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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 683x1024, Baked-Chicken-Wings-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16709600 No.16709600 [Reply] [Original]

Umm wtf. 10 chicken wings used to be $12 at my local bar a week ago. Now they are "market price" and they want $18 for them tonight

>> No.16709602

>prices have gone up during a global pandemic
What a fucking surprise. Fuck off.

>> No.16709607

they haven't raised prices on anything else. why is it that wings are more expensive but not chili or flatbreads or their burgers or sandwiches

>> No.16709611

>why does this thing I did no research on make no sense to me?

>> No.16709620

Get used to it. You'll be paying over $30 for those same wings soon.

>> No.16709629

I googled it and they said it was a labor shortage. Why has this not affected other foods smart guy?

>> No.16709662

vagueposting is for fags. Go be gay somewhere else.

>> No.16709677

Stop eating chicken wings you fat fuck.

>> No.16709683

I'm on KETO you dumbfuck.

>> No.16709708
File: 2.08 MB, 1800x945, negrofood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear anon,
The chicken wing market fluctuates. Think of the time before there were wingstops.. Wings were cheap cheap to buy in the market. A huge company developed and put high demand on that market. Combined with smaller shops that sell the trendy fried jumbo wings. Add in covid, Lack of a labor source, Transpo issues and you have a market that has ran short and has to fluctuate its prices. Btw wing prices will increase even higher later in the year as producers try to play catch up..

sincerely yours,
T. food market analyst for 27 years

>> No.16709722

You forgot the big one. Climate change. The cold snap in texas fucked up the supply chain the most.

>> No.16709727

pretty soon you won't be allowed to have wings. all wings will be exported to china as duty and you'll only be allowed gruel while you work the soyfields

>> No.16709927

You know what has actually become cheaper? Bug.

>> No.16709976

I started making wings at home since corona started.
And it's super easy.
Just get a nice coating of equal parts baking powder and corn starch
Once you have a nice coating, then go ahead with your seasoning. I usaully do salt, cayenne pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder.
Let it sit in your fridge overnight
Then put them in a 450f oven for about 15-20 minutes
They come out legit crispy if you've done it right, and it doesn't take all that much work to do.

>> No.16709989

You get screwed at bars when it's not a wing night. Wait for your local grocery store to sell whole wings on sale and bake them at home, it's bomb.

>> No.16710004

>it's really easy!
>here's a bullet list of 14 things you have to do

>> No.16710007

>whole wings on sale
>Wings on sale
>on sale
That's never happening again. Wholesale is well over $2/lb.

>> No.16710021

$2/lb sounds pretty damn cheap man. How much do you need for whole sale? There is a grocery store next to me after 7pm sells there breaded left over wings for 50% off. It's 6$ Canadian for 18 wings but they're not in good shape.
Other than that about $5 cdn / kg was the best I seen around late

>> No.16710025

prices are relative; when wholesale goes over a certain amount then they won't go "on sale". chicken wings will never be a loss leader.

>> No.16710058

>global pandemic

>> No.16710073

Then make them yourself instead of buying them. Also you can make your own keto hot sauce. Store bought shit is always loaded with carbs.
>also on keto
Also throw them on the smoker at 275.

>> No.16710086

WHY WOULD I STOP EATING CHICKENS WHEN I'M ON KETO! follow the fucking conversation thread you dumbfuck.

>> No.16710222
File: 149 KB, 1500x1366, Underwood_White_Meat_Chicken_Spread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my chicken spread on the ritz, it's called puttin on the ritz.

>> No.16710243

retard or bait, idc, kys either way

>> No.16710308

Fuck off retard

>> No.16710319

incredible excuse for inflation

>> No.16710349

You don't know they had to euthanize a half a million chicks because it's hard to fucking factory farm without power. Stay stupid.

>> No.16710357

you think you're a chicken expert but you're actually a retard

>> No.16710364

Maybe you'll change your tune when it starts hitting your already light pocket book.

>> No.16710366

why don't you give me some more chicken facts big chicken genius? WHY DON'T YOU MAKE SOME CHICKEN PREDICTIONS YOU FUCKING CHICKEN ANALYST

>> No.16710367

Who cares? There are a millions of extras. They euthanize shitloads all the time. They're basically an infinite resource.

>> No.16710371

>Who cares? There are a millions of extras.
Shows how fucking stupid you are. You do know that chicks grow up to be chickens don't you? Fuck why don't you dumbfucks know where your food comes from?

>> No.16710376

Are you retarded, boy? We euthanize the fucking things by the truckload because there are always more coming. I don't eat factory farmed chicken anyway because local tastes better. You sound like you have a cleft lip.

>> No.16710380

What a fucking ripoff even at the old price lmao

>> No.16710486

theyre still cheap if you go to an asian shithole store, managers special at H mart grabbed 2 pounds for 2.20ish

>> No.16710512


chicken wings used to be cheap a decade or more ago because they were an off-cut and unpopular, but now there are whole restaurants dedicated just to wings,. Supply and demand. same thing happened with lamb shanks.

>> No.16710634

It's because of the ozone layer. Remember all those songs they made you sing in elementry school about saving the ozone layer? Well we fucked up.

>> No.16710639

>paying more than $0.50 for a wing

>> No.16710641

>Doing things is haaarrrddd
You deserve to pay marked up prices for the crappiest part of the chicken

>> No.16710650

Is that... minuscule amounts of meat on a bone with too much sauce!? PUT THE BALL GAME ON AND I'LL PAY WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!

>> No.16710937 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, 1613813727509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's not because Biden is spending trillions, it's because of Corona...


>> No.16710939 [DELETED] 

How does that equate to tendie prices going up suddenly by a 3rd?

>> No.16710953 [DELETED] 

>thinking that prices are going up because of somebody less than a year into the job and not because of set of actions set into motion years ago by a completely unqualified reality show host and a failed businessmen accentuated by a global pandemic
Literally too dumb to live. Die of coof already you definitely unvaxxed cuck.

>> No.16710971 [DELETED] 

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.16710992

My local bar does great wings and never changes their prices because they're too lazy/cheap to re-print menus.

They comped me over $100 in drinks and food for changing their TVs for them. That said, I live in Vegas, so most of their revenue comes from coin in on machines at the bar.

>> No.16711121 [DELETED] 


>> No.16711319

Nigga you fucking dumb? Just make your own wings for like 4 dollars.
2 bucks extra if you dont already have flour and buffalo sauce. Shit, this is the cooking board afterall, retard.

>> No.16711327

>they haven't raised prices on anything else. why is it that wings are more expensive but not chili or flatbreads or their burgers or sandwiches
Football season. Supply/demand.
Occasionally chicken and pork processing becomes slowed down thanks to covid running through the plants such as Tyson. This was well documented throughout the past 2 years of covid stuff. On a good day these are shit jobs for immigrants who work elbow to elbow plucking birds, and doing assembly lines kind of processing, and along with their multi-family dwellings outside of work, they work too closely to stay safe. When half your staff show up, they literally incinerate birds they didn't get time to process.
Shortage of truck drivers, so they pay them more or there are delays in the supply chain.
Prices go up.

>> No.16711357 [DELETED] 

cause they you your fatass will pay for them, and if not you someone will

>> No.16711371

cause they know your fatass will pay for them, and if not you someone will

>> No.16711401

The place I always get wings from does a 50 cent special normally but they just canceled all specials because wing prices are so high. Disappointing.

>> No.16711434

Give beef lobbyists a year to shoehorn subsidies in somewhere and it'll come back down.

>> No.16711445 [DELETED] 

cheap and easy, it's a way for the government to get in indians, pakis, ghanis, etc and not account for it and their families

>> No.16711448

... stinking nigerians and 'fricans too

>> No.16712162

Daily reminder that flats are superior due to the higher skin to meat ratio

>> No.16712285 [DELETED] 


the fuck are you talking about, you nazi dipshit, I swear you /pol/ mouthbreathers can literally take any topic and make it about your bigotry. Rent. Fucking. Free.

>> No.16712297

Why would you buy ten chicken wings for the price of three whole chickens? Eat when you get home.

>> No.16712300

you go be a hateful piece of shit somewhere else...oh wait, its just a few boards over

>> No.16712310

oh what a surprise, the MAGAtard cant into climate change
well its fucking real and it affects way more things than your precious “rights” you fucking brainless piece of shit

>> No.16712342

So I should buy buffalo wings now and hodl for November?

>> No.16712357


>> No.16712358

double nigger

>> No.16712378

So you're killing your own claim, rent free are the types I mentioned, off of government money, that means yours and mine. How about all the hatians lining up all of a sudden?
If you love them all so much then put them on your land, if not then shut the fuck up.

>> No.16712382


don't you have a tinfoil klan hood to work on?

in the mean time, just stop breathing

>> No.16712403

Or, throw in deepfryer for about 12 minutes. Remove and wala!

>> No.16712531

You're just digging yourself into a hole that keeps getting deeper and deeper. Is your name biden?

>> No.16713450

I'm sorry grandma died

>> No.16713984

Joe biden is hoarding all the wings and hiding them in his ice cream cones, hence the rise in price

>> No.16714059
File: 10 KB, 255x209, 1432358354873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16714190

I work at a pizza place and there is a huge wing shortage. Every week we get a different amount of wings as a surprise. A couple times we got nothing, and it's always few enough that we run out before the end of the week.
I have no idea why this is happening with chicken specifically rather than any of the other food we order, but it sucks because wings are the only thing on our menu that has protein aside from making a toppings stir-fry and im not even allowed to eat them anymore.
When i started it was $6.99 for 8 wings. Corporate jacked it up to $7.99 at some point before covid. Now with the shortage it's $9.99 for 8 and our wings come in frozen and they suck ass.

>> No.16714414

checks out, retard. Texas has the 6th highest production of chicken in the states, which is a fuckton of chickens


>> No.16714476

>he doesn't understand the independence of the texas energy grid caused a fluctuation in meat supply

>> No.16715250

Yeah it’s trash

>> No.16715299


t. totally not the same bumsore 'activist' shitting up every board they post on.

>> No.16715312

thinking it has anything to do with the pandemic and not the massive printing relating to bidens policies. Democrats just REFUSE to wake up.

>> No.16715314

Check out this recent story about chicken price collusion and fixing.

A federal grand jury in Denver, Colorado, returned an indictment yesterday charging Koch Foods, headquartered in Park Ridge, Illinois, for participating in a nationwide conspiracy to fix prices and rig bids for broiler chicken products.Jul 29, 2021


>> No.16715342
File: 197 KB, 1200x630, oodles_of_noodles-chicken_ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chickens will have their revenge

>> No.16715368

anon is just one guy, after all

>> No.16715509

They’re wings, not feet

>> No.16715529

currently they take our feet but soon enough they'll be taking it all

>> No.16715575

You don't need an excuse. There was no pandemic between 1980 and 2019, but if you look it up you will find there was inflation over that period.

>> No.16715663
File: 209 KB, 800x533, IMG_1564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16715684

>Can literally be made and left in the fridge for when you want it
>Toss in oven
>"Ugh too much effort"
Literally fucking kill yourself