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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16696291 No.16696291 [Reply] [Original]

This took literally 10min so what’s your excuse for constantly eating fast food?

>> No.16696297

i can get mcdonalds in 5 min

>> No.16696298
File: 1.66 MB, 2747x2060, 3D74D604-81C8-4B48-8D78-C5F39708E69F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 “it looks dry”

>> No.16696299

>10 minutes
so instant mash?

>> No.16696303

Don't wanna wash dishes, doubt that actually took 10 minutes, looks bland anyways. I'll have fast food instead, thanks.

>> No.16696304

Duh, I’m not doing the real deal unless I got a group to cook for.

>> No.16696309

that took at least like 15 mins you phony

>> No.16696313

I don't have a stove in my car.

>> No.16696315

The meat looks a little dry and you went a little nuts on the butter. Did you season those peas at all?

>> No.16696326

Start heating 2 cups of water. Takes two minutes to boil.
Season chicken breast and out in air fryer for eight minutes while water is heating.
Water boils after two minutes so add potatoes and put peas in microwave, both for five minutes.
Chicken, peas and potatoes all finish at the same time.


>> No.16696327

yeah, this meal doesn't even fit cracker barrels kitchen standards.

>> No.16696328

I'm falling asleep just looking at it. You would need a ten minute nap between bites.

>> No.16696346

Based and Édouard de Pomiane pilled.

>> No.16696347

>shits on fast food
>microwaves frozen peas and uses instant mashed potatoes with his overcooked chicken
lmao what

>> No.16696348

There aren't that many normal people who constantly eat fast food. Only really fat people as far as I've seen. Is that a porkchop? Looks pretty good. I'm making one tonight with frozen brocolli and cauliflower

>> No.16696353

looks dr- i kneel...

>> No.16696355

Because instant mashed potatoes and frozen peas are on the same level as fast food. Try again faggot

>> No.16696360

>2 minutes for 2 cups of water to come to a full boil
This nigger cooks with warm water from the plastic pipes AhahhahahaHHAHAHA
Didn't even read the rest

>> No.16696361

That plate cost me $4. Try getting that much fastfood for $4.

>> No.16696366
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Spend an extra 15 minutes boiling some chopped up potatoes
Otherwise looks great. Peas are kinda shitty compared to most other veg though IMO

>> No.16696370
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For a dollar more you could have twice as many calories

>> No.16696371

4 McChickens is about as much food.

>> No.16696374
File: 53 KB, 512x384, unnamed (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a microwave?
I'm sorry you live in Ethernopia

>> No.16696376

I love peas. Broccolini is my second favorite.

>> No.16696379

Crackers barrel lowkey slaps tho

>> No.16696383 [DELETED] 

This nigger goes out of his way to invest more radiation AhhhhahahahHAHA

>> No.16696398
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I just don't like em. Too sweet and starchy for me.
Broccolini is good. We used to serve it with sauteed radishes at a restaurant I worked at. Surprisingly good.
But broccoli, green beans, brussels, and cauliflower are my go-to veggies

>> No.16696399
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>> No.16696400
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Do you really need to ask? 4chan has some of the dumbest people that exist on Earth.

>> No.16696403

holy shit i miss cookout
why did i ever follow my ex out of the south
women are a meme
she didn't even know how to cook

>> No.16696404

Honestly microwaves are one of the few things a tin foil hat would be useful for since it's a proven fact standing next to the microwave causes brain tumors
Same as cell phones
Radiation causes cancer.. how could this happen bros

>> No.16696411

> Learn about cookout as it's one of the only good places to eat in the small mountain town I went to college in
>Leave for my hometown 100 miles north
>They open a cookout in my hometown that very same year
I didn't choose cookout it chose me

>> No.16696440
File: 282 KB, 713x529, gib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll have a uhhh
>big double tray
>cookout style
>w/hush puppies and cajun wrap
>chocolate banana shake

>> No.16696446

This but with ranch chicken wrap and a strawberry cheesecake shake
>They actually put a whole fucking piece of cheesecake in the shake
>The absolute MAD LADS

>> No.16696456 [DELETED] 

nigger pipes are copper

>> No.16696466

It looks fucking disgusting.

>> No.16696533

Ah my bad, anyways every professional cook knows not to cook with water that was warmed by the boiler as it leeches flavor from the pipes (regardless of material)
Anyways all professional cooks cook with warm water anyways because morning shift didn't finish their prep list and we don't have time to wait for cold water to boil

>> No.16696541


>> No.16696556

well first you overseason and overcook some chicken, then you follow the directions on frozen peas and instant mash

>> No.16696557

>morning shift didn't finish their prep list
demographic shift is a bitch

>> No.16696562

Lol I got the fuck out of that industry and my replacement was a demographically challenged individual and the restaurant critical reception has nosedived since

>> No.16696597

I worked at an Italian restaurant before covid where the staff were gradually being replaced by Indians who were all being paid less than existing staff who were mostly white. Seems to be happening everywhere now.

>> No.16696635

Cold water boils faster than hot water though or did they not teach you that in your home ec class?

>> No.16696642

Absolutely not true
If that's what they're teaching women no wonder women are fucked these days
t. Chemist who punches women in the face from the other thread

>> No.16696643

idk I havent eaten fast food since early 2018

>> No.16696654

I spent 60 cents on my meal tonight. I fed 2 people and had leftovers.

>> No.16696664

I eat fast food maybe once a month
but why do you care what others eat? it does not effect you in any way if other people are fat fucks

>> No.16696679

I live in the tool shed in my moms backyard and she'll yell at me if I bring my filth inside

Still make more than her after expenses though so YOLO

>> No.16696750

I don’t.

I’m actually mad at myself for being such a lazy blue pilled normie retarded stereotypical suburban white American slob earlier in my life

>> No.16696811

That looks like shit desu

>> No.16696830

>burnt chicken
>lumpy mash
>frozen peas

fast food is cheaper and better

>> No.16698237

looks good anon.

honestly I don't like mashed potatoes that much but if i do want them I much prefer fake mashed vs real mashed I know its a blasphemous opinion

what did you eat? Rice and beans?

fuck off mcdonalds shill, no one wants your preservative ridden overpriced msg filled nastiness.

I literally feel sick and unappetized with the idea of fast food after not eating it for so long. Closest I come is maybe pizza or ice cream from the Tasty fucking Freeze every so often

>> No.16698244

I didn’t know that Ivanka Trump was a chemist

>> No.16698257

it looks like a dog stretching its fucking legs dude

>> No.16698288

looks like a rabbit running to me

>> No.16698295

nægrœ the taters alone take more than that. 5mins isn't enough to boil taters but there's also the washing, peeling, and mashing. now the peas are no issue of course but ain't everybody got a damn air fryer either

>> No.16698298

also is that Lawry's seasoning?

>> No.16698326

What's your excuse for ever eating shit like that? What are you, a broken 1980s housewife? Learn to cook

>> No.16698371

wow they have one of those in my city. I'll go get some this week

>> No.16698521

10 minute mashed potatoes? Fucking liar.

>> No.16698538

>he doesnt have vacuum bags of pre cut veg in his fridge

>> No.16698568

bruh you literally cooked so much liquid out of it in the first pick it split apart like its jerky

>> No.16698570
File: 13 KB, 225x211, haha_ooga_booga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instant mashed potatoes
>frozen peas
>baked chicken
I'd rather have a cheeseburger

>> No.16698576

I don't have to clean the plate after fast food

>> No.16698585


>on cooking board
>shills for the worst quality fast food out there xD

>> No.16698586

look at all the cunts in this thread pretending they peel and cook a pound of fresh peas

>> No.16698595

frozen peas are alright but instant mash is fucking retarded

>> No.16698622

I cook way better food than that every single day. If your standard is "its better than fast food" then you're not a good cook.

>> No.16698624

kettle on-1 minute to boil
pasta in pot- will take 7 minutes, 2 minutes if you make fresh pasta and keep it in portions in the freezer
pan on medium-low
onions/shalllots in
mushrooms in
cream in, reduce for ~2 minutes
pasta is done, use lid to drain and put pasta in pan
spinach, toss around so it wilts a bit

>> No.16699491

10 minutes to wash, boil, and mash potatoes? Fuck off. Fuck right off.

No I didn't read the rest of the thread, fuck you. I agree on avoiding fast food though. When I get home from a 12 hour shift plus commute, and need to work another one tomorrow, I'm not making a proper meal like OP, because I don't want to be only starting to eat dinner 8 hours before I need to be getting up for work again. So I'll make something quick and easy like tuna salad on toast. Not ideal, I know, but we don't all get to live in a fantasy world where shifts are only 8 hours long and potatoes apparently boil instantly.

>> No.16699626

Looks like it says coon out on cup. Made me laugh

>> No.16699657

You have to wash all the dishes

>> No.16699675

What the fuck is that thing and just how short are you?

>> No.16699701

>Makes you feel like molasses and death after eating

OPs meal causes mild post meal coma at most , I'd pick his most of the time.

>> No.16699710

Damn that guy has me craving a hot n spicy now

>> No.16699722

>Cook Out meal
>with the shake
Mein nigga!
Food and cooking. Says so up top there, see for yourself. While Cook Out certainly couldn't be considered healthy eating, when you factor in the taste and price, it's far from 'worst quality.'

>> No.16699731


I'm not poor.

>> No.16699794
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>Cold water boils faster than hot water

>> No.16699961

looks like you took a shit on your plate

>> No.16699968

75% of the threads on this shitpile of a board are about fast food, frozen meals, or alcohol. It might as well be renamed /fat/, /alc/, or /mcd/.

>> No.16699980

There is nothing wrong with frozen vegetables and potato flakes. I still eat fast food but this board is full of cretins >>16699491
Get a crockpot/slowcooker, you can make a lot of things with very little effort.

>> No.16699991

lurk more newfag

>> No.16700001

10 minutes is fast food, too.

>> No.16700065

I just counted and it's 25% max. The problem is more to do with the 50% of threads that are just a single meme as the OP and three replies from people who need to lurk more.

>> No.16700147

I'm a simple eater, I just go to my butcher and buy a meat pack and most meals are simple burgers, sausage and mash, steak and chips, spaghetti bolognese etc...

Sure it takes some skill and practise to cook for yourself. But when you live alone the motivation to cook every day is diminished by a lot. Sometimes it's generally easier to just go out and buy a $5 lunch from some chinese place.

>> No.16700554

yet here you are trying to convince others you are a "real" cook

>> No.16700574

That took longer than 10 mins, unless you used a bunch of pre-made/prepped shit. Which is the entire reason people eat fast food.

>> No.16700577

You're thinking of the Mpemba effect where hot water sometimes freezes faster than cold water.

>> No.16700579

anon admitted to pouch taters

>> No.16700581

>why do you care what others eat?
I have to live on the same planets as these retarded fat fucks

>> No.16700595

Instant mash tastes like shit
Frozen peas are boring
That chicken was not prepared in 10 minutes

I'd eat it though

>> No.16700608

Oh. So she admitted being full of shit and a retard. I assumed as much, but didnt bother to read the entire thread. Thanks bro

>> No.16700806

Have you never been to taco bell?

>> No.16700808

ordering two mcchickens takes 9 min

>> No.16700814

that just makes you look better in comparison

>> No.16700866

FOOD and cooking, you fucking readlet

>> No.16700917

I like it.

>> No.16700931


>> No.16700946

i've been travelling and motels don't have kitchens (no I'm not vaccinated)

>> No.16700950

based cookout appreciator

>> No.16700957

instant mashed potatoes is so retarded, it's so much worse than normal mashed potatoes and literally all yuo have to do is boil a fucking potato.
Protip, microwave the potato for 2-3 minutes before boiling and it only takes like 5-10 minutes for perfect mashed potatoes

>> No.16700979

that chicken look like a rolled up dog turd.

y ur fat ass eat so much butter?

gj keeping ur place clean tho.

>> No.16700996

Protip, use the proper ratio of water and stir as you add it and you'll end up with mashed potato every bit as good as anything made with fresh potato.

>> No.16701002

yeah im never gonna use instant mashed potatoes you absolute pleb, i can't believe you started a thread trying to be elitist when you literally used instant mashed potatoes, make scalloped potatoes and we'll talk

>> No.16701030


>> No.16701036

I ain't lyin--I haven't had any fast food (even the so called "healthier" ones) in over a decade. And no "one step up" shit like Applebees or Outback.

>> No.16701044

I didn't start the thread, I'm simply helping you out.

>> No.16701067

i dont like doing dishes

>> No.16701077

>and out in
you're clearly using temporal hax to get this under 10 minutes

>> No.16701079

you have to be 18 to use this site

>> No.16701083

Crack Barrel be bussin frfr no cap.

>> No.16701125

I've not had fast food in well over 8 years you projecting cuck

>> No.16701136

It doesn't look wet

>> No.16701138


>> No.16701162

You put water on it you greasy little nigger.

t. Culinary Arts Director for 11 years

>> No.16701164
File: 175 KB, 768x1024, 25E070E4-D8A9-48BC-A6EE-38A9542F399B-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took literally 10min

>> No.16701166

I'm incredibly depressed and getting worse so I stopped caring about cooking and now I've stopped caring about eating. I'm guessing I'm a few weeks from attempting an kill unless I can find some kind of hope somewhere

>> No.16701199

Tin foil amplifies signal reception, this is the biggest meme ever

>> No.16701216

10/10 good job
Lurk more

>> No.16701312

You're eating fast food you made at home.

>frozen peas
>instant mash
>pre-packaged chicken seasoning
>hey everyone praise me for 'cooking'

>> No.16701317

Fast food is better. Give me McDonalds over fillet mignon any day.

>> No.16701325

looks okay for something slapped together in 10 minutes. I actually boil a bunch of potatoes on sunday night and keep them in the fridge so I can do mashed potatoes in like. 3 minutes.

>> No.16701327


>Plain peas
>Mashed potatoes with LITERALLY JUST BUTTER melted on top
>Dry as fuck chicken

Oh my god step aside everyone, next gordon ramsay coming through here

>> No.16701412 [DELETED] 

Whatever you do. DO NOT get back at the system that made you feel this way. Have you read the great replacement by Brenton Tarrant? Do not read it.

>> No.16701482

looks good
i do wonder how you managed mashed potatoes from scratch in under 10 minutes, did you nuke the potatoes and then flash boil them? are they last nights baked tots?

either way looks good

>> No.16701486

I don't eat fast food

>> No.16701716

dry, bland, no sauce at all. lmao

>> No.16701731

T. Retard

>> No.16701741
File: 2.14 MB, 4000x3000, eatums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomato risoni: 10 minutes
>chicken schnitzel: 4 minutes
>(not pictured) side of peas: 4 minutes
so easy I can do the washing up while cooking
used to eat the schnitzel and risoni separately, but why not toss it in together?

>> No.16701768


Fucking disgusting.

>> No.16701796

it's chicken and risoni, grow up