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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16712261 No.16712261 [Reply] [Original]

>go to farmers market
>get produce
>it's good quality

>> No.16712267

Based and farmer's market-pilled. I've been feasting on some fantastic peaches and pluots these last weeks.

>> No.16713226

>Live near city for years
>A weekly farmers market every weekend rain or shine
>Finally end up having to move to said city
>The field that the farmers market used to take place in is now a fucking 'Neighborhood Walmart' and there's also random ass roundabout along with it. It's the only roundabout for like 300 fucking miles because it's America

*Chair clatters*

>> No.16713272

>go to american farmers market
>everything min $20
>labels are full of buzzwords
>products contain none of buzzwords
>have to pay for free samples
absolute scam

>> No.16713359

>Go to roadside veggie stand
>Guy working talks about his boss catching him drinking
>Boss ditches him and takes produce truck
>Guy says he was stuck there so he slept in woods across road

>> No.16713392
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>go to farmers market
>get eggs
>they're okay but not great, too small

>> No.16715552
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>go to farmers market
>They have meat now

>> No.16715580

>go to /ck/
>there’s a weeaboo faggot shitting up the board
Imagine it.

>> No.16715592

>go to farmers market
>dozens of tomato verities
>all fleshy and juicy without without being tasteless and 99% water
>bury a couple of each in the chaos plot of the garden
>they actually grow
industry was a mistake

>> No.16715934

Anime website, the only shitter here is you, newfag.

>> No.16715938

Their bacon doesn't have that natural red color. Instead it's a brown-grey.

>> No.16715971

>natural red color

>> No.16716503

be nice

>> No.16718018

I like farmers markets

>> No.16718226

I don't go to farmer's market because I am not a fascist.


>> No.16718323

Well, well, well.
Looks like someone pirated those tomatoes...

>> No.16718766
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>> No.16718770

Big Veggie no please dont kill my family

>> No.16718794

Thanks for confirming that you are indeed a weeaboo faggot that should go to the gas chamber.

>> No.16718809

You forgot something though
>a tomato costs as much as a double cheeseburger

>> No.16718847

No problem bro.
Just remember you are and always will be a secondary.

>> No.16719624

A lot of farmer markets are scams though.

>> No.16719764
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>go to neighborhood produce mart
>get fresh produce, boar's-head-deli and prepared-foods counter, plus an eclectic variety of packaged-goods from quality local distributors on clean well-stocked shelves
>pay fair prices to support a family-owned business of several decades, themselves fruitfully-participating in the local economy
>in return receive delicious and nutritious victuals, with friendly service from their well-staffed, low-turnover employee team
does it get any better than this?

>> No.16720629

>go to local famer's market
>ask old farmer how the crops are coming
>he gives me a bunch of carrots for free
simple as

>> No.16720728

>majority of chan is demented faggots
no need to state the obvious. Might as well tell us how the sun comes up every morning

>> No.16720744
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Do they really

>> No.16721310

>industry was a mistake
Take the Ted pill

>> No.16721343

This sounds like a based place to be.

>> No.16721350

>go to farmer's market
>fucking spenny
>buy a weird looking tomato and some ham so I can larp as a middle class non student
>go to morrisons and buy literally everything else

>> No.16721357

Fuck no
What a joyless world that would be
People in markets swear like motherfuckers

>> No.16721360

Must be the soybean stall

>> No.16721365

This but it was shit quality compared to real vegetables.

>> No.16721373

You say that in jest but it's literally something Monsanto will make a court case out of.
Fucking bastards.

>> No.16721385
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>fucking spenny

>> No.16721391

Yup, they're evil fuckers. They set up fields next to other farms and then when bees and other insects inevitably cross-pollinate the other farmers' crops they take them to court for IP infringement because their crops' genome matches the patented Monsanto GMO genome too closely. Yet another reason intellectual property shouldn't be considered property.

>> No.16721399
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>go to farmers market
>buy "fresh" peppers
>within a few days they are already going bad
Do people actually enjoy having to go to a farmers market daily just to get produce?

>> No.16721434

The homegrown stuff tends to go off a lost faster than what comes from industrial farms. I just only buy what I know I can use up.
We have a farmer's market twice a week here, though. I understand it would be a little harder to do it that way if you can only get your produce on Saturday.

>> No.16721483
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>Go to farmers market
>It's actually just stuff they bought in the supermarket like one block away and claim it's "home grown" to sell it for twice the price
Fuckin' Leafs scamming you, only reason I go there is for elk meat

>> No.16721620

Expensive, foreigner.

>> No.16721627

Just say that, baby babbler.

>> No.16721656

>go to Chinatown
>get produce
>full of spiders but is undeniably fresher than the grocery store stuff

>> No.16721659

Does the word spenny make you uncomfortable.

>> No.16721672

excessively expensive, probably

>> No.16721708

Most baby talk between adults does, yes.

>> No.16721732 [DELETED] 


>> No.16721841

Aww, was the farmy marky too spenny for widdle baby? Did baby wanna make Chrissy brekky before opening prezzies but didn't have enough money-wunny for foody-woody? Aww, poor baby-waby at the spenny-wenny farmy marky :'(

>> No.16721843
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>Probable /pol/nigger and election tourist is mad at anime on an anime website
Go back, faggot.

>> No.16721861


>> No.16721863

They literally resell produce from Sams Club lmao

>> No.16721915

Based ngl

>> No.16722705

you have to go back.

>> No.16722717

>dressing like a slut is good
>smoking is good
>cussing is good

>> No.16722799

>go to walmart
>buy cheap produce
>take it to farmers market
>sell to hipsters at 10x markup while they coom over how high quality it is

>> No.16722809
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>Complaining about profanity
>On fucking 4chan
Puritans don't belong here, get lost faggot.

>> No.16722828

Complaining=/=thinking something is bad

>> No.16722837

Anyone used to fresh veggies would spot Walmart garage a mile away.

>> No.16722869

Also in my experience the produce at farmers markets is often about the same price as the grocery stores and even cheaper sometimes, so the profit margin would probably not be worth it if you can get away with it.
Farmer's markets and stands are the shit and anyone complaining about them is a literal gay retard.

>> No.16722886

Burn it down anon, it's the only way to right the wrong

>> No.16722893

Just avoid the meme stands, it's not that hard

>> No.16722899

>see there's a farmer's market up the street
>think about going
>don't because i don't know how to cook and i probably shouldn't microwave an eggplant

>> No.16722995

Just get a little bit of a couple different ones and look up some videos on how to cook them. Eggplant can be a little tricky, so I wouldn't start with that one, but get some tough leafy greens like collards and make collard greens. A lot of other veggies you can either eat raw or throw in a soup, so it's hard to fuck it up. You can do it!

>> No.16723017
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>> No.16723059

How do we stop illiterate blacks from making up retarded words?

>> No.16723088


>> No.16723097

>30% female
Wow this place is really unironically full of trannies.

>> No.16723199

>go to farmers market
>its really just a meetup of child sex traffickers
>epstein didnt kill himself

>> No.16723439
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> smoke near stand
> don't receive thank you
I'm gonna burn it all down. I want both.

>> No.16723745

>They don't even bother to peel off the Kroger label

>> No.16724690

wtf, i love farmers markets now

>> No.16724751

>>go to Chinatown
>>get produce
>>full of spiders
Anon the spiders ARE the produce

>> No.16724771

Way back in the day when I was working in Aldi I saw this happen. Both the farmer's market people and the local ethnic produce shop were loading vans with stuff from our store for resale.
My uncle once got going about how that ethnic place had the only decent fruit in town and he would never buy produce from a grocery store again. I just nodded. I had seen them pulling those apples out of our cardboard boxes and arranging them on some hay in a wooden one.

Touhou isn't anime

>> No.16724780
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>be farmer
>get produce
>go to farmers market

>> No.16724790

I keep finding foreign objects in my Chinese food, I think it's a lack of protection in the supply chain.
If your supply chain is ad-hoc (farmer xi's tractor) or not continuous (re-selling) you really rely on everyone in that chain caring about the consumer.

I'll ride my bike to the store to sell mixed herbs or flavored salts, but I use commercial grade containers and gloves.
The butcher segregates the herbs to stop a customer buying his meat, and contaminating the herbs he sells on.

I've been in China many times, and there are "certain people" who have no regard or respect and the ordinary Chinese person can't control them.
Imagine the health inspector spits on the floor of your factory.

>> No.16724796

Probably somewhere in Pennsylvania

>> No.16724885


>> No.16724925

The word he can't spell is "spendy".
He's either black or has one of the more retarded accents.

>> No.16724952

It's spenny. I've never heard anyone say spendy, that does sound like baby talk. I'm from Oxford btw.

>> No.16724974
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I'm an American and you're retarded

>> No.16724997

You're so dumb you didn't figure out that you're one of the foreigners I'm talking about.

>> No.16725005

I live near america's largest farmers market

>> No.16725056


>> No.16725115

>It's actually just stuff they bought in the supermarket like one block away and claim it's "home grown" to sell it for twice the price

We have a monthly 'ethnic' market where I live, and it's exactly the same, it's just stuff from Costco along the road, and one guy with a stall charging $10 for a crepe

>> No.16725197

The anti-anime "tranime" spam shit on multiple boards is /qa/, anon.
The few times I went to /pol/, I saw people posting anime and no one reacting negatively to it.
It's purely newfags from /qa/ and /tv/.

>> No.16725224
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>> No.16725269
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>Touhou isn't anime
There are 2 touhou animes. Also I fixed the text on the picture.

>> No.16725367

Today I ate so many radish I hurt my tummy.
I don't like to throw away the ones who grow too fast, society holds them back.

The very first daffodils go into the trash because they aren't worth harvesting- I connect this early flowers and early fruits for honor and give free to people.

>> No.16726067

>go to farmers market
>get produce
>it's all shit they couldn't sell to a wholesaler for one reason or another
>starts to rot a day after bringing it home
>it wasn't even cheaper than the supermarket

>> No.16726093

>go to farmers market
>buy eggs
>crack one in a pan
>two yolks come out
>2 for 1 deal, nice

>> No.16726096

No there aren't.

>> No.16726114


>Several fanmade anime have been made for Touhou. Albeit created by amateur studios, the projects have sometimes included appearance by professional voice actors, such as Rie Tanaka.[67] Dōjin anime of note include Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~ The Memories of Phantasm (幻想万華鏡) by the circle Manpuku Jinja in 2011,[68] A Summer Day's Dream (夢想夏郷) by the dōjin circle Maikaze,[69] and Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History (秘封活动记录) by the Chinese dōjin circle Kyoto Fantasy Troupe.[70] A derivative anime from a commercial anime studio came in the form of Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project (アニメ店長 x 東方Project) by Ufotable to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Japanese goods chain Animate as a promotional video for the store combining Touhou with Animate's mascot, Meito Anizawa.[71]

>> No.16726756

? foreigners are people who don't live in america

>> No.16726766


>> No.16726774

Pickle your radishes!
I pickled some radishes, they're great. Now I get to have radishes all year

>> No.16726807

I can't eat radishes on their own. I have to pickle them.

>> No.16726813

Anime posters are usually annoying but that anon didn't do anything wrong

>> No.16726830

Yeah I hate cig smoking faggots at outdoor markets. Cigs suck and they don't even get you high. Fucking money drain for nothing

>> No.16726888

I'll take a million animeposters over one frog or wojack spamming immigrant

>> No.16727287

Based cigarette hater. Cigars can be fun though

>> No.16727293

How do you know they're trannies and not cis women?

>> No.16727296
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>> No.16727297
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>psycho senpai gf never ever

>> No.16727434


>> No.16727541

I would be pickling them one by one, it's not really even worth picking them.
I've got years worth of product banked, I eat so much seasonal produce I'm much less inclined to eat out of season.

Right now it's lemon, I'll eat so much lemon I won't want to see a lemon for the rest of the year

>> No.16728511

All eggs should come with 2 yolks desu

>> No.16728548

>passive aggression from the religious to control your behavior
oh crackers! some things never change

>> No.16728552

yeah I'd hide that pathetic radish too

>> No.16728662

cant plant a double cheeseburger

>> No.16728826
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if you ever go to the cosplay board , i think it's /cgl/ or something , it's absolutely disgusting how many men with beards are dressed up as lolitas

>> No.16728832

>sensible request
Do blacks really

>> No.16728849

>go to supermarket
>buy bell peppers
>they sit on the counter for like 2 weeks
>still look eadible
>dump them in the trash because that shit isn't normal

>> No.16728860

>umm actually no honey putting up a sign isn't passive at all it's active
amish cunt

>> No.16728900

Enjoy being raped by Monsanto's lawyers

>> No.16729210

best fruit

>> No.16729276

>go to american farmers market
>it's literally just repackaged whole foods
I've caught these fuckers, they don't even hide the strawberry containers wtf
Bay Area btw

>> No.16729334

Yeah its a grift a lot of places

>> No.16729930

Tear down their stalls and run them out

>> No.16729936

>go to farmers market
>price is the same as the store
>quality is the same as the store
>some gypsy is selling it with no regards of hygene
farmers market is a meme

>> No.16729940

Why would a woman be on an anonymous image board where she couldn't use her vagina for leverage. I would estimate less than 10% of people here are females.

>> No.16729942

>>smoking is good
Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>> No.16729969

Your understanding of women is all wrong.

>> No.16730326

You have to grow up at some point in your life.

>> No.16730347
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>go to farmers market
>get corn
>shuck it, toss it in a pot to boil
>return later to a thick film of boiled maggots covering the entire surface of the water
>dump it all outside near back of property
>couple days later, working on the fence
>maggotcorn has been completely untouched the entire time
If even animals don't want it, it really makes me wonder what the fuck those retards did to it.
Thankfully, that was the only bad experience from that particular market. There was this one guy who made some of the best smoked salmon I've ever tasted, and another person that made lavender mustard, shit was great.

>> No.16730353
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>Acquire groceries
>Take them home and lay them out in order on the bed
>This soothes the 'tism.
Thank you groceries.

>> No.16730679
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>> No.16730701


>> No.16730928
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>> No.16731574

>not eating the maggots for extra protein

>> No.16731595

how soon until you're on the news for beating and raping a random white girl?

>> No.16731657


>> No.16732120
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>go to grocery store, buy ugliest garbage produce
>maybe even dumpster-dive for half-rotten expired stuff
>put on overalls and a John Deere cap
>go to local "farmers market"
>sell at 1000% markup to hipsters
>(along with my wife's "artisanal homemade" jams and honeys, which totally aren't McDonalds breakfast packets poured into jars stolen from the neighbor's recycling bin)
>"Aw shucks, pardner, thanks for keeping it fresh and local!"


>> No.16732151

Lmao at your life

>> No.16732168

>being a commiefornian
I feel no pity, only laughter

>> No.16732172

Women can have autism too ya know

>> No.16733335

No they can't

>> No.16733537

Sorry about your sister anon, but she's got the 'tisms

>> No.16733554

where im at it feels this way....ohhhh these potatos are special they are 10 dollars a pound
fuckers its like the cheapest shit i just want some red potato from near me.......
4 dollars for like 5 carrots that are small and old

fuckers act like their produce is double the value of rayles organics aile .fuckers

>> No.16733566

fuck off degen
life doesnt get better being a weak faggot that doesnt lift and does drugs all the time.
and people that publicly swear alot are kinda trash if they are near women or children

>> No.16733611

somehow they keep coming more often even it seems
its not a place for them, they need to go back to where ever there is.

>> No.16733617

What language do you actually speak?

>> No.16733643

drunk sorry

>> No.16733652

Sober up, incel.

>> No.16733835

/pol/ is ok with anime and only the pure nat soc libertarians hate it plus a few troon hunters

>> No.16733851

You went to one full of white people instead of Hmong. The good ones are almost entirely Hmong.

>> No.16733855

I don't know who they are but there is pretty much nowhere to go but up from where I'm standing.

>> No.16733916

A lot of producers get product from major wholesale suppliers to supplement their inventory especially if it’s still early for their own crops.

So you’re spending more to buy exactly what you would buy at the grocery store.

>> No.16733921

a lot of them aren't even producers, but simply sharks feeding on chumps

>> No.16733926

I can tell its real because of the dirt and maggots

>> No.16733990

Thats considered a delicacy in mexico

>> No.16734535

So how do you ID and avoid this

>> No.16734955
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cringe af pic

>> No.16735061

opinion discarded

>> No.16735119

>step into my back yard
>get fresh produce
>its good
I'm never going back to living in the city or suburbs.
Next project is to get small pond made so I can stock it with fish.

>> No.16735833

ironic post

>> No.16735848
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Hey I noticed there was a small chink in my Teflon pan. It sort of slopes around the edges. It almost looks like the zipperhead on a jacket. Should I nip this in the butt and get a new one?
Fuck you mod, clean it up faggot.

>> No.16736347

I didn't know ants posted here

>> No.16736468
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>> No.16736727

know what produce is actually in season around you, and ask the guy who runs the stand which farm it comes from.
If they refuse to answer, theyre scamming faggots.

>> No.16736776

>he doesnt gorilla garden in the dystopia

>> No.16736790


Is there any yellow discoloration? That could put a different slant on the problem. Try cleaning all the gook off it first.

>> No.16737210

I live in a city population about 2.5 million and our farmer's markets are trash. You can walk on the periphery of them and look in the back of their trucks and see that they just bought the shit from Sams or Costco.

Stands on the other hand, I'll go out of my way for.

>> No.16738340

Got some carrots grown by a grandma in her garden at the farmers market, only good carrots I had in my entire life, you can't eat store bought carrots raw, they taste too bitter; even the organic, grandma carrots were extremely tasty raw though.

>> No.16738359
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I'm sorry anon, but I have to use this image against you...

>> No.16738365

>me anyface
What the h is anyface?

>> No.16738399

>What the h


>> No.16738459
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>go to farmer's market in based Netherlands
>fresh, cheap produce everywhere, get random assortment of veggies for 1 euro
>go to guy selling meat
>get amazing meat
>get home, cook great meal with GF
>laugh at americans who have everything, even their markets, walmart'd

>> No.16739985


>> No.16740039

I find OP repulsive for using that strupid pic

>> No.16740639

thats from a video game, faggot

>> No.16741485

return to the subreddit you crawled out of, faggot

>> No.16741551

Fuck off, I've been pissing on you anime dweebs since 2009, when the anime origin of this site was already nothing but a quaint curiosity.

>> No.16741563
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>I've been an insufferable newfag for over a decade and I refuse to stop!
What a weird thing to brag about.

>> No.16741572

You're clinging to archaisms that the site's real audience don't care about. There are anime fan sites on the internet that you should check out to discuss it with your fellow pedophiles. This isn't one of them.

>> No.16741583
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Just wait until you see what the 404 page looks like.

>> No.16741603
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>go to Publix
>get produce
>it’s not overpriced soyboy organic 3000 farmers market produce
>it’s still good quality

>> No.16741648
