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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 154 KB, 1156x812, 1631823471359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16703883 No.16703883 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good meal prep?

>> No.16703895


It's just junk food and apples

>> No.16703898

Posting reddit screenshots should be a permaban on all boards.

>> No.16703910

>fruit cocktail
>candy bar
>no pb&j's (not that they'd help)

>> No.16703925

>eat better
>fill up on heavily processed sugary snacks, chocolate, and carbohydrates
people are really like this and can't understand why they're fat

>> No.16703930

Damn planned parenthood could have prevented this

>> No.16703931

>Prep meal
>It takes 30 seconds to gather all that shit

>> No.16703934

If I were her husband I'd make her a whole week of sloppa.

>> No.16703942

if you're dabbling in some light architecture, sure

>> No.16703948


>> No.16703953

>posted by hopefulkitty
More like hopefulhippo

>> No.16703961
File: 6 KB, 660x102, Screenshot 2021-09-16 at 15-36-58 Hopefulkitty (u Hopefulkitty) - Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently she's fully aware it's not healthy and just thought it was nice her husband did it. I checked her other posts and she has meal preps she made herself that are salad, chicken, and veggie mixes with nuts. OP is a faggot.

>> No.16703962

a good meal prep for diabetes
dont see a single thing that doesn't contain sugar

>> No.16703965

Just realized the firefox crop got fucked up, but she's also canning a lot of vegetables which is pretty impressive and probably more than the average fastfood poster here does to make their own food.

>> No.16704078

How many updates did this trannie get.

>> No.16704085

this is a troll post

>> No.16704090


>> No.16704094

Also Twitter

>> No.16704260
File: 40 KB, 500x451, 1504660987644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure sugar
>800cal for a lunch

>> No.16704482

>fruit bar full of sugar
>chocolate full of sugar
>fruit pot full of sugar
>jam full of sugar
>peanut butter full of fat and salt
>bread is fine if you dont eat a lot and arent a /fit/izen

>> No.16704538

Peanut butter is the good for you as long as you don't get the sugar'd up kind.

>> No.16704561
File: 125 KB, 680x656, 8234235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carbohydrates bad

>> No.16704564

The fuck's she eating that this candy garbage is "better"? The only proper breakfast for your wife is a dicking and a fistful of jerky with a large bottle of water.

>> No.16704566

>eating better
>plastic fruit cups, m&ms, granola bars, and high-fructose corn syrup "jelly"
B-b-but the apple and "natural" peanut butter make it good, right??
Surely the wheat bread and

>> No.16704567

Not today, USDA.

>> No.16704568

>not tenderly eating her pussy first and giving her lots of cuddles
Your gf is/will be unsatisfied.

>> No.16704571

Everyone ITT ignoring the context that she thought it was sweet her boyfriend put it together but didn’t actually eat it because she’s not stupid and knows it’s too much sugar.

>> No.16704593

Enjoy your throat cancer

>> No.16704600

Thats only if they have HPV right?

>> No.16704603
File: 322 KB, 750x724, 1100038747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this honestly make me sad. There's nothing more depressing than watching people trying their hardest at cooking but failing (OPs pic is meal prep but it still basically the same). I really wish cooking classes and proper education about food was mandatory in schools.

>> No.16704615

my girlfriend be get her pussi ate when I get my pipe cleaned, if ya know what I sayin'

>> No.16704620

get shit on

>> No.16704626


why do you think we care?

>> No.16704631


>> No.16704633

they arent, but this is all hyper processed crap

>> No.16704738
File: 1.25 MB, 768x1024, chickenriceandbroccoliforever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meal prep
No such thing.
Imagine unironically eating literally the same thing all goddamn week. Only the most boring fucking people are content with meal prep.

>> No.16704752

>meal prep
>to eat better
>pb&j sandwich
>granola bar
>fruit cup
how old is the wife?

>> No.16704764

Maybe the "heavily processed" part was meant to apply to carbohydrates too. Almost everything in that pic has a bunch of added sugar.

>> No.16704772

the only thing in the pic that doesnt have added sugar is the fucking apple

>> No.16704777

Apart from the apple, none of that looks healthy.

>replace white bread with dark rye bread
>if it's peanutbutter, it can be ok in moderation
>jam is replaced by slices of cheese
>candy is replaced by nuts
>candy bar replaced by carrot
>fruit cocktail replaced by low fat ranch dip, for the carrot
>keep the apple

>> No.16704848

rye bread isn't magically healthy. all bread is bad.

>> No.16704858

do people posting in this thread know how to read

>> No.16704865

Imagine how bad she ate before if this is eating better.

>> No.16704869

It's healthy enough while still being bread.

>> No.16704882


>> No.16704909


>> No.16704914

every post on this ridiculous board is a troll post. you must be a very clever little man

>> No.16704916

Peanut butter and cheese sandwiches ?

>> No.16704926

Was she eating out of the trash or something before? I count 4 snacks everyday. The apple is fine, good even. Granola bars aren't the best given the preservatives, processed ingredients and added sugar with most brands but it's not an automatic loss. The fruit cup and candy are inexcusable.

>> No.16704938

lol what exactly did he help with besides portioning the candy into little tubs? is that supposed to sit like that on the table the whole week?

>> No.16704952

the wife is probably a giant roaring hambeast who gets angry if it doesn't get its candy

>> No.16704953

thanks for doing the research.

>> No.16704975

All except the peanut butter consists almost entirely of carbs, they make up at least 80-90% of calories and you don't have to be a ketard to see that that's too much. Even worse, it's mostly processed garbage with no nutritional value. Candy, jam, a sugary granola bar, some sort of fruit compote or whatever that yellow shit is... this is diabetes waiting to happen.

>> No.16705026

This shit, imagine being such an uninteresting fuck that your threads on 4chan are fucking posts from reddit of some numale showing off his Darth Vader cookies or some shit. These people need to get shot in the head

>> No.16705101

Not together. Peanut butter has protein, which is good. Cheese is better than butter (and jam).

>> No.16705110

Agreed. We need japmoot on this STAT

>> No.16705136


>> No.16705157

IMO food prep is dumb. By the time you get to meal 3 it's more than likely already going to taste stale/bad. Just cook as needed. I've also never met someone who was serious about bodybuilding/health that did meal prep.

>> No.16705285

I'm from reddit and proud. You wont shame me.

>> No.16705423

Every woman over 20 has hpv

>> No.16705446

maybe if you live in a half way house like a felon

>> No.16705461

I wish I had a wife I could do nice things for :^(

>> No.16705471

ion no brah wyu meen

>> No.16705489

are those reese's pieces in the little plastic ziploc containers?

>> No.16705497

I'm glad you're keeping up on her

>> No.16705499

M and Ms no green Reese’s pieces

>> No.16705500

>carbs and more sugar

She sure chose a winner

>> No.16705507

>she ate one fruit cup already

>> No.16705597

>Monday: Sugar
>Saturday:Emergency Room

>> No.16705638

Apple = 10g sugar
Fruit cup = 10g sugar
Bar = 11g sugar
M&m = 19g sugar

That's not that much sugar. One can of soda has 40g of sugar and so all that food is barely more then a can of soda. All the people making these comments are probably obese too

>> No.16705695

I forget you faggots want to get mad at people in your head like a bunch of schizos

>> No.16705711

Cope, Reddit, Sneed.

>> No.16705732

Teen parents

>> No.16705739

retard you forgot the sugar in the jelly, pb and the fucking bread

>> No.16705753

So another 20 or 30g. Still below the recommended 100g daily intake for sugar

>> No.16705785

No. A better choice is to make the PBJ and pack a piece of fruit and a vegetable. I usually slice up an apple and a carrot unless I have something else in the fridge. Eating healthy is one thing, but changing your habits and eating LESS over a long period of time is more effective.

PBJ sandwich + apple + fruit cup + M&Ms + granola bar is a lot of fucking food for lunch.

PB&J isn't junk food, fuck off.

>> No.16705795

Honestly worth it if it means slathering your face with pussy.

>> No.16705800

This, it makes so much more sense to make big meals that you eat leftovers from for future lunches and dinners.

>> No.16705835

Have you ever eaten pussy? It's honestly not great.

>> No.16705873

Yes, I don't understand why you don't like it.

>> No.16705900

Reddit speak

>> No.16705904

Being a 4channer is a lot worse.

>> No.16705909

Make this man mod

>> No.16705914

what if its the only meal you eat that day?

>> No.16705952

Even though this is retarded American-tier meal prep, it's kind of fucked that she just belittles it from the first word of her post. I'd almost feel bad for the husband if Redditors and their spouses could be considered human.

>> No.16705957

Yes folks, Americans really are this retarded.

>> No.16705960

>Recommended daily intake of 100g of sugar
>Just another 20-30g of sugar
Enjoy your diabetes. This bitch is having the equivalent of 24 oz of soda for just lunch.

Curious where you got that number, too, when the vast majority of medical societies recommend far lower than that(AHA says <36g for men).

>> No.16705964

It's a lot of processed sugar and not very much protein. It's probably not sustainable over a long period of time which is good because it's such a low amount of calories and micronutritionally deficient that doing it for long enough to make a difference would probably detrimental to your health.

>> No.16705984

This husband spent maybe 2 minutes "meal" prepping this shit. He literally just organized a bunch of pre-packaged foods on a table. Oh, wait, he put some candy in a tupperware. I know this is 4chan and everyone is a faggot but I sincerely hope that your loved ones care enough to do more for you than this sad excuse of meal prep. Act of Love? This is an act of divorce.

It's the equivalent of heating up a pack of hot dogs in the microwave and saying you cooked dinner.

>> No.16705988

It's not an ideal lunch prep, but it's not nearly as insulting as you are trying to make it sound,

>> No.16705996

No, I don't have anyone in my life who'd do that for me which is why even though it was mediocre at best (and I'm being generous there,) it's still shitty.

>> No.16706028
File: 39 KB, 433x334, 4BCCA345-084C-4550-B44E-9312BD20421C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t the useless husband
awful post

>> No.16706092

Good meal prep = a pot of chili, so it reaches the apex of flavor a week in

>> No.16706097


>> No.16706107

Those fucking "health" bars are the greatest scourge ever inflicted on mankind. They are not even remotely healthy, none of them.

>> No.16706137

absolutely agreed

>> No.16706152


>> No.16706163

Why are you beta faggots so obsessed with telling people you eat pussy? On top of being weirdly vocal- It is an extremely submissive act and loses respect

>> No.16706254

I never understood this as well. I would never let a guy's tongue near mine.

>> No.16706257

How is that a "meal prep"? The sandwiches are not ready at all.

>> No.16706290

Absolutely, at minimum starting threads with them should be an automatic ban

>> No.16706417


>> No.16706433

>dark rye bread
>ok in moderation
>low fat
You're retarded

>> No.16707932

One can of soda has a ridiculous amount of sugar though

>> No.16708047
File: 151 KB, 600x900, diabeetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a can of soda as serving of sugar

>> No.16708050

>illiterate and retarded
Impressive. Not only did you miss the point entirely, you're also a clueless armchair dietician. But we both know that if I spoonfed you, then you would just ignore it. So I'll leave you to your retardation.

>> No.16708064

>Low fat
Opinion discarded. Enjoy your extra sugar and thickeners

>> No.16708073


>> No.16708148


I dunno if the husband is ignorant, or just mad that his wife is so fat, but this meal plan fucking sucks. All those carbs coupled with the dissatisfaction of being forced to eat baby sized portions. No fatty is going to lose weight eating shit like this. Ditch the packaged shit actually cook something for once.

>> No.16708177

>No meat
Fucking useless trash

>> No.16708199
File: 374 KB, 1800x1800, Meow Im Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No peaches for the 5th one?

>> No.16708214

Is her husband a 5 year old? Because that's hot.

>> No.16708267
File: 1.41 MB, 360x159, Gundam_3968a5_6832927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nature's valley

>> No.16708273
File: 29 KB, 385x499, VPkD2Jk9N-PXt2OMg-e3SMblG-5J7L6yBiurkk2_DIs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the husband

>> No.16708346

too much sugar is bad for you

>> No.16708354

Kek what is that from? Looks cool.

>> No.16708358

they look perfect for each other

>> No.16708364
File: 2.21 MB, 2264x2264, ruby-throated-hummingbird-square-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know my dietary needs faggot ape

>> No.16708377
File: 645 KB, 572x572, 1631820135424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it healthy for you? Sure.
Will it help you lose weight? Hell no. It has a fuck ton of calories. Get the powdered peanut butter instead.

>> No.16708386
File: 946 KB, 280x235, 1499392764484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pls

>> No.16708454

how to improve the entire site in one go

>> No.16708464

In Canada its 100g so if you have a 39g sugar soda it says 39% of daily intake

>> No.16708471

Gundms 08th MS Team. It's from a fight sceen near the end.

>> No.16709804

I just realised how ridiculously long that loaf of bread is

>> No.16709858

Smuckers - 1 TBSP - 50 Calories - 13g (12) Carbs - 0 protein
Kroger PB - 2 TBSP - 200 Calories - 6g (2) Carbs - 8g protein
Kroger Wheat - 2 slices - 140 Calories - 28g (2) Carbs - 6g protein

Medium Apple - 1 - 73 Calories - 19g (14) Carbs - 0 protein
Del Monte Fruit Cup - 1 - 70 Calories - 18g (16) Carbs - 1 protein
NV Trail Mix Dark chocolate cherry - 1 - 140 Calories - 25g (8) Carbs - 2g Protein
M&Ms - 1oz - 20g (17) Carbs - 1g Protein

810 Calories
129g Carbs
71g Sugar
18g Protein

>> No.16709861

You can make bread of any length

>> No.16709887

Looks like a normal loaf to me.

>> No.16709894

Either the husband hates her, or he has an actual mental handicap. That shit is simply inexcusable. The fact that she calls this an act of love is just depressing.

>> No.16709896
File: 48 KB, 668x680, 1615892087521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely not ANY length?

>> No.16709931

autism saves the day

>> No.16709936

Mmm, microplastics. Delicious.