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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.27 MB, 3002x3322, 9-11-21 Potato Curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16682886 No.16682886 [Reply] [Original]

Big Papa Sloppa here, coming at you live with another proppa sloppa.

Pic related: it's a potato curry I made for dinner tonight. Indian cuisine has lots of delicious sloppas.

>> No.16682894

indian cuisine is almost exclusively sloppa

>> No.16682897

A new Indian restaurant opened near me I need to check it out I'm in the mood for some good sloppa

>> No.16682899

Based Big Papa Sloppa. You inspired me to go cook a Big Pot a Gumbo Sloppa. Pics in an hour or two

>> No.16682971
File: 2.43 MB, 3024x3704, Etouffee12-3-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good, I love cajun food. There's a shrimp etouffee I make and like a lot.

>> No.16682974

Based Poppa, I made Thai curry last night. Only bad thing about it was that I didn't put enough vegetables in it and it was too salty. Next time I make it I'll add a little sugar and it should be perfect.

>> No.16682977
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cooking my own sloppa jambalaya, though i guess it's a bit more refined

>> No.16683009
File: 3.21 MB, 2995x2246, 1631404690015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baste sloppa bros. here's a gumbo to go along with all the cajun sloppas.

>> No.16683036

go go go

>> No.16683047
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shrimp stock already finished

>> No.16683077

Hell yes, I love shrimp stock

>> No.16683280
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stage 2 started, chicken and sausage cooked.

>> No.16683379
File: 2.35 MB, 2080x1560, Gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken, rice, butter, spice, and the trinity. Down and dirty gumbo made extra hot.

>> No.16683409

cajun mood in the air I GUARONTEE

>> No.16683431
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I hope the man himself approves, all i'm hoping now is I got the ratio of stock to rice correct, and don't worry I only took off the lid temporarily

>> No.16683440

looks good how hot are you gonna make it

>> No.16683449

I used a good amount of the louisiana mix but it's kinda wimpy so I put in a hot hungarian paprika and cayenne, as well as chipotle tabasco and scotch bonnet hot sauce, I'll adjust later

>> No.16683455

i wish i knew how to make curry. i’ve been mostly doing just american, chinese, and mexican. but indian and african food looks and tastes sooo good

>> No.16683744

I fucking love green peppers so much

>> No.16683766

I thought that was a huge moth at first, and was "Well, Indian food...?"

>> No.16683790


lmfao that stained spatula looked just like a huge moth, and I thought Big Papa Sloppa was you impersonating the moth

>> No.16683824

A dish automatically tastes better when it’s sloppa

>> No.16683873


>> No.16683956

A lot of Indian food is actually pretty easy once you get familiar with the ingredients. Check out Indianhealthyrecipes.com. They’re not all healthy, plenty of them use a fair amount of oil or ghee

>> No.16684008

How I made this
>sautéed finely chopped large onion and jalapeño in ghee
>added ginger garlic paste
>added tomatoes and potatoes
>added garam masala, salt, kashmiri chili powder, corriander powder, turmeric, and maybe something else I can’t think of
>added light coconut milk (I usually don’t use coconut milk when cooking Indian food to make it healthier, but I was cooking it for my parents
>let it simmer until potatoes ready
>added crushed kasuri methi and some amchur powder
>was planning on garnishing with a little corriander but I forgot

>> No.16684025
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Please sir...

>> No.16684028

I was out of cumin seeds and Indian peppers so I skipped the cumin seeds and used a jalapeño. I could have used cumin powder, but it’s just not m the same as whole seeds. That’s the nice thing about cooking, you can improvise a bit.

>> No.16684065

Aside from some ingredients you probably don’t have this is a pretty easy thing to make. Hit up your local south Asian grocery store and pick some up.

I roughly followed this recipe: https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/potato-curry-aloo-sabzi/

I’ve made it before without light coconut milk and it’s still really good.

>> No.16684150
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>> No.16684630

He looks like a true sultan of sloppa

>> No.16684647


>> No.16684698
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x3476, 1-16-21-LunchSlop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a sloppa for you my man. It's a variation of the curry I posted in the OP..

>> No.16684709

Is that bayleaf and peppercorn? What else in the shrimpstock?

>> No.16684713

Finally, I've been waiting for Big Poppa Sloppa for ages! I would eat the sloppa, Big Poppa Sloppa !

>> No.16684735

Most shrimp stocks are made with shrimp shells.

>> No.16684749

yes but what other things? Celery?

>> No.16684770

Here's the recipe I used last time I made shrimp stock.
Shrimp stock
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• Shells+heads from 2 pounds of shrimp (full shrimp heads+shells+tails)
• 1 tsp thyme
• 3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
• 1 bay leaf
• Salt and pepper
• 1/2 cup chopped onion
• 1/4 cup chopped carrots
• 1/4 cup chopped celery

Pour olive oil into a pot over medium-high heat. Add shrimp shells, thyme sprigs, garlic, bay leaf, onion, carrot, celery. Let sizzle for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring, taking care not to let mixture brown.

Add 6 cups water, bring close to a boil, then reduce heat to a gentle simmer. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Simmer for 45-60 minutes. Skim off foam as it appears. Strain through a fine-meshed sieve.

I'd probably use more shrimp shells+heads next time

>> No.16684791

just like mine but i dont use garlic and add tomatopaste.

>> No.16686693

Sounds good, I might try that next time

>> No.16686704

A little on the dapper side but looks tasty nonetheless

>> No.16686707

sloppachads... were going home (presumption)

>> No.16686737

I saw the pic and hoped it was cajun sauce for pasta with a tomato and heavy cream base and you disappointed me

>> No.16686945

I've never heard food described as dapper before.

>> No.16687225


>> No.16687264

Sorry meant to say diaper because it looks like actual shit

>> No.16687287

That's a tastelet take bro

>> No.16687324

So tourists are still bragging about making shit/garbage? Weird.

>> No.16687354


>> No.16687407

nice sloppa

>> No.16687582

I'm joking. It's beautiful and I love you

>> No.16688870

Sloppa sultans, what's the take on Instant Pots? Are they good for sloppa? Or am I better off just getting a regular pressure cooker?

>> No.16688895

>SLOPPA all over sides of pan
>spatula (wrong tool) thoroughly SLOP'D

>> No.16688909

What the hell are you supposed to use to stir your sloppa? How on earth do you avoid getting stuff on the side of the pan? Have you ever even made sloppa?

>> No.16689062
File: 277 KB, 1032x774, 1610769772248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some sloppa 'chos I made a while ago

>> No.16689109

chicken sloppa is gross

>> No.16689132

I use a high sided pan because I'm not an idiot

>> No.16689146

Is that supposed to be appetizing? Is it finished yet? I think you did it wrong.

>> No.16689214

Let me get this straight, you use a high sided pan and never get anything on the sides?

>> No.16689245

You're not familiar with sloppa are you?

>> No.16689314
File: 359 KB, 537x1095, IMG_20210913_114313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16689316

do you guys call everything with liquid sloppa? Is soup sloppa?

>> No.16689320

no. I scrape the sides down. looks like clumsy bumbling OP spilled slop over the sides

>> No.16689333

No, sloppa has to try to maintain a shape but fail, soup has no shape to begin with.

Sloppa makes piles, sloppy piles of sloppa. A stroganoff is sloppa. Curry is sloppa. Stew can be sloppa if it's thick enough.

>> No.16689336

Soups are not sloppas. If it's intended to be a soup it's not sloppa. If it's a soupy sloppa it's sloppa. I hope this clarifies things.

>> No.16689354

I see

>> No.16689716

Sloppy Poo

>> No.16689941
File: 2.50 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20210913-075116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is vegan sloppa good for you?

>> No.16690576

I'm familiar with curry

>> No.16690670
File: 219 KB, 403x419, 1500165098833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are extremely good for sloppa.
I made some korean bbq chicken sloppa the other day with my instant pot.
Easy as fuck and tasted awesome. I literally just threw chicken, some korean marinade, soÿ sauce and some veggies in the instant pot, cooked it for 20 minutes, took the lid off, then cut up some ginger, serrano peppers and green onions and threw that in there for another 10 minutes.

>> No.16690677

I made red lentil anduille curry last night

>> No.16690682

I want to make some sloppa but I’m shit at cooking. What should I aim for?

>> No.16690921

here's a good place to start. If i can make this, any retard can.
Each time I make this, I add my own modifications
heres what i do so far
>start by toasting mustard and cumin seeds
>cook chicken seperately, and in batches (i like cooking in bulk, i'm talking 2kg chicken)
>add potatoes makes dish much more hearty and interesting

>> No.16690983
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x2268, 20210612_181055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's a cast iron dutch oven

>> No.16690984

What kinda sloppa

>> No.16690985
File: 9 KB, 223x226, sweatingfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 tablespoon curry powder
If you don't already have curry powder on hand, just look up how to make your own. No reason to go out and buy a curry powder mix when you probably already have the ingredients at home.

>> No.16690997

Do most people not have curry powder on hand? I feel like it's one of those things that you always want to have in your pantry

>> No.16691015

I cook a lot of Indian food and I don't. The only pre-mixed Indian spice blend I keep on hand is garam masala.

>> No.16691020

I just make it
black pepper
red chili flakes

>> No.16691046

For me, it's this Indian guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOM-8PpH91I I could listen to him all day.

>> No.16691101

sloppa is the dumbist fucking reddit teir meme ever made on /tv/

>> No.16691108

You sure seem to know a lot about Reddit anon. What are you trying to tell us?

Lads, can a sandwich ever be sloppa? Like say, a sloppy joe?

>> No.16691179

wow, that video is much better than the one I use. Thanks for sharing.
sounds like a headache to make desu

>> No.16691284


>> No.16691330

>reddit spacing

>> No.16691368
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, 75A37FD6-B038-475B-B9E9-FADEB331271E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sloppa of mine from last week

>> No.16691469

I've been on 4chan for a long ass time and I can tell you people have been using spacing like that forever.

You do not need to put all of that in a curry powder.

>> No.16691478

You just took me back to the shitty cooking of my stepmom during my childhood circa 1988, only instead of biscuits and Pepsi it would be buttered honey wheat bread and diet Pepsi. Cheeseburger helper was the fucking worst of them all outside of the tuna helper.

>> No.16691492
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see a sloppa

>> No.16691502

Cajun or Curry.
I’ve made curry once before

>> No.16691520

Cozy isn’t it? Also cheeseburger is best helper

>> No.16691693

Both are good. I posted a shrimp etoufee I cooked earlier in the thread and can provide the recipe if you want it.

>> No.16691763

looks like diarrhea

>> No.16691779

t. sloppalet

>> No.16692753

and thats a good thing!

>> No.16693683

Curry is super easy. Ghee in wok or pan. Spices in ghee. Onion, garlic, ginger in ghee until colored. Full fat coconut milk in. More spices. A bit of sugar. This is how most curry is made with only minor variations to the spices chosen or the peppers as well as what meat or vegetables are added.

>> No.16693690

Protip: use your old coffee grinder from before you had a burr grinder for spices. Once you buy whole seeds and taste the difference you will not go back to premixed spices. Especially fresh nutmeg.

>> No.16693693

Not him but it blows my mind that my stepmom didn't know stroganoff is just broth and sour cream and would actually buy boxes of hamburger helper.

>> No.16694697

Gib etouffee recipe

>> No.16694806
File: 889 KB, 1034x1423, 20210224_030256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do things a little differently here in New York, but I think you'd fit right in.

>> No.16694862
File: 18 KB, 640x591, 1DBA0251-E2D9-4B55-821D-76648C3F8730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16696154

It looks like a big ass pile of sloppa. A+

>> No.16696161

The fact is, if you don't eat sloppa you're not a real man. Only prissy soy lads obsess over presentation. Real sloppa chads know that it's all about taste over presentation.

>> No.16696211

thumbnail makes the spatula and its shadow look like a giant moth

>> No.16696515

Literally called Garbage Plate.

It's a traditional sloppa that gave many good men heart disease. Prime stuff.

>> No.16696610

Had a big bowl of Filipino sloppa I made for my gf. Learned it from her Lola.

>> No.16696681

I assumed that Leatherhead's voice was based on some pop culture, but I didn't know what until now and didn't care enough to research it.

>> No.16696689


>> No.16696703
File: 15 KB, 200x280, old-woman-pistol-on-white-260nw-182174168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheeseburger helper was the fucking worst of them all outside of the tuna helper.

>> No.16696705

>faggot posting

>> No.16696715


Missed you big man

>> No.16696730

Hamburger helper sucks, anon.

>> No.16696780

I was more offended at the tuna helper part, that was my shit growing up

>> No.16696896

Looks good. Fuck you.

>> No.16697072

Thanks bro

>> No.16697079

I make something similar but it’s frozen vegetables and maruchan ramen

>> No.16697493
File: 1.61 MB, 3020x3958, 9-14-21 Shrimp Masala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Papa Sloppa here, does this dish I made yesterday qualify as sloppa?

>> No.16697519

Looks like sloppa to me

>> No.16697775

Why would they call such a beautiful sloppa a garbage plate?

>> No.16698020

Thanks sloppa scholar

>> No.16698071

I would eat this sloppa big Papa sloppa!

>> No.16698684

What's wrong with cheeseburger helper, anon. It's just a macaroni and cheese sauce that's been upgraded with ground beef. I like to take it a step further and sautee onions and green bell peppers along with the beef so it's like a philly cheesesteak helper.

>> No.16699418

I gotta be honest, I've never had Hamburger Helper in my life.

>> No.16700358

It looks a bit sloppy

>> No.16700707


if you add seafood and tomato to it, that is creole jambalaya, if it is brown from the de-glazing and has chicken and sausage it is probably cajun

>> No.16700723
File: 328 KB, 600x485, graffix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice sloppa, pappa.
Have a floppa.

>> No.16700733

Those Indians make primo sloppa

>> No.16700820

>green peppers
>in an image showing literally 0 peppers

>> No.16700981

>he doesn't know okra is a pepper

>> No.16700984

How do they do it? What inspired them to base almost their entire cuisine around sloppa?

>> No.16701101

their streets

>> No.16702225

Share the knowledge bros

>> No.16702227
File: 51 KB, 813x405, received_1139454256458207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Colombian lentil stew sloppa?

>> No.16702234

The best kind of sloppa, poppa

>> No.16702247

too watery it's more like a soup

>> No.16702878

Large brains and public shitting

>> No.16703400

I think it's sloppa

>> No.16703409

What's in that sloppa? It looks pretty good.

>> No.16703839

Grab a ladle and slop that shit on the plate and you've got sloppa

>> No.16703861

How can one man be such a based sloppa papa?

>> No.16703923

Anyone can be Big Papa Sloppa as long as they make sloppa.

>> No.16703932

Nice color there but I wouldn't have shredded the chicken personally. I bet it was still awesome and I'm glad that you included okra. Fuck the picky guys that hate it.

>> No.16704076

Vahchef is the fucking boss. I've made loads of his curries and this basic chicken one is essential watching for everyone who wants to get into cooking Indian.

>> No.16704216

what sort of soup is that? looks good

>> No.16704654

Thanks for the (You's)

This is the recipe except i made it thicker

>> No.16704660

Forgot to add that shortly after this photo i dumped half the rice in the bowl as well which made it look even more like sloppa

>> No.16704881

Okra is great when cooked right. I love it. If someone’s only had poorly cooked okra I can see why they’d hate it.

>> No.16704905

>after this photo i dumped half the rice in the bowl as well which made it look even more like sloppa
Good job Big Papa Sloppa

>> No.16704919


>> No.16704942

>You do not need to put all of that in a curry powder.

if you aren't even going to try, you may as well just eat ravioli out of a can, you pig.

>> No.16704999

Tuna helper can rot in hell, hamburger helper has its place though

>> No.16705017
File: 155 KB, 750x997, BC376825-1139-42F3-BBB7-F1420DDB7FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You inspired me to make shrimp etouffee.
I just used Emeril’s recipe and it turned out great.
Had a bit of shrimp stock left over so I used that instead of water when cooking the rice but I don’t think it made much of a difference

>> No.16705045
File: 2.58 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210916_154112641_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks delicious, I love a good curry. Here's my sloppa, coconut milk stewed chicken with ginger, lemongrass, lots of garlic, serrano peppers, etc etc, served on rice with cilantro, mint and lime juice. Warming, rich, spicy and delicious.

>> No.16706437

Delicious sloppas

>> No.16706442

neither of those are sloppa dishes. sloppa is undefinable and over-spiced mystery slop usually served on rice or with a flat bread.

>> No.16706443

t. doesn't understand sloppa

It's ok anon, not everyone can be a scholar of sloppa

>> No.16706453

I understand it fully. to be sloppa it has to be made with unidentifiable ingredients, it has to be grossly over-spiced to make any meat and veggies in it safe to eat, it has to be mainly served on rice or with a flat bread, and it has to be made with fingers that are likely covered in fecal matter.
Some french stew isn't sloppa.

>> No.16706459

Don't pretend to be big poppa sloppa. You're just a big poppa coppa.

>> No.16706487

blessed big papa sloppa

>> No.16706506

I understand how greentext works, newfag.
Lurk moar.

>> No.16706512

What the fuck does >text have to do with anything you dumb sloppa hater?

>> No.16706790

The only criteria is that it looks like a big sloppa shit. That's the last time I handfeed a newfag this year, so you better appreciate it.

>> No.16706808

you're incapable of understanding, post your hand

>> No.16706812

If I posted my hand it'd just be me giving you the finger

>> No.16706816

show us your poo smeared fingers, and the squeeze bottle of water you use to 'clean' yourself

>> No.16707583

cajun food is a combo of french and southern food, right? would it make sense/taste good if i put a little bit of herbs de provence in gumbo?

>> No.16708052

yeah I know, I combined the two versions, anyway I fucked up and the rice never cooked properly, the taste was great but I added too little liquid at first and even if I continued adding more, the rice never consistently cooked, so some was hard and the whole thing was very gooey.