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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 403 KB, 1600x1071, bigstock-Dirty-dishes-41021827(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16711159 No.16711159 [Reply] [Original]

The kitchen is already fucking filthy so I need food that I can eat cold in my room that doesn't require heating up.
What does /ck/ recommend?

>> No.16711164

Doing those dishes so one may freely piss in the sink without the risk of splattering the countertops.

>> No.16711170

Popsicles, ice cream, ice cream sandwiches, frozen Snickers, Choco Taco, the list goes on really

>> No.16711183
File: 96 KB, 1500x987, 81aCdIWKU4L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather spend $50 on a hotplate than eat cold food for a year. If you have another 100 bucks left you can also get a toaster oven

>> No.16711194

Dude that's like 10 juul pods fuck off.

>> No.16711197


>> No.16711199

Just dip if you wanna use nicotine and not stink. Gum recession and yellowing of teeth that never show is better than emphysema. Also its easier to quit because it doesn't hit your bloodstream as fast.

>> No.16711202
File: 131 KB, 2026x1137, himouto-umaru-chan-episode-1-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am addicted to nicotine spray, if I don't have my spray, then I start fiendin' real bad

>> No.16711204

I had a hotplate and a pretty big toaster oven in my room cause no matter how many times I cleaned the kitchen the other slobs would get it filthy in record time.

The big problem is organization and lack of a sink. You don't realize how big of a pain in the ass cooking is if you don't have a sink right next to the stove and if you don't have the room setup so that you have a place for everything.

>> No.16711215

I feel you dude. I smoked a half pack to a pack a day for 4 years and dipped for 2 years prior to that. If it gives you any confidence, im 2 weeks into not smoking and i feel decent. Still have cravings here and there which ive fought off by eating like a fat lard and snacking on skittles when i feel like i need a toke. Also to get over that 3 day hump i drank beer all day. Not liquor but beer.

>> No.16711384


>> No.16711940

Gonna look into getting a hotplate. Thanks for the advice anons

>> No.16711958

sinks are not that important just keep a bottle of water

>> No.16711965

People that don't wash dishes as they go end up with a kitchen like the one in OP, retard

>> No.16711967

use paper plates

>> No.16711973

And dehydrated water.

>> No.16711981

use a broadsword to impale yourself on

>> No.16712023

How does a hot plate even solve your problem? You can't use the stove in your kitchen? You know there are still dishes after you cook on a hotplate right?