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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16685738 No.16685738 [Reply] [Original]

>Every single "authentic bolognese" recipe tell you to just sweat the onions and cook them without color
>Cooked my bolognese like this for years, always thought it tasted a bit bland
>Watch Alton Brown's bolognese recipe, he uses an insane amount of onions and caramelizes the fuck out of them
>Try it for myself, it actually taste's a hundred times better

What are some times you realized the classic/common knowledge way to cook something was actually inferior?

>> No.16685744

Cook everything 2 hours longer than the recipe says. Everything tastes way better

>> No.16685748
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>> No.16685750

yeah let me just sear a steak for two hours longer. retard

>> No.16685847

what the fuck my sauce is bland too
fucking hell why has nobody told me this before?

>> No.16685856

I remember thinking this was stupid but I can't remember what the recipe was even for

>> No.16685869

Grilled cheese.
Literally grilled, like on a bar-b-que.
Personally, I think it's a bad idea, but then again I was skeptical about making grilled cheese in a waffle iron, but that shit's pretty good.

>> No.16685873

Always roast the hell out of everything if the sauce should not be as white as possible.
Also fuck recipes that say sweat onions/other vegetables first and then throw the meat in like traditional goulash recipes. You miss so much colour and flavour with that method.

>> No.16685874

I think that was just a filler idea. His silly gadgets always get viewership and he works in entertainment. "Whats the best way to make a literal grilled cheese? Goofy spatula!"

>> No.16685880

>I was skeptical about making grilled cheese in a waffle iron
Literally why? Fucking brainlet

>> No.16685890

Don't be a bully its rude

>> No.16685907

Fuck authenticity and cook shit however you want to. What's a fucking greasy wops impotent rage matter to me anyway. Fucking deal with it Guido

>> No.16685911 [DELETED] 

>Literally why? Fucking brainlet
Why be skeptical? Or why use a waffle iron for grilled toast?
Use your words, please. I want to help.

>> No.16685925

>Literally why? Fucking brainlet
Why be skeptical? Or why use the waffle iron for grilled cheese?
Use your words. Don't be afraid. I want to help.

>> No.16686013
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>> No.16686482

Italians don't know how to cook, they've been spoiled by their climate and high quality ingredients. Always take cooking advice from italians with a grain of salt.

>> No.16686630

Anne Burrells recipe is better


>> No.16686640

Cry all you want /ck/niggers but this is the best bolognese recipe on youtube.

>> No.16686679

>How would you like your eggs?
Over 2hrs please!

>> No.16686680

Sweetness addicts can't taste food properly. You will never know how real bolognese tastes.

>> No.16686772

Burrell is always good.

Personally, I just don't want my bolognese sweet, and I find caramelized onions and carrots do too much. Cooking down the tomato paste is great, as is the wine, but I simply brown the meat a bit and always include mushrooms.

>> No.16686788

Also sweet because of the mirepoix?

>> No.16686789

How much onion did you use and how long did you cook it? Even without caramelizing, onion will eventually break down and become sweet after 2-3 hours of simmering. If you didn't cook it that long then you're not going to get the full flavor.

>> No.16686802

So like what exactly is the point of tomato sauce food like this. It is always bland. Always. You need to add cream to it.

>> No.16686806

isn't he a chud or something

>> No.16686819

It's annoying me that she keeps calling fond crud

>> No.16686825

Braised steak and slow-boiled eggs are things. He forgot to mention that you should do it at a lower temp as well.

>> No.16686826

Caramelization vs mirepoix, you complete fucking retard. Hugely different intensity. Fucking stupid piece of shit. Where do you live? I'm going to go there and kill you right now. Do the world a favor.

>> No.16686831

He made concentration camp jokes on twitter last November. Seems pretty based to me.

>> No.16686846

God I hate italians. I can't believe as an anglo I stand with the french.

>> No.16686859

Favorite Alton recipe?

For me its his 40 clove garlic chicken


>> No.16686872

Mirepoix has lots of sugar in it that will always incoporate in the sauce. No matter what you're doing with it.

>> No.16686884

>You need to add cream to it.
Cream adds richness, and doesn't cure blandness.
Have you ever even eaten food?

>> No.16686900

I require all of my food to be rich because I got way too into french food early on.

>> No.16686916

When do you add your Knorr™ Stock Pot™?

>> No.16686926

Holy fucking shit just tell me where you live. Your stupid ass needs to be killed right now.

>> No.16686927

Hmm only if there were a kitchen tool that had raised edges and a handle.

>> No.16686933

Rent free in your schizo head.

>> No.16686982

Is that where that shit comes from??? I've always hated when people barely cook the onion then throw ground meat in and just let it steam. Absolutely disgusting. Seen it done in all cultures I always assumed it was a retard cooklet move.

>> No.16687013

Rich is not the opposite of bland.
Vanilla ice cream is super rich, and almost as bland as it gets.

>> No.16687021

Not the most elegant woman, but she's cool as shit.

>> No.16687028

>Vanilla ice cream is (...) as bland as it gets.

>> No.16687037

Vanilla is the most superior flavor. It is the flavor that all other flavors aspire to.

>> No.16687065

>Vanilla is the most superior flavor.
Do either of you cocksuckers understand what "bland" means?????

>> No.16687066

Mmm...shrooms. I'll have to put them in next time I cook her bolognese

>> No.16687079

vanilla ice cream just tastes like sugar. come back with dark chocolate gelato and we'll talk.

>> No.16687080

Yes. Vanilla ice cream is not fucking bland. Are you stupid?

>> No.16687088

Bland effectively has the opposite definition of rich.

>> No.16687136


>> No.16687138

>vanilla ice cream just tastes like sugar
My point exactly. What the fuck do any of you fools think "bland" means??????

>Bland effectively has the opposite definition of rich.
NO, you cocksucking morons, bland is the opposite of spicy.

>> No.16687139

I cook sunny side up eggs this way.

>> No.16687232
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Bland means lacking flavor. Vanilla has flavor it's right in the name.

>> No.16687240

You missed the address bar when typing that, faggot.

>> No.16687278

never needed to caramelize onions for this type of sauce, just low and slow for a long time, and I keep the amount of tomato low, like 1/2 of what I'd do for a regular american "tomato meat sauce", throw in lots of beef stock, flavor with Worcestershire or even fish sauce.

>> No.16687283

>kitchen tool that had raised edges and a handle.

>> No.16687298

The episode was about making a grilled cheese without a pan, iirc.

>> No.16687303

You must be eating the shit vanilla ice cream, like the stuff you get from Wal-Mart made with the fake vanilla that comes from beaver ass. Eat ice cream made with real vanilla bean, or a French vanilla.

>> No.16687305

oh lmao i thought there was some fancy spatula with raised edges i'd never heard of like a spatula canoe

>> No.16687312

Are you mentally retarded? Bland means lacking flavor. FAT IS FLAVOR.

>> No.16687347


>> No.16687388

My mother always insisted on using beef stock for stews and pot roast. I didn’t learn u til my late 20’s how much better it is to use chicken stock.

>> No.16687515

Absolute cooklet meme and cope. Fat is a crutch. It makes food palatable even when the actual flavor is lacking. This is why low quality food is almost always high in fat.

In actuality fat actually mutes flavors. Compare the flavor of a high fat strawberry ice cream to the flavor of strawberry sorbet. The sorbet will have much more depth of flavor, allowing you to actually perceive the full range of strawberry aromas. Tastelets will prefer the ice cream anyway, because they are addicted to the sensation of fat and sugar.

>> No.16687538
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>sorbet isnt flavored by fructose
lmao k

>> No.16688674

Anon never states that. Just because someone doesn't out right deny your claim doesn't mean they are a proponent of it. What are you some twitter zoomer that stumbled unto here?

>> No.16688692

it was practically a comedy sketch
>the cheese itself is not grilled, so lets go do that

>> No.16688711

>Sorbet has more depth of flavour
>Tastelets will prefer the ice cream anyway, because they are addicted to the sensation of fat and sugar.
>implying sorbet isnt flavoured by being almost pure sugar

>> No.16688721
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thanks for spelling it out for the midwit, anon

>> No.16688765

this was a God tier shitpost but I bet it tasted good as fuck

>> No.16688794

italian grandmas are sneaky and don't reveal all secrets so that their sons still need to rely on their cooking

>> No.16688804

Brown owns because he doesn't believe in bullshit 'tradition' without trying it himself and understanding why

>> No.16688805

Vanilla being made the basic flavor over just a sweet cream is like the greatest crime.

>> No.16688845

Alton always does a twist on traditional recipes and it always ends up better.
>Waldorf salad
>Devil's food/red velvet cake
>Banana pudding
>Candy Apples

>> No.16688876

That's really his strength, i hate the DIY cooking apparatuses though. Really unhelpful to me to watch your pie tin tower for chicken wings

>> No.16689102

I realized it when I started making my own stir-fry sauce.

>> No.16689125

Deep color is usually a worthwhile step, the problem with caramelizing is committing time and adding unnecessary sweetness. If you're using white onions (red turn gross black color), you can slightly speed up the process by adding a pinch of baking soda. Can cut a few minutes off but too much will give a chemical taste just a heads up.

>> No.16689147

I dunno, the cheese/bread ratio seemed too much in favor of the latter

>> No.16689170

Good Eats really got me first interested in cooking, but AB does a lot of things differently. I bought his first cookbook and the recipes are honestly stellar, but if you look up anything on FN they're completely wrong, and look like they're written by the dumbest interns. There's a good reason to only sweat onions/mirepoix for something like a bolognese, but there's also some reasoning behind a lot of his methods. I don't remember that particular episode, but it's common to add extra sugar to tomato based sauces, so I'd assume that was the reasoning behind caramelizing the onions.

>> No.16689176

Obviously you have to use common sense. Things like curry/Bolognese/one-pit meals are improved ten fold if you cool them over the day. I had a recipe for a Tikka Masala that said to add two tins of coconut milk and reduce for half an hour. It tasted like coconut milk. I cooked that bitch for three hours, let it reduce and it tasted incredible. The one downside is that you have to have a lot of free time

>> No.16689198

>Also fuck recipes that say sweat onions/other vegetables first and then throw the meat in like traditional goulash recipes. You miss so much colour and flavour with that method.
Well for Bolognese you obviously want the minced meat to properly dissolve into smaller pieces, so obviously you start sweating the onions and then add the meat.

>> No.16689201

Beef stew with chicken stock?

>> No.16689213

Also works if i first add the meat and then the vegetables.

>> No.16689232

i dont oil my cast iron and put it in an already preheated 475 degree oven for 1 hour every time i am done cooking. instead i soap it, rinse it, then hang it upside down in the sink

>> No.16689251
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>downside is that you have to have a lot of free time
Use a pressure cooker.

>> No.16689252

You mean a slow cooker right

>> No.16689299

>What are some times you realized the classic/common knowledge way to cook something was actually inferior?
every single time
tradition is cancer

>> No.16689337

Pods and bugs for you then, reprobate

>> No.16689370

I always throw my celery, carrots, and onions in a blender with olive oil and turn it into a paste before frying it.
Distributes the flavour more evenly and gives a smoother sauce.

>> No.16689376


>> No.16689525
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>or even fish sauce
>ragu made with the freshly-squeezed sweat from a thai ladyboy's butthole

>> No.16689752

>every single time
>tradition is cancer
Your family doesn't like you very much do they? One day you'll grow out of being a teenager, I hope.

>> No.16690069

My secret bolognese recipe:
- Use a ot of onions, cook them before adding lean ground beef
- add sliced tomatoes and sliced sour pickles
- add pepperoni if yu want it spicy
- add ground beef and concentrated tomato paste
- cook it for a while until everything gets saucy (if its too saucy add some oats), if you are vegan you can also just substitute the ground beef with oats, tastes also delicious
- add some easy meltable cheese at the end that rounds everything up

>> No.16690097

Wasn't it specifically about grilling the cheese? A true GRILLED CHEESE sandwich in proper pedantic reddit form.

>> No.16690101
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I try beans in chillie and it's 10 times better

>> No.16690110

>fish sauce
fish sauce is just anchovies
anchovies are traditional in many italian tomato sauces
hell you can even get italian fish sauce

it's not that crazy

>> No.16690118

Worcestershire sauce is technically a fish sauce as it's made from anchovies as well.

>> No.16690125

>bland is the opposite of spicy.
found the nigger

>> No.16690138

If you've been cooking long enough, you know that there are tricks that work to give flavor to any dish. Many traditional dishes don't use these and an argument can be made that it's supposed to be like that. But fuck that, any beef stew that skips the browning gets way better if you properly brown the meat before.

>> No.16690169

What happens if you only use 30 garlic cloves?

>> No.16690302

>2 handsful of salt
>a fucking tin of tomato puree
There is no way this tastes good

>> No.16691444

You'll have to compensate with a cup of salt

>> No.16691470

>any online mom blog recipe ever
>saute onions
>5 minutes

>> No.16691473

a waffle iron is just a sandwich press with bumps

>> No.16691475

wait til you learn about tomato stock

>> No.16691477

No, I mean a pressure cooker. Literally cooks faster while still retaining the same quality.

>> No.16691480

I messed this recipe up and used 40 bulbs instead of 40 cloves and it >>16690169 makes mustard gas

>> No.16691481

You guys are retards.

>> No.16691490

You are Cutthroat Kitchen ready

>> No.16691503

that show is bullshit. they all have knives and if someone gets a cut they stop everything and put on a band aid like some kind of child

>> No.16691513

They're right tho

>> No.16691523

This. No, not fried eggs or steak. Anything that is mijoté like stews, chili, lamb roasts... I find myself continuing the heat long beyond the recipe indicates. For bolognesa, the important thing is not to burn the onions and garlic. But caramelising them definitely adds complexity of flavor.

>> No.16691525

They aren't correct in any sort of way. Calling a sauce that includes anchovies as one of its many seasonings a "fish sauce" is the most retarded assertion I've seen posted on this retarded website.
Fish sauce, such as nam pla, is made almost entirely from anchovies.

>> No.16691600

French here. I think I can speak for 80% of the population that we don't care about either anglos or pastanegros

>> No.16691620

You have never tasted natural vanilla. Enjoy your corn syrup homogenized vanilla extract concentrate or whatever the fuck you use.

>> No.16691651

Pressure cooker doesn't make reduction go faster

>> No.16691654

Don’t be lazy fucks. Open a nice bottle of wine, put on some nice music, and cook the ingredients separately before combining and letting stew for hours. For me this is my sequence (removing from the le creuset before the next ingredient):
Onions and garlic
Ground pork
Ground beef
Carrots and celery
Now combine all, add chicken stock and aromatics, herbs, spices, whatever the fuck be creative.
Then add wine from time to time as it simmers . Add milk if you want to do like napolitain grandmother, but not for me.
Put it in the fridge before going to bed. The flavors will intermingle and express themselves while you sleep. Reheat and serve to your wife with whatever pasta she prefers and she will brag to her friends.

>> No.16691670

When will the world admit they are eating Anglo-Fusion food

>> No.16691675

>an insane amount of onions
needs more onion
an insane amount of onions

>> No.16691799

The French only care about the French. They're the only European country to display levels of ethnocentrism even close to east Asian countries. The fact that you don't recognize this as something everyone realizes further proves the stereotype.

>> No.16691836

>the sauce is bland unless I drown it in sweetness by turning it into french onion and tomato soup!
Do angoids really?

>> No.16691852

>Caramelization vs mirepoix, you complete fucking retard. Hugely different intensity. Fucking stupid piece of shit. Where do you live? I'm going to go there and kill you right now. Do the world a favor.

dude.... chill out.

>> No.16691855
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>dissolving ground meat

>> No.16691864
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Alton comes to your house dressed as Frank Castle and beats you, in a sustained and brutal manner.

>> No.16692426

French > italian

>> No.16692752

>Just cook everything like 2 days in advance while doing nothing else
God no wonder Italy was worthless in WW2

>> No.16692782

This. Chili is objectively better with beans, otherwise it's just marinara sauce with chili powder.

>> No.16692904

>he puts tomatoes in his chili

>> No.16692913

>he doesn't
So what, your chili is just meat, onions, chili powder and water/broth? You're not making a good case for the anti-beans crowd.

>> No.16692972

What is it with celebrity chefs and fucking up grilled cheese?

>> No.16693054

in Alton's defense he's a goofy home cook and it was a gimmick video.
Also his cheese actually fucking melts because he picks normal cheeses to have on a grilled cheese and also doesn't scorch it

>> No.16693118
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>> No.16693322
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>tastes the food right after adding water
>says it needs salt
I mean I agree you should season as you cook but maybe wait until your water level is closer to the final dish. Easy way to oversalt is to base it on diluted sauce

>> No.16693325

so add less water, lmao

>> No.16693379

Remember there's a ton of ground beef and pasta in the dish. Requires a good amount of salt

>> No.16693400


>> No.16693429

>Anne Burrell
Based and BROWN BROWN BROWNpilled.

>> No.16693440

It doesn't take 3 hours to reduce water content. You cook to meld flavors quickly in like an hour versus 3, then uncover and reduce. Even if reduction takes an hour at that point, you're still shaving off a third of your total cook time. It's not rocket appliances dude.

>> No.16693497

I like his chicken parm that uses salt and vinegar chips in the breading and broiled red sauce

>> No.16693605

Tempura, though I got better results replacing the rice flour with corn starch. Also skipped using vodka after the second time and replaced it with more sparkling water as I couldn't taste a difference. Can't remember if Alton suggested using a double boiler filled with ice to keep the batter cold, but it's what I do and get good result.

>> No.16693659

>bland is the opposite of spicy

>> No.16693661

I've made it many times and I promise you it does.

>> No.16693668

Just wear goggles

>> No.16694673

Is this the /ck/ version of /v/'s fun is a buzzword rant? You're a fucking loon, anon, I can't emphasize that enough.

>> No.16694684

>They're the only European country to display levels of ethnocentrism even close to east Asian countries.
Never been to a french city I see.

>> No.16695068
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Not him but chili paste not powder. It's made from dried chili's like so many other Mexican dishes.
Chili con Carne
Chili and beef
Wtf it's just chili and beef?
Pic related

Traditionally invented by cowboys who could easily carry chili's with them, but meat was scarce. They were forced to eat whatever small game they could catch at times, and chili made the meat more palatable as well as warming the stomachs on cold nights. We use beef now because we're not in the wild west, and onions and things are also acceptable. As well as serving over or with beans as a side. Traditionally that is I throw them beans right in idgaf

>> No.16695092
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Also thinking just chili's and beef cant bring complex flavors to the table is pure tastelet/cooklet cope. Pic related.

>> No.16695093

>never been to france
No, I haven't. I don't relish the idea of getting raped and murdered by sandniggers.

>> No.16695108

I'm pretty sure he isn't Italian.

>> No.16695190

>Alton's enhanced waldorf salad
Unironically has made some bad days at work good, knowing I get to eat that for lunch.

>> No.16695291


>> No.16695935

Using lots of browned onions is also a good way to fill out the sauce if you don't have that much meat.

>> No.16695980

I was talking about the people, not the globohomo liberals.

>> No.16696397


Guess who voted those into power.

>> No.16696438

Oh, yes, because America totally voted Biden into office and epstein did kill himself.

>> No.16696461

Are you implying that the French elections were stolen and that the majority of the population is against the immigration policies that made French cities what they are today?

>> No.16696543

My post is. Honestly though I'm not implying shit. I'm just drunk and shit posting lol. I'm American, I only know about France for 3 things.
They hated the UK and helped us win the revolution
They're pussies though and so Normandy had to happen
Also French fries.
Fuck if I care about their politics today lol

>> No.16696725

>or feed it to the dog
Wouldn't the allium make the dog sick though?
Recipe sounds delicious though.

>> No.16696970


>> No.16697281

Chicken liver and balsalmic are a huge boost, I've never made it without them since I first tried this version. Tastes great with the funkiest parm you can get your hands on.

>> No.16697293

Arrested and executed

>> No.16697325

Is this legit?

>> No.16698097

Do you add milk? If so when?

>> No.16698212

like actual tomato paste? that concentrated bitter stuff? No regular tomatoes?

>> No.16698228

nah alton is good

>> No.16698231

nerve gas

>> No.16698411

When a recipe calls for beef or vegetable stock, chicken stock will work just as well if not better.

>> No.16698495

>tomato paste
What the fuck tomato paste did you buy?

>> No.16698625

You're clearly not frying your tomato paste enough before putting in the liquid. Rookie mistake. Raw tomato paste has a bitter, tangy flavor. Fried tomato paste gets a wonderful deep, meaty flavor.

>> No.16698940

I bet that bolengese sucked because you cooked it for years. Probably tastes like carbon

>> No.16698955

That isn't an innovation, that dish already exists its called ragu genovese and dates back as far as ragu bolognese.

>> No.16698983

Tastelets detected. Vanilla ice cream tastes pretty strongly of vanilla you dumb cunts. You must have had covid your whole lives

>> No.16699044

Vanilla is so ubiquitous that tastelets can't distinguish what's really distinctive about it. They should try some straight-up natural vanilla extract, or even vanilla pods. It's a very deep and powerful flavour.