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16697624 No.16697624 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

I unironically enjoy pineapple pizza

>> No.16697627


>> No.16697629
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Sausage, onions and mushrooms.

>> No.16697643

Bacon sausage and mushrooms

>> No.16697646
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>> No.16697648
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i worked at pizza hut when i was 19 and i was an obnoxious little shit who sucked at his job
we were allowed to have a personal pan pizza once per shift, and i would order a pineapple pizza
that must have ended any chance of anyone ever liking me lol

anyways, my ideal pizza is canadian bacon/ham, bacon, pineapples, jalapenos, extra sauce (spicy if they have it), regular cheese

as for crust, i think i prefer pan, but hand tossed or thin are both fine, and i've enjoyed both

>> No.16697832

i wanna fuck that lil girl

>> No.16697833


>> No.16697921


>> No.16697936

where to fuck? im unsure

>> No.16697940

tuna and onion

>> No.16697951


>> No.16697995

Pepperoni, Prosciutto and Olives. With extra parmesan cheese.

>> No.16697999

Why? They just start crying, sometimes they scream. It's really annoying.

>> No.16698001

Pepperoni, salami, onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, jalapeños. Pepperoni and jalapeños go together really well on a pizza

>> No.16698010

chicken and corn
is gud

>> No.16698308


>> No.16698317

Green chile

>> No.16698329

I've had this, didn't care for it.

I'm usually into fairly standard stuff, but I remember Pizza Hut once had a "cheeseburger" pizza with ground beef, and some cheddar added to the cheese mix.
It was better than it sounds.

>> No.16698478

Personally the only topping I will eat on pizza is iberico ham, anything less and you might as well be eating a plain cheese pizza like a child

>> No.16698484

pancetta, pesto, calabrian chilies

>> No.16698489

Glorious anchovies.

>> No.16698497


>> No.16698541

pepperoni, pineapple, jalapeno
good in moderation
a fine choice
another fine choice
at least have some left beef
bacon AND ham? truly fiendish
nobody asked
fine most of the time, but sometimes you get super bony ones which suck
i agree
shut up
never had tuna on pizza and honestly it sounds gross
very good
sounds very umamiy
shut up
>Pepperoni and jalapeños go together really well on a pizza
truer words have never been spoken
sounds odd
please specify which type
cheeseburger pizza is quite popular in europe i understand
sounds expensive
very good
better to put them on after the pizza has cooked to keep them from drying out i feel
what a silly answer

>> No.16698545

red onions
maybe olives and jalapenos

>> No.16698554


>> No.16698637

ham(uncooked), purple onion, black olives(my grandmother's), spring garlic, chilimoil and olive oil drizzle, parsley sprinkle to fiish.

>> No.16698643

Ham (by definition) is cooked.
Unless you mean a whole picnic ham (super unlikely).

>> No.16698644


>> No.16698650

None pizza with left beef.

>> No.16698652

>Pepperoni, Prosciutto and Olives. With extra parmesan cheese.

Not him, but...
If that's gay, somebody please stick their dick in my mouth.

>> No.16698653

I like hamburger topped pizza
>Ground beef

Onions are usually optional but I always get them obviously you can sub it out for what you like on a burger.

>> No.16698669

i meant put the ham after you take the za out of oven.

>> No.16698672
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>Italian sausage
>Banana Peppers
>Black Olives
My holy trio of creaming your taste buds

>> No.16698675

Pepperoni and Meatballs is my usual go-to

>> No.16698705

Anchovies, Green Bell Peppers, and Pineapple.

It's actually surprisingly good.

>> No.16698706

Goatcheese (or blue cheese)
(red onion)
Some Rocket on top when done and evt. some pine nuts and balsamico.

>> No.16698897

If it needs anything more than sauce and cheese, it's bad.
Basil and fresh tomatoes are fine though

>> No.16698957

Sundried tomatos
Roasted Red Pepper

>> No.16699062

I don't think you're getting the point of pizza, friend.
A glass of water doesn't _need_ ice.

>> No.16699078

good choice
very nice
>he buys his hams precooked
nothing wrong with being gay other than having to be associated with you
already made that joke
will do
do people really use cheddar on burgers?
very based
depends how big the meatballs are
sounds very fresh
very fancy
very true, anon

>> No.16699084

Pineapple fags are so insecure they have to make threads like this

>> No.16699114

All me.

>> No.16699236

only pepperoni and only new york style

>> No.16699254

a bit of cheddar on a ham and pineapple and jalapenos is pretty based

>> No.16699298

I only like 1 topping on a pizza, I feel that more than 1 or 2 messes with the taste. I rotate between mushroom, bbq chicken, bell peppers, onions, black olives, pepperoni, meatball, spinach , anchovies

>> No.16699475

Chicken, mushrooms, and green peppers if I'm eating it with family. Chicken, pineapple, and jalapeno if I'm by myself and want something spicy, and anchovies, sun-dried tomatoes, and red onions if I just want something nice.

>> No.16699581
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pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, pineapple is also really good. the only bad pizza toppings are the ones that come out of europe

>> No.16700649

I'm normie as fuck when it comes to pizza toppings. Chicken, pepperoni, onion/red onion. I don't like too many toppings because they get lost in the mix.

Good choice too

>> No.16700654

so for fags

>> No.16700670

Have any of you tried chocolate sauce on their pizza before? I did for the first time a few years back, I ordered a meatlovers from dominos and added a small layer of chocolate sauce on top. It actually is really fucking good, the BBQ with the chocolate gave the meat a sweet but savory flavour.

>> No.16700736
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I order the pepeloni and without the pepeloni but I pick these up and away! cause I don't eat it

>> No.16700742

I bet I could eat that whole pizza. It looks pretty good, too many jalapenos for my taste tho, seems like it'd obscure the rest of the flavors

>> No.16700755

Roasted Garlic
Red Onions
Hot Sausage
Red Pepper Flakes

very pungent

>> No.16700790

sweet peppers and white onion
spinach and roasted red peppers

>> No.16700846
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>> No.16700902

Canadian bacon and bacon is pretty good for a double topping only pizza. Swinefest.

>> No.16700963

Pepperoni and pepperoncini

>> No.16702091

Pepperoni, jalapenos, pinapple, green capsicum, mushrooms, hot chilli sauce.

>> No.16702113

>cutting round pizza into squares

>> No.16702261

I enjoy pepperoni with sausage, mushrooms, roasted garlic and roasted red peppers.

>> No.16702272


Pineapple can work on pizza, but it absolutely NEEDS to have some kind of ham and some kind of heat, and the pineapple/ham/heat need to be equally distributed.

Getting a bite of pizza + pineapple without the ham+heat is straight up nasty. Every bite needs to have all three. But when you do have all three, it's shockingly delicious.

>> No.16702285

Post it

>> No.16702378

Anchovies, capers and olives. Can eat this combo all day every day.

>> No.16702567

Jalapenos and mushroom usually make for a great pizza

>> No.16702780

>Roasted Garlic
Do you roast them first then add them as a topping? And are they whole or chopped or what? I love garlic on pizza but I just crush it and add it raw before cooking, along with my other favourite toppings: BBQ sauce as a base, pepperoni (or salami), whatever other cooked meats I've got left over, prawns, sweetcorn and black olives.

>> No.16703223

any type of olives, onions, mushrooms, sausage, and pepperoni

>> No.16703325

Artichoke & Olives.

>> No.16703559


Artichokes are amazing on a pizza. Especially in a quatro stagioni.

>> No.16704017

stfu schizo faggot nobody cares

>> No.16704223

Nduja, pepperoni, jalapenos, burrata

>> No.16704389

roasted beforehand

fresh crushed would be boss as well

>> No.16704406

toppings for pizza:
light buffalo sauce
mix of mozzarella and smoked provolone
anything else is up to you

if it's a tomato sauce pizza, anchovies

>> No.16704578

I just got bacon and pineapple. It was divine.

>> No.16704945


Been wanting to try this. It's that all you get on it? Other meats compliment the saltiness?

>> No.16705064

Canadian Bacon
Banana Peppers
Red Onions

Loaded Hawaiian

>> No.16705094

i always get a variation of supreme
sausage (not too much)
green peppers
olives (black only, also, you're a cunt if you don't like olves)
drizzle it with olive oil and oregano
thick ass cheese to balance out the toppings
cut tavern style

>> No.16705144

Chicken pesto with artichoke and arugula

>> No.16705154

Enjoy all the food you can now. Screw diets and cutting out certain foods. Eat what you like just not as much as you normally would. I say this cause your time on this earth is limited. Then your window to enjoy food takes another hit once your in your 50s. (do you see any 80 year olds downing a dave's triple?; hell no, one bite would do them in). Enjoy life and food now cause past 50 its all downhill.. God imagine it. You've gone from the pizza good old days in your 20s - 30s/40s to the old man protein shake gruel they give you when your old. Ain't life grand?

>> No.16705323


that's a 18" pizza, party cut makes more sense for one of that size

>> No.16705528

my latest revelation was experiencing fennel seeds in pepperoni pizza

i highly recommend trying them,but they are strong in flavor

>> No.16705740
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circle pizzas should be cut into circles.

>> No.16705752

How do you identify the heat from the pizza cylinders?

>> No.16705782

Imagine filling up your big belly with as much of that as you can then as you lie back in a food coma that little cutie empties your slurps down all of the "ranch" from your ""bottle"". Oh man what a life that would be.

>> No.16706829
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Olive oil, salt and rosemary

>> No.16706847

a classic combo is green pepper bacon and feta

>> No.16706921
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