>> No.16713926

Water. Electrolytes. Pain killers. Take a nap. Then fuck off and stop being a whiny faggot.

>> No.16713935

You can take ibuprofen if you've been drinking its acetaminophen you want to avoid

>> No.16713946
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Get something greasy to eat, if you can stomach it. If you can't stomach food, then vigorously consume water and electrolytes until you can. Ideally you will just want to sleep through the hangover, but sometimes that is simply not possible.

>> No.16713952

hydrate, eat protein and put on wet socks

>> No.16713958

the solution is before bed:
1. Puke
2. Drink a shit ton of water or, better yet gatorade.
3. Take a b complex vitamin.

>> No.16713959
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but being hung over comes from impurities, anon, not the ethanol itself. so if youre not a steely souled vodka/gin tastelet/chad/whatever, youre gonna btfo the next day cause of the congeners. given you dont drink close to ld50

>> No.16713979

>better yet gatorade
You an amerifat?

>> No.16714021

2 beers quickly and then sleep.

>> No.16714033

> b complex vitamin
Take 1 before drinking.
Take 1 the morning after with 600 mg ibuprofen. Remember that vit. B will turn your pee very bright yellow.

>> No.16714083

Yeah, because it doesn't do shit and just gets pissed out of your body you fucking retard.

>> No.16714098

if you actually want a cure?

10mg diazepam, 90mg codeine, ibuprofen, bloody mary and a gatorade. then go back to sleep.

only do this for SEVERE hangovers, otherwise it's overkill and you're just getting high off other dangerous drugs

>> No.16714115

Get some NAC, anon

>> No.16714119

It's way more yellow than "pissing out excess vitamins" yellow.

A neuroscientist friend of mine told me about vit. B. I wanted to call bullshit and throw his fancy book learnin' in his face, but I'll be damned if it didn't work.

>> No.16714300

Not OP, but I legit just did this about an hour ago minus the bloody Mary and it fucking works

>> No.16714309

After the hangover is gone, get a doctor to write you a script for Naltrexone. Gets rid of the constant cravings. After a few days your body will recuperate and the cravings will drive you crazy again. Its an endless cycle until you put a stop to it.

>> No.16714330


>> No.16714352

Gatorade, aspirin, fruit, and rest

>> No.16714410


>> No.16714416

Lol. I can explain to you how to cure your hangovers the alchemy/"German" way. If you like. :)

>> No.16714423

I have had some interesting results taking NAC, also the biggest thing is remembering to hydrate before bed, do not get drunk as fuck and drink zero water. another hangover tip, if you drank the night before your hangover wont be as bad, use this tip with caution.

>> No.16714437


>> No.16714551

Beer and Weed.

>> No.16714620

Based bot.

>> No.16715393

>they decided not to make a shitload of money because of moral concerns
sounds like bullshit

>> No.16715399

have a glass of alcohol

>> No.16715467

Liquid LSD

>> No.16715495

that's not possible and that story is total bullshit

>> No.16715500

multi-vitamin, aspirin or whatever other painkiller, lots of water and a bacon and egg sandwich

>> No.16715503

This isn't true. Hangovers can come from many things, and a big one is dehydration because you were retarded and didn't drink enough water the night before.
>t. has gotten massive hangovers from high proof vodka and everclear

>> No.16715508

It didn't stop you from feeling drunk, it just stopped you from suffering hangovers.

I'm a Gen-XLord, I recall reading this in physical media back about 20 years ago.

>> No.16715513

I had 2/3 beef ribs, 2 burgers and have drunk about 6L of water. That seems to have cured my hangover for today.

>> No.16715627

Actual non meme answer is to drink water and a B vitamin supplement while you're drinking. No hangovers ever.

>> No.16715639
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ok novice wait until you experience a hangover while your still drinking

>> No.16715670

I still believe hangovers are just a meme
Never had one and I've been drinking for over 10 years

>> No.16715712

scramby eggs n go back to bed

>> No.16715755

There are two remedies that actually work. The first one is to drink more, simple as that. The second one is exercise. It's probably the last thing you want to do when you're hungover but it actually works.

>> No.16715779

You personal anecdote and belief means fuck all.

>> No.16715806

Time to start drinking less and drink better.

>> No.16715857

>>16712387 >>16712317 >>16714098

do amerifats really have benzo's just laying around in their house?

>> No.16715914

They have heroin addicts around the corner too

>> No.16715959

wrong and stupid, the hangover is caused by the alcohol doing distributed inflammation across your entire body plus dehydration

you basically gave yourself the equivalent of a sunburn on your brain and digestive organs

>> No.16716001

2 shots of whiskey mixed with coffee. Electrolyte mix. Gallon of water. 40 minutes of sauna. Cbd weed smoked.

>> No.16716020

This. I just always feel like shit.

>> No.16716025

codeine makes my heart feel funny

>> No.16716036

Just smoke a fat blunt.

>> No.16716105

Ibuprofen can be rough on your stomach lining, which is probably already not in the best shape from the gutrot.

But yeah, avoid acetaminophen, it wont hurt your tummy but it will absolutely shred your liver. If acetaminophen was discovered today it would 100% be prescription only.

>> No.16716123

>if you drank the night before your hangover wont be as bad
Absolutely untrue. Some of the worst hangovers in my life have been from multiple day drinking binges.

>> No.16716124

This is retarded and incorrect. Go back to playing Alpha Centauri.

>> No.16716125

>bros....im dying, this is the worst hangover I have ever experienced in my life..are there any remedies?
There is two routes to go here.
Reduce the inflammation in your gut by slowing down the acid, with a nice filling meal, or rich soup or full breakfast, combined with a pepcid or other proton pump inhibitor.
The other thing you do is replace electrolytes and fluids, as your body works overtime trying to handle this poison you ingested through your liver and kidneys. Something like a sugar free smart water or propel, or diet gatorade is good.

>> No.16716216

Time, rest, water, and consume anything you can keep down.

That's it. It's pretty simple. There's no magical cure, except prevention, or something like a blood transfusion or a saline drip, really.

>> No.16716237

no cure but you can lessen the symptoms. have one drink (as pure alcohol as possible), a coffee, watered down gatorade and a meaty, greasy breakfast.

>> No.16716308

For me it's aspirin.

>> No.16716377

Lookup the nootropic NAC, it's not a perfect cure, but taking a capsule before drinking significantly reduces the brain fog and headaches after a night drinking.
Tried it myself and it works, you just have to remember to take it.

>> No.16716416

Goto the bar and drink two bloody marys

>> No.16716492

just drink 2 water for every full alcohol you drink.

>> No.16716521

this being 4chins, I’m surprised no one has mentioned the ideal
cute for hangovers: get your wife/gf/both to give you a blow job, nothing like a rush of dopamine to cure the nausea; then rehydrate and let her sit on your dick until you feel better

>> No.16716540

Work out. No, really. Go for a run. Then a shitload of push-ups and situps. Fuck your hangover. Then next time, drink something actually fit for human consumption.

>> No.16716649

Just go back to bed. Why do people try to live through hangovers? Idiots get up at the crack of dawn after drinking heavily, drinking coffee and eating shitty food. Just go back to sleep.

>> No.16716704

Insomnia is a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.
Some of us can't go back to bed

>> No.16716713

take n-acetylcysteine in the future, 30 minutes before you drink.
buy it on amazon.

>> No.16716716

Whenever I'm drinking alcohol heavily, I try to drink water as well, I almost never feel hangover the next day when I do this
Saved my ass couple of time when I went drinking on Sunday and had to go to work on Monday

>> No.16716741

yep. one family member breaks an arm and they get fuck ton. They don't take them all or they get a second massive bottle get through some of it and now you have like 30 pills left and they just sit their unless you abuse drugs so when any serious pain occurs in the house "Oh yeah do we still have valium in the house still?" they take it and sleep for the rest of the day so they can go back to work the next day.

>> No.16716777

Vietnamese pho soup. Order the large

>> No.16716782

Hangovers are partially caused by acetylaldehyde which is a toxic metabolite of ethanol produced in the liver.

Op, hangovers consist of several things, so treat them individually:

1. Dehydration - drink loads of water
2. Electrolytes imbalance and inflammation - drink a V8 or other salted vegetable juice
3. Acetylaldehyde and acetate buildup - taurine increases activity in the enzymes that build these up, so have an energy drink (caffeine also helps with headaches)

Tl;Dr water -> V8 -> energy drink with taurine

>> No.16716915

i remember something similar, though i think it wasn't a remedy, but just another drug that would get you drunk without causing any hangover.

>> No.16716963

your supposed to drink a lot of water in addition to the alcohol so you never get a hangover

>> No.16716971

You mean ghb?

>> No.16716983

Gatorade and Advil

>> No.16717021

I get a blowjob on my semi until I get annoyed, load my stem with a fat load of crack, slam a bundle of fentanyl, then go about my day as usual. Simple as.

>> No.16717043

>Remember that vit. B will turn your pee very bright yellow
I've had a surprise drugs test at work before after drinking a berrocca, which made it neon yellow.

>> No.16717062

I've only ever heard women say this, and they only drink 3/4 drinks a night

>> No.16717073

Ahh The American Dream!

>> No.16717086

Thats your punishment for being a drunkard

>> No.16717098
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>it never happened to me so its not real

>> No.16717124

Just drink. It's really the only cure. I was really hungover today but after two pints at the bowling alley I felt good. Having some whisky at home now and I've almost forgot the hangover.

>> No.16717156

Yup. Some people don't know it'll do that, and freak out when it looks like they're pissing nuclear waste. Like people who don't know what beets do to the color of shit - they think they're having an ass-hemorrhage.

>> No.16717161

I get hungover from 3 or 4 drinks. Some niggas have great livers like >>16715670 and some have shit livers like me

>> No.16717290
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>I got blackout drunk and lost a bunch of $ online gambling

Why do I do this? What's the matter with me.

>> No.16717294

Stop drinking

>> No.16717301

This worked for me when I was 18-19 years old but it doesn't work for serious drinking as a grown man. After a certain amount of alcohol there's no avoiding a hangover.

>> No.16717340

Beef stew and drink water

>> No.16717372

A significant portion of the population have one or more variants of the gene for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which makes the lungs and liver less efficient and more prone to injury.

>> No.16717530

Where I live you can pay someone to drive to your house and give you an electrolyte IV.

>> No.16717759

Be thankful you get hangovers. I just get withdrawal.

>> No.16717932

I dab on you droonkers. Teetotalers master race.

>> No.16717942

How much? I know there are places in Texas you can go to, but I looked up the prices and these sheisters are charging 250 bucks for an IV drip.

>> No.16717944

Be thankful you get withdrawal. I just get hangovers.

>> No.16718052


Real answer? You're running from something.

What's bothering you, anon? What does drinking help you get away from?

>> No.16718058

I hate my job but I make too much $ to quit

>> No.16718246

Hangovers last until noonish, withdrawals last for days.

>> No.16718470

time. a shower for two hours. some pills

just dont lie to your self and say you will never drink again.

>> No.16718507

What is job?

>> No.16718548

you should have been drinking water the night before as you drink, followed by a large meal before bed. Nothing "cures" a hangover but time and hydration, though some things help
>electrolyte solution like Pedialyte or equivalent generic brand
hydrates way better than water, might be hard to keep down though
>tums, mint, ginger, etc
something to settle your stomach, keeps you from being nauseous
might help headache though in severe hangovers it won't do shit
always helped me feel a little better
sleeping in too long can be bad, you are going longer without hydration

>> No.16718566
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>drink 2-3 liters of water depending on how drunk you are
>go to sleep
>haven't had a hangover in 10 years

It's that easy.

>> No.16718577
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Come to /biz/ and /smg/, it's all the exquisit misery of gambling, but your odds of losing money are slightly lower.

>> No.16719255

pedialyte and sleep my dude. a shot of liquor if you're feeling naughty.

>> No.16720176
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deal with the actions of your consequences its part of being an adult, and if you aren't fighting fire with fire you aren't doing your due diligence as an alcoholic

either way shut the fuck up you whiny cunt and deal with it

>> No.16720201

You can get anything you want in America.

>> No.16720258

Your mattress must be drenched with urine.

>> No.16720282

sleep, water/gatorade and weed (preferably vape) are your best friends

>> No.16720316


this is correct

>> No.16720515

My housemate wasted like six eggs trying to do this once.

>> No.16720817

>yet /ck/ has still not taken up the gauntlet
/ck/ drinking tournament - what country can put back the most. america won by default last time because we were the only one playing

>> No.16721751

>six steelie hangover
You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.16721773

From my time staying in tourist hostels, it seemed like, excluding some Asians, Americans handled alcohol the worst.

>> No.16722029


>> No.16722300

Drink lots of water

>> No.16722460

dont drink anymore alcohol, it's cured

>> No.16722481

unironically this

>> No.16722485

>yellow gatorade
>salty foods

>> No.16722724
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the japs have this, which they claim does what you describe. It's mostly turmeric. i tried it once before i had several beers and was fine the next morning but i wasn't going like blackout drunk hard.

>> No.16722728
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marijuana is the cure

>> No.16723421

I usually just eat a fuckton right before I go to sleep and I usually wake up fine, though I'm 24 so that might have something to do with it. Only really have problems if I pass out before I cram

>> No.16723465


>> No.16723484
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>> No.16723493

That's about $1250 cheaper than the hospital

>> No.16723499

I run a machine in a factory

I make like 36/hr though

>> No.16723509
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>Going to the hospital for a hangover

>> No.16723523

I've never done it.. but I had to give my old roommate a ride to the hospital for severe dehydration after a weekend in Las Vegas about 10 years ago.

His bill was $1500 for two IVs

>> No.16723536

Go get a sweat going. It will SUCK until you actually start sweating but once you do you will literally feel the toxins leave your body

>> No.16723758

>dehydrate yourself to cure a hangover

>> No.16723812

A hangover is not entirely dehydration, dingus.

>> No.16723813

Who the fuck wants to get out of bed to cook food when they’re hungover? That’s the last thing I want to do

>> No.16723820

Bro that's a sure-fire way to get buddy to puke his guts out and then pass out.

>> No.16723843

Can't feel bad if you're unconscious

>> No.16723853


once you're actually in the hangover, nothing.

after a night of heavy drinking I recommend chugging an entire bottle of Pedialyte, and then keeping another one handy near your bed. If you ever feel thirsty, chug water or Pedialyte. That's it.

>> No.16723900

That sounds like exactly what you want when you're hungover.

>> No.16723943

Drink more to ease the pain.

>> No.16723946

Nothing will kill a hangover better than some valium and a joint.

>> No.16723968

or just drink more alcohol

>> No.16724034

two apples, two oranges, three McDonald's hamburgers, three cigarettes, big fuck-off bottle of Lucozade

>> No.16724418

we drink before, during, and after work while working machinery, driving, and working the fields.

>> No.16724521

Do some cardio you fat fuck