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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16691795 No.16691795 [Reply] [Original]

/sip/ bros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.16691813
File: 116 KB, 512x512, icon-512-512-true-e7232c333f3c8b2650634b42dee58e1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you sip froma can?

i'd like to sip on monster and red bull during the day as a i ride around on my motorcycle delivering people's food to them but i can't find monster or red bull in bottles and i don't want to have to drink a whole can at one time so i stick with drinking V because it's readily available in a bottle.

>> No.16691814
File: 431 KB, 318x800, 689A10E9-414F-4D1A-9D0E-FCE66C1DE60F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A monument to all our sips.

>> No.16691839

I looked at the cases reported in the links. It looks like genetic disorders were the main reason people had problems. The people without genetic issues were drinking huge amounts of energy drinks.

I did not find a reference to support someone drinking 12 energy drinks in 10 minutes.

>> No.16691841
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I drank all of these in less than 5 minutes and nothing happened, including the big black monster in the back.

>> No.16692237

the guy in the video says it's because of the sugar amount overloading his already pre-diabetic pancreas, and the patient trying to reduce pain with alcohol. in short, Ultras Enjoyers should be ok.

>> No.16692345

What is the highest your daily average caffeine has been?
I used to drink 600mg before 10am and another 200+ throughout the day but am now at under 400 a day.

>> No.16693025


It's almost like you're not supposed to drink that much all at once.

>> No.16693125
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>> No.16693136

I knew a guy who mixed like 10 different monster flavors in a bowl and drank them, that didn't go well for him but he's still alive

>> No.16693162
File: 1.23 MB, 3331x1644, monster juiced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know why you would drink that much, one can per day is good enough for me.

>> No.16693200

what is this called and where can i buy it?

>> No.16693217

>Ultras Enjoyers should be ok.
No, since schizos were right all along. Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners fuck up your gut flora.

>> No.16693242

I dunno I'm probably around 500mg on an average day, but I space them out. And I'm a big guy. (For you)

>> No.16693355

its called monster energy

>> No.16693627

I'm German and I have never seen these guys, where can you get them? Cranberry Energy sounds nice as fuark

>> No.16693631

You can get them in Austria.

>> No.16693692

ah shit
I thought they'd be available at Spar because of the big S lel

>> No.16693757

>lardass torments the body he's been passively abusing for years
>organs have had it and start to fuck off
many such cases.

>> No.16693763

I've been tapering off the sips, the goal is to eventually no longer need them, I'm so tired of relying on caffeine to function. Down from three Bangs a day to one, sips will be gone from my life soon.

Turn back while you can /sip/bros.

>> No.16693783

I always forget Justin Silverman exists.

>> No.16693802

me next

>> No.16693814

I knew a kid in high school who claimed to have drank an entire case of monsters and a fifth of vodka on the same night, he supposedly passed out for over 24 hours but still survived.

>> No.16693819

>three Bangs a day
How the fuck did you survive doing that every day? Even one of those makes my heartbeat start to flutter, they're like 300mg of caffeine.

>> No.16693826

I'm chronically sleep deprived and just sort of fell into the habit. Built my tolerance up to the point where 900mg wasn't doing the job anymore and knew it was time to cut back.
I've already noticed a difference in the way I feel, I was probably an aneurysm waiting to happen.

>> No.16693913

Yeah this chink makes clickbait titles

>> No.16694535

hard to know but it was off the charts. I'd make 2 liters of cold brew (much stronger than regular coffee) and it wouldn't last me 2 days

>> No.16695170

It takes me three days to finish a 16oz can. I just wrap it up and put it in the fridge every night before bed.

>> No.16695183

>chink makes up a story

>> No.16695202

this was the least clear of any chubby emu video i've seen
i still dont understand why he got sick and why he didn't need surgery

>> No.16695237

The no caffeine for 3 weeks
I was once an addict like you

>> No.16695456

its called monster in a bigger can. you can find it in pretty much any gas station or convenience store

>> No.16695666

250-300mg a day, but I supplement it with Ephedrine for the boost

>> No.16695670

the best monster flavors are the rehabs. nothing comes close

>> No.16695700

>gas station
we call them petrol stations here and no you can't find them in pretty much any petrol station here.
i think somebody needs to check their privileges.

>> No.16695811

Mate, I see them at just about every petrol station and 7/11 I walk into.

Also, woolies and coles sell monster import, it has a plastic top on the can that can be closed. Just buy that.

>> No.16695845

>woolies and coles sell monster import
thank you.

i see the big monster can at servo's all the time but i've never seen one with a resealable lid (like a bottle) but i'll check coles and woolies for the imported cans now that i know they exist.

thank you kindly, sir.

>> No.16695857

>drinking this trash
How fat are you fuckers?

>> No.16695863

pot, kettle.

>> No.16695870

>caffeine causes fat

>> No.16695878

I'm 6'2 and 149 lbs.

>> No.16695883

wanna fuck my face?

>> No.16695891

move to a real country

>> No.16695895

in this era of covid19? are you crazy?

>> No.16695910


That's what I wasn't sure about. He talks about the guy being pre-diabetic and then also drinking alcohol, but he also mentions the caffeine. It never seems like he explains the link between caffeine and pancreatitis, though, only the link between being pre-diabetic and pancreatitis. The only time it looks like caffeine is an issue is with the heart, and that had nothing to do with what the patient in the video had.

If that's the case then it seems a little disingenuous to mention the caffeine at all. Wouldn't the effect have been the same (assuming these were full sugar energy drinks which they probably were) if he had chugged a dozen sodas or something with a roughly equivalent amount of sugar?

>> No.16696151

> if he had chugged a dozen sodas
to account for the larger size of the Monster (tm) cans, that comes up to 20 cans of soda, or 3.55 two liters bottles. yes it's probable that if he had chugged that many in 10 minutes he would have put himself in the emergency.

>> No.16696457
File: 20 KB, 315x396, frcjygh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the smoother sip
>Can dose your own amount of caffeine
>Why yes, I do consume 800mg caffeine in one sitting, HOW COULD YOU TELL?

>> No.16696532

monster import

>> No.16698256

I am technically obese lol. 5'10" (king of manlets), 210 lbs or 178cm 95kg, but size 34 jeans with belt (dunno euro size sorry), 16:30 minutes 2 mile (3+ km) still, weakish lifts (but they exist), weekend cycling (enthusiast cadence) up to 50km or 30mi round trips regularly, outdoor activities like hiking or trap shooting after work. But yeah, obese technically. I can't imagine my life minus 45 lbs or 20 kilo to be honest.

>> No.16698260

Forgot to mention that weekly sips (2 cans/1L a week) and beer (up to 3L on the weekend but usually less than half that) keep me obese lmao. I wonder if I'm at risk for heart disease?

>> No.16698276

>it's that lardass that owns AVGN now
What the rancid buffalo shit is this fuckface doing on /ck/?!?!

>> No.16698445

same boat fren
there was a day when i was half way through my third one and i felt actual pain in my kidneys
took as a sign and im down to about one a week