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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16689567 No.16689567 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16689571

normies don't like bones

>> No.16689652

normies are afraid of fat.

>> No.16689654


>> No.16689676
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>> No.16689687

No veins, no fat strips, no bones. Just a big chunk of meat you don't have to think about.
Same reason normies freak out when you show them how chickens are slaughtered and then get upset when they ask "SO WOULD YOU REDUCE YOUR MEAT INTAKE?" and say no because no shit it comes from slaughter

>> No.16689694

Better quality, easier to cook on a pan. No cartilage or bones.

>> No.16689704

More meat, i prefer simply because of this.

>> No.16689729
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More meat to bone ratio.

Also thighs tend to take more time to make taste good.

That being said, I still enjoy thighs, especially for braising.

>> No.16689738

They are cheaper then thighs fillets.

>> No.16689748

More versatile.

>> No.16689779

Literally just the health meme, dipshits grew up being told that low-fat=healthy and since breasts are less fatty than thighs that means they're the "healthy choice".

All the people saying it's because normies don't like bones are retarded, boneless skinless thighs are common as fuck at grocery stores.

>> No.16689783


>> No.16689793

>boneless skinless thighs are common as fuck at grocery stores.
Only ever seen or read about deboned legs in American recipes. Dunno if it's that common everywhere else.

>> No.16690119

most people prioritize tits over ass too much.

>> No.16690136

good breast > thigh > wing >> drum > overcooked breast (99%)

>> No.16690141

“Health consciousness” and fast food marketing.
Nobody really gave a fuck until the 80’s/90’s when fast food joints started marketing their sandwiches/nuggets as being made with “all-white breast meat”.
So suddenly consumers gained a perception of “breast meat” being the “high quality” meat of the chicken.

>> No.16690158

>“all-white breast meat”
So capitalism made it so that WHITE meat is viewed as superior to DARK meat.


>> No.16690160

Places that aren't America don't exist, imaginary communist.

>> No.16690170
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boneless thighs are very common here

>> No.16690181

Cheap and not too bad if you don't cook em dry.

>> No.16690187

>Boneless thigh
It's called an ass, retard

>> No.16690191

the arse of a chicken is called a parsons nose and it's delicious

>> No.16690194

No, it’s a boneless chicken ham, cooklet.

>> No.16690219

>>boneless skinless thighs are common as fuck at grocery stores.
>Only ever seen or read about deboned legs in American recipes. Dunno if it's that common everywhere else.
It exists here but my cunts very American influenced

>> No.16690233

>in my country
just say it or stay quiet

>> No.16690293
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You cannot stop me Joshua

>> No.16690296

Looks prettier, less "icky" to normies.

>> No.16690297

The fuck? I've never seen deboned legs but browns love boneless thighs for their infinite chicken and rice variations.

>> No.16690369

If you cannot buy deboned thighs you live in 3rd world shithole.

>> No.16690594

High protein low calorie

>> No.16690596

people who need high protein need calories

>> No.16690873

spotted the ketolards

>> No.16690890

More chicken per square chicken

>> No.16690989

Funny name hehe

>> No.16691002

less greasy mess, doesn't grease out the rest of the meal if you're doing some 1-pan shit.

>> No.16691190

If I pay by weight then I'm paying for bones and I can't eat bones.
Breast meat is better anyway

>> No.16691223


Companies involved in sugar production paid a lot of money to lobbyists and PR firms to shift the focus of the obesity epidemic from processed sugar to fat.

>> No.16691232

this. it's the boomer low fat thing. they also hate sodium. only flavorless food is allowed

>> No.16691241

>t. overweight

>> No.16691275

Understanding that retards who think fat is the devil are wrong has nothing to do with dumbfuck fad diets schizo

>> No.16691281

>Not hoarding bones to make stock

If you're too stupid to know what to use bones for you could just buy boneless thighs anyway, assuming you don't live in fucking Nigeria or something.

>> No.16691294

>dumbfuck fad diets
muhhh fad diet

>> No.16691303

Heh...if you do the math of the ratio that consists of the percentage of meat to bone you'll find that the difference in price for what you get (in meat) is 1-2 cents per pound in terms of rising tiers (leg quarters to drumstick to thigh to breast etc.) Usually in favor of bone in. The difference is prep time, but if you prefer the lean flavor of breasts by all means.

>> No.16692439

health meme. but I do enjoy chicken breast better than dark meat. it tastes so much better when cooked well, but most people overcook it and dry it out.

>> No.16692489

>more consistent shape and texture
>low fat for /fit/
>easy to process
Basically breasts are the cut of choice for people who choose food primarily based on health benefits or ease of prep. Thighs/legs/whole is for the money conscious or those who prioritize flavor.

>> No.16692511

Most people arent even vegetarian, so the jaded response is the normie response.

>> No.16692722

>europoor butchers too lazy to fillet

>> No.16692821


>> No.16692833

Somewhat bland, generic taste that goes well with everything.

>> No.16693101 [DELETED] 

People here screaming about healthfags are off target. Dollars to donuts the modern health nut is probably the same type that would make a blog about skinless boneless chicken thighs and lentils or some shit. Thighs are gamey and have more potential for gristle and ligaments, the average person is going to prefer the blander cut.

>> No.16693133

nice try, corpo, animal fat doesn't cause fat gain in humans

>> No.16693187

Chicken breast is the only part of the chicken I'll eat because it has more protein and is the best overall. I see no reason to eat any other part of the chicken, my friend says thigh tastes better, but the taste is pretty much the same to me.

>> No.16693496

Finland has boneless skinless thighs, and we suck at food availability in general

>> No.16693536

New Zealand is America

>> No.16693538

Because we're not niggers.

>> No.16693545

I remember buying breasts for absolute dirt cheap back in Austria (at Billa I think it was) and being surprised by it.
Turns out they weren't boneless so a good chunk of the price was the bones.
Still a good deal though.

>> No.16693590

low fat high fun

>> No.16693739

Spotted the resident vegancuck. How's the bloat going?

>> No.16693751

Because the sugar industry paid to fake studies to shift the blame for negative health off of sugar and onto fat. The myth of saturated fat being bad lead to the rise of hydrogenated soy and canola margarines and a horrific uptick in obesity.

>> No.16693752

Why are ketofags always so insecure?

>> No.16693755

There is literally one schizo who crossposts here and /fit/ who calls everyone who knows that the saturated fat data was a lie a ketolard.

>> No.16693762

You have to brine chicken breast. You do not have to brine thighs.

>> No.16693865

switched to thighs because easier to cook and more self flavor

>> No.16693868

They're only 13% of the population.

>> No.16693953

You don't have to brine either if you aren't retarded

>> No.16693962

>eating dry fatless chicken

Tell me you aren't an olive oil and lemon retard.

>> No.16693984

Health reasons, people prefer a bland but longer life

>> No.16693987

If you can't cook a chicken breast without drying it out unironically neck yourself.

>> No.16693996

You can make tender moist chicken breast without a brine of you're a halfway decent cook.

A brine makes it retard proof

>> No.16694009

Please tell me you don't make chicken breasts with olive oil and lemon.
The only chicken breasts I make are smoked and attached to an entire bird brined overnight. If you smoke a whole bird and don't brine it then the breasts will not only be the worst part of the bird, they will be downright inedible.

>> No.16694039

Take your meds

>> No.16694045

Please tell me you don't actually by choice buy chicken breasts and make it with olive oil and lemon.

>> No.16694047

So by your retarded logic you have to brine both breasts and thighs since they're part of the same bird and your autistic brain can't fathom the possibility of separating them dumbass.

>> No.16694051


>> No.16694061

No I just buy thighs exclusively if I don't buy whole birds because chicken breast is the worst part of the entire chicken. When I do mesquite smoke whole chickens I end up shredding the breast meat and making it with pepper jack as quesadillas.

>> No.16694069

Confirmed retread, sick

>> No.16694072

Breasts have no fat. They are bad.

>> No.16694075

Do you?

>> No.16694082

So what? You can add fats (butter, oil, ghee, etc) and have prefectly good breasts too.

If you can't cook a moist chicken breast, you're not a good cook.

>> No.16694083

>I am a retard who doesn't know how to use every part of the bird in different ways

Imagine being proud of mental deficiency.

>> No.16694102

I already said it is good as mesquite smoked chicken quesadillas. There is no reason to buy the inferior cut when it is the same price. That would be like buying sirloin if ribeye were the same price. Otherwise I would cut it into strips. BRINE IT with buttermilk, roll it in flour, dredge it in egg whites and vodka, roll in bread crumbs then back into the flour then deep fry it in a cast iron dutch oven using lard.

Olive oil and lemon chicken tastes like bland garbage and is a boomer white woman meme of the worst variety. Another option is smashing it flat and making schnitzel but then pork is better and cube steak is the same price. Chicken breasts are garbage.

>> No.16694133

>He's still not over the time his uncle spread olive oil on his asshole and shoved 6 lemons up there

Move on, you shouldn't have been dressed so slutty if you didn't want it.

>> No.16694134

More like my mother in law still thinks fat is bad for you and is the worst cook I have ever met.

>> No.16694137

Just relax your lemonhole, it'll be over soon

>> No.16694138

Animal fat is excellent for raising testosterone, in turn leading to more muscle and increased mental control. I only buy high fat ground beef for this reason. It's cheaper and better for you.

>> No.16694147

This anon gets it. I try to eat ribeye and liver at least 4 days a week and minimize my chicken intake. I also try to only eat carbs with macros so I stick to sweet potatoes, purple sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots, rutabaga, red potatoes, gold potatoes, and celery root and only eat rice or bread sparingly.

>> No.16694153


>> No.16694162

Your diet sounds pretty based to me. I'll be making a pan of chill after.

>500g high fat beef
>Packet of microwave rice
>Tin of tomatoes
>Tin of black beans
>Bunch of mild chilli spices (no bully pls I'm white)

Got a ton of eggs I need to get through too.

>> No.16694165

No. It won't. She literally followed us 4000 miles across the country and bought a house near us.

>> No.16694173

Only thing I would change is don't microwave plastic and add a shit load of onions, garlic, and bell peppers. Oh and if you really want your chili to be good smoke it with lump charcoal. I always forget I wake up at bong and krout o clock. I thought you guys had a food shortage right now?

>> No.16694175

I'm pro low carb/high fat but I enjoy breasts for the convenience. You can add a ton of fat and texture back into the breast through oil poaching.

>> No.16694186

I don't cook the rice in the microwave, I just throw it in a pan. It's just nice that it comes in handy portions like that. In fact I don't even own a microwave because it prevents me from buying microwave meals.

>I thought you guys had a food shortage right now?
Not here in the UK. Up in the norf things feel normal, except there's still perspex everywhere and people still think covering their mouth with a dirty rag will PREVENT lung infection.

>> No.16694191

normies are afraid to be reminded that they eat corpse of an animal so they choose the "meat slab" instead of meat with bones. same reason with filleted fishes.

>> No.16694212

Oh must be a case of fake news. If you avoid watching it the pandemic has been over for months now. You only see faggots with masks at stores like trader joes (I am addicted to gerolsteiner sparkling mineral water and that is the only place to buy it here)

>> No.16694214

>The absolute gigachud is so foodcucked by an elderly woman that he's become a poultry racist

Jesus Christ dude, either swallow your husband's cock to shut yourself up or end it already.

>> No.16694218

Ok zoomer

>> No.16694219
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This anon should know, he's well versed with bones.

>> No.16694234

Tell us your thoughts on lemons again

>> No.16694244

If you eat olive oil and lemon chicken breast you are an absolute retard eating a purported "healthy" but shitty meal based on obsolete science that was phoney and funded by the sugar industry from the beginning. If you are still eating low fat and avoiding saturated fat then you are a fucking retard.

>> No.16694277
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>> No.16695437

Kiwis might actually be the cutest animal of all

>> No.16695992

A butcher will happily debone it for you, even in a shithole country.

>> No.16696021

I usually don't use chicken breast for curry because it takes too long to become very tender. I made curry with chicken breast using a pressure cooker and the meat pulled apart very easy after just 30min on medium heat. Milk burned, but was otherwise salvageable. Would repeat, but would add the dairy in last and cook uncovered (so it doesn't burn).

>> No.16696042

Where do you live where chicken breasts are cheaper than chicken thighs?

>> No.16696049

The breast is all lean meat.
From a health perspective it is the ideal cut. It might not taste as good, but it's packed full of protein.

>> No.16696062

So higher prices for chicken breasts must be an American thing.

>> No.16696107

They are only different in price based on how much processing the grocer or butcher put into them, and what the demand is.

A skinless breast is going to be worth more than a leg and thigh together with skin on.
A skinless thigh alone, is going to be worth more than the previous.

But it then comes down to demand. More people want breasts than thighs for the most part. Especially since if you're feeding a family breast meat is best bang for your buck...

>> No.16696113

more meat

>> No.16696128

>I only buy high fat ground beef for this reason
Basically the only red meat I buy these days are chuck steak or lamb shoulder for slow cooking and lamb forequarter chops, which are also one of the cheapest cuts of lamb you can buy and have a lot of fat on them. It's absolutely the way to go, cheap, tasty and there's a lot more creative meals you can do with them

>> No.16696130

Oh and of course good for you as well