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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16688482 No.16688482 [Reply] [Original]

Why is his cooking show so comfy? What's your favourite episode?

>> No.16688502

>What's your favourite episode?
the one where you get this shitty thread deleted and banned from this board...fuck off with this faggot you shill for and any other e-celeb shit

>> No.16688516

The one with the french suicide. However, he does have that creepy overly fake hollywood-ism about him. is still comfy though, there is just a niggle there.

There was also that self deprecating classism early on that was a bit much, but hes gotten better about not laying it on so thick.

in general 7/10. good enough job. pat yourself on the back max you fruit.

>> No.16688524

>he does have that creepy overly fake hollywood-ism about him
its his career - he was one of those struggling gay actors/musical theatre guys, did some work in costume at disneyland

>> No.16688533

yah, I know. Thats why I pinned it as a Hollywood-ism. However, I have seen far worse hollywood-isms, so its not a damnable offence. He does still have a measure of authenticity to it all in a feel good way.

>> No.16688537

His garum episode is both historically accurate and useful, I'm glad he was the one to get a popular video about it.

>> No.16688547

Why do you faggots never give a name to these types so I can filter them?
Are you such a faggot as to have to obfuscate and say "why is he" or she like the faggot that you are?

>> No.16688551

I have no idea what you are trying to convey with this statement.

>> No.16688554


>> No.16688555

You must be a simpleton, look at the original post "who is he" well I don't know, give a name, are you that retarded to not understand that? Or are you scared so you want it to pass filters?

>> No.16688564

...Are you esl?

>> No.16688574

I like his show specifically because he has that creepy fakeness about him. There's nothing worse than someone who tries to be "real" like Sam the Cooking Guy, while they're obviously putting on an act.

I like a media personality who embraces his role as a media personality. It's like a cracking open a can of Coke, it doesn't pretend to be anything that exists in nature, but is still good and satisfying.

>> No.16688575

He looks like a white supremacist.

>> No.16688576

keep screeching, autismo

his is a good channel, more interesting recipes than other channels

>> No.16688578

Like a twisty foreign fag, apparenty you are like a lame ass eel that I'd have fired and not think twice about it. You're worthless.

>> No.16688585

I don't have to screech, you do. Especially to get your creepy bitch family close, piss off, but then I didn't vote for biden, you illegals did.

>> No.16688590

I can understand that to some degree. Almost a professional cadence. Prefer a boss who wares his tie openly rather than a boss who wears short shorts and tries to be one of the guys when he's obviously not and still tries to make quotas. A little sincerity in the role.

>> No.16688598

anon, I think hes retarded and foreign, don't excite him. He may seize up like a goat.

>> No.16688603

You come across as a creepy indian or paki that shakes its head when speaking and that cute girls call budgoos because you're so lame.
I know your shitty indian lingo.

>> No.16688606


>> No.16688610

Did a foreign government come up with that to get your goat family into the US?

>> No.16688612

go make another fast food thread faggot

>> No.16688618

That would be a stinky subway thread because they stink of indians and pakis and pretty much all owned by them. No wonder they suck so much and you have to advertise so much.

>> No.16688626

>why does this man have this type of characteristic
then why are you in this thread dude?

>> No.16688628

talking about this phenomenon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaGBWkACMJs

>> No.16688632 [DELETED] 

You're a pathetic indian consinged to having poo in the loo and dots on your bitches, what thread I'm in is of no concern to a shit like you.
Good times, but not for you for fucking poo in the loo ganges scum, I fire people like you for ineptitude and don't give it a second glance.

>> No.16688639

I'm not really not the "diversity" for the sake of "diversity" type. Get over yourselves... >>16688626

>> No.16688645

literally what are you ranting about?

>> No.16688649

Are you a paki? thats the only reason why someone would be so obsessed with india or vis versa. Dont think there has been any indication of such either. you are either esl or schizoid or both.

>> No.16688650

I'm not ranting, you are, you want to be in the USA, so deserve it instead of being a dotheaded wobble headed boojujube.

>> No.16688659

im a white Australian, how did we get to ranting about indians in a thread about a gay food history youtuber.

>> No.16688660

We're not the brits you know, we don't owe you indians or pakis jack shit.

>> No.16688661

probably because you're a shitty indian yourself you ESL fuckbag

>> No.16688667

(you)s probably. also, esl schizo.

>> No.16688668

You aussies never had the balls to tell the brits to fuck off and are too fucked to do it by vote, but blame the USA for your problems.

>> No.16688670

oh, let me redact>>16688667, its a shitposter at this point.

>> No.16688672

Like all white supremacists, he is also gay

>> No.16688681
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>> No.16688683

well duh, thats because he is.

>> No.16688690 [DELETED] 

You fags are repeating yourselves, like homosexuals bobbing up and down a cock. Clearly you fags like cock.
And you faggots exist to divide whites and blacks where no real division exists. You savages are just nothing but base cannibals.

>> No.16688697

This is /ck and you and I don't want it brought up. I don't want a ban for you, you're not worth it.

>> No.16688701
File: 922 KB, 913x1020, 1569185304.bonicfan123_chompette~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely indian ESL then
posture less about how much pussy you crush when we all know you're a virgin
even us fags have more contact with women than you -- why is that, i wonder? is it because you fucking stink? that you literally just smell like fucking shit, at all times?

>> No.16688706 [DELETED] 

Quality not quanity, something indians and pakis and you brownies will never quite understand, I don't exist to explain it to you.

>> No.16688713
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1565449289635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually you are the brown one
nope, white gay chad here, and you do, in fact, exist to serve me at all times
you really ought to learn your place

>> No.16688720

the other guy brought it up.

>> No.16688729

>no pumpion
fuck y'all i'll be the only one enjoying a pumpkin pie with a thin layer of sliced apples underneath

>> No.16688735

keep dreaming homo

>> No.16688736
File: 230 KB, 1280x1440, 1411758770399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you get off this board until you learn to fucking spell
you're in a lot of the same threads i am and you just fucking suck

>> No.16688747

what did he misspell?

>> No.16688749

Too early I think for pumpkin pie. I got a mini pie that I put in my refrigerator, Banana Chocolate Chip, I'll slice it up and have slices with or without a girl or wife controlling me.

>> No.16688763

No wonder it wasn't found.

>> No.16688764

pumpkin is not spelled "pumpion"

i don't need to dream, i am constantly swimming in bitches
you will never, ever be on my level
especially not with your personal grooming habits -- rather, your complete lack thereof

>> No.16688772

pumpkin actually is spelled pumpion fyi.

>> No.16688779

>swimming in bitches
So you're an indian or paki that wants to behave like a nigger with a baseball cap worn backwards indoors. That'll get you lots of respect.
Go for it man, maybe some nigger bitch will twerk on you and bring your extended familon in.

>> No.16688782
File: 45 KB, 282x327, 1429773120533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'know what
i admire your dedication to the bit
I'll leave you be


>> No.16688788

I'm the tard but you're the one posting in caps, ok fagbait. You must be right.

>> No.16688792

yes, in fact, you are the retard

>> No.16688795

everything u say to me reflects on you infinity times, that means that ur a infinity fag

>> No.16688799
File: 1.16 MB, 609x1199, 1588517616661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but i never called you a fag

>> No.16688802


>> No.16688810
File: 659 KB, 1439x1366, Screenshot_20200904-004946_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, yeah
but we've already well-established my gayness
i am famously homosexual, after all

>> No.16688940

Is that Alex jones

>> No.16688950

I think he's kinda cute, tbch

>> No.16688969

tbqh understandable.

>> No.16688978

he's got a deep voice, I'm into dad bods, and he doesn't have an unattractive face
plus he makes me laugh, which is a plus

>> No.16689234
File: 92 KB, 595x345, thread_becomes_worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16689472

really like all his videos about roman food, it's something I've always had an interest in, especially garum I've always wanted to try it

>> No.16689500

The one with the peach melba, so far

>> No.16689623

Hey at least he's not an orange fool.

>> No.16689759

Dropped him when he said he worked for the Mouse before.

>> No.16689763

Garum is insanely fishy.
It’s easy to make but probably not worth the effort, you’ll end up throwing it away.

>> No.16689822


his 'presenter' style of speaking is a little irritating and cringe, but his episodes genuinely have a lot of interesting information and are to the point so I still watch

>> No.16691042
File: 168 KB, 1080x318, IMG_20210913_152932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet enters spastic fit when he sees a word "misspelled" because it goes against what his call service agency's dictionary says
Many such cases

>> No.16691431

just stopping by to call this guy a fag

>> No.16691551


This. It's not complete whorish sellout, but it's honest about what he's doing. I 100% agree on the boss thing. I don't trust the people who try to dress down, make the office "fun" (just a way to try and keep you there longer), and don't believe in hierarchies (insulates upper management and denies a clear path for employees to progress).

Point being, Max is a likeable professional.

>> No.16691599

I really like the history part of the show. It just works so well pairing a dish with its history. Everlasting Syllabub is probably my favorite. It looks like a cloud.

>> No.16691713

He actually does look like a nazi in his LinkedIn profile pic. Max Miller- such a Herman name. Look at his features, a perfect aryan. Just think, maybe 80 years ago and he would have been a SS officer Aryan. Sending gays to the camps in public and in private having gay, occult meth-fueled orgies with all the other Thule Society weirdos.

And now he makes historical cooking videos with his brown boyfriend. So much change can happen in 80 years

>> No.16691720
File: 87 KB, 1076x1121, Screenshot_20210913-164105_LinkedIn~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.16691751

he's alright. i like the concept of his videos, i just wish he wouldn't make so many cartoon cutaways or gay pop culture references, i feel like he's been doing it more in his recent vids compared to the earlier ones
not big on his mannerisms and unironic product shilling but i understand he's got to eat something other than his pet mexican's ass once in a while. hope he turns it down a bit in future videos

>> No.16691773
File: 983 KB, 1200x1200, 1629014280074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's such a big homo that I find it hard to watch

If he weren't such a homo I would subscribe

How many STDs do you think he has gotten over the years?

>> No.16691780

I think he's trying way to hard to be funny now that he is popular but even still surprised he lasted this long without going to complete shit.

>> No.16691809
File: 65 KB, 620x760, AmonGoeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16691859

time traveler confirmed

>> No.16691941

My two biggest hobbies are cooking and history, so he's perfect for me.

As others have said too, he's just comfy. That 'stage persona' does feel authentic with him too, kinda how Ian Mckellen always has the same air about him.

I like Max