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16676569 No.16676569 [Reply] [Original]

I used to drink 6+cans of soda a day but have quit since 6 months.

>> No.16676573

I got poor

>> No.16676579

never been much of a soda drinker. in 2015 i discovered that it goes really well with pizza and thus drank it fairly often, but i stopped pretty soon.

>> No.16676583

good job, ive done the same years ago but I still occassionally relapse on coke zero

>> No.16676584

Haven't had a soda in 2-3 years now, I lost count.

I have had soda to mix with drinks though. I get's better, you create a new habit in a couple weeks so no worries mate, you got this

>> No.16676587

I couldn’t imagine drinking that much sugar water.

>> No.16676603

it was a very normal part of my day unfortunately.

>> No.16676631
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I drink lots of Pepsi light, and no Im not Nerwegian

>> No.16676637

I took up sugar and I feel better than ever.

>> No.16676641
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Take the next step towards enjoyable hydration. Get a keg set up to carbonate your own water. Costs about 10-25 cents to carbonate 5 gallons of water and you can add your own minerals to it to copy your favorite brand of sparkling water.

>> No.16676642

I stopped two years ago. With that said, I still crave that fizz at times, so I'll have a can of Sprite Zero Sugar once a month.

>> No.16676646

why not buy carbonated water then anyways i dont like the taste of it. is that your setup? Is it not extreme?

>> No.16676659

Yeah I set that up. It's about average for at home carbonation. You can buy smaller kegs and co2 bottles.

I bought everything at auction for cheap, so the whole set up probably cost me about 30-50 dollars. 5 gallons is around 25 750ml bottles of sparkling water. So roughly 30-40 dollars for 25 bottles of good sparkling mineral water.

I'll be saving money after 5-10 gallons of at home carbonated water. You can also add whatever flavoring you want to the water.

>> No.16676666

interesting i never knew how water was carbonated

>> No.16676675

I drink a 24 pack of coke a day.

>> No.16676676

Yeah, it's super simple. Fill with water connect co2 tank at whatever pressure you like and wait a few days.

There are actually places around the world with springs that have naturally carbonated water. Soda springs Idaho has a bunch of pits where water comes from the ground carbonated. I'd love to visit them one day.

>> No.16677662

It really does well with pizza and fast food.
Those are the only things I drink soda with and I only eat them two or three times a month

>> No.16677715
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Just when I thought I was out... DEY PULL ME BACK IN

>> No.16677731
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smug little frog fucker

>> No.16677751

>secondary school had open campus
>while everybody else was buying shitty tacos for lunch hour my friends and I would march off to the walmart and buy three twelve packs each
>sold the soda to our classmates for 2$ a can if we didn't like them or 1$ a can if we liked them
>made big profits
>drank a shit ton of the soda ourselves
It was a disgustingly fat time in my life, but now I just drink lacroix and perrier, shit like that.

>> No.16678309

I haven’t had soda or for the most part sweets in 3-4 years. Physically I feel a lot better.

>> No.16678332

Quit the fuck out of soda a handful of years back.
Replaced it with Perrier.
I honestly can’t even drink soda now. I tried a can of Mountain Dew recently and it felt like trying to drink melted skittles or something.

>> No.16678368

>I honestly can’t even drink soda now. I tried a can of Mountain Dew recently and it felt like trying to drink melted skittles or something.
But one parts root beer to 3 parts plain carbonated water is pretty fucking tasty.

>> No.16678395
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>carbonated drinks

>> No.16678405
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Great job, anon. Find Gerolsteiner if you can in the nice big glass bottles - it's a real treat.

>> No.16678499

I'll be honest anon it's something i'm trying to quit but having great difficulty. I drink about 3-4 cans a day. Am going to start cutting slowly down to 0 and drinking healthier alternatives.
>I honestly can’t even drink soda now.
This is what I want to get to eventually.

>> No.16678547

>This is what I want to get to eventually.
The Perrier helped a lot. It “hit the spot” enough when I wanted something carbonated.
I ended up realizing that, at least for me, what I was craving was something cold/fizzy. Not necessarily sugary.

>> No.16678652

based apfelschorle chad

>> No.16678732

It's been 2 months now. I switched to diet coke for a week, after that the cravings went away. Now I drink water and unsweet iced tea

>> No.16679371

That's a good tip. Thanks i'm going to try that, I know they have flavored Perrier's so I will try that. Thank you.

>> No.16679500

Trying. Used to drink 2 liters a day, now I drink half a can on saturdays with my pizza. Getting there

>> No.16679544

Been off soda for 2 years 9 months so far. Haven't had a single relapse. Feels good man.

>> No.16679659
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you'll be back, bitch. they always come back.

>> No.16679777

>Don't drink
>Don't smoke
>But I still down three sodas a day

I need to drop this shit, man.

>> No.16679789

I stopped drinking soda when I was like 16. Now I just drink six whiskeys a day haha

>> No.16679849

I'm proud of you even if you are a frog posting faggot. How much weight did you lose?

>> No.16679858

I used to drink a ton of diet coke but I've come to realize that much acidity is probably bad for my teeth, so I've dropped it completely.

Just water and tea now. And coffee sometimes.

>> No.16679871

Entire household randomly dropped soda about a decade ago. Eventually no one was drinking it so we never bought it again, weird shit
Only had soda once at a party since

>> No.16680661

Last time I had a soda was 1,5 years ago.
If I ever want something soda-like then I either buy a kombucha or a glass of effervescent tablet vitamin C drink.

>> No.16680675

I haven’t quit soda but I quit smoking cigarettes after 6 years of nicotine addiction. But I’ve quit it before I’m sure I can do it again.

>> No.16681319

Stopped drinking soda for like 6 months and when I relapsed it just made me dehydrated. Still drinking sugary ass juices but it's at least a step down from carination. I feel like pretty soon I'll be able to stick to water and teas.

>> No.16681334

sometimes when its real hot and i am hungry and dealing with bullshit, ill go buy a dollar 48oz soda from mcdonalds or a gas station ....lots of ice

>> No.16681343

haven't drunk soda in decades
>inb4 granpa
i'm 31